Salyan Region or Province
Daikyand Settlement one article said 11 members of 2 families (Askerovykh and Abbasovykh) had died or were in hospital: looks like the two were cousins.
(suspected) Khatira Abbasova, female 17 yr, died 2/23 acute pneumonia, cousin of Nabat
Nabat Askerova, female 20 yr, Hospital 7, died 3/3 H5N1 (acute pneumonia), cousin of Khatira
Gunel Gasymova, male, arrived 3/8, died 3/10
also ill:
Shekdimar Askerova
Shakhanar Askerova, female 15, condition grave
Sahsenem Ibrahimova, female, 2.5 yr, arrived 3/6, stable, recovering (AnneZ post 3/13, Trend)
Zlyafet Mukhtarova, 35 yr, condition satisfactory, treated lung disease (AnneZ post 3/13, Trend)
another article said 10 patients total
Sarvan Settlement
name ??, female, 17 yr, died 2/23 H5N1 (WHO 3/14)
Amrah Ismayilov, 9 yr, satisfactory condition (AnneZ post 3/13, Trend)
Saatly Region
Baku, Narimov district
birdflu found at poultry farm near Baku 2/27 and 28, also 3/1, (AnneZ post 3/3)
Maleyka Rzazade, 13, serious condition (AnneZ post 3/13, Trend)
family of 4 died,
Ahmadov Yashar Bahlul, male 14 yr, admitted to Baku Hospital 3/7
Ahmadov Kamila Bahlul, female 17 yr, admitted to Baku Hospital 3/7
Mammadiva Agaselim Ariff, female 13 yr, admitted to Baku Hospital 3/7
Ashirov Alak Haria, male 16 yr, admitted to Baku Hospital 3/10
Tarter Region or Province
name ??, female, 21 yr, died 3/9 H5N1 (WHO 3/14)
I am not sure which of these could be dupes. I found these names listed in various articles on Azerbaijan infections of birdflu.. One article said that more than 100 people had taken themselves to the hospital. I don't know if fear made them more aware of symptoms they might have thought were birdflu related or if they took kids they thought had been in close proximity with birds. I'm cross-eyed with this stuff. Anyone else is welcome to have a go at it.
Daikyand Settlement one article said 11 members of 2 families (Askerovykh and Abbasovykh) had died or were in hospital: looks like the two were cousins.
(suspected) Khatira Abbasova, female 17 yr, died 2/23 acute pneumonia, cousin of Nabat
Nabat Askerova, female 20 yr, Hospital 7, died 3/3 H5N1 (acute pneumonia), cousin of Khatira
Gunel Gasymova, male, arrived 3/8, died 3/10
also ill:
Shekdimar Askerova
Shakhanar Askerova, female 15, condition grave
Sahsenem Ibrahimova, female, 2.5 yr, arrived 3/6, stable, recovering (AnneZ post 3/13, Trend)
Zlyafet Mukhtarova, 35 yr, condition satisfactory, treated lung disease (AnneZ post 3/13, Trend)
another article said 10 patients total
Sarvan Settlement
name ??, female, 17 yr, died 2/23 H5N1 (WHO 3/14)
Amrah Ismayilov, 9 yr, satisfactory condition (AnneZ post 3/13, Trend)
Saatly Region
Baku, Narimov district
birdflu found at poultry farm near Baku 2/27 and 28, also 3/1, (AnneZ post 3/3)
Maleyka Rzazade, 13, serious condition (AnneZ post 3/13, Trend)
family of 4 died,
Ahmadov Yashar Bahlul, male 14 yr, admitted to Baku Hospital 3/7
Ahmadov Kamila Bahlul, female 17 yr, admitted to Baku Hospital 3/7
Mammadiva Agaselim Ariff, female 13 yr, admitted to Baku Hospital 3/7
Ashirov Alak Haria, male 16 yr, admitted to Baku Hospital 3/10
Tarter Region or Province
name ??, female, 21 yr, died 3/9 H5N1 (WHO 3/14)
I am not sure which of these could be dupes. I found these names listed in various articles on Azerbaijan infections of birdflu.. One article said that more than 100 people had taken themselves to the hospital. I don't know if fear made them more aware of symptoms they might have thought were birdflu related or if they took kids they thought had been in close proximity with birds. I'm cross-eyed with this stuff. Anyone else is welcome to have a go at it.