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142 results in 0.0480 seconds.
Well-tolerated Spirulina extract inhibits influenza virus replication and reduces virus-induced mortality
Effects of Wood Smoke Exposure on Nasal Mucosal Host Defense Responses After Infection with Live-Attenuated Influenza Virus (single exposure to wood smoke significantly affects the nasal host defense responses) "These data suggest that a single exposure to wood smoke significantly affects the nasal host defense responses against viral responses in healthy volunt...
Study: No Association Between Mother's Flu in Pregnancy and Increased Child Autism Risk
Emily started a topic WA: Clallam County clinic in Port Angeles seeing patients battling "advanced flu"in WashingtonWA: Clallam County clinic in Port Angeles seeing patients battling "advanced flu"
H9N2 influenza virus in China: a cause of concern.
Protein Cell. 2014 Nov 11. [Epub ahead of print]
H9N2 influenza virus in China: a cause of concern.
Sun Y1, Liu J.
The recent...
Emily started a topic ACIP: Committee Hears Evidence Questioning LAIV Vaccine's Effectiveness in Young Childrenin Vaccine NewsACIP: Committee Hears Evidence Questioning LAIV Vaccine's Effectiveness in Young Children
Brazil : Flu Deaths -> H1N1 ?
Mortes s?o diagnosticadas como A(H1N1) mas coloco em d?vida se houve a realiza??o de exames.
Por todo o brasil existem diversas not?cias de mortes com sintomas de gripe e todas est?o sendo relacionadas ao H1N1 mas n?o h? qualquer not?cia que os...
Airport disease screening rarely worthwhile: study
Airport disease screening rarely worthwhile: study
The Canadian Press
Published Wednesday, April 10, 2013 10:26AM EDT
Flu epidemic hitting Pennsylvania's county prisons
Flu epidemic hitting Pennsylvania's county prisons
Jeff Frantz | By Jeff Frantz |
on January 16,...
Jackson, Mississippi - A flu season indicator?
Most recent google flu trend for Jackson, Mississippi. Any thoughts?
Rate of Flu Shots Among American Indians among lowest in U.S.
Source: http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwor...-lowest-in-u-s
Rate of Flu Shots Among American Indians among lowest in U.S.
walter lamar By Walter Lamar
Science magazine live chat: Too dangerous to publish? April 26, 2012 at 3:00pm EDT
My name is Jane Lee and I'm a producer for ScienceLive, Science magazine's weekly web discussions with top experts on the hottest topics in science.
I just wanted to let people know that we'll be running a live chat on whether some research...
CIDRAP- Study: Variant H3N2 risk greatest in kids under 10
Study: Variant H3N2 risk greatest in kids under 10
Lisa Schnirring * Staff Writer
Apr 12, 2012 (CIDRAP News) ? The US Centers...
Shiloh started a topic CIDRAP NEWS SCAN: Beef labeling push, cheese plant clean-up, flu vaccine effectiveness, antibiotic prescribing interventionin CIDRAPCIDRAP NEWS SCAN: Beef labeling push, cheese plant clean-up, flu vaccine effectiveness, antibiotic prescribing intervention
NEWS SCAN: Beef labeling push, cheese plant clean-up, flu vaccine effectiveness, antibiotic prescribing intervention
Apr 10, 2012...