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Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008 - Mar/21/2008

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  • #61
    Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

    From Lampung: report says 2 from the 10 suspect patients positive for bird flu; treated in isolation space; the 8 others remain in observation.

    Penyakit Menular : Dua Warga Panjang Positif Flu Burung

    BANDAR LAMPUNG (Lampost): Dua warga Kampung Batu Suluh, Way Laga, Panjang, Bandar Lampung, positif terinfeksi virus flu burung. Ini merupakan kasus flu burung pertama yang menyerang manusia di Bandar Lampung.

    Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Bandar Lampung dr. Reihana menyebutkan hasil pemeriksaan VCR (uji cairan tenggorokan) yang dilakukan Tim Avian Influenza Rumah Sakit Abdul Moeloek menyatakan dua dari 10 warga Way Laga positif terinfeksi virus flu burung. "Gejala-gejala yang muncul cenderung menunjukkan adanya infeksi virus H5N1," kata Reihana, Kamis (13-3).

    Kedua pasien positif flu burung tersebut, La (20) dan Kt (52), kini harus menjalani perawatan di ruang isolasi RSUAM. "Sedangkan delapan pasien lain masih diobservasi," kata Reihana.

    Sehari sebelumnya, Rabu (12-3), ke-10 pasien tersebut dibawa ke RSUAM karena diduga terjangkit flu burung. Namun, La dan Kt menolak dirujuk dan langsung pulang.

    Perkembangan kemarin, satu lagi warga Batu Suluh dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Pasien baru lain, Bayu (22), warga Jalan Komarudin, Rajabasa. Bayu memiliki riwayat demam setelah kontak dengan ayamnya yang ditemukan mati mendadak. "Tim dokter sedang menunggu hasil uji laboratorium," kata petugas medis RSAM.

    Dengan demikian, pasien suspect flu burung yang dirawat di RSUAM kemarin menjadi 10 orang, sedangkan dua lain dinyatakan positif. Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Lampung, Wiwiek Ekameini belum bisa memastikan apakah flu burung di Banndar Lampung termasuk kategori endemis. "Saya belum bisa memastikan. Tunggu hasil uji laboratorium," kata Wiwiek saat mengunjungi RSUAM, kemarin.

    Di tempat terpisah, Wakil Wali Kota Kherlani mengimbau masyarakat mengikuti arahan petugas kesehatan. "Terlebih kasus pertama flu burung menyerang manusia di Bandar Lampung," ujarnya.

    Sebelumnya, Kasubdin Kesehatan Hewan Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan Bandar Lampung drh. Sri Suharyati, menyatakan kawasan merah flu burung adalah Panjang, Sukarame, dan Telukbetung Barat. Penetapan itu setelah ditemukan adanya kasus positif flu burung yang menyerang unggas. "Penanganan difokuskan di Panjang. Kecamatan lain juga kami pantau," kata Sri.

    Serangan flu burung di Lampung Timur juga makin meluas. Virus tersebut sebelumnya membunuh ribuan ayam di 18 desa pada 12 kecamatan. Kini serangan meluas ke Desa Negeri Agung, Kecamatan Gunung Pelindung.

    Di desa ini, 200-an ayam mati mendadak. Hingga kemarin, flu burung telah merebak di 20 desa pada 14 kecamatan. n


    • #62
      Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

      Indonesia: Eight persons suspected to have bird flu

      After eating poultry infected with avian flu virus, patients suffered of fever and respiratory problems, the agency said, adding that they were transported to the National hospital Abdul Moeloek in the city of Bandarlampung, the capital of Lampung.

      "The patients were placed in isolated rooms and have received laboratory tests. But it will take few days before we have the results," said the hospital director, Dr. Wirman, quoted by the agency.

      At least 102 people have died of bird flu in Indonesia, out of a total of 125 cases reported on the islands of South-East Asia since 2003.

      "The next major advancement in the health of American people will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself"-- John Knowles, Former President of the Rockefeller Foundation


      • #63
        Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

        Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
        From Lampung: report says 2 from the 10 suspect patients positive for bird flu; treated in isolation space; the 8 others remain in observation.

        Penyakit Menular : Dua Warga Panjang Positif Flu Burung

        BANDAR LAMPUNG (Lampost): Dua warga Kampung Batu Suluh, Way Laga, Panjang, Bandar Lampung, positif terinfeksi virus flu burung. Ini merupakan kasus flu burung pertama yang menyerang manusia di Bandar Lampung.

        Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Bandar Lampung dr. Reihana menyebutkan hasil pemeriksaan VCR (uji cairan tenggorokan) yang dilakukan Tim Avian Influenza Rumah Sakit Abdul Moeloek menyatakan dua dari 10 warga Way Laga positif terinfeksi virus flu burung. "Gejala-gejala yang muncul cenderung menunjukkan adanya infeksi virus H5N1," kata Reihana, Kamis (13-3).

        Kedua pasien positif flu burung tersebut, La (20) dan Kt (52), kini harus menjalani perawatan di ruang isolasi RSUAM. "Sedangkan delapan pasien lain masih diobservasi," kata Reihana.

        Sehari sebelumnya, Rabu (12-3), ke-10 pasien tersebut dibawa ke RSUAM karena diduga terjangkit flu burung. Namun, La dan Kt menolak dirujuk dan langsung pulang.

        Perkembangan kemarin, satu lagi warga Batu Suluh dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Pasien baru lain, Bayu (22), warga Jalan Komarudin, Rajabasa. Bayu memiliki riwayat demam setelah kontak dengan ayamnya yang ditemukan mati mendadak. "Tim dokter sedang menunggu hasil uji laboratorium," kata petugas medis RSAM.

        Dengan demikian, pasien suspect flu burung yang dirawat di RSUAM kemarin menjadi 10 orang, sedangkan dua lain dinyatakan positif. Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Lampung, Wiwiek Ekameini belum bisa memastikan apakah flu burung di Banndar Lampung termasuk kategori endemis. "Saya belum bisa memastikan. Tunggu hasil uji laboratorium," kata Wiwiek saat mengunjungi RSUAM, kemarin.

        Di tempat terpisah, Wakil Wali Kota Kherlani mengimbau masyarakat mengikuti arahan petugas kesehatan. "Terlebih kasus pertama flu burung menyerang manusia di Bandar Lampung," ujarnya.

        Sebelumnya, Kasubdin Kesehatan Hewan Dinas Pertanian dan Peternakan Bandar Lampung drh. Sri Suharyati, menyatakan kawasan merah flu burung adalah Panjang, Sukarame, dan Telukbetung Barat. Penetapan itu setelah ditemukan adanya kasus positif flu burung yang menyerang unggas. "Penanganan difokuskan di Panjang. Kecamatan lain juga kami pantau," kata Sri.

        Serangan flu burung di Lampung Timur juga makin meluas. Virus tersebut sebelumnya membunuh ribuan ayam di 18 desa pada 12 kecamatan. Kini serangan meluas ke Desa Negeri Agung, Kecamatan Gunung Pelindung.

        Di desa ini, 200-an ayam mati mendadak. Hingga kemarin, flu burung telah merebak di 20 desa pada 14 kecamatan. n
        Infectious diseases: two Long residents Positive Burung
        Banda Lampung (Lampost): two residents of the Batu Suluh Village, Way Laga, of Panjang, Banda Lampung, positive was infected by the bird flu virus.
        This was the case of first bird flu that attacked humankind in Banda Lampung.
        Kesehatan Banda Lampung Section Head Dr. Reihana named results of the VCR inspection (the test of the throat liquid) that was carried out by the Team of Avian Influenza Rumah Sakit Abdul Moeloek stated two from 10 residents Way Laga positive was infected by the bird flu virus.
        "Signs that emerged tended to show the existence" of the "virus infection H5N1," said Reihana, on Thursday (13-3).
        The two positive patients this bird flu, LA (20) and Kt (52), currently must undergo the maintenance in isolation space of RSUAM. "Sedangkan eight other patients were still being observed," said Reihana.
        The previous day, on Wednesday (12-3), the 10 patients were carried to RSUAM because of being expected terjangkit bird flu.
        However, LA and Kt refused to be reconciled and immediately came home.
        The development yesterday, other the resident of the Suluh Stone was run off with to the hospital.
        The patient just was other, Bayu (22), the resident Street Komarudin, Rajabasa.
        Bayu had the story of the fever after contact with his chicken that was found died suddenly.
        The "team" of the "doctor was waiting for results" of the "laboratory test," said the medical official RSAM.
        Therefore, the patient suspect bird flu that was treated in RSUAM yesterday to 10 people, whereas two other was stated positive.
        Kesehatan Lampung Section Head, Wiwiek Ekameini still could not confirm whether bird flu in Banndar Lampung including the endemic category.
        "I still could not confirm."
        Be waiting for results of the laboratory test, said Wiwiek when visiting RSUAM, yesterday.
        In the place was separated, the Representative of the Guardian of the Kherlani City appealed to the community to follow the official's directive of the health.
        "At first the first case" of "bird flu attacked humankind in Banda Lampung," he said.
        Beforehand, Kasubdin Kesehatan of the Dinas Pertanian Animal and Banda Lampung Livestock Breeding drh.
        Sri Suharyati, stated the red region bird flu was Long, Sukarame, and Telukbetung Barat.
        The determination after being found by the existence of the positive case of bird flu that attacked the poultry.
        The "handling was focussed in Long."
        The other subdistrict was also monitored by us, said Sri.
        The bird flu attack in Lampung Timur also increasingly spread.
        This virus beforehand killed thousands of chickens in 18 villages to 12 subdistricts.
        Currently the attack spreads to the Negeri Agung Village, Kecamatan Gunung Pelindung.
        In this village, in the 200 's the chicken died suddenly.
        Till yesterday, bird flu spread in 20 villages to 14 kecamatan. n


