YANGON, June 19 (Xinhua) -- Three people have died of H1N1, influenza virus, so far in Myanmar's Yangon region, Dr. Thar Tun Kyaw, an official from the Ministry of Health and Sports told Xinhua on Wednesday.
The three reported deaths were from Yangon General Hospital and two other hospitals in North Okkalapa and Insein townships, respectively.
"A total of eight cases of such virus infections have been detected nationwide after testing specimen as of June 14 and those three deaths were included in the list," he added.
The three reported deaths were from Yangon General Hospital and two other hospitals in North Okkalapa and Insein townships, respectively.
"A total of eight cases of such virus infections have been detected nationwide after testing specimen as of June 14 and those three deaths were included in the list," he added.