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China - Government says rumor offenders should be required to publicly apologize and punishment announced - May 9, 2020

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  • China - Government says rumor offenders should be required to publicly apologize and punishment announced - May 9, 2020

    "The first time to come out to fight rumors requires professionalism." Zhang Hao, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, suggested that the government should organize experts to help the team, through authoritative release, authoritative response, authoritative verification, etc., to enable the masses to obtain authoritative repelling information in a timely manner and truly be accurate The role of recognizing rumors, authorizing rumors, multi-terminal three-dimensional communication, and guarding against the advance of the gate.

    At the same time, Zhang Hao suggested that after establishing a tracking mechanism to clarify the truth, the offenders who requested the information should be required to publicly apologize and the law enforcement agency should announce the results of the punishment and eliminate the adverse social impact. The news media should follow up in time, report the processing results, and satisfy the public's right to know.

  • #2
    What happens when someone wants to read the entire official Chinese procedure that brought one of their researchers to jail ?

    Asking to read is not criticizing the work done by your justice?

    The communist nation’s rules for these repulsive markets, of course, are lax and often unenforced or ignored. Live rats, snakes, and other wildlife, including the animals that were the source of SARS, and even “recycled lab animals” that had been used as test subjects by Chinese researchers, have been reported as being bought and sold for food at these markets.


    • #3
      Coronavirus : La Chine soutient une ?valuation par l’OMS de ? la r?ponse mondiale ? ? l’?pid?mie

      Ce qui est demand? par la chine sera , c'est s?r. Mais si cela peut suffire ? une partie des chinois, cela ne satisfait pas du tout, tous les autres, qui ont et vont souffrir de ce qui est. En d'autres termes la communication politique des instances chinoises est une communication, peut ?tre, positive pour les populations chinoises, mais totalement destructrice, pour les autres populations du monde .

      Pour ceux, comme moi, qui pensent que la Chine doit ?tre bien autre chose, c'est affligeant. Marquer, de mauvaise mani?re, l'inconscient collectif de x peuples, cela a un co?t ... Pour donner un exemple ni am?ricain, ni europ?en, ni africain, que pensent les russes de ce qui se passent ?

      Pour ?tre plus concret, m?me si cela est faux, vu son fonctionnement interne , la Chine se comporte, vis ? vis des autres non pas comme un pion blanc ou noir ( Go ) mais r?ve d'?tre la Reine ou le Roi . Le concept ONE HEALTH , sugg?re l'usage de ce concept : h?t?rarchie . Si ce concept ? pu sembler ?tre la Chine, ce ne me semble pas les chinois du moment ...

      Make science evolve into a One Health approach to improve health and security: a white paper

      Quand il a ?t? sugg?r?, ? la Chine, de mettre en oeuvre le concept ONE HEALTH , en respectant et les march?s humides et sa pharmacop?e, ce qu'elle fait d?j?, un peu, cela a ?t? bien autre chose ...

      What China is asking will be for sure. But if that can be enough for a part of the Chinese, it does not satisfy at all, all the others, who have and will suffer from what is. In other words, the political communication of the Chinese authorities is a communication, perhaps, positive for the Chinese populations, but totally destructive, for the other populations of the world.

      For those like me who think that China must be something else, this is distressing. To mark, in a bad way, the collective unconscious of x peoples, that has a cost ... To give an example neither American, nor European, nor African, what do the Russians think of what is happening?

      To be more concrete, even if this is false, given its internal functioning, China behaves towards other people not like a white or black pawn (Go) but dreams of being the Queen or the King. The ONE HEALTH concept suggests the concept: heterarchy. If this concept could seem to be China, it does not seem to me the Chinese of the moment ...

      Make science evolve into a One Health approach to improve health and security: a white paper

      When it was suggested to China to implement the ONE HEALTH concept, while respecting the wet markets and its pharmacopoeia, which it already does, a little, it was something else entirely ...


      • #4
        Bien que la source exacte du virus reste incertaine, le Dr Zhong Nanshan, principal ?pid?miologiste chinois, a affirm? en janvier que l’?pid?mie pourrait ?tre li?e ? la consommation de rats ou de blaireaux en bambou.

