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FluTrackers Global Cumulative H9N2 Partial Case List 1998 - Current

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  • FluTrackers Global Cumulative H9N2 Partial Case List 1998 - Current

    WHO announced on February 25, 2016 that there are 28 cumulative H9N2 After reviewing years of WHO reports the below cases are found:

    1998 - 1999

    China - 5 cases, ages 1-70, on the Mainland, March 1999 WHO report Apr 3, 1999

    China - 2 children in Hong Kong, 1999 WHO report Apr 3, 1999


    China - Male, 5, in Hong Kong, 2003 WHO report Dec 10, 2003


    Bangladesh - No details. FAO report Mar 28, 2011 WHO reference


    China - 2 cases, no details, mild illness - 2014 WHO report March 3, 2015


    Bangladesh - Female, 4, onset February 1, 2015, recovered February 7 WHO report September 4, 2015

    Egypt - Male, 3, recovered, Aswan WHO report March 3, 2015

    Egypt - Female, 1, mild illness, Cairo, WHO report June 23, 2015

    China - Female, 4, onset April 14, 2015, mild illness Anhui WHO report December 14, 2015

    Egypt - Female, 7, onset April 29, tested positive May 7, recovered, co-infection with flu B, WHO report June 23, 2015

    China - Male, 2, onset September 1, 2015, mild illness, Hunan, WHO report December 14, 2015

    China - Female, 15, onset September 15, 2015, mild illness, Hunan WHO report December 14, 2015

    China - Female, 1, onset October 27, 2015, mild illness, Hunan WHO report December 14, 2015

    Bangladesh - Male, 48, onset October 27, 2015, poultry worker, recovered WHO report Jan 20, 2016

    China - Female, 84, onset February 4, 2015, poultry exposure, Guangdong WHO report October 3, 2016

    China - Male, no age, information from a submission to GenBank, collection date February 7 (US dating) link


    China - Female, 57, onset date unknown, hospitalized February 16, 2016 hospitalized, Sichuan WHO report Jan 25, 2016 Death note

    Egypt - Male, 18, onset April 10, FAO report April 27, 2016 WHO report May 9, 2016

    China - Female, 4, serious condition, Guangdong province confirmation June 19, 2016 link

    China - Female, 29, onset August 8, recovered, Guangdong province confirmation August 25, 2016 link WHO report October 3, 2016

    China - Child, 10 months, onset August 7, recovered. Yunnan province confirmation August 26, 2016 link WHO report October 3, 2016

    China - Female, 4, onset August 2, recovered, no poultry exposure, Jiangxi province confirmation August 19, 2016 link WHO report October 3, 2016

    China - Female, 5, onset February 1, no poultry exposure, Henan WHO report October 3, 2016

    China, Male, 3, onset July 9, poultry exposure, Guangdong WHO report October 3, 2016


    China, Male, 11 months, onset February 6, exposure to poultry, hospitalized & recovered WHO report April 20, 2017

    China, Male, 32, onset April 28, mild case, reported cured by Beijing CDC link WHO report May 16, 2017

    China, Female, 2 months, onset April 28, hospitalized June 9, recovered, Guangdong province WHO report July 25, 2017

    China, Child, onset September 18, mild illness, no apparent contact with poultry WHO report September 27, 2017

    China, Female, 30 months, onset November 27 (December 1?) , Changsha, Hunan province link WHO report December 7, 2017

    China, Female, 9, onset December 29, 2017, mild, Anhui province WHO report March 2, 2018


    China, Female, 3, onset January 21, 2018, mild, Guangdong province WHO report March 2, 2018

    China, Female, 51, onset February 13, 2018, mild, Beijing WHO report March 2, 2018

    China, Female, 24, onset July 21, 2018, mild, Shenzhen, Guangdong province link

    China, Young child, onset October 10, 2018, Guangxi province WHO report December 13, 2018

    China, Young child, onset October 16, 2018, backyard poultry exposure, Guangdong province WHO report December 13, 2018

