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The Discovery of the 2009 A/H1N1 Pandemic - Mexico: April 17 New Respiratory Illnesses - Including Mexico City & Oaxaca

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  • #31
    Re: Atypical Pneumonia Cases - Mexico

    Originally posted by alert
    Can someone post a translation of the ISSSTE article from post #10. I don't know how to auto-translate (I speak Spanish too).
    Bienvenido Alert!

    Por favor, poner algo en esta línea se encuentra. Si es en español que está bien. Además, desde esta línea se encuentra ahora en el actual foro de noticias, por favor, hacer comentarios que son pertinentes a los hechos presentados.


    • #32
      Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

      Sorry. I got a little off task there. English is my first language but I speak Spanish as well. I have been following Flublogia in its various forms since the SARS outbreak of 2003, and have seen countless false alarms, most of which I have been able to detect at the first posting as impossible (the Russian train is the most recent example). Those stories that seem to be the slightest bit possible (the Rio arenavirus scare in December, for example) usually pick up so much media attention that I've never felt the need to post anything. But for some reason, this story isn't getting any attention. And it looks really plausible that this is a new novel coronavirus.


      • #33
        Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

        Here is an editorial from a different source. He seems to think the deaths are caused by a normal seasonal virus (and I really hope he's right), but he mentions a couple other possible cases in other hospitals.


        • #34
          Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

          Here is one of the sources I read earlier that mentions the coronavirus. I am mistaken about her family - this article says she had three sons, not two.


          • #35
            Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

            Here is some basic information about Oaxaca. Notable is that this outbreak is in a modern city, not some little village, and also that the main industry in Oaxaca is TOURISM.

            And this one you don't need to translate


            • #36
              Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

              Alert, please let me welcome you to FluTrackers as well.
              Please do not ask me for medical advice, I am not a medical doctor.

              Avatar is a painting by Alan Pollack, titled, "Plague". I'm sure it was an accident that the plague girl happened to look almost like my twin.
              Thank you,
              Shannon Bennett


              • #37
                Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                Actually, I have been reading FluTrackers for over two years, and reports like ProMed since the SARS outbreak, but never registered because I am not a professional, so I always assumed that you professionals would have better information than I do. With this outbreak though, I saw so many potential read flags (coronavirus, diarrhea, lies, ill HCW), that I registered to try to act to bring attention to it. If this really is a major outbreak, I will regret the four days I read these articles and waited for a posting that wasn't coming. I've seen so many alarms raised on here and even on ProMed that had to be false from the start, and this looked so much worse.

                I am now starting to slightly doubt myself. Maybe there is a reason you guys didn't raise an alarm over this. Maybe this newspaper is worthless (I have had it pointed out to me that it is riddled with grammar errors), or maybe the editors just have a political bias of some kind.

                With the possible ill HCW having taken ill on 4/17 or thereabouts, in the next three days they would be developing severe pneumonia, and that we would likely hear about from several sources. It is clear now that the majority 36 household contacts with mild respiratory disease were apparently not infected, because there would be 36 cases of pneumonia by now, and we'd be hearing things like "The hospital is closed and people are dying", and we don't.

                The next few days will tell whether my worst fears have come true, or whether I have added one more false alarm.


                • #38
                  Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                  To quash an idea before it gets started, this is NOT an outbreak of Swine Flu because all labs have indicated that no influenza virus (human, bird or pig) was found. I figured someone would suggest this because one of the articles in the Swine Flu thread mentions that some of the contacts traveled to Mexico. Also, those Swine Flu cases were not this severe.


                  • #39
                    Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                    To quash an idea before it gets started, this is NOT an outbreak of Swine Flu
                    I was wondering just that.

                    Welcome Alert.

                    "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


                    • #40
                      Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                      This is one of this morning's articles in the Diario. It says there are two HCW with confirmed pneumonia. Again, this is the only source reporting it.


                      • #41
                        Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                        THREE more articles about this in this same source. This sources seems convinced of an outbreak and coverup.


                        • #42
                          Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                          Alert - I am concerned that there is only 1 source for this event.


