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China - African Swine Fever 2018-19

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  • China - African Swine Fever 2018-19


    Third African Swine Fever Outbreak In A Month, China's Hog Herd Infected
    A total of 615 hogs have been infected since August 15 with swine fever in Lianyungang, where authorities have banned hogs related products.
    World | Reuters | Updated: August 19, 2018 13:11 IST


    China's Ministry of Agriculture today said hogs had died from African swine fever in the eastern city of Lianyungang, the third outbreak this month, as the highly-contagious disease threatened to spread through the world's biggest pig herd.

    A total of 615 hogs have been infected since August 15 with the swine fever in Lianyungang, in Jiangsu province, where authorities have banned the movement of hogs, related products and animals that are easily infected both into and outside the affected area, the ministry said...

  • #2
    African swine fever,
    China (People's Rep. of)
    Information received on 19/08/2018 from Dr Zhang Zhongqui, Director General , China Animal Disease Control Centre, Veterinary Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China (People's Rep. of)
    Report type Immediate notification
    Date of start of the event 15/08/2018
    Date of confirmation of the event 19/08/2018
    Report date 19/08/2018
    Date submitted to OIE 19/08/2018
    Reason for notification First occurrence of a listed disease
    Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
    Causal agent African swine fever virus
    Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (advanced)
    This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
    New outbreaks (1)
    Outbreak 1 Baofu Village, Haizhou District, Lianyungang, Jiangsu
    Date of start of the outbreak 15/08/2018
    Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
    Epidemiological unit Farm
    Affected animals
    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
    Swine 615 615 88 527 0
    Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1
    Total animals affected
    Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
    Swine 615 615 88 527 0
    Outbreak statistics
    Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
    Swine 100.00% 14.31% 14.31% 100.00%
    *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
    Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
    • Unknown or inconclusive
    Epidemiological comments After the African swine fever (ASF) outbreak, a supervision work group was promptly dispatched to the Jiangsu Province by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Strict blockade, disinfection, killing and disposal of the animals and relevant contaminated materials, and movement control measures were conducted in the farm. The local government launched the African swine fever contingency plan and emergency response according to the Standards & Protocols for ASF. All live pigs and animal products were prohibited to enter and exit the area.
    Control measures
    Measures applied
    • Movement control inside the country
    • Surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone
    • Screening
    • Traceability
    • Quarantine
    • Official destruction of animal products
    • Official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste
    • Stamping out
    • Zoning
    • Disinfection
    • Vaccination permitted (if a vaccine exists)
    • No treatment of affected animals
    Measures to be applied
    • No other measures
    Diagnostic test results
    Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result
    China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center, National Research center for exotic animal diseases (National laboratory) Swine real-time PCR 19/08/2018 Positive
    Future Reporting
    The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


    See also:

    China - 2 outbreaks of African swine fever in farms in Liaoning and Henan provinces
    Last edited by Pathfinder; August 31, 2018, 08:47 AM. Reason: added link


    • #3
      la communication de crise du premier groupe por?in mondial, ne me semble pas ? la hauteur du probl?me :

      c'est le troisi?me cas, et aucune explication, ? ce stade ...


      • #4
        "Chaque ann?e, la Chine produit 500 millions de porcs, dont 40 % dans de petites fermes familiales ne comptant parfois qu?un ou deux cochons. Le pays pourrait donc constituer un r?servoir de virus tr?s important si la PPA s?y implantait"
        De plus, les d?tritus ou les eaux grasses des avions, bateaux ou restaurants sont souvent utilis?s dans les ?levages porcins chinois (le premier foyer a ?t? d?ailleurs attribu? par les autorit?s chinoises ? une contamination par des eaux grasses).



        • #5
          il faut changer le titre vu ceci :

          La province du Zhejiang signale une épidémie de peste porcine africaine ---Une épidémie de peste porcine africaine a été découverte dans la ville de Wenzhou, de la province chinoise du Zhejiang (est), a annoncé jeudi le ministère de l'Agriculture et des Affaires rurales.

          la cause est connue:
          c'est l'organisation d'une comp?tition sportive, ? l'?thique plus que douteuse, dans un pays, ? haut risque connu, sans une vraie information de tous, d'une part et d'autre part, la mise en place de proc?dures pertinentes...

          Ce risque avait ?t? pris en compte partiellement en Europe , mais son ?v?nement en Chine , cela va avoir des impacts financiers consid?rable . Les organisateurs de cette manifestaion donc :

          devraient ?tre responsabilis?s financi?rement vu tout ce qu'ils n'ont pas fait ...


