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Emily started a topic Study suggests that prenatal and early-life tobacco smoke exposure increase the frequency of somatic deletions in children who develop Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemiain CancerStudy suggests that prenatal and early-life tobacco smoke exposure increase the frequency of somatic deletions in children who develop Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
39% drop in violence associated with smoke-free policy at psychiatric hospital
Risk factors for primary Middle East respiratory syndrome Coronavirus illness in humans, Saudi Arabia, 2014.
Emily started a topic U.S. Chamber of Commerce attempting to roll back global anti-smoking laws - CVS leaves powerful lobbying group in protestin U.S. - Misc.U.S. Chamber of Commerce attempting to roll back global anti-smoking laws - CVS leaves powerful lobbying group in protest
Smoking and older age associated with mumps in an outbreak in a group of highly-vaccinated individuals attending a youth club party, the Netherlands, 2012
BMJ study: Stopping smoking linked to improved mental health
Full text of study:
Emily started a topic Contact with smokers is associated with increased risk of meningococcal disease in adolescents likely due to higher carriage rates in smokersin MeningitisContact with smokers is associated with increased risk of meningococcal disease in adolescents likely due to higher carriage rates in smokers
Emily started a topic Study: Smoking was independently associated with significantly increased risks of latent tuberculosisin TuberculosisStudy: Smoking was independently associated with significantly increased risks of latent tuberculosis
Japan - Smokers' diabetes risk higher up to 5 years after quitting: study
Smokers' diabetes risk higher up to 5 years after quitting: study
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- A research team led by the National Cancer Center said Wednesday it has found that smokers continue to face an elevated risk of diabetes up to five years...
Japan - Japan's smoking rate falls below 20%
Japan's smoking rate falls below 20%
The health ministry says the smoking rate in Japan has fallen below 20 percent for the first time since recordkeeping began in 1986.
Wednesday, February 01, 2012 04:47 +0900 (JST)...
Japan - Smoking, female obesity more common in low income brackets: survey
Smoking, female obesity more common in low income brackets: survey
Rates of both smoking and obesity in women are higher in low-income households, analysis of a Japanese government health survey has shown.
Japan - Smoking-Tied Deaths Estimated at 129,000 in Japan
Smoking-Tied Deaths Estimated at 129,000 in Japan
Tokyo, Jan. 24 (Jiji Press)--The number of Japanese people who died of causes related to smoking reached an estimated 129,000 in 2007, a research group said in U.S. online journal PLoS...
Japan - Gov't aims to reduce smoking rate to around 10%
Gov't aims to reduce smoking rate to around 10%
TOKYO (Kyodo) -- The health ministry is drawing up a plan to reduce the smoking rate in Japan to around 10 percent, almost half the 23.4 percent in 2009, officials familiar with the...