        • #64
          Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

          The patients in Lampung Hospital seem to do OK.

          Number of AI patients in RS Abdul Moeloek Lampung 11 people

          Friday, March 14 2008

          Lampung - The Number Of patients was expected by bird flu that is treated in RSU Abdul Moeloek Banda Lampung till today to 11 people.

          4 among them the resident Way Laga that could refuse and bolt when being treated in the hospital.

          In the meantime one other patient, the man aged the year 22 years had the initials D, came from the Rajabasa Subdistrict.

          From 11 patients, 2 including being stated positive was expected avian influenza (AI) and got the intensive maintenance.

          Both of them respectively Lola (20) and Karniti (42).
          Both of them the resident Way Laga.

          Nevertheless, the Service of Kesehatan Lampung till today does not yet determine the status to this territory, because still was waiting for the report from the Kesehatan Service of the City.

          "It was important that the speed" of the "handling against the patient and the poultry who died."

          Now for the status, did not influence the difference of the treatment with the territory that not endemic, said Kadiskes Lampung Wiwik Ekamaini, on Friday 914/3/2008).

          "Every time we found had the poultry died, slowest our six hours will comb this location, and asked for the local community health centre active to observe the condition" for the "resident," he added.

          In the meantime, the two were suspected of contracting AI was treated in space was separated from nine other patients.

          The "last temperature of the two patients still on the normal temperature, namely 38 and 39.7 levels celcius," said Wiwik


          • #65
            Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

            New Case
            [ I don't understand the "high panic". There have been very few "positive" confirmations of flu burung in Indo. Everyone is testing negative. No worries. This article goes against the grain. Also, this would be the second patient that had TB]
            Map of Cirebon, West Java:
            Map of Sumedang, West Java: {previous case diagnosed with TB: An (33) 3/10.}

            CIREBON, JUMATThe hospital of Gunung Jati Cirebon received one patient who was expected by bird flu, that is Carsim (52), villagers Gebang Kidul Blok Pengampon, Kecamatan Gebang, of Kabupaten Cirebon.

            Casualties could experience protracted stress because of knowing himself flattest the virus avian this influenza.
            According to Dr M Ali Hanafiah SPp the specialist doctor of the lungs in the Hospital Gungung Teak, on Friday (13/3), casualties were for the time being diagnosed as being expected by bird flu, sembari was waiting for results of the blood test that was sent to Jakarta (Balitbangkes).

            However, at this time, the condition for the patient who underwent the maintenance in the isolation space began to improve and stable.
            "Moreover, from results" of the "blood test in the laboratory of RS Gunung Jati, was negative."
            That was seen from the condition trombosit and his leucocytes that were normal.

            But we were still being waiting for results of Jakarta, to definitely and did not make worried the resident, said Dr Ali.
            Because, the community's panic around casualties's house as well as his casualties personally could happen.
            Casualties then experienced stress that was heavy when learning himself was expected flattest bird flu.
            To overcome his psychological pressure, the hospital side also gave therapy as well as psychological counselling in order to calms casualties.
            Acknowledged by Dr Ali, the panic very possibly happened, moreover the resident knew had many chickens that died suddenly casualties's house.
            Was based on the beginning diagnosis, apart from the high panic so as memengaruhi his health, casualties were also stated experienced tuberkolosis the lungs.


