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Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 - Feb 25, 2009+

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  • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


    Berita TARAKAN
    Kamis, 18 Desember 2008
    Warga Dihimbau Lebih Waspada
    Desember, 20 Kasus DBD

    Machine translation:
    The news TARAKAN
    on Thursday, December 18 2008
    the Resident was appealed to more Waspada
    in December, 20 DBD cases

    TARAKAN?Kepala Bidang Pemberantasan of the Illness and Lingkungan Dinkes Sanitation (P2KP) the Kesehatan Tarakan Hj Hatini Service appealed to the resident so that more was on the alert against the Dengue Dengue Fever illness (DBD). Because, for the last two months the number of sufferers DBD continued to increase.

    After November then was found by 43 cases (already including 2 people died), in December that just walked the middle of the month has been found by 20 cases.

    ?Jadi the resident it was hoped more was on the alert, because with the condition for the uncertain DBD weather at any time could spread the resident. How him yes through 3M,? Hatini words.

    In the meantime, results of observation in Melati RSUD Space of the number of sufferers DBD that is treated unlike usually only 3-4 patients, but yesterday reached 5-6 patients. One of the patients DBD that till yesterday still was undergoing the maintenance in the hospital was Iyan Lestari.

    The woman 13 years were diagnosed by DBD since Monday (15/12) by the doctor RSUD. Kondisi for his body hot was accompanied by the red emergence of spots on several bodies.

    ?Awal him on Friday (12/12) Lasting only fevers. Frightened of the matter that was not wanted happening finally was supervised to the practice. After taking medicine in (the doctor, Red. ) the practice could be hot him descended, but on Monday (15/12) hot him rose again. Brought again to the practice, after results of the doctor's inspection recommended to immediately be brought to the hospital got the maintenance more intensif,? H Zainuddin words, the Lasting father.

    Chairman RT 4 Lingkas mountains acknowledged in his area since several this Sunday the DBD illness danger.

    ?Sudah had 5 people who were run off with to the hospital because of the sign of DBD. Padahal the activity that was recommended by the government in the Dinkes matter as the work of the service cleaned the good environment in a mass fashion and dilingkungan each one has been stimulated. Moreover abatesasi often was carried out, but the resident continue to there is one that is affected DBD,? he said.

    According to Zainuddin, possibly because of the shortage of the activity fogging in his environment so as the DBD case happened in his area. ?Karena already several months had not been again the activity fogging,? he said. In the place was separated, the Specialist Doctor the Child RSUD Tarakan Dr Franky Sientoro said already the tradition of the rain season of the number of DBD cases experienced the increase. ?Jadi did not have the solution apart from the resident must continue to encourage the work of the service to clean the environment and to increase the program 3M,? tuturnya. (kik)


    • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


      Kasus DPB Turun
      Jumat, 19 Desember 2008 | 11:34 WIB

      Machine translation:
      The case of DPB Turun
      on Friday, December 19 2008 | 11:34 WIB

      Gresik - the Case of Dengue Dengue Fever (DBD) in the Gresik Regency in 2008 descended to 612 cases. Five people including dying, now last year achieved 792 cases, 10 people it was reported died.

      ?Kasus DBD has rather descended, in general that died because of DBD in the age 6-15 tahun,? the Section's headword of the Eradication of the Illness of Dinas Kesehatan Gresik, Adi Winaryo Widodo, on Thursday (18/12).

      Adi said, that ought to be guarded against by the DBD attack happened in December, in January, and in February. Whereas from 18 subdistricts in Gresik, three subdistricts ought to be guarded against by the danger terjangkit DBD, namely the Gresik Subdistrict, Manyar, and Kebomas.

      ?Ini saw the development of the case each tahunn him, this year the case data dB KLB (the Luar Biasa Condition) 119 cases happened in January and in February 147 kasus,? he said.

      Had a basis observation in five hospitals in Gresik, the DBD figure in December did not yet experience the increase. In RS Gresik had one patient in treated, RS Ibnu Sina one, RS Nyi Ageng Winarsih one patient, and RS Muhamadiyah nihil.

      ?Itu just the report today that we received, not yet the data in the Community Health Centre, possibly could more the number of his cases, because usually in the rainy season the DBD case many ditemukan,? he said.

      As far as this is concerned the Kesehatan Service make an effort combatted dB by forming the team of Juru Pemantau Jentik in 10 subdistricts, that were assigned to observe and act if having the report dB in his territory.

      ?Bukan only that, Dinkes also already mensosialisasikan PSN (the Eradication of the Nyamuk Nest) and distributed the allocation 1.000 Kg abate (the allocation in 2008) to each one kecamatan,? Adi's words. (ntr)


      • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


        Rabu, 17 Desember 2008 , 06:59:00
        DBD Renggut 16 Nyawa, Waspadalah!

