EuroFlu - Influenza-like Illness Activity Intensity Snapshot, Dec. 07 2010
Source: Euroflu, interactive maps page:
Most of the European Region countries are currently experiencing low intensity influenza-like illness activity.
Some of the Russian Federation regions are reporting medium ILI intensity.
During this early phase of winter season, some countries report dominant influenza type/subtype:
-- Portugal and Israel are reporting influenza B as dominant type;
-- Greece reports influenza A subtype H3 as dominant;
-- Italy reports influenza type A as dominant.
Source: Euroflu, interactive maps page:
Most of the European Region countries are currently experiencing low intensity influenza-like illness activity.
Some of the Russian Federation regions are reporting medium ILI intensity.
During this early phase of winter season, some countries report dominant influenza type/subtype:
-- Portugal and Israel are reporting influenza B as dominant type;
-- Greece reports influenza A subtype H3 as dominant;
-- Italy reports influenza type A as dominant.