                          • #43
                            Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                            Here is the translation of the article confirming pneumonia in two HCW:

                            Doctor and nurse, contracted confirm
                            22/04/2009 04:00:00 Citlalli L?pez 22/04/2009 04:00:00 Citlalli Lopez
                            Tama?o de Fuente: Font Size:
                            Familiares de enfermos a la espera en urgencias del Hospital Civil. Relatives of sick people waiting in emergency Civil Hospital. Por ??tica m?dica?, mantienen secrec?a de nombres y el lugar a donde fue trasladado el personal bajo observaci?n The term "medical ethics", maintain the secrecy of names and place where he was taken under the personal observation

                            Luego de confirmar que un m?dico y una enfermera del Hospital Civil est?n bajo observaci?n por posible contagio de neumon?a at?pica, el secretario general de la Secci?n 35 del Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Secretar?a de Salud en Oaxaca, Jeno? Ruiz L?pez, se?al? que el hacinamiento del nosocomio es caldo de cultivo para la propagaci?n de diferentes epidemias. After confirming that a doctor and a nurse of the Civil Hospital under observation for possible infection of SARS, the general secretary of Section 35 of the National Union of Workers of the Ministry of Health in Oaxaca, Jeno L?pez Ruiz, said that overcrowding the hospital is a breeding ground for the spread of various epidemics. El representante sindical inform? que durante la revisi?n al Hospital Civil ?Doctor Aurelio Valdivieso? se detectaron diferentes cepas de enfermedades, pero ninguna correspondiente que genere el S?ndrome Respiratorio Severo Agudo o gripe aviar; sin embargo, la representaci?n sindical solicit? una nueva revisi?n epidemiol?gica para proporcionar certeza al personal, sobre todo, porque hay dos personas con s?ntomas de neumon?a. The union representative reported that during the revision of the Hospital Civil "Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso" identified different strains of disease, but no corresponding generating Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and bird flu, but requested a further representation review to provide epidemiological certainty to staff, especially because there are two people with symptoms of pneumonia.
                            Las identidades de los pacientes no fueron reveladas por ?tica m?dica y, hasta el momento, el l?der sindical desconoce hacia d?nde fueron trasladados. The identities of patients were not revealed by medical ethics, and so far, the union leader not known where they were transferred.
                            Esto ha provocado la inquietud de los trabajadores y la exigencia hacia las autoridades estatales para que refuercen el cerco epidemiol?gico. This has caused concern among workers and the requirement to state authorities to strengthen the epidemiological fence.
                            A trav?s de los trabajadores de la subsecci?n 07 del sindicato que labora en el ?Aurelio Valdivieso?, se inform? de una situaci?n delicada y preocupante al interior del hospital, dijo Ruiz L?pez. Through the work of subsection 07 of the union working at the Aurelio Valdivieso, was reported a sensitive and worrying situation inside the hospital, said Lopez Ruiz.

                            Hay alerta There Alert
                            A ra?z de la alerta los m?dicos y enfermeras fueron dotados de nuevo y mejor equipo de trabajo para evitar un brote de epidemia. Following the alert doctors and nurses were provided with new and better team work in order to avoid an outbreak of epidemic. ?Los compa?eros saben que hay una situaci?n de alerta, se han hecho reuniones cada tercer d?a con las autoridades de los Servicios de Salud y se le ha dado seguimiento al asunto?, manifest?. "The comrades know that there is an alert status, there have been meetings every third day with the authorities of the Health Services and has been following the issue," he said.
                            De acuerdo a los avances dados a conocer a Ruiz L?pez, se inform? que ?el estado de emergencia est? a punto de superarse?. According to the progress made known to Ruiz Lopez, was informed that "a state of emergency is about to overcome." Descart? que el Hospital Civil deba ponerse en cuarentena, pero esa ser? decisi?n del Consejo General del Hospital, m?dicos especialistas as? como la dirigencia sindical del nosocomio. Out that the Civil Hospital to be quarantined, but that is the decision of the Council's General Hospital, doctors and the hospital's union leadership.

