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Hong Kong: Swine and Seasonal Flu Monitor人類豬型流感及季節性流感直擊 (2009-2010)

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  • #46
    Re: Hong Kong: Swine and Seasonal Flu Monitor人類豬型流感及季節性流感直擊

    Local situation of influenza (as of September 8, 2010)
    本港流感的流行情況 (截至2010年9月8日)

    The latest surveillance data showed that the overall influenza activity (including seasonal influenza and human swine influenza (HSI)) in week 36 (August 29 to September 4, 2010) still remained at a high level.
    最新的監測數據顯示第36週 (二零一零年八月二十九日至九月四日) 整體流感活
    躍程度 (包括季節性流感及人類豬型流感)仍保持在高水平。

    There was one severe HSI case recorded in week 36 (August 29 to September 4, 2010). For the first 4 days of week 37, 2010 (September 5 to 8, 2010), there was one severe HSI cases recorded. Since May 1, 2009, the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) has recorded a total of 297 severe HSI cases. These severe cases included 180 males and 117 females with ages ranged from 30 days to 95 years (median: 51 years).
    第36週 (二零一零年八月二十九日至九月四日) 有1宗人類豬型流感嚴重個案的
    報告。第37週的首4天 (二零一零年九月五日至九月八日)有1宗人類豬型流感嚴重
    的嚴重個案,當中涉及180名男性及117名女性,年齡介乎30日至95歲 (中位數: 51

    In week 36 (August 29 to September 4, 2010), there was no HSI fatal case recorded. On September 8, one HSI fatal case was recorded. CHP has recorded a total of 82 fatal cases since May 1, 2009. They were 57 males and 25 females, with ages ranged from 1 to 95 years (median: 55.5 years).
    第36週 (二零一零年八月二十九日至九月四日) 沒有人類豬型流感死亡個案的報
    及25名女性,年齡介乎1歲至95歲 (中位數: 55.5歲)。


    • #47
      Re: Hong Kong: Swine and Seasonal Flu Monitor人類豬型流感及季節性流感直擊

      Local situation of influenza (as of September 15, 2010)
      本港流感的流行情況 (截至2010年9月15日)

      The latest surveillance data showed that the overall influenza activity (including seasonal influenza and human swine influenza (HSI)) in week 37 (September 5 to 11, 2010) still remained at a high level.
      最新的監測數據顯示第37週 (二零一零年九月五日至十一日) 整體流感活躍程度(包括季節性流感及人類豬型流感)仍保持在高水平。

      There was one severe HSI case recorded in week 37 (September 5 to 11, 2010). Since May 1, 2009, the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) has recorded a total of 297 severe HSI cases. These severe cases included 180 males and 117 females with ages ranging from 30 days to 95 years (median: 51 years). 第37週 (二零一零年九月五日至十一日) 有1宗人類豬型流感嚴重個案的報告。自二零零九年五月一日,衞生防護中心共錄得297宗人類豬型流感的嚴重 個案,當中涉及180名男性及117名女性,年齡介乎30日至95歲 (中位數: 51歲)。

      In week 37 (September 5 to 11, 2010), there was one HSI fatal case recorded. CHP has recorded a total of 82 fatal cases since May 1, 2009. They were 57 males and 25 females, with ages ranging from 1 to 95 years (median: 55.5 years). 第37週 (二零一零年九月五日至十一日) 有1宗人類豬型流感死亡個案的報告。自二零零九年五月一日,衞生防護中心共錄得82宗人類豬型流感的死亡個 案,當中涉及57名男性及25名女性,年齡介乎1歲至95歲 (中位數: 55.5歲)。


      • #48
        Re: Hong Kong: Swine and Seasonal Flu Monitor人類豬型流感及季節性流感直擊

        Local situation of influenza (as of September 22, 2010)
        本港流感的流行情況 (截至2010年9月22日)

        The latest surveillance data showed that the overall influenza activity (including seasonal influenza and human swine influenza (HSI)) in week 38 (September 12 to 18, 2010) still remained at a high level.
        最新的監測數據顯示第38週 (二零一零年九月十二日至十八日) 整體流感活躍程度 (包括季節性流感及人類豬型流感) 仍保持在高水平。

        There was no severe HSI case recorded in week 38 (September 12 to 18, 2010). Since May 1, 2009, the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) has recorded a total of 297 severe HSI cases. These severe cases included 180 males and 117 females with ages ranging from 30 days to 95 years (median: 51 years). 第38週 (二零一零年九月十二日至十八日) 沒有人類豬型流感嚴重個案的報告。自二零零九年五月一日,衞生防護中心共錄得297宗人類豬型流感的嚴重個 案,當中涉及180名男性及117名女性,年齡介乎30日至95歲 (中位數: 51歲)。

        In week 38 (September 12 to 18, 2010), there was no HSI fatal case recorded. CHP has recorded a total of 82 fatal cases since May 1, 2009. They were 57 males and 25 females, with ages ranging from 1 to 95 years (median: 55.5 years). 第38週 (二零一零年九月十二日至十八日) 沒有人類豬型流感死亡個案的報告。自二零零九年五月一日,衞生防護中心共錄得82宗人類豬型流感的死亡個案 ,當中涉及57名男性及25名女性,年齡介乎1歲至95歲 (中位數: 55.5歲)。


        • #49
          Re: Hong Kong: Swine and Seasonal Flu Monitor人類豬型流感及季節性流感直擊

          Local situation of influenza (as of September 29, 2010)
          本港流感的流行情況 (截至2010年9月29日)

          The latest surveillance data showed that the overall influenza activity (including seasonal influenza and human swine influenza (HSI)) in week 39 (September 19 to 25, 2010) still remained at a high level.
          最新的監測數據顯示第39週 (二零一零年九月十九日至二十五日) 整體流感活躍程度 (包括季節性流感及人類豬型流感) 仍保持在高水平。

          There was no new severe HSI case occurring in week 39 (September 19 to 25, 2010). Since May 1, 2009, the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) has recorded a total of 298 severe HSI cases##. These severe cases included 181 males and 117 females with ages ranging from 30 days to 95 years (median: 51 years). 第39週 (二零一零年九月十九日至二十五日) 沒有新的人類豬型流感嚴重個案發生。自二零零九年五月一日,衞生防護中心共錄得298宗人類豬型流感的嚴重 個案##,當中涉及181名男性及117名女性,年齡介乎30日至95歲 (中位數: 51歲)。

          There was no new fatal HSI case occurring in week 39 (September 19 to 25, 2010). CHP has recorded a total of 83 fatal cases## since May 1, 2009. These fatal cases included 58 males and 25 females, with ages ranging from 1 to 95 years (median: 55 years). 第39週 (二零一零年九月十九日至二十五日) 沒有新的人類豬型流感死亡個案發生。自二零零九年五月一日,衞生防護中心共錄得83宗人類豬型流感的死亡個 案##。當中涉及58名男性及25名女性,年齡介乎1歲至95歲 (中位數: 55歲)。

          ## A fatal HSI case, affecting a 54 years old man who died on October 9, 2009, was reported, making a total of 298 severe cases and 83 fatal cases.
          本中心最近收到一宗人類豬型流感死亡個案報告,涉及一名54歲男子,他於二零零九年十月九日死亡。嚴重個案 總數及死亡個案總數因而分別更改為298宗及83宗。

