10/17 2019 18:15:51

Bird Flu Virus in Tegal, Officers Take Poultry Blood Samples

Imam Suripto - detikNews

Officers gave the vaccine and took blood samples from poultry in Tegal City. Photo: Imam Suripto / detikcom
Tegal - Dozens of birds died due to positive bird flu in the City of Tegal, Central Java. The team from the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Health (PKH) of the Wates Veterinary Center, Yogyakarta, provided a vaccine against poultry in the area affected by bird flu.

"We take blood samples from the remaining poultry in this environment. Samples of fases, blood samples of equipment in the environment and samples of feathers we carry for inspection in our lab," one of the team members, Drh Nurokhmi Farhani told reporters on Thursday ( 10/17/2019).

Aside from Nurokhmi, there were two other people in this team namely Moh Afdal Darul and Setyo Nugroho.
Initially they investigated the location where many birds were affected by bird flu, namely in Jalan Kota Baru, RT 05 and RT 06 RW 01 Keturen Village, South Tegal District.

They then also gave the vaccine and took blood samples from poultry that were still living in a place owned by Kasan, a resident of RT 05 RW 01, Keturen Village, South Tegal, Tegal City.

The PKH Directorate General Lab's Lab official, Mohamad Afdal Darul, added that this sample examination is to determine the type of virus that attacks poultry in Tegal City. The results of the sample examination can be known seven days after the examination.

"Our investigation from the Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (PKH) of the Wates Veterinary Center, Yogyakarta to ascertain the type of virus that has spread after receiving a report from the City of Tegal Dislatan," he said.


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