        Machine translation:
        On Wednesday, December 17 2008, 06:59:00 DBD Renggut 16 lives, Waspadalah!

        PONTIANAK?Masyarakat was asked to be on the alert. The patient of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) continued to increase. Moreover, claimed fatalities. Till December 13 2008, as many as 16 people died because of this illness. Was based on the Kesehatan Service data of the Pontianak City, the patient died most came from the Jawi Luar River district, namely as many as four people. Further in the Parit Tokaya District totalling three people. In the Melayu Darat Continent district as many as two people died. While in keluarahan the Beliung River, Tanjung Hulu, Siantan Hilir, Benua Melayu Laut, Bangka Belitung, Sungai Jawi Dalam, and Siantan Hulu respectively as many as one person died.

        The Head of Sector Penanggulangan of infectious diseases (P2M), Dr Darmanelly, Mkes hoped for the death rate resulting from DBD in 2008 this increased from the year beforehand. In 2007, the number of DBD sufferers totalling 121 people, three among them died. Till December 13 2008, the DBD patient totalling 236 people and 16 people among them died, said Darmanelly in the Kesehatan Service office of the Pontianak City on Tuesday (16/12) the afternoon.

        The most patient came from the Bangkong River district, namely 28 people. In the Beliung River district, the DBD patient totalling 26 people and the Tokaya Ditch 24 people. Whereas the Jawi Dalam River district and Bangka Belitung, as many as 23 people were affected by DBD. Pasien DBD in the Jawi Luar River totalling 22 people and the Jawi River 20 people. The rest of the spread to all the district in the Pontianak City, except Saigon, Batu Layang, Banjar Serasan and Tambelan Sampit.

        This DBD increase was caused by the increase in the rainfall in the Pontianak City, so as many pools of water in the inhabitants's houses.
        This condition made Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes could breed quickly. Although the increase in the DBD case happening, this condition was not yet categorised as the extraordinary incident. Darmanelly revealed the Kesehatan Service also anticipated with did fogging focus, so that the number of patients DBD does not continue to increase. That is, fumigation in the inhabitants's houses. "If having the area that tertular DBD, we immediately did fogging focus," said Darmanelly.

        He warned the community was on the alert. If occupants of the sudden fever house, the headache, the body and the tip of the hands foot cold, the heart upstream of pain, faded, and tired could immediately memeriksakan himself to the doctor. Because this sign was the sign of early DBD.Masyarakat also was asked to drain the place of the storage of water like the bath or the drum a week very much. For places that were difficult to be drained, scattered abate to kill pinched-pinched mosquitoes. Places of the storage of water must be closed by the meeting. "Second-hand things could be given to pemulung or was buried." It is hoped we were avoided from DBD, said Darmanelly. (the union)


        • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


          Jumat, 19 Desember 2008
          11 Bulan, Enam dari 242 Penderita Meninggal

          Machine translation:
          On Friday, December 19 2008
          11 months, six from 242 sufferers died

          The REDEB CAPE - Although the illness of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) was not yet categorised by the extraordinary incident (KLB), but continued to become serious attention of the Berau Regional Government, even his handling was made a level of KLB.
          Hal Ini was seen from several activities, both took the form of the meeting of the co-ordination and counselling to the community.

          On Thursday (18/12) yesterday, the Regional Government again spread out rakor the DBD control in Sekkab meeting space. Rakor this DBD control was led by the Assistant III Sekkab Baharuddin Hasyim, involved all the Subdistrict rank and the District more than one Berau was increased by the heads of the Community Health Centre, Dinas Kesehatan of the City and private enterprise's side. Namely Bankaltim and PT Berau Coal. Results were agreed to, all the agencies, the company and the resident shoulder-embahu carried out the Serentak Movement (the Snarl) 3M and cleaned the environment comprehensively.

          His target covered the housing region, the office complex including schools. ?Peran as well as the community in the matter of this control really quite decisive. Because although although the government make an effort if being not supported, certainly to be difficult to create the clean environment by the awareness of the community and sehat,? firm Baharuddin.

          Said, the only method that was most effective in interrupting the chain of this DBD spread was 3M together, from the community, by the community, and for the community. That became apparatus responsibility of continuing to give the understanding. Both from the aspect of control efforts, and on the occasion of antisifasi the increase in the case.

          ?Untuk that in the Snarl activity, so that respectively the team's member could carry out the task and his function in the field in accordance with the provisions of territory responsibility masing-masing,? he said.

          Baharuddin also said the meeting that was carried out this, was the forum for the activation co-ordination of the community's participation that it was hoped could become the motive motor. This was caused by the eradication of the DBD illness was not yet implemented optimally as a result of several factors. Including the factor that was linked with the existence komitemen political, the understanding, koodinasi, and funding. In fact the movement of the eradication of the DBD mosquitoes nest Was begun since 2006 then.