          • #6

            New outbreak shows African swine fever moving south through China?s pig farms
            Latest outbreak is more than 2,000km from the original infection site with worries growing about its rapid spread through the world?s largest herd
            PUBLISHED : Thursday, 23 August, 2018, 4:00pm
            UPDATED : Thursday, 23 August, 2018, 9:10pm

            More than 400 pigs have been infected and the disease has now entered Zhejiang province, more than 2,000km from where it was first reported.

            The infection has killed 340 hogs on three farms in Wenzhou, in eastern Zhejiang province, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said in a statement...


            • #7
              African swine fever,
              China (People's Rep. of)
              Information received on 23/08/2018 from Dr Zhang Zhongqui, Director General , China Animal Disease Control Centre, Veterinary Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China (People's Rep. of)
              Report type Immediate notification
              Date of start of the event 17/08/2018
              Date of confirmation of the event 22/08/2018
              Report date 23/08/2018
              Date submitted to OIE 23/08/2018
              Reason for notification First occurrence of a listed disease
              Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
              Causal agent African swine fever virus
              Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (advanced)
              This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
              New outbreaks (1)
              Outbreak 1 Zhang ao Village, Yueqing, Wenzhou, Zhejiang
              Date of start of the outbreak 17/08/2018
              Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
              Epidemiological unit Farm
              Affected animals
              Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
              Swine 430 430 340 90 0
              Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1
              Total animals affected
              Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
              Swine 430 430 340 90 0
              Outbreak statistics
              Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
              Swine 100.00% 79.07% 79.07% 100.00%
              *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
              Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
              • Unknown or inconclusive
              Epidemiological comments After the ASF outbreak, Supervision work group was promptly dispatched to the Zhejiang Province by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Strict blockade, disinfection, killed and disposed of the animal and relevant contaminated materials, movement control measures were conducted in the farm. The local government launched the African swine fever contingency plan and emergency response according to the Standard & Protocol for African swine fever. All live pigs and animal products were prohibited to enter and exit the area.
              Control measures
              Measures applied
              • Movement control inside the country
              • Surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone
              • Screening
              • Traceability
              • Quarantine
              • Official destruction of animal products
              • Official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste
              • Stamping out
              • Zoning
              • Disinfection
              • Vaccination permitted (if a vaccine exists)
              • No treatment of affected animals
              Measures to be applied
              • No other measures
              Diagnostic test results
              Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result
              China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center, National Research center for exotic animal diseases (National laboratory) Swine real-time PCR 22/08/2018 Positive
              Future Reporting
              The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


              • #8

                "Because the disease is now present in at least four provinces, the likelihood of more ASF reports is a certainty."

                The virus that causes ASF is hardy and has been shown to remain infectious at least 30 days in uninhabited pig pens, over four months in pork products, including salted dried hams, and indefinitely in frozen pig carcasses The hardiness of this virus, along with the fact it is found throughout the pig as well as its feces and saliva, means these leaps of the disease across large distances are possible


                • #9
                  Outbreak of African swine fever threatens to spread from China to other Asian countries

                  FAO urges regional collaboration including stronger monitoring and preparedness measures

                  There is no effective vaccine to protect swine from the disease.

                  28 August 2018, Rome/Bangkok - The rapid onset of African Swine Fever (ASF) in China, and its detection in areas more than one thousand kilometres apart within the country, could mean the deadly pig virus may spread to other Asian countries anytime, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) warned today.
                  There is no effective vaccine to protect swine from the disease. And, while the disease poses no direct threat to human health, outbreaks can be devastating with the most virulent forms lethal in 100 percent of infected animals.
                  So far, in efforts to control the spread of the disease, Chinese authorities have culled more than 24,000 pigs in four provinces. China is a major pig producing country and accounts for approximately half the global population of swine, estimated at 500 million. Its value chain involves a very large and wide range of producers from small family holdings to large-scale commercial operators.
                  While this is not the first time African Swine Fever has been detected outside of Africa - outbreaks in Europe and the Americas date back to the 1960s - its detection and diverse geographical spread of the outbreaks in China have raised fears that the disease will move across borders to neighbouring countries of Southeast Asia or the Korean Peninsula where trade and consumption of pork products is also high.
                  A robust virus with a long life
                  The ASF virus is very hardy and can survive long periods in very cold and very hot weather, and even in dried or cured pork products. The strain detected in China is similar to one that infected pigs in eastern Russia in 2017 but, so far, and while the investigations continue, the China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center has found no conclusive evidence of this latest outbreak's source or linkages.
                  "The movement of pig products can spread diseases quickly and, as in this case of African Swine Fever, it's likely that the movement of such products, rather than live pigs, has caused the spread of the virus to other parts of China," explained Juan Lubroth, FAO's Chief Veterinarian.
                  FAO's Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) is communicating closely with authorities in China to monitor the situation and to respond effectively to the outbreak inside the country, as well as with authorities in neighbouring countries, to raise the importance of preparedness to respond to the threat of further spread.
                  "FAO began working with China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs a few years ago and, together, we have set up an ASF contingency plan and developed diagnostic capacity," said Wantanee Kalpravidh, FAO-ECTAD's regional coordinator. "We have also jointly developed a Field Epidemiology Training Programme for Veterinarians which aims to strengthen epidemiological investigation, disease situation tracking, risk assessment and emergency preparedness."
                  The immediate response to this outbreak will be to stamp it out as quickly as possible, Kalpravidh added. However, a complete restriction in the movement of animal and pork products could undermine those efforts, FAO warned, as it could lead to illegal methods of transportation.
                  Response systems in place - action underway
                  "Outbreaks such as this one are important reminders to us all that we must work together in a multi-lateral and inter-governmental effort to prevent and respond to outbreaks of animal diseases because these diseases know no borders," said Kundhavi Kadiresan, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific. "Good communication and coordination with the region's private sector is essential to strengthen cooperation in ASF prevention and control," she added.