                            El hacinamiento Overcrowding
                            Se?al? que, en caso de que la investigaci?n realizada por la Comisi?n Estatal de Arbitraje M?dico de Oaxaca (CEAMO) determine que hubo un mal control epidemiol?gico, la responsabilidad no ser?a atribuible al personal m?dico, sino al ?fuerte problema de hacinamiento que hay en el Aurelio Valdivieso?. He noted that if the investigation conducted by the State Board of Medical Arbitration of Oaxaca (CEAMO) determines that there was a bad epidemic control, the responsibility would not be attributable to the medical staff, but "serious problems of overcrowding that exists in the Aurelio Valdivieso ".
                            A m?s de 45 a?os de haberse inaugurado, hoy el nosocomio qued? rebasado. More than 45 years has been opened, the hospital was passed today. Las 120 camas no son suficientes para atender a una poblaci?n de tres millones y medio de oaxaque?os. The 120 beds are not sufficient to serve a population of three million and a half Oaxacans. Actualmente el ?Aurelio Valdivieso? est? rebasado en un 100 por ciento. Currently the Aurelio Valdivieso "is exceeded by 100 percent.
                            ?Es dif?cil que se pueda tener un control epidemiol?gico muy estricto; bueno, vemos pacientes que se quedan en los pasillos cuando es necesario ubicarlos en ?reas determinadas, en ?reas espec?ficas. "It is difficult to have a very strict epidemiological control, well, we see patients who remain in the aisles when it is necessary to place them in certain areas, in specific areas. Desafortunadamente la demanda obliga a los m?dicos a que en la espera de los pacientes sea en los pasillos?. Unfortunately the demand forcing the doctors to the patient waiting in the hallways. "
                            Una de las consecuencias del hacinamiento es la propagaci?n de alg?n virus o enfermedad, sostuvo. One consequence of overcrowding is the spread of any virus or illness, he said. Y es que el n?mero de pacientes llega a superar las 240 personas. Because the number of patients come to exceed 240 people. Por norma todas las ?reas, dependiendo del tipo de padecimiento, deben ser zonas determinadas: pediatr?a, cirug?a, medicina interna, pero el primer contacto en todos es con el ?rea de urgencias, en donde es mayor el hacinamiento. As a rule all areas, depending on the type of condition should be defined areas: pediatrics, surgery, internal medicine, but the first contact is with all the emergency area, where it is more overcrowding. A pesar de la ampliaci?n que se hizo recientemente, la capacidad fue superada por la poblaci?n. Despite the expansion that was recently done, the capacity was exceeded by the population.

                            SSO guarda silencio SSO silent
                            Mientras tanto, el jefe del Departamento de Vigilancia Epidemiol?gica de los Servicios de Salud de Oaxaca, Rub?n Coronado Garc?a, se ha negado a dar informaci?n sobre los avances del cerco epidemiol?gico. Meanwhile, the head of the Epidemiological Surveillance Department of Health Services in Oaxaca, Coronado Ruben Garcia, has refused to give information about the progress of epidemiological fence. Un rotundo ?no gracias? fue lo ?nico que se?al? al ser abordado por DESPERTAR. A resounding "no thanks" was all they said when approached by WAKE.
                            Afuera del Hospital Civil las camionetas de la Unidad de Inteligencia de los Servicios de Salud contin?an haciendo guardia frente al ?rea de urgencias m?dicas, en donde diariamente llegan en promedio m?s de 50 personas. Outside the Civil Hospital vans Intelligence Unit of the Health Services continue to guard against the area of medical emergencies, where an average daily reach more than 50 people


                            • #44
                              Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                              Originally posted by alert View Post

                              Here is an editorial from a different source. He seems to think the deaths are caused by a normal seasonal virus (and I really hope he's right), but he mentions a couple other possible cases in other hospitals.
                              There is conflicting information. If seasonal flu is suspect, then swine flu is a possibility. The two cases in California were mild, but there are likely many versions, which I suspect are in Mexico. Moreover, swine flu would look like seasonal flu (both would be influenza A positive), unless samples were serotyped.


                              • #45
                                Re: Mexico: Atypical Pneumonia Cases and Deaths - Oaxaca Hospital

                                Originally posted by alert View Post
                                To quash an idea before it gets started, this is NOT an outbreak of Swine Flu because all labs have indicated that no influenza virus (human, bird or pig) was found. I figured someone would suggest this because one of the articles in the Swine Flu thread mentions that some of the contacts traveled to Mexico. Also, those Swine Flu cases were not this severe.
                                Without an etiological agent, swine flu is NOT ruled out. It is definitely transmitting in humans in southern California and origins in Mexico are likely.

