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Croatia Confirms Avian Flu (HP H5N8) in Dead Wild Swans

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  • Croatia Confirms Avian Flu (HP H5N8) in Dead Wild Swans

    In the area of ​​Vukovar-Srijem County in wild swans was found highly contagious avian influenza (H5N8).

    . As announced Ministry of agriculture, influenza, which is observed in wild swans is highly contagious to birds, but so far not a single case of infection of man.

    In the area of ​​Vukovar-Srijem County (village Cerna) in wild swans was found highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5 N8). The virus belongs to the glow of which has not been found to cause infection in humans.

    Na području Vukovarsko- srijemske ?upanije kod divljih labudova utvrđena je vrlo zarazana? influenca ptica (podtipa H5 N8). Kako je priopćilo Ministarstvo poloprivrede,?influenca koja je zabilje?ena kod dovljih labudova ?izrazito je zarazna za ptice, ali do sada nije zabilje?en ni jedan sl...
    "Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #3
    this time only reports in wild birds, last time (Nov.2014) we had outbreaks in poultry but couldn't easily find
    matching wild birds. Is it the new European routine surveilleance ?

    Schleswig Holstein
    Mecklenburg Vorpommern (Riems !)

    Denmark ?

    "Wir sehen eine Epidemie in der Wildvogelpopulation", sagte Instituts-Pr?sident Thomas C. Mettenleiter
    I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
    my current links: ILI-charts:


    • #4
      Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
      Information received on 10/11/2016 from Dr Tomislav Ki?, Assistant to Minister, Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Zagreb, Croatia
      Report type Immediate notification
      Date of start of the event 30/10/2016
      Date of confirmation of the event 09/11/2016
      Report date 10/11/2016
      Date submitted to OIE 10/11/2016
      Reason for notification New strain of a listed disease in the country
      Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
      Serotype H5N8
      Nature of diagnosis Laboratory (basic), Laboratory (advanced)
      This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
      New outbreaks (1)
      Outbreak 1 River Bidj, Cerje, ?upanja, VUKOVARSKO-SRIJEMSKA
      Date of start of the outbreak 30/10/2016
      Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
      Epidemiological unit Village
      Affected animals
      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
      Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) 10 10 0 0
      Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1
      Total animals affected
      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
      Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) 10 10 0 0
      Outbreak statistics
      Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
      Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) ** ** 100.00% **
      *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
      **Not calculated because of missing information
      Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
      • Unknown or inconclusive
      Epidemiological comments Approximately ten swans died on the river Bidj but only two of them were available for laboratory testing. Organ samples were taken and submitted on 31 October to the Poultry centre of the Croatian Veterinary Institute. Avian influenza - subtype H5N8 was isolated. Nucleotide sequencing at the cleavage site of the hemagglutinin (HA) of the isolate revealed the multiple basic amino acid sequence "RERRRKR/GLF", which is consistent with highly pathogenic avian influenza.
      Control measures
      Measures applied
      • Vaccination prohibited
      • No treatment of affected animals
      Measures to be applied
      • No other measures
      Diagnostic test results
      Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result
      Croatian Veterinary Institute- Poultry Centre (National laboratory) Mute Swan reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 09/11/2016 Positive
      Future Reporting
      The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


      • #5
        La nouvelle surveillance, tu peut ?tre plus pr?cis ?

        en tout cas, vu ceci:

        Cependant, d?s mars 2014, les autorit?s de Cor?e du Sud ont signal? que le virus est apte ? infecter le chien (onze chiens, asymptomatiques, test?s entre le 11 et le 24 mars 2014 ont r?v?l? des anti-corps au H5N8, dans deux fermes (? Cheonan, ? 80 km au sud de S?oul, et ? Buyeo, ? environ 100 km plus au sud)41. Or le chien est proche de l'homme et est consomm? en Cor?e (cynophagie).

        on fait quoi en Europe pour les chiens de chasse etc ?

        Ma version est:

        vu les b?tises faites dans la fili?re canard et au niveau de la surveillance europ?enne depuis 10 ans , notamment au niveau de la circulation des ?ufs ? couver, des canetons et de tous les animaux sur les march?s et soit disant concours, il est ?vident que des bien des r?assortiments ont eu lieu et que d?sormais on va subir un bon moment.

        les lots de volailles ?lev?es en ext?rieur arrivent ? abattoir en ?tant s?rologiquement et virologiquement indemnes en Europe ? ​


        • #6
          The new surveillance, can you be more specific?