                  • #10
                    la Chine d?couvre, par cela, et le cas ci-dessous, les bonheurs de la mondialisation:
                    le document O.I.E:

                    Morve ,Chine (R?p. pop. de)

                    Information re?ue le 26/08/2018 de Dr Zhang Zhongqui, Director General , China Animal Disease Control Centre, Veterinary Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, Chine (R?p. pop. de)

                    Type de rapport Notification imm?diate
                    Date de d?but de l??v?nement 10/08/2018
                    Date de confirmation de l??v?nement 23/08/2018
                    Date du rapport 26/08/2018
                    Date d'envoi ? l'OIE 26/08/2018
                    Raison de notification Apparition pour la premi?re fois d?une maladie list?e par l'OIE dans le pays
                    Agent causal Burkholderia mallei
                    Nature du diagnostic Clinique, Tests ?l?mentaires en laboratoire (i.e. parasitologie, bact?riologie, mycologie, histopathologie), Tests approfondis en laboratoire (i.e. virologie, microscopie ?lectronique, biologie mol?culaire, immunologie)
                    Cet ?v?nement se rapporte ? une zone d?finie ? l'int?rieur du pays
                    Nouveaux foyers

                    R?capitulatif des foyers Nombre total de foyers : 1
                    Localisation du foyer
                    • Chongking ( Club ?questre, Jiulongpo District, Chongking )
                    Nombre total d'animaux atteints
                    Esp?ce(s) Sensibles Cas Morts Mis ? mort et ?limin?s Abattus
                    Equid?s 17 17 1 16 0
                    Statistiques sur le foyer
                    Esp?ce(s) Taux de morbidit? apparent Taux de mortalit? apparent Taux de l?talit? apparent Proportion d'animaux sensibles perdus*
                    Equid?s 100.00% 5.88% 5.88% 100.00%
                    * Soustraits de la population sensible suite ? la mort, ? l?abattage et/ou ? la destruction;

                    Source du/des foyer(s) ou origine de l?infection
                    • Inconnue ou incertaine
                    Autres renseignements ?pid?miologiques / Commentaires Cet ?v?nement a ?t? d?tect? dans un club ?questre par le Centre local de lutte contre les maladies animales.
                    Mesures de lutte

                    Mesures de lutte appliqu?es
                    • Surveillance ? l?int?rieur de la zone de confinement ou de protection
                    • D?pistage
                    • Quarantaine
                    • Destruction officielle de tous les produits d'origine animale
                    • Destruction officielle des carcasses, des sous-produits et des d?chets
                    • Abattage sanitaire
                    • Zonage
                    • D?sinfection
                    • Vaccination autoris?e (si un vaccin existe)
                    • Aucun traitement des animaux atteints
                    Mesures ? appliquer
                    • Aucune autre mesure
                    R?sultats des tests de diagnostics

                    Nom du laboratoire et type Laboratoire national de r?f?rence pour la morve ( Laboratoire national )
                    Tests et r?sultats
                    Esp?ce(s) Test Date du test R?sultat
                    Equid?s PCR (amplification g?nomique en cha?ne par polym?rase) 23/08/2018 Positif
                    Equid?s s?quen?age du g?ne 23/08/2018 Positif
                    