          From the data an in the Kesehatan Service (Diskes) was seen, the number of DBD sufferers for 11 months totalling 242 people, 6 including dying. The most case in the Tanjung Redeb Subdistrict totalling 129 people, followed Sambaliung 61 people, the Bayur Gulf 16 people, Gunung Tabur 8 people, Full 4 people, Maratua 1 person, Lempake 1 person, the Derawan Island 1 person, and Tubaan 1 person. (bm)


          • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


            Demam Berdarah Mulai Menyerang Kota Serang
            Kamis, 18 Desember 2008 | 01:23 WIB

            Machine translation:
            Dengue fever began to attack the City Serang
            on Thursday, December 18 2008 | 01:23 WIB

            Serang, Kompas - the dengue fever Illness began to attack the Serang City, Banten. For the last one months, already 14 Serang inhabitants who were reported were affected by dengue fever. The number of dengue fever sufferers it was estimated experienced the increase because of the uncertain weather.

            The case of the dengue fever one of them attacked the resident of the Ko- Rem Complex, Desa Cilaku, of Kecamatan Curug, Kota Serang. Two last weeks, totalling 11 residents in the complex were affected by dengue fever.

            According to the resident's information, they were treated in several hospitals in Serang, like the Hospital Ms and the Child (RSIA) Budi Asih, Rumah Sakit Kencana, and the Daerah Public Hospital (RSUD) Serang. ?Sebagian there are those that came home, but the rest were still being that dirawat,? said Izul, one of the residents of the Ko- Rem Complex, on Wednesday (17/12).

            The resident who was affected by the dengue fever lived in RT 02 and RT 03 in RW VIII. Empat including coming from two families that lived in two houses.

            Although already two dengue fever weeks became an epidemic in the housing, fumigation efforts were just carried out on the Wednesday yesterday. That was then carried out on the resident's initiative of housing was helped by the health side Co- Rem Serang. Now separately, Section Head Kesehatan of the City Serang Asep Misbach said, his side has gotten the report about the case of dengue fever that attacked the Ko- Rem Complex.

            Officially Kesehatan of the Serang City memprediksikan the number of dengue fever sufferers in months in the future will continue to improve. His article, for the rain season, the condition for the weather in Banten uncertain. ?Jumlah him the possibility increased because of the condition for the weather that sometimes hot, sometimes rain, not menentu,? he said explained.

            According to the Kesehatan Service data, from six subdistricts in the Serang City of three including being classified as the area of dengue fever of the danger. The three subdistricts were Serang, Curug, and Kasemen in the north Serang coast.

            Three areas became the area of dengue fever of the danger because of the height of the level of the density of the settlement of the inhabitants. Moreover, the environment in the endemic area also more unclean.
            Still often was seen the pool of water, that was the place of the life of Aides mosquitoes aegepty, the cause of dengue fever.

            To prevent the spreading of dengue fever, the Serang Municipal Government will carry out several efforts. Among them counselling against the resident and reminded the importance 3M, that is drained, closed the place of the water reception, and buried things that the possibility could accommodate the rain water. (NTA)


            • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


              Kasus Tewasnya Pasien Demam Berdarah, Pertemuan RSUD dan Keluarga Korban
              Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008

              Machine translation:
              The case of the Death of the Patient Dengue Fever, Pertemuan RSUD and the Korban Family Fail
              on Saturday, December 20 2008

              PAINAN, METRO -- the RSUD Side M. Zein Painan, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan denied charges of medical handling negligence of his side, following Dewi's death alias the Tambaro jet (35) the patient Kampuang Salido Ketek, Nagari Tambang, of the resident's dengue fever of Kecamatan IV Jurai Pessel, on Thursday (18/12).

              Despite, he could be treated for three days since, on Monday (15/12) then. The secretary RSUD M. Zein Painan, drg Asrul in Painan said, the RSUD side denied the existence of medical handling negligence. His side gave the service that was maximal against all the patient including casualties.

              ?Untuk the task of our medical team here, we undertook appropriate protap and the guidance from the doctor in the handling against the patient. Was not possible the existence of handling negligence pasien,? he said. Was related to the death of the patient, said Asrul, the family said the infusion of this patient was finished at night. While this infusion liquid was still being in the tube of the infusion of the patient as many as 200 millilitre.

              And in his schedule will be replaced in his morning. However, the patient's side insisted on carrying out the replacement of the infusion. But, the medical official who was assigned that night to continue to carry out the replacement of the infusion liquid so that the family feels satisfied. ?Menyangkut the death of casualties, that was fate from most powerful. Because, we could not refuse fate that was determined. Because apart from the DBD illness the patient also contracted the illness failed the kidney in accordance with results of information laboraturium,? he stressed.