          In any case, given this:

          However, as of March 2014, South Korean authorities have reported that the virus is capable of infecting the dog (eleven asymptomatic dogs tested between 11 and 24 March 2014 revealed H5N8 antibody on two farms (At Cheonan, 80 km south of Seoul, and at Buyeo, about 100 km to the south) .41 The dog is close to humans and is consumed in Korea (dogfish).

          What do we do in Europe for hunting dogs etc?

          My version is:

          Given the stupidity in the duck industry and the level of European supervision over the last 10 years, particularly with regard to the circulation of hatching eggs, ducklings and all animals on the markets and so-called competition, it is evident that Many reassortments have taken place and that now we will undergo a good time.

          The out-door poultry lots arrive at the slaughterhouse serologically and virologically free in Europe? In the meantime, 

          I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
          my current links: ILI-charts:


          • #7
            I remember some measures decided after the 2014-outbreak, with exact quotes for the european countries, how many birds they have to sample per month, maybe I can find and post the exact guidelines later. However, this was mainly for hunted ducks etc., routine , detecting suspicious,deseased birds and analysing them is another issue
            I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
            my current links: ILI-charts:


            • #9

              la surveillance doit se sp?cialiser en certains lieux et certains moments d'une part , mais d'autre part on doit stopper les comportements juste indigne de certaines fili?res, couverts par des autorit?s administratives et politiques ? tr?s courte vue .

              pour ?tre concret on a eu droit ? ceci:

              le passage sur l'acc?s ? l'eau et les guides de bonnes prtiques en acc?s payant, montre, en France , un niveau juste inacceptable:

              "De fa?on g?n?rale, peu de mares sont observ?es sur ces parcours. Les experts rappellent que les palmip?des ne doivent pas avoir acc?s ? un plan d?eau sur les parcours comme cela est pr?conis? dans un certain nombre de guides de bonnes pratiques6 "

              Ce qui me semble primordial, c'est que les techniques d'?levage en parcours ext?rieur, quand cela est possible, maitrisent le danger salmonelle: l'indicateur d'hygi?ne de toutes les formes d'?levage. En France , on sera apte ? faire cela dans combien de temps ?

              Au niveau europ?en, il devrait ?tre pris des d?cisions concernant les animaux relach?s pour la chasse: ce me semble des pratiques d'une autre ?poque qui doivent ?tre stopp?es en tous lieux.

              Enfin, un vrai programme de surveillance europ?en devrait imposer des pr?l?vements au niveau de l'outil le plus efficient depuis le d?but de la m?decine v?t?rinaire , c'est ? dire, l?abattoir, avec une vraie enqu?te zootechnique ? chaque r?sultat non n?gatif effectu?e par des personnes neutres...



              • #10
                Merci pour pdf.


                • #11
                  auch-chiemsee-betroffen Erster-Fall-in-Niedersachsen, Landkreis Peine
                  Cospudener See hat die Leipziger Stadtverwaltung
                  Dode watervogels bij Zeewolde besmet met H5N8
                  Dode vogels besmet met H5N8 - Nieuws - Omroep Flevoland
         | H5N8 ? H?rom magyar megy?ben el kell z?rni a baromfit
                  Poland - 1 new outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 ...
                  H5N8 - MSN Duivensport
                  Gefl?gelhalter im Rhein-Kreis Neuss werden gebeten,
                  India (Karnataka) poultry, H5N8
                  Ook vogelgriep H5N8 in Plaswijckpark Rotterdam - WUR
                  Stadt Mannheim
                  Dachau - Aktenzeichen H5N8 ungel?st: Die tote Ente ist weg -
                  Das H5N8-Virus, kam im Sommer durch Zugv?gel ?ber die Mongolei und Russland nach Westen
                  I'm interested in expert panflu damage estimates
                  my current links: ILI-charts:


                  • #12
                    Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
                    Information received on 18/11/2016 from Dr Tomislav Ki?, Assistant to Minister, Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Zagreb, Croatia
                    Report type Follow-up report No. 1
                    Date of start of the event 30/10/2016
                    Date of confirmation of the event 09/11/2016
                    Report date 18/11/2016
                    Date submitted to OIE 18/11/2016
                    Reason for notification New strain of a listed disease in the country
                    Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
                    Serotype H5N8
                    Nature of diagnosis Suspicion, Clinical, Laboratory (basic), Laboratory (advanced), Necropsy
                    This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
                    Related reports Immediate notification (10/11/2016)
                    Follow-up report No. 1 (18/11/2016)
                    New outbreaks (1)
                    Outbreak 1 River Drava- Bijelo Brdo, Bijelo Brdo, Erdut, OSIJECKO-BARANJSKA
                    Date of start of the outbreak 12/11/2016
                    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                    Epidemiological unit Village
                    Affected animals
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
                    Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) 5 5 0 0
                    Affected population Five dead swans were found on the river Drava, near Bijelo Brdo. Organ samples were taken and submitted to the Poultry Centre of the Croatian Veterinary Institute. Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 was isolated.
                    Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1
                    Total animals affected
                    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
                    Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) 5 5 0 0
                    Outbreak statistics
                    Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
                    Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) ** ** 100.00% **
                    *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
                    **Not calculated because of missing information
                    Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
                    • Unknown or inconclusive
                    Epidemiological comments Following control measures for prevention of possible introduction of infection into poultry holdings are applied: - prohibition of exhibitions, fairs and sports competitions for poultry and birds on the entire territory of Croatia, - recommendation to the poultry owners to keep the animals indoors (applied on the entire territory of Croatia) and - ban on keeping poultry outside within 3 km radius where infected wild birds have been found.
                    Control measures
                    Measures applied
                    • Vaccination prohibited
                    • No treatment of affected animals
                    Measures to be applied
                    • No other measures
                    Diagnostic test results
                    Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result
                    Croatian Veterinary Institute - Poultry Centre (National laboratory) Mute Swan real-time PCR 18/11/2016 Positive
                    Future Reporting
                    The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


                    • #13
                      Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
                      Information received on 16/01/2017 from Dr Tomislav Ki?, Assistant to Minister, Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture, Zagreb, Croatia
                      Report type Follow-up report No. 3
                      Date of start of the event 30/10/2016
                      Date of confirmation of the event 09/11/2016
                      Report date 16/01/2017
                      Date submitted to OIE 16/01/2017
                      Reason for notification New strain of a listed disease in the country
                      Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
                      Serotype H5N8
                      Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (basic), Laboratory (advanced)
                      This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
                      Related reports Immediate notification (10/11/2016)
                      Follow-up report No. 1 (18/11/2016)
                      Follow-up report No. 2 (08/12/2016)
                      Follow-up report No. 3 (16/01/2017)
                      New outbreaks (1)
                      Outbreak 1 Jezero Jarun, Jezero Jarun, Grad Zagreb, GRAD ZAGREB
                      Date of start of the outbreak 04/01/2017
                      Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                      Epidemiological unit Village
                      Affected animals
                      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
                      Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) 1 1 0 0
                      Affected population A swan was found dead. HPAI- subtype H5N8 is confirmed.
                      Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1
                      Total animals affected
                      Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
                      Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) 1 1 0 0
                      Outbreak statistics
                      Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
                      Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) ** ** 100.00% **
                      *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
                      **Not calculated because of missing information
                      Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
                      • Unknown or inconclusive
                      Epidemiological comments Following control measures for prevention of possible introduction of infection into poultry holdings are applied: - prohibition of exhibitions, fairs and sports competitions for poultry and birds on the entire territory of Croatia, - recommendation to the poultry owners to keep the animals indoors (applied on the entire territory of Croatia) and - ban on keeping poultry outside within 3 km radius where infected wild birds have been found.
                      Control measures
                      Measures applied
                      • Vaccination prohibited
                      • No treatment of affected animals
                      Measures to be applied
                      • No other measures
                      Diagnostic test results
                      Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result
                      Croatian Veterinary Institute, Poultry Centre (National laboratory) Mute Swan polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 07/01/2017 Positive
                      Future Reporting
                      The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