            • #66
              Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+



              • #67
                Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

                Commentary at


                • #68
                  Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

                  [Tati dies 6 hours after entering hospital. Sym: Breathless. They didn't put him in ICU. Neneng (48 ) also died, around 6 hours after entering, and was also not put in ICU]

                  After six hours were treated in RSUD Cibabat
                  a patient DBD died

                  CIMAHI -NY. Tati (42), a patient of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) that was treated in RSUD Cibabat Cimahi, on Thursday (13/3) approximately struck 04,30 WIB, died.
                  The resident Kp. Bulan-bulan of RT 01/RW 16 Kec. Cipatat, Kab.
                  Bandung Barat
                  , entered the hospital, on Wednesday (12/3) approximately struck 22,00 WIB.
                  According to the Co-ordinator treated Inap RSUD Cibabat, Susi Nurprahati, yesterday, the patient initially received the maintenance in the intensive care unit (UGD), afterwards was placed in space treated normally in the D Building the floor 3.
                  However not less than 6 hours, casualties died.
                  "result medical when entering the hospital, apart from DBD, casualties then suffered breathless.
                  When entering the hospital, the condition for casualties indeed has provided.
                  However we also did not know definitely, why were casualties placed in the room inap normally, not to ICU, because this the authority and results of the team's medical inspection in UGD," revealed Susi to "GM" in his office, yesterday.
                  Said, the possibility, the cause of the death of casualties was impure DBD, his article casualties were ill breathless.
                  When entering the hospital, trombosit casualties reached 20,000.
                  After being known died, the family, at once brought casualties's body to his house.

                  The similar matter was revealed by one of the patient's families RSUD Cibabat, NY. Neneng (48 ).
                  Since entering maintenance space until dying, casualties indeed did not make themselves aware.[unconscious]
                  At that time, casualties entered the room approximately struck 24,00 WIB. "casualty died around at daybreak.
                  I learned the condition for casualties, because of the room of my child was treated, was neighbouring with the room that was occupied by him.
                  Moreover, I had seen casualties, but he did not realise,
                  " he said.

                  The DBD Patient

                  Was based on the monitoring (GM), the number of patients DBD that was treated till Thursday (13/3), totalling 33 people.
                  Children's numbering patient 10 people and 23 mature patients.
                  As many as 15 people came from the Cimahi City, 10 people from kab.
                  Bandung, 5 people from KBB, and 3 people from Kab. Bandung.

                  In the meantime, parents of the patient DBD, Puteri Andini (13), Entin Fatimah (40) said, although just one day was treated, but the condition for his child has improved.
                  His article, his child did not have difficulty eating and taking medicine, was increased with the infusion liquid.
                  "Previously, Puteri of the high fever for a week. But, his fever fluctuated. Therefore indirectly was brought to the hospital.
                  However in the last two days his fever continued high, therefore immediately was brought to the hospital. Now, rather tolerable," said Enti.
                  According to him in the environment around his house, there was not a single one of his neighbour who was affected by DBD.


                  • #69
                    Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+


                    Was based on the data that was received Lampung Post, since beginning to spread him the case of dengue fever, especially in Pesawaran, was recorded by nine cases in fact caused five residents to die in the Sukadadi Village, Gedongtataan, in fact one among them the child's child, was counted since February to the beginning of last March.
                    Whereas four other sufferers were still being treated in the hospital, three among them precisely happened in the Gedongtataan Subdistrict, the capital of the local regency.
                    Ironically, several DBD cases that happened was not far from the Kesehatan Service office or only contiguous the village, like in the Kutoarjo Village and the Sukaraja Village.


                    • #70
                      Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

                      From West Java, suspect patient, 50 yo; in Bandung Hospital. See also post # 65.

                      A Cirebon resident, West Java, was presumed to be infected by bird flu.

                      Casualties who came from the Gebang Subdistrict, that is now treated intensive in the Daerah Public Hospital of the Jati Mountain, Cirebon.
                      Was like this information that was encompassed by Metro TV in the Udang City, on Friday (14-3).

                      Casualties were 50 years old.

                      He was the reconciliation patient from RSUD Waled.

                      Before entering the hospital, casualties could it was known be involved in contact with the poultry that died suddenly around his house.

                      Expertly the internal disease of RSUD Gunung Jati, Ali Hanafiah said, his side currently still is waiting for results of the example inspection of the patient's blood.
                      Hanifah also admitted to coordinating with RS Hasan Sadikin Bandung as the reconciliation hospital for the bird flu patient.

                      links leads to video too.


                      • #71
                        Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

                        One Resident Cirebon Suspect AI

                        Carsim, 50, villagers Gebang Kulon, Kecamatan Gebang, of Kabupaten Cirebon, was treated intensive in Daerah space of the Public Hospital isolation (RSUD) the Jati Mountain.
                        He was appointed as suspectflu birds because of being ill contracted the illness with the clinical sign similar to the sufferer Avian Influenza (AI) .Saat this the side of RSUD Gunung Jati was waiting for results of the sample test of blood and opus the Carsim nose from Balitbangkes Department of Health, Jakarta that was estimated was received on Monday (17/3).
                        Was based on information that was assembled by SINDO, last Thursday (6/3), Carsim carried out contact with his kept chicken that died suddenly.