              He mentioned, according to schedule him casualties's family and the RSUD management will spread out the meeting yesterday. However, the meeting failed to be carried out because terkendala with the activity of the activity at the end this year. Moreover, Director RSUD could not be disturbed at the moment. Added, RSUD was ready to receive casualties's family to explain and give information around the death of the patient. And if the family did not receive him manejemen was prepared to be processed. Because RSUD felt RSUD had not neglected the maintenance of the patient during in treated.

              In the meantime, casualties's uncle Darmis (54) to POSMETRO on Friday (19/12) in Painan said, he was waiting for the call from RSUD Painan. To listen to the explanation as well as responsibility from them in accordance with the report that was given to the Pessel Regional Government, yesterday. ?Namun till at this time struck 15,00 WIB, we did not yet get information from the side of RSUD itu,? he said with the annoyed tone.

              Said, this ought to be questioned back to the side of RSUD. Apakah they considered this problem only played, in fact this was related to the life of humankind. ?Jika indeed was not responded to by the side RSUD M. Zein Painan. We will come back reported this to the Pessel Regional Government and continued him to the route hukum,? he said. (ky)


              • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

                21/12/2008 05:47
                Dozens of Pasien Dirawat Dengue Fever in RS Fatmawati

                The number of dengue fever patients who was treated in the Fatmawati Hospital, Southern Jakarta, till Saturday (20/12), totalling 50 people. Consisted of 39 mature patients and 11 other children. The patient most came from the area that uptil now to endemi dengue fever, like the Cilandak region and Cipete. According to the resident, the cleanliness has been striven for. However, the inhabitants's congestion in this region became the cause of the difficulty of controlling the pool of water that uptil now became the mosquitoes nest aedes aegypti. Since early November set, approximately 150 dengue fever patients were treated in RS Fatmawati. They are currently required to pay the medical treatment cost because of not yet having the statement konsidi the extraordinary incident (KLB) deman bloody to wialayah the Special Capital District of Jakarta. The Jakarta resident who lived in the red or serious zone dengue fever must be on the alert with this illness. The region that including the red zone was, Jakarta Pusat: Cempaka Putih, Kemayoran. Jakarta was North: Kelapa Gading, Koja, the Netting, Tanjung Priok. Southern Jakarta: Cilandak, Jagakarsa, Kebayoran Old, Mampang the Crossroad, Pancoran, the Market on Sunday, Tebet. Jakarta was East:Cakung, Ciracas, Duren Sawit, Matraman.

       Indonesia News Today, menyajikan kabar berita terkini indonesia dan dunia internasional meliputi berita politik hingga hukum dan kriminal


                • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


                  520 Kasus DBD di Banda Aceh, Lima di Antaranya Meninggal Dunia
                  Minggu, 21 Desember 2008 01:07

                  Machine translation:
                  520 DBD cases in Banda Aceh, Lima including dying Dunia on Sunday, December 21 2008 01:07

                  Banda Aceh | the Daily Aceh?Sepanjang in January till November 2008 was recorded by 520 cases of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) in the Banda Aceh City. Lima including dying.

                  Section Head Kesehatan of the Banda Aceh City, Media Yulizar, on Saturday (20/12), said the highest number the DBD sufferer in Banda Aceh was in the Peurada region and Lingke. ?Keseluruhan from January to November was recorded by 520 cases. At this time also has spread to several regions in Banda Aceh like in Ulee Kareng and Lamteh,? he said.

                  Responded to this matter, Kadinskes appealed to the community to maintain the cleanliness of the environment and did 3M that is draining the water basin, closed the place that possibly became the breeding nest mosquitoes, and buried the second-hand thing that could accommodate water.

                  "We will also continue did fogging in several regions in the Banda Aceh City, but because several yesterday rain, the activity must be stopped sementara,? he explained." Moreover, Dinkes also provided the powder abate free to the resident and asked for the community to report to the closest community health centre if knew had the resident who was attacked by DBD.

                  In the meantime, a resident Lamteh, Irfan Gunawan considered the slow government handled this illness. According to him, Dinas Kesehatan ought to have the procedure that was exact to handle DBD, especially when will enter the rainy season.

                  The "government has indeed carried out the DBD socialisation including did fogging (spraying)." No matter what was done that still was not more maximal because fogging only was carried out after being found kasus,? he explained.

                  Said he, Dinkes indeed did fogging, but his side judged that still not all that and not continually. ?Seharus him before DBD happening, the resident's environment especially the serious area the fertile flower mosquitoes must already in-fogging, he added. He explained, at this time three residents Lamteh became casualties DBD and finally attacked Jessika, his nephew. The child was six years old that was stated positive DBD after the laboratory inspection on Friday (19/12). (hrj)


                  • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


                    Minggu, 21 Desember 2008
                    Penanggulangan DBD Belum Optimal

                    Machine translation:
                    On Sunday, December 21 2008
                    the Control DBD Not Yet Optimal

                    The REDEB. Upaya CAPE hard the Berau Regional Government through the Kesehatan Service (Dinkes) to deal with the Dengue Dengue Fever illness (DBD) especially around the Tanjung Redeb Subdistrict that had the case of the DBD illness quite high, through abateisasi, fogging the area and fogging focus including stimulating the socialisation against the community to apply 3 M. (Close, Menguras and accumulated) evidently was considered still was not yet optimal.

