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Emily started a topic Mom welcomes inquest into role of scarlet fever in 2010 death of 6-yr-old son attributed to swine fluin AustraliaMom welcomes inquest into role of scarlet fever in 2010 death of 6-yr-old son attributed to swine flu
Australia: Indigenous more vulnerable to swine flu
Indigenous more vulnerable to swine flu
Updated: 13:39, Tuesday February 28, 2012
Indigenous more vulnerable to swine flu
Another swine...
Ireland: 30 cases of narcolepsy identified by HSE
30 cases of narcolepsy identified by HSE
Updated: 16:45, Wednesday, 1 February 2012
A group representing families who believe their children developed narcolepsy after...
Grandmother dies from swine flu after jab
Grandmother dies from swine flu AFTER she has the jabBy Daily Mail Reporter
Eleanor Carruthers, 68, had the flu vaccine in October but died after catching the swine strain.
A grandmother-of-three thought she was safe from swine...
UK: 607 confirmed fatalities due to influenza
Swine flu surge leaves 15 dead and 100 in intensive care
By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Fifteen patients have died and more than 100 patients are in intensive care with suspected...
Georgia: HIN1 Virus Taking Toll on Georgia
The Georgian times: Community
HIN1 Virus Taking Toll on Georgia
Ramaz Bezhanidze, 27, died of pneumonia...
german-docter started a topic Germany: First two cases of Tamiflu resistant strains of pandemic H1N1 influenza found at the University hospital M?nster (UKM)in GermanyGermany: First two cases of Tamiflu resistant strains of pandemic H1N1 influenza found at the University hospital M?nster (UKM)
The first two cases of Oseltamivir (Tamiflu?) resistant strains of the pandemic influenza virus H1N1 in Germany have been detected at the University hospital of M?nster (North Rhine-Westphalia). It?s a 10 year old girl and a 31 year old man, the latter...
Death Risks Reduced for Patients on Statins Hospitalised With Influenza
S.A. doctors testing statins for swine flu patients with "white lung"
by Wendy Rigby / KENS...
german-docter started a topic Germany: 73 year old man with vaccination-related Guillain-Barr?-syndrome died on Dec. 10 at Wiesbaden. Case under investigation of Paul-Ehrlich-Institutein GermanyGermany: 73 year old man with vaccination-related Guillain-Barr?-syndrome died on Dec. 10 at Wiesbaden. Case under investigation of Paul-Ehrlich-Institute
A 73 year old man came down with Guillain-Barr? syndrome (GBS) after vaccination against pandemic H1N1 influenza with Pandemrix (GSK, adjuvanted) and has died on December 10, 2009 in a rehab hospital at Wiesbaden (Hesse, Frankfurt Rhine Main Region)....
german-docter started a topic Germany: 39 year old woman fell ill with pandemic influenza H1N1 although vaccinated 20 days agoin GermanyGermany: 39 year old woman fell ill with pandemic influenza H1N1 although vaccinated 20 days ago
Lothar Markus, MD, a general practitioner from Leipzig (Saxony) reported the case of a 39 year old woman who had been vaccinated with a single shot of the adjuvanted vaccine Pandemrix? (GSK) on November 12, 2009 but returned to his surgery only 20 days...
german-docter started a topic 24 year old Cologne woman with "mild" ILI has died, H1N1 influenza confirmed post mortemin Germany24 year old Cologne woman with "mild" ILI has died, H1N1 influenza confirmed post mortem
A 24 year old Cologne woman possibly has died from the swine flu. The woman passed away on Wednesday (November 11) at home and a post-mortem test confirmed that she had been infected with the H1N1 pandemic influenza. She had sufferd from influenza like...
FrenchieGirl started a topic Russia has tightened control on the border with Ukraine because of the epidemic influenza A/H1N1in UkraineRussia has tightened control on the border with Ukraine because of the epidemic influenza A/H1N1
[Google Translation]
Russia has tightened control on the border with Ukraine because of the epidemic influenza A/H1N1
Today, 11:20 Корреспондент.net...
Latvia - H1N1 - 34 Cases
[Google Translation]
Humans have no immunity against influenza - H1N1
1 November 2009 - laimisk
Category: News Go
Experts are convinced that a new influenza H1N1, the so-called swine flu...
CIDRAP Daily News October 2009
Oct 28CDC offers guidance on H1N1, seasonal flu vaccine timing
H1N1 Flu Breaking NewsWHO experts tackle H1N1 vaccine questions...
The World Health Organization's (WHO's) immunization experts today discussed issues related