    China, Female, 32, onset December 19, 2018, mild, Shenzhen, Guangdong province link WHO report January 21, 2019

    China, Male, 2, mild case on December 27, 2018, from Hunan province, reported by Taiwan Health link WHO report February 12, 2019


    China, Female, 8, onset January 27, 2019, mild case, from Lishui City, Yunnan province, reported by Macau health link WHO report February 12, 2019

    India, Male, 17 months, onset January 31, 2019, recovered, Melghat district, Maharashtra, reported in EID journal link

    Senegal, Child, detected February 2019 and reported in 2020. link

    China, Male, 9, onset March 15, 2019, hospitalized March 16, 2019, serious condition, poultry stall contact, Taizhou, Jiangsu province, reported by Macau health link

    Oman - Female, 13-month-old baby girl with onset on March 17, 2019 via WHO Influenza Virus Traceability Mechanism lists positive nasal sample of H9N2 collected March 21, 2019 link

    China - Female, 4, onset October 26, 2019, in Sanming City, Fujian province link

    China - Female, 5, onset October 2019, in Fuyang City, Anhui province link


    China - Female, 3, between 27 March and 2 April 2020, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China, who had a history of environmental exposure to domestic poultry before onset of symptom. She had mild illness and no symptoms have been detected in her contacts. link

    China - Male, 7, onset February 4, Hong Kong link

    Senegal - Child, reported in March link

    China - Female, 5, onset April 20, Hunan province link

    China - Male, 6, onset April 28, mild case and recovered, Weihai city, Shandong province link

    China - Male, 10 months, mild case and recovered, Xiamen, Fujian province link

    China - Mystery 16 cases reported on July 6, 2020 in a Wuhan hospital apparently from Jan/Feb 2019 link

    China - Female, 4, onset August 3, Guangdong province link

    China - Female, 3, onset October 12, Guangdong province link

    China - Male, 1, onset December 28, hospitalized December 29, Guangdong province link

    China - 4 cases reported by WHO. No details on these cases. A total of 13 reported cases for 2020 as of Jan. 2021. link

    China - Female, 1, onset November 30, Sichuan province - retroactive case reported in Feb. 2021 link


    China - Female, 52, onset January 2, Xiamen, Fujian Province link

    China - Female, 5, onset January 17, Anhui province link

    China - Female, 2, onset January 18, Jiangxi province link

    China - Male, 10, onset January 28, Fujian province link

    China - Female, 2, onset February 7, Hubei province link

    China - Female, 30, onset April 20, Guangdong province link

    China - Female, 78, onset April 20, Sichuan province link

    Cambodia - Male, 3, reported April 2, link

    China - Male, 2, onset April 27, Jiangsu province link

    China - Female, 20 months, onset August 23, hospitalized August 24, Changsha, Hunan Province link

    China - Male, 11, onset September 6, mild, Guizhou province link

    China - Female, 3, onset September 26, Guangdong province link

    China - Male, 39, onset and hospitalized October 29, died November 1, Guizhou province Death link

    China - Male, 7, onset November 28, Guangdong province link

    China - Female, 8, onset December 6, Guangdong province link

    China - Female, 1, onset October 20, Sichuan province link reported in 2022

    China - Female, 7, onset November 27, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu province link reported in 2022

    China - Female, 14, onset December 9, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region link reported in 2022

    China - Female, 3, onset December 7, Hubei province link reported in 2022

    China - Male, 3, onset on December 13, Hubei province link reported in 2022

    China - Female, 5, onset December 28 , Hubei Province link reported in 2022

    China - Female, 6, onset November 3, 2021 Shanxi Province link reported in 2022


    China - Male, 5, onset January 3, Anhui province link link

    China - Male, 2, onset on January 18, Anhui province link

    China - Female, 51, onset January 11, Jiangxi province link

    China - Female, 2, onset January 29, Anhui province link

    Cambodia - Female, 1, onset February 27 link

    China - Male, 5, onset April 26, diagnosed June 2, mild case, Yueyang City, Hunan province link