                    That was expressed in Rakor Penanggulangan DBD in meeting space of Sekab Berau Street APT Pranoto, on Thursday (18/12) yesterday. "From our observation in the field fogging more ineffective was put into effect if being not accompanied by counselling." Because after all was striven for by the DBD case still the area happened in fact rambahan him increasingly spread, including the Maratua Island Subdistrict that beforehand never terjangkit, in this year was attacked also the DBD case, said the Speaker, Dra Hj Normala M. Kes opposite the participants.

                    Counselling was it was thought most effective to the solution was best for anticipation because factor main so as the DBD case increasingly increased resulting from the weather that always rain. So as because the pattern of the life of the community was more unclean where 3 M. not all that was paid attention to by mosquitoes was easy to breed and spread everywhere. If the community could make accustomed with the pattern of the clean and healthy life then did not have the opportunity or the place for breeding mosquitoes. And the highest case in this year happened in the Tanjung Redeb Subdistrict furthermore the Teluk Bayur Subdistrict afterwards the Gunung Tabur Subdistrict.

                    "Because of this was proclaimed in 2009 came apart from the budget for anticipation take the form of fogging and abateisasi also would dianggarakan for counselling." Moreover especially counselling was asked by the budget to be bigger because of that that was most potent to turn off the proliferation of mosquitoes DBD,"jelas him again.

                    Frankly he added, during 2008 this because of the increase in the DBD case far from the prediction so as the budget that has been allocated experienced the lack made dinkes must put forward his budget came back, although evidently only could be filled by 50 percent and did not have the stipend for the official fogging. "Simply so that the DBD case that to the beginning of December achieved 249 cases not increasingly got further," said Normala.

                    The assistant III, the Berau Baharuddin Hasyim Regional Government represented Regent Berau Drs H Makmur HAPK MM explained the DBD case this 2008 indeed very far increased from the DBD case years beforehand. The example 2006 only happened 171 cases with casualties died 6 cases, 2007 46 the case, died 1 case and 2008 this 249 with casualties died 6 people. "We have faith and believed DBD could be oppressed if the community could together to active share the worked of maintaining the cleanliness" of the "residence environment." And that was main make accustomed in the house applied 3 M. plus that DBD could be eradicated by us, said Baharuddin. (in September)


                    • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


                      Diduga, 5 kecamatan endemi DBD
                      Monday, 22 December 2008 08:15 WIB
                      WASPADA ONLINE

                      Machine translation:
                      Expected, 5 subdistricts endemi DBD
                      on Monday, on December 22 2008 08:15 WIB
                      WASPADA ONLINE

                      Jombang - the DBD Plague (Dengue Dengue Fever) in recent times must be guarded against by his spreading. Many sufferers DBD were rolled over in several community health centres and the hospital. Moreover, five subdistricts in Jombang now still are becoming the area endemi the spreading of the illness resulting from the mosquitoes bite aides aegepty this.

                      But', the sufferer's figure has succeeded in being pressed, because of the pattern' of 'his control we the difference', said Section Head Kesehatan Jombang, Dr Suparyanto MKes, when being contacted via telephoned, this morning.

                      According to Suparyanto, the emphasis of the sufferer's figure has descended as far as 20 percent against the sufferer's figure last December 2007. Although the peak of this illness attack was estimated through to this coming February 2009.

                      As for the pattern of the control that was changed that among them the step in fumigation that was carried out earlier in the area endemi before the case findings of the positive sufferer happening. This step be different from beforehand that carried out fumigation after having the positive case findings.

                      Beside the eradication of the mosquitoes nest (PSN) was periodic by involving the team juru mantik in each village to the endemic area. Every time a week very much, the team jumantik will carry out the inspection to the location of the water reception that became the proliferation nest of mosquitoes aedes aegepty. The community was 'appealed to more was responsive to the presence' of the 'team jumantik this, when must take part in gathering, so that his region is freest from the mosquitoes nest', explained Suparyanto.

                      Almost every day, always had the sufferer DHF just that was given by the intensive maintenance after experienced hot 2-3 days. In the Cukir Community Health Centre for example, at least had six new sufferers who were treated several days. Apart from the resident around, the arrival of the patient with this DHF diagnosis also came from outside the territory like from the Gudo Subdistrict and the Mojowarno Subdistrict.

                      Whereas in Space of Seruni RSD Jombang the sufferer was treated more was dominated by the diarrhoea diagnosis and the cough pilek. Several sufferers DHF that was seen already in the development improved. This was caused by the handling of the sufferer who was enough to be handled in the maintenance community health centre then. Excepting the sufferer who entered the chronic category until needing equipment was more sophisticated.