                      • #14
                        Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
                        Information received on 24/01/2017 from Dr Damir Agičić, Assistant to Minister, Chief Veterinary Officer, Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate, CRO Ministry of Agriculture, ZAGREB, Croatia
                        Report type Follow-up report No. 5
                        Date of start of the event 30/10/2016
                        Date of confirmation of the event 09/11/2016
                        Report date 24/01/2017
                        Date submitted to OIE 24/01/2017
                        Reason for notification New strain of a listed disease in the country
                        Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
                        Serotype H5N8
                        Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (basic), Laboratory (advanced)
                        This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
                        Related reports Immediate notification (10/11/2016)
                        Follow-up report No. 1 (18/11/2016)
                        Follow-up report No. 2 (08/12/2016)
                        Follow-up report No. 3 (16/01/2017)
                        Follow-up report No. 4 (19/01/2017)
                        Follow-up report No. 5 (24/01/2017)
                        New outbreaks (1)
                        Outbreak 1 Muzilovcica, Muzilovcica, Sisak, SISACKO-MOSLAVACKA
                        Date of start of the outbreak 29/12/2016
                        Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                        Epidemiological unit Village
                        Affected animals
                        Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
                        Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) 3 3 0 0
                        Affected population 3 swans were found dead.
                        Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1
                        Total animals affected
                        Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
                        Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) 3 3 0 0
                        Outbreak statistics
                        Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
                        Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) ** ** 100.00% **
                        *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
                        **Not calculated because of missing information
                        Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
                        • Unknown or inconclusive
                        Epidemiological comments Housing of poultry is prescribed to prevent contact between poultry and wild birds.
                        Control measures
                        Measures applied
                        • Vaccination prohibited
                        • No treatment of affected animals
                        Measures to be applied
                        • No other measures
                        Diagnostic test results
                        Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result
                        Croatian Veterinary Instituite, Zagreb- Poultry Centre (National laboratory) Great Cormorant polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 18/01/2017 Positive
                        Croatian Veterinary Instituite, Zagreb- Poultry Centre (National laboratory) Mute Swan polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 19/01/2017 Positive
                        Future Reporting
                        The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


                        • #15
                          Highly pathogenic avian influenza,
                          Information received on 27/01/2017 from Dr Damir Agičić, Assistant to Minister, Chief Veterinary Officer, Veterinary and Food Safety Directorate, CRO Ministry of Agriculture, ZAGREB, Croatia
                          Report type Follow-up report No. 6
                          Date of start of the event 30/10/2016
                          Date of confirmation of the event 09/11/2016
                          Report date 27/01/2017
                          Date submitted to OIE 27/01/2017
                          Reason for notification New strain of a listed disease in the country
                          Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus
                          Serotype H5N8
                          Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (basic), Laboratory (advanced)
                          This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
                          Related reports Immediate notification (10/11/2016)
                          Follow-up report No. 1 (18/11/2016)
                          Follow-up report No. 2 (08/12/2016)
                          Follow-up report No. 3 (16/01/2017)
                          Follow-up report No. 4 (19/01/2017)
                          Follow-up report No. 5 (24/01/2017)
                          Follow-up report No. 6 (27/01/2017)
                          New outbreaks (1)
                          Outbreak 1 Lake Bundek, Lake Bundek, Grad Zagreb, GRAD ZAGREB
                          Date of start of the outbreak 23/01/2017
                          Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                          Epidemiological unit Other
                          Affected animals
                          Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
                          Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) 1 1 0 0
                          Affected population One swan was found dead on the Lake Bundek.
                          Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1
                          Total animals affected
                          Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Destroyed Slaughtered
                          Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) 1 1 0 0
                          Outbreak statistics
                          Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
                          Mute Swan:Cygnus olor(Anatidae) ** ** 100.00% **
                          *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
                          **Not calculated because of missing information
                          Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
                          • Unknown or inconclusive
                          Epidemiological comments Housing of poultry is prescribed to prevent contact between poultry and wild birds.
                          Control measures
                          Measures applied
                          • Vaccination prohibited
                          • No treatment of affected animals
                          Measures to be applied
                          • No other measures
                          Diagnostic test results
                          Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result
                          Croatian Veterinary Institute, Poultry Centre (National laboratory) Mute Swan polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 26/01/2017 Positive
                          Future Reporting
                          The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.