                        "At that time, Carsim found his four kept chickens died.
                        Because suspicious diracun, Carsim at once kissed these chickens.
                        Tonight him, Carsim experienced hot high, breathless and vomited again and again,"said M. Daan the Carsim older brother when being met in RSUD-GJ. Dia explained, the next day, belasan the chicken dikampung piaraan Carsim took part in dying suddenly.
                        Suspicious terinveksi the virus H5N1, the family then brought Carsim to the Gebang Community Health Centre.
                        However, because the Community Health Centre did not have adequate equipment, finally Carsim was reconciled to the Waled Hospital.
                        "Begitupun with RS Waled, could not treat Carsim.

                        On Monday (10/3), the hospital side reconciled Carsim here (RSUD Gunung Jati) ," clear he.
                        The lung specialist of RSUD Gunung Jati M. Ali Hanafiah said, was based on the diagnosis, Carsim was appointed as suspect bird flu because of having the story of contact with the kept chicken that died suddenly.

                        Moreover, Carsim showed the sign of the illness sufferer who was caused inveksi the virus H5N1, that is, the high fever, coughs and breathless.
                        He explained, apart from being indicated contracted bird flu, Carsim also it was suspected suffered the TB (Tubercolosis).

                        To the right lungs the patient was met many liquids.
                        'We still could not ascertain the positive patient bird flu or not," flat Ali.
                        Officially Peternakan Kabupaten Cirebon Ali Effendi stressed, results rapid test menunjukan poultries that died suddenly that the bird flu negative.

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                        • #72
                          Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

                          Originally posted by ironorehopper View Post

                          Infectious diseases: two Long residents Positive Bird Flu

                          This was the case of first bird flu that attacked humankind in Banda Lampung.
                          Kesehatan Banda Lampung Section Head Dr. Reihana named results of the VCR inspection (the test of the throat liquid) that was carried out by the Team of Avian Influenza Rumah Sakit Abdul Moeloek stated two from 10 residents Way Laga positive was infected by the bird flu virus.

                          VCR could be PCR : a V and a P are easily mixed up in the Indonesian language.

                          For instance : A province in Indonesian is provinsi or propinsi.


                          • #73
                            Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

                            Originally posted by Dutchy View Post
                            VCR could be PCR : a V and a P are easily mixed up in the Indonesian language.

                            For instance : A province in Indonesian is provinsi or propinsi.
                            Thanks for the corrections. In fact, I decided to do not change VCR to PCR to maintain the text as resulted from TTT. I am grateful for the suggestion I would like to apply next time.


                            • #74
                              Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

                              Originally posted by ironorehopper View Post
                              Thanks for the corrections. In fact, I decided to do not change VCR to PCR to maintain the text as resulted from TTT. I am grateful for the suggestion I would like to apply next time.
                              It was not meant as a correction, only as a possibility.

                              Original Indonesian text says `VCR`too.

                              Thanks for your translations.


                              • #75
                                Re: Indonesia HUMAN Cases - Mar/2/2008+

                                [Two confirmed cases are parent and child]

                                The public hospital of Abdul Muluk Banda Lampung treated 11 patients who it was suspected were attacked by the virus avian influenza.
                                Ten from 11 patients had familial relations and came from the same village.
                                This condition made the Medis Team from the Department of the Jakarta Health immediately descended to the location.
                                They took the sample of blood and the patient's mucus to be tested in the laboratory as the standard material.
                                Actually, the Service of Kesehatan Lampung has sent the sample of blood and the patient's mucus to the Department of the Jakarta Health.
                                The taking came back of the sample of blood and the mucus as the standard.
                                Ten patients who it was suspected suffered the bird flu came from five families from the Batusuluh Atas Village, Kelurahan Way Laga, Kecamatan Panjang, Banda Lampung.
                                Whereas another came from Street Haji Komaruddin, Kecamatan Rajabasa, Banda Lampung.
                                From 11 patients of two including being stated was expected by bird flu.
                                They were Karniti and his child, Lola.
                                Both of them were treated was separated in isolation space.
                                Whereas nine other patients still in the observation stage.
                                According to Chairman Tim Penangulangan Flu Burung Rumah Sakit Umum Abdul Muluk Pad Dilangga, these patients still could not be ascertained suffered bird flu.
                                The hospital side was still being waiting for the laboratory test from the Department of the Health
                                [video available at site]