                      The head of Seruni Space, Munasih, beforehand had delivered when the condition for the sufferer DBD at this time was not too worrying. The level of the sufferer who was given by the intensive maintenance also not too many. (fjr/agg)


                      • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

                        Snip from Jakarta Post; dec 22 2008

                        DENGUE FEVER

                        As of November, Indonesia had recorded 101,646 cases of dengue fever this year, a surprise 32 percent decrease from 149,321 cases in the same period last year, according to the Health Ministry.

                        The incidence rate of the disease, which is typical for tropical urban areas, has thus also declined to about 44 cases per 100,000 people this year from 72 cases per 100,000 people in 2007, while the case fatality ratio has dropped slightly to 0.73 percent from 1 percent last year.

                        This decline, if it is correct and continues until the end of the year, will be the first drop after five consecutive years of rises in the number of cases. Overall, Indonesia has been experiencing an almost consistently rising trend in dengue fever infections since they were first recorded in 1968, when the case fatality ratio was still as high as 40 percent.

                        With the number of cases usually reaching its peak between January and March, it is likely the 2008 figure for dengue fever cases will indeed end up being lower than last year's.

                        The government claims that the drop in dengue fever cases this year is a consequence of its anticipative measures, which include improving epidemiological surveillance, improving the quality of dengue services management, intensifying vector control and providing quick responses to "extraordinary occurrence" cases.

                        But Pandu Riono of the IDI said the drop was very probably due to the cycle in the population growth of Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that is the species vector to dengue fever.

                        During the past 40 years, in about every decade showing a rising trend in cases, there has always been one year with a significant drop.

                        If this drop is indeed part of this cycle, then next year Indonesia will likely see another rise in infections.

                        As well as the disease's cyclic pattern, the threat of global warming could also boost the number of dengue fever cases in the future, as vector mosquitoes will be able to expand their territory to the highlands, which were once too cool for them to survive, but are now growing warmer.

                        There are no data yet to confirm this theory, but the spread of malaria into the Papuan highlands (where malaria had never previously been recorded) provides a good example of the possibility.

                        Former director general for disease control at the Health Ministry, I Nyoman Kandun, said early this year that the temperature increases could shorten the incubation period of the dengue virus in the bodies of both mosquitoes and humans. This could subsequently lead to more vector mosquitoes and, hence, more dengue fever cases.

                        TEST FLIGHT: A man is taken to a makeshift emergency room at Ngurah Rai Airport in Denpasar during an exercise to test the response to a bird flu pandemic
                        "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
                        Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet


                        • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +

                          SEMARANG & SEKITARNYA

                          23 Desember 2008
                          Catatan Akhir Tahun Kota Semarang (2)
                          Rekor Demam Berdarah dan KLB Flu Burung

                          Machine translation:

                          Semarang & SEKITARNYA On December 23 2008 Catatan Akhir Tahun Kota Semarang (2) the Record of Dengue Fever and KLB Flu Burung

                          AT LEAST had two illnesses that received big attention in 2008 in the Semarang City. The two illnesses were dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) and bird flu or Avian influenza (AI).

                          Imagined, the two illnesses recorded ??rekor?? was fantastic enough. For the first time, DBD almost penetrated the figure 5,000 cases in a year and was talked about as that was highest for the last 15 years. Now, also for the first time, bird flu claimed the inhabitants's Semarang casualties. Results of the recapitulation of the Health of the City of the Service (ET AL) Semarang showed, the number of sufferers DBD was recorded by 4,893 people with 17 casualties died. The data was gathered from the hospital and the community health centre that in-update a week very much. Enabled till 2008 to end still had the increase in the DBD case figure, considering update finally was carried out on December 22.

                          The number of DBD cases in 2008 almost twice the data fold 2007, that was recorded ??hanya?? 2,998 cases. Moreover, if compared with the data 2006, the number of DBD cases this year almost three fold times. Nevertheless, the Municipal Government did not determine the KLB status for DBD.

                          One of the of his consideration, the DBD handling was in the Semarang City considered to be relatively good. That could be seen from the low level of the death rate if compared with the number of cases that happened. The death rate 17 people from almost 5,000 cases was counted ??kecil??. As the standard, in 2007 that his case figure was around half years received by 38 casualties died.

                          If DBD not yet to the KLB status, was not like this his matter with bird flu. Coincided with the Kesehatan Nasional Day warning (HKN) the 44, the middle in November then, ET AL determined the KLB status bird flu. The status was appointed to follow the issuing produced by the laboratory inspection of the sample of DS blood (15), suspect bird flu that died. Results of the Laboratory inspection of Litbang Department of Health showed, the resident Street Medoho Iii Kelurahan Siwalan, Kecamatan Gayamsari, positive bird flu.