    China - Male, 2, onset May 8, diagnosed June 1, mild case, Bijie City, Guizhou province link

    China - Male, 1, onset April 28, Sichuan province link

    China - Male 1, onset August 1, Guangdong province link

    China - Male, 3, onset September 20, Gansu province link

    China - Male, 58, onset October 19, Hunan province link

    China - Female, 5, onset October 23, Gansu province link

    China - Male, 3, onset November 13, Anhui province link

    China - Female, 6, onset October 23, Sichuan province link

    China - Female, 9 months, onset November 15, Hunan province link


    China - Male, 7 months, onset date of May 1, Jiangxi province link

    China - Female, 6, onset on May 30, Sichuan province link & link

    China - China National Influenza Center: Report of 1 human H9N2 avian flu case in Guangxi province - July 18, 2023

    China - China National Influenza Center: Report of 1 human H9 subtype avian flu case in Sichuan province - August 18, 2023

    China - Hong Kong CHP lists new H9N2 avian flu case in Sichuan province (onset October 1) - October 2023

    China - Male, 1, onset November 14, Sichuan province link

    China - Female, 74, onset on November 5, 2023, Sichuan province link


    China - Female, 1, onset December 13, Chongqing Municipality link​​

    China - Female, 8, onset November 27, Hubei province link

    China - Female, 1, onset on November 18, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region link

    China - Female, 1, onset on October 28, 2024, Guizhou province link​​

    China - Male, 5, onset on October 14, Hunan province link

    China - Male, 3, onset on October 11, Hunan province link

    China - Female, 1, onset on October 8, Hunan province link

    China - Male, 7, onset on October 8, Jiangxi province​ link

    China - Male, 6, onset on October 7, Hubei province link

    China - Male, 10 mos., onset on September 30, Hunan province​ link

    Ghana - Child, under 5, onset May 5, hospital visit May 7, recovered. Upper East region link

    China - Female, 67, onset on September 23, Sichuan province​ link

    China - Male, 3, onset on September 4, Chongqing Municipality link

    China - Female, 3, onset August 12, Guangdong province link

    China - Female, 31, onset June 15, Guizhou province link

    China - Male, 3, onset May 2, 2024, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region link

    Vietnam - Male, 37, onset March 10, hospitalized March 16, Tien Giang Province link

    China - Female, 22 months, onset February 15, hospitalized in Hong Kong, no poultry or food contact, travel to Zhongshan, Guangdong province link

    China - Male, 3, onset February 2, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region link

    China - Male, 11, onset February 11, Jiangxi province link

    China - Male, 3, onset February 17, Guangdong province link

    ​India - Male, 4, onset January 26, hospitalized February 1 & March 3, sent home May 3, West Bengal link



    Waiting for details on these: "Among the 4 confirmed cases of human infection with H9N2 avian influenza, 1 male and 3 females, aged from 3 to 14 years old, were 2 from Huanggang City, Hubei Province, 1 from Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and 1 from Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province. 4 were mildly ill; all had contact with poultry or visited live poultry markets before the onset of symptoms." link

    "A total of 28 laboratory-confirmed cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H9N2) viruses, none fatal, have been detected globally. In most human cases, the associated disease symptoms have been mild and there has been no evidence of human-to-human transmission. Influenza A(H9N2) viruses are enzootic in poultry populations in parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The majority of viruses that have been sequenced belong to the A/quail/Hong Kong/G1/97 (G1), A/chicken/Beijing/1/94 (Y280/G9), or Eurasian clades." WHO report dated February 25, 2016 link

    "..there were five H9N2 cases found in mainland China in 1998 and 1999, respectively, and three human H9N2 AI cases reported in Hong Kong in 1999 and 2003 respectively." WHO link
    Last edited by sharon sanders; January 17, 2025, 07:19 AM.

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