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The "I'm coming to your house" phenomenon-what to do about it

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  • #46
    Re: The "I'm coming to your house" phenomenon-what to do about it

    I have to land here,

    There is one option, seldomly possible but feasable and not yet mentionned.

    If possible, you move to your secondary residence for those proviledge or you just move and then you are free to contact those that you decided to contact.

    Prior that TSHTF, it is feasable, if your things are ready, to rent swiftly a place in region, usually cheap, and move swiftly?.

    Just a suggestion.

    Snowy Owl


    • #47
      Re: The "I'm coming to your house" phenomenon-what to do about it

      I will do laundry if I can be Sing-Along Chairman.


      • #48
        Re: The "I'm coming to your house" phenomenon-what to do about it

        F1, you are on! I promise to sing quietly at the back of the crowd thereby not pulling anyone else off-key.

        Theresa, after the fact we MUST all get together. And I will provide both alcohol and non-alcohol drinks.

        Snowy, I have thought of trying to find a larger alternate site but, run into the problem of not knowing my neighbors and, how do I heat the building? Also, as I am sure you are aware, it takes a lot of room to store prep items for that large a crowd. It also takes a lot of muscle to move them from point A to point B., all of which would have to be done after dark and quietly.
        Please do not ask me for medical advice, I am not a medical doctor.

        Avatar is a painting by Alan Pollack, titled, "Plague". I'm sure it was an accident that the plague girl happened to look almost like my twin.
        Thank you,
        Shannon Bennett


        • #49
          Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

          We plan for nightly sing-alongs... and lots of laughing.


          • #50
            Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

            Sorry Shannon, I misexpress myself,

            What i meant was;

            First you look around what is available in region and at what cost (renting) furnished. You will be surprised how cheap sometimes it is in region when you are ready to rent for a year lease.

            You get 2 or 3 places like that in your datas.

            You call once in awhile if it is already rented, you give your name and of course you say what you have to say (to bring the price down).

            You go visit, (you are serious) but it is too much for your wallet you tell them.

            Here we will see it coming, if we dont, well... we are bad, not good

            When all signs shows that it is unfolding, then you deal, rent and move.

            See the point.

            I suggest a place where there are lakes, wild meat, small villages, stove and woods.

            Dontcha forget your seeds.

            My 2 cents

            Snowy Owl
            Harfang des Neiges
            Buho de la Nieves


            • #51
              Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

              time to bump this thread for new readers, I think; as the question is coming up again....
              Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour,
              Rains from the sky a meteoric shower
              Of facts....They lie unquestioned, uncombined.
              Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill
              Is daily spun, but there exists no loom
              To weave it into fabric..
              Edna St. Vincent Millay "Huntsman, What Quarry"
              All my posts to this forum are for fair use and educational purposes only.


              • #52
                Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

                Originally posted by Dark Horse
                What worries me is that if I do not help these neighbors, what kind of life do I have afterwards? What if they die because I didn't help them? How does one cope with that kind of guilt? Do I become a pariah to myself and my neighbors because I locked the door? ....... Do I shortchange my family to help people who weren't paying attention?

                This is, I think, one of the largest social issues that we face during a pandemic.
                You might want to check the web for information on the Irish potato famine. That culture and generation faced similar issues. They had to cope with it, some survived, some emigrated. We may not have the emigration option, but maybe that chunk of history has some lessons for us today.
                We were put on this earth to help and take care of one another.


                • #53
                  Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

                  Bolt the door, harden your heart, and prepare for sadness.


                  • #54
                    Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

                    I hate talking about this. It's not a question, it's the question.

                    People have seen our preps. Friends of teens, etc. The cable guy even saw them. (unavoidable).

                    It's not just friends and relatives expecting to be taken in, it's word-of-mouth from those people to others.

                    I moved early this year. My sister and I made a decision at that time that I would have no visible preps, keep my trap shut about prepping, and be selective with who would know where I live. She was to be the "prepping mouthpiece". If tshtf, all preps will be moved to my house. Of course there are secondary rings of friends and family that we are not prepping for. In 2005 my sister sent them an information sheet, and another during the Karo Cluster. I hope these people are ready to listen when the time comes, and I hope I can give them some notice. If not: Darwin. Sorry folks.

                    It's not perfect, but it's the best we could come up with.


                    • #55
                      Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

                      What I hear, and feel myself, is a certain amount of anguish over this issue.

                      There is pain just thinking about it, because we can anticipate the pain that any of our decisions can create, and of the situtation itself.

                      It is a difficult prep to make-much harder than making your own will IMHO.

                      I think theres great value though, in sticking to the subject even if it is possbile. Learn all you can about how you feel about scenarios. That way, if they should come to pass-you're mentally prepared for it.

                      Oh, stay fluid and flexible- because what we anticipate may only faintly resemble the reality we are eventually handed.

                      But know in your heart what you can and must do- if you feel the need to prep to share, then start doing so, and plan that in to your preps. A few bags of rice and beans and such isnt that expensive. But if your scenario precludes that- than know what and how you can accomplish what needs to be.

                      Realize what you feel now may change if reality happens and people really are knocking on your door.

                      Be prepared for that, and your emotional reaction to that.

                      If anyone ever really could be.

                      You know, one thig I'm learning being here is that the things we dont have control over may be difficult to deal with- but the things we do have control over- like our responses to situations-are the issues that cause me the most emotional/mental pain and anguish.
                      Upon this gifted age, in its dark hour,
                      Rains from the sky a meteoric shower
                      Of facts....They lie unquestioned, uncombined.
                      Wisdom enough to leech us of our ill
                      Is daily spun, but there exists no loom
                      To weave it into fabric..
                      Edna St. Vincent Millay "Huntsman, What Quarry"
                      All my posts to this forum are for fair use and educational purposes only.


                      • #56
                        Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

                        I plan on baking bread for my neighbors that cannot do it for themselves ... as long as my gas oven holds out.
                        I will go out and buy up a lot of flour and yeast if I have a chance before the pandemic starts here.
                        I have 2 bread machines. If the electricity holds up, then I can make it the easy way.
                        I think it costs about 35 cents to make 1 loaf.
                        And yeast is $4 for 2 pounds at Gordon Food Supply. Costco and Sam's also sell it by the pound.
                        I doubt my neighbors would even consider doing anything for anyone else. They are really not very friendly.
                        And I will have extra candles also.
                        There are over 20 families just on my street. So I can't do much financially to help..
                        But I will also give the able-bodied neighbors recipes and supplies to make their own.
                        I'm not going to go through all the work for those that are able to do it themselves.
                        Before the pandemic starts, I will be sure to inform them all to buy up a lot of flour and yeast to make their own bread.
                        And I'll tell them to buy extra supplies for their friends and relatives...and neighbors.
                        They won't buy enough supplies, so I will try to take up the slack.
                        And then I don't know if this is a very wise thing to do. It might be better to not get into any discussion with my neighbors and just drop off the flour & yeast at a local church.


                        • #57
                          Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

                          Originally posted by Amish Country
                          You might want to check the web for information on the Irish potato famine. That culture and generation faced similar issues. They had to cope with it, some survived, some emigrated. We may not have the emigration option, but maybe that chunk of history has some lessons for us today.
                          ....what kind of a life do we have afterward if we gave food to the neighbors, but our own family starved?

                          Any parent's primary responsiblity is to protect their own family.

                          Society is already selective....we don't give enough to ensure the homeless have warm shelter, that low wage earners have healthcare, that orphans have a family, or that various kinds of unloved have the support of friends.

                          Since we (sadly) already selectively allocate resources, I don't think things will change drastically during a pandemic. Who will get scarce anti-virals & who will get scarce respirators? - same questions different resource.

                          When the Titanic was sinking there were many tough choices, but they were made.

                          "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                          • #58
                            Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

                            We have next door neighbors who have been friends longer than they've been neighbors. They have 2 humans and 3 pets. We have 2 humans and 2 pets. We've already planned to provide for each other if this happens.

                            We've stored much more than they have in the way of long term storage foods and alternate methods of preparing them. We've picked up water filters and a non-electric distiller. I've informed them that we have plenty of food staples and cooking methods, but cannot provide pet food, kitty litter, toilet paper or meds for their household.

                            They have ample firewood and an inground pool full of water. They've stocked some extra food as well.

                            We plan to leave emergency packages on doorsteps of some neighbors, but do not want them to know where it came from. I'd rather know they have the ability to eat than have them come to me each time they are hungry.
                            We have extra beans, rice, powdered egg, powdered milk, bouillon, candles, matches and a few other things to leave for some of our neighbors if it gets bad. I will probably pick up more inexpensive boxes of cornbread mix and biscuit mix to add to the bags.

                            Unless a person has plenty of money and a LOT of supplies stored, they can't hope to personally take care of their neighborhood. Several of our neighbors are elderly so we will try to keep them from starving anonymously.

                            We cannot hope to provide for everyone on our street so I have chosen six houses to worry about. Letting people know we have supplies could become a nightmare and generate more hard feelings than simply pretending to be in need and providing what we can.

                            My hope is that once the situation becomes more serious, the media will alert people to the point where they are ready for neighborhood meetings to plan for possible chaos and shortages. That may or may not happen.

                            just my one cent.
                            "There's a chance peace will come in your life - please buy one" - Melanie Safka
                            "The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be" - Socrates


                            • #59
                              Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

                              The cost to completely supply the basics to just the 200 homes in my subdivision alone for 1 year would exceed $1,000,000.
                              So you can see that churches and local charities and the gov't just can't do it across the country.
                              How many meals can a local church give out til they run out of resources?
                              And local charities also have limited funds.
                              And the federal gov't can't be in all places at once. They certainly cannot feed & supply the entire country.
                              The only thing that can be done is to warn the people to suppy themselves for the duration.
                              Everyone is on their own.


                              • #60
                                Re: The &quot;I'm coming to your house&quot; phenomenon-what to do about it

                                (slightly off topic)

                                Instead of baking bread, I collect and dry old bread. It lasts for years, uses no fuel, tastes okay, doesn't have a smell to die for, and can be used in may recipes.