                          In accordance with the provisions, the KLB status bird flu could be applied like that the case, considering beforehand happened had never had the AI case with casualties died. The status was put into effect for two weeks or twice really the incubation of the bird flu virus.

                          Might not be repeated

                          The DBD phenomenon and bird flu were the big problem for the Semarang City. Secondly that became HOMEWORK that immediately must be completed, to in 2009 no longer the similar condition happened. On the one hand, the behaviour of the community gave the big contribution in the height of the DBD case and bird flu. The awareness of the community to create the clean environment, gave spacious space to Aedes mosquitoes aegypti ?yang became the DBD? virus bearer to breed.

                          The bad habit like sleep in the morning, hanged clothes at random, or allowed tempayan water without the cover, enlarged the DBD opportunity of the case emergence. Kekuranghati-hatian also became one of the factors that had the important contribution in the case emergence of bird flu. The habit left the kept poultry free to roam about or the existence of the chicken abattoir in the middle of the settlement, was one of the examples of the cause factor. At least the two that gave the occurrence opportunity of contact between humankind and the poultry that was attacked by the bird flu virus.

                          Beside the provisions of the medicine that was enough, was good for DBD and bird flu, the socialisation must about the behaviour of the healthy life receive the priority. The Municipal Government was responsible for carrying out enlightenment to the community, so as cases of the deadly illness as DBD and bird flu could be oppressed.

                          Fortunately, in the middle of the bad news about DBD and bird flu, the health field also menorehkan the achievement that be proud of. In pengujung 2008, one of the community health centres in the Semarang City received the ISO 9001-2000, as the acknowledgment of his achievement in producing the first-rate service for the community. The appreciation that was given by Worldwide Quality Assurance (WQA), at least could become the drop of water that calmed. (Achiar M. Permana-37)


                          • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


                            Empat Orang Meninggal Akibat DBD Mewabah
                            Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

                            Machine translation:
                            Four Meninggal Akibat DBD Mewabah people
                            on Tuesday, December 23 2008

                            Pekanbaru (RP) ? Selama in 2008, the case of the dengue fever illness dangue (DBD) in the Pekanbaru City was still high. From the data in the Kesehatan Service (Diskes) Pekanbaru was recorded by as many as 306 people to casualties DBD and four including dying.

                            This number was taken from the data of each available Community Health Centre in Pekanbaru. That not yet including casualties DBD that underwent the maintenance in private hospitals. The DBD case this year indeed happened few declines compared to two years beforehand. As the comparison, in 2006 was 347.

                            The DBD case with fatalities totalling six people. And in 2007, the number of cases decreased to 322 but the number of fatalities increased sharply to 16 people. This year, from 12 subdistricts more than one Pekanbaru, Marporan Damai was the endemic DBD area with the highest case. And Pekanbaru Kota for the case terkecil

                            Kasi Pemberantasan of the Dinas Kesehatan Vector (Diskes) Pekanbaru Hamdani said, still became an epidemic him DBD in Pekanbaru because of the community's indifference towards the surrounding environment. Like, the community still often was throwing away the garbage not to his place.

                            ??Sebenar him the DBD prevention really was easy to be carried out by the community. Be enough to maintain the cleanliness of the environment and to not allow the pool of water, and stockpiled the forum that could accommodate air,?? clear Hamdani to Riau Pos, kemarin. (new)


                            • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


                              Radar Solo
                              [ Selasa, 23 Desember 2008 ]
                              DBD Mulai Merebak Lagi
                              2 Anak Terjangkit, Daerah Endemis Meluas

                              Machine translation:
                              The Solo radar
                              [on Tuesday, December 23 2008]
                              DBD Mulai Merebak Lagi
                              2 children Terjangkit, Daerah Endemis Meluas

                              BOYOLALI-Dua the child was rolled over limp was treated in RSUD Pandan Arang Boyolali yesterday (22/12). They were Bekti Endah, 7, the resident Tegal Rejo RT 05 RW 02, the Teras Subdistrict and Amika, 9,5, the resident Kebonso RT 02 RW 03, Pulisen, Boyolali Kota. Both of them were it was suspected attacked by the virus of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD).

                              Amika, the class student 4 Pulisen primary schools, Boyolali was accompanied by his family around three days ago. Seen from kejala early, the number child of two from two bersuadara this was attacked by the DBD virus very strong. Because of the condition for his body the high fever and from his nose could go out fresh blood. "I was frightened of happening anything, at once was carried by me to the hospital," explained Ismail, 35, the Amika father when being met in the E ward ward yesterday.

                              Departed from the house, the Amika condition still strong went. However, the high fever that was suffered will never disappear made his parents frightened. In the Amika body hospital immediately received first help.

