EuroFlu - Influenza-like Illness Activity Intensity Snapshot, Dec. 07 2010
Source: Euroflu, interactive maps page:
Most of the European Region countries are currently experiencing low intensity influenza-like illness activity.
Some of the Russian Federation regions are reporting medium ILI intensity.
During this early phase of winter season, some countries report dominant influenza type/subtype:
-- Portugal and Israel are reporting influenza B as dominant type;
-- Greece reports influenza A subtype H3 as dominant;
-- Italy reports influenza type A as dominant.
No announcement yet.
Archive., Influenza-like Illness, Geographical Spread Indicator Snapshot (2010)
EuroFlu, Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Snapshot, October 19 2010
Source: Interactive Maps Page:
EuroFlu, Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Snapshot, October 19 2010
Currently, EuroFlu Interactive Maps page shows the Geographical Spread Indicator for Influenza-like Illness across European Region as described below:
-- France and England (UK) report Sporadic ILI activity;
-- Ukraine, Belarus and Estonia report Sporadic ILI activity;
-- Armenia and most of Russian Federation Regions report sporadic activity;
-- Far East regions of Russia report Local ILI activity;
-- All other Countries and Regions report no activity or not report.
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Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Snapshot - European Region, October 11 2010 (EuroFlu)
Source: Interactive Maps Page:
EuroFlu Interactive Maps page shows today a Geographical Activity Indicator for Influenza-like Illnesses as reported below:
-- France reports sporadic ILI activity;
-- England reports sporadic ILI activity with detection of Influenza A virus; Wales reports sporadic activity too;
-- Sweden reports isolation of Influenza A virus;
-- Most of the Russian Federation regions report sporadic activity, with the exception of far east, reporting local activity;
-- Cyprus reports sporadic activity;
-- All other regions and countries report no activity or not report.
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-, Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Snapshot, October 7 2010.
Source:, Interactive Maps page:, Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Snapshot, October 7 2010.
EuroFlu Interactive Maps show today a Geographical Spread Indicator for Influenza-like Illness in European Region as reported below:
-- England and Wales report a sporadic detection of ILI;
-- Poland reports sporadic activity, as well as
-- Cyprus and Armenia.
-- Most of the Russian Federation regions report sporadic ILI activity with the exception of far east, reporting local activity.
-- All other countries report no activity or not report.
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Influenza-like Illness, Geographical Spread Snapshot, October 5 2010 - EuroFlu
Source: Interactive Maps webpage:
Influenza-like Illness, Geographical Spread Snapshot, October 5 2010 - EuroFlu Interactive Maps pages show today an influenza-like illness geographical spread indicator for countries of the European Region as reported below:
-- Cyprus, Poland, Armenia report sporadic ILI activity;
-- Most of the Russian Federation regions report also sporadic ILI activity with the exception of far-east with local activity.
-- All other countries and regions report no activity or not report.
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- Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Snapshot, September 28 2010
Source: Interactive Maps page: Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Snapshot, September 28 2010
Today Interactive Maps page displays the geographical spread indicator for influenza-like illness activity in the European Region with emphasis on:
-- Russian Federation reports sporadic activity for the most of its regions;
-- Wales and Scotland report both sporadic ILI activity;
-- Sweden doesn't report but indicates the isolation of an A/H3N2 seasonal influenza virus;
-- France reports sporadic ILI activity;
-- All other regions and countries report no activity or do not report.
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Archive., Influenza-like Illness, Geographical Spread Indicator Snapshot (2010)
This container archives Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread indicator Snapshots from original site interactive maps page.
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-, Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Indicator Snapshot, Sept. 22 2010, Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Indicator Snapshot, Sept. 22 2010
From interactive maps page:
Influenza-like Illness is reported to be geographically active at local level in:
- Armenia
and sporadically detected in:
- Cyprus
- Wales
- Switzerland
- in the most part of Russian Federation
All other countries in the European Region report no activity or not report.
The full report on Influenza activity in Europe is due for Thursday 23 Sept. by
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-, Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Indicator Snapshot, Sept. 20 2010
From interactive maps webpage:
For the geographical spread indicator of Influenza-like Illness activity, EuroFlu reports that on Sept. 20 2010:
- Armenia has local activity;
- Russian Federation, some regions, sporadic activity;
- Cyprus, sporadic activity;
- All other regions and countries in European Region report no activity or not report.
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-, Influenza-like Illness Activity, Geographical Spread Snapshot, September 7 2010
From website, interactive maps page:
For the geographical spread indicator, maps display an influenza-like illness activity low or sporadic-to-local for most part of Russian Federation Regions.
For the other European Region countries the activity is reported absent or sporadic.
ILI-activity for:
1) Russian Federation, sporadic-to-local;
2) Armenia, sporadic;
3) Cyprus, sporadic.
4) Allo others, no activity or no report.
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-, Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Snapshot, August 30 2010.
Full page: interactive Maps,
For the Influenza-like Illness geographical dispersion activity at August 30 2010, the reports the following situation:
Sporadic Activity:
-- England,
-- Wales,
-- Switzerland,
-- Cyprus,
-- Armenia
-- most of the Russian Federation regions.
All other countries in the European Region report no activity or no report.
Sweden reports isolation of H1N1 (2009) influenza virus.
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- Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Snapshot for European Region, Aug. 25 2010.
From website:
Influenza-like Illness activity appears to be sporadic in:
- Most of the Russian Federation;
- Cyprus;
- England and Wales;
- Armenia.
All other countries and regions report no activity or not report.
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EuroFlu, August 19 2010 Influenza-like Illness Geographical Spread Snapshot
Image from the website:
Influenza-like Illness local activity in Russia.
Sporadic activity in Cyprus, Armenia, Wales.
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- August 3rd 2010 Influenza Geographical Spread Snapshot
This snapshot is from main page:
Sporadic influenza activity has been detected in Belarus, Russia (some regions), Ukraine, Armenia and Cyprus. For western Europe, only Wales report activity.
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- July 28 2010 Influenza Geographical Spread Snapshot
From website:
Influenza-like Illness activity appears sporadic across European Region: the only countries reporting activity are United Kingdom (Wales), Ukraine, Russia (some regions).
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