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Emily started a topic Dicamba use for 2020 in question due to federal court ruling EPA entirely failed to acknowledge the risk that OTT dicamba use would tear the social fabric of farming communitiesin PollutionDicamba use for 2020 in question due to federal court ruling EPA entirely failed to acknowledge the risk that OTT dicamba use would tear the social fabric of farming communities
Washington sues agribusiness giant Monsanto over toxic PCBs in waterways
Farmers challenge USDA?s GMO bentgrass plan (Still a disaster 13 years after trial escape)
Sri Lanka bans Monsanto herbicide (glyphosate, Roundup) citing potential link to deadly kidney disease
I found this doing my usual search. The story is so popular that it seems to be crashing CPI's server...
Emily started a topic Australian Vietnam War veteran ill & concerned about drums of Agent Orange buried near a golf clubin PollutionAustralian Vietnam War veteran ill & concerned about drums of Agent Orange buried near a golf club
There's some insightful background...
Glyphosate resistant weeds spreading geographically in U.S., with multiple species now resistant on an increasing number of farms
DuPont has sent out dozens of former cops to enforce seed patents in Canada and the U.S.
Japan & South Korea suspend imports of U.S. wheat after genetically engineered wheat was found on an Oregon farm
French court finds Monsanto guilty of chemical poisoning