                              The doctor that treated immediately gave the injection invus. Afterwards the doctor also took the sample of Bekti blood in order to knows the virus kind that spread on the Amika body. "My child was positive DBD," added Dasa Eka Putranti, 30, the mother Amika while menunjukan results of the test that was recorded by the doctor.

                              Whereas the DBD virus that was expected merasuk on the Bekti body, currently still was waiting for results of the blood test. The strong Bekti assumption also was affected by the virus of DBD. Sebab, the sign that was caused to resemble the DBD virus, namely the high fever and the condition for the limp body.

                              "His blood test did not yet have results." The possibility also was affected by the DBD virus, said Hastuti, 35, the mother Bekti that was loyal accompanied in the hospital.

                              Section Head Kesehatan (Dinkes) Boyolali Yulianto Prabowo said, the resident must extra be careful towards the plague of the virus of DBD. Sebab, now the bearer's mosquitoes DBD find it easy to creep together with the global impact warming.

                              Global warming according to July, his impact was very extraordinary towards the development of mosquitoes. Because, global warming could change the condition for nature be different from 10-15 years set. "Currently global warming made nature become hot." Nah, hot this facilitated the mosquitoes population. If in the last 10 years his condition was still cold, so as mosquitoes did not find it easy to breed, explained he when being met in his office yesterday.

                              The global reason warming this, the number of endemic territories the DBD virus increased sharply. That originally only 18 endemic villages, currently reached 26 villages. The spreading of these mosquitoes that originally only in the plain, currently has reached in the plateau. "For example the Ampel Subdistrict, Musuk, Cepogo, originally was not yet endemic, currently his status has been endemic." In Boyolali personally 14 subdistricts have from 19 subdistricts been endemic DBD, said he. (the UN/bun)


                              • Re: Dengue fever in Indonesia; July 2007 +


                                Selasa, 23 Desember 2008
                                RUWA JURAI
                                Kasus DBD di Metro Luar Biasa

                                Machine translation:
                                On Tuesday, December 23 2008
                                RUWA JURAI
                                the DBD Case in Metro Extraordinary

                                METRO (Lampost): the Case of the spreading of the illness of dengue fever dengue fever (DBD) in the Metro City to the end of December 2008 very worrying. Why not, all the rooms of the Public Hospital of A. Yani, Kota Metro, were full of the patient.

                                The wealthy person, the resident of the Iringmulyo District, Kecamatan Metro, of Kota Metro, that his child was affected by DBD and entered the Public Hospital of A. Yani, Kota Metro, said to get the room, he must queue.

                                "I must queue to get the room for my child who was affected by DBD," said the Wealthy Person, when being waiting for his child who was treated, on Monday (22-12).

                                The same thing was also experienced by Pandoyo, the resident of the Hadimulyo Barat District, Kecamatan Metro Pusat. Because of receiving information if the room of the hospital was full, his child who just was 7 years old and positive DBD was forced to be treated in the house.

                                "Results" of the "inspection in the Mardi Waluyo Hospital, Metro, my child positive was affected by DBD. Karena HB him was still normal, it was suggested to be treated in the house and treated the road," said Pandoyo, after memeriksakan his child.

                                In the same case, someone of PNS in the Metro City environment, that reluctantly was named by his name, said when he was affected by DBD, was forced to have to be treated in the house. His article, all the available room in RSU A. Yani be full and was again not possible for him to be treated in this RSU.

                                "Because the room was full, I was forced to undergo the maintenance in the house," said he.

                                In relation to the spreading of the DBD illness in the Metro City that was very worrying, Section Head Kesehatan of the Metro Tory Duwet Irianto City acknowledged this matter. "Indeed the DBD spreading in the Metro City to the end of December 2008 increased compared with the year beforehand," said he, when being met, on Monday (22-12).

                                In detail Tory explained to the end of December 2008 637 cases of DBD. Namun happened, that has positive was affected by DBD around 619 people and the rest of them were stated by the negative.

                                Now in the case that was same in 2007 only 501. As efforts in overcoming the spreading of the DBD case, his side carry out fogging focus (fumigation) maximally. From 637 available cases in the Metro City, remained at 26 cases that were not yet affected fogging focus.

                                Especially the DBD case, his side has also provided two community health centres, that is the Banjarsari Community Health Centre and Bantul to be made the place treated inap. That respectively this community health centre had the capacity 10 rooms.

                                However, for the Banjasari Community Health Centre in the Banjarsari District, Kecamatan Metro Utara, had the problem hindrance of light. "In this community health centre light often went out, if used genset not maximal," said Tory. To the patient's family DBD, Tory ask for was patient if must queue to get the room. Although must be treated in RS private enterprise, the government continued to give the lightness in the matter that was linked with administration.

                                For the patient who was treated in RS private enterprise continued to get the free maintenance if using the card gakin. Now for them who were treated in the III class also will receive the lightness biaya. n OGI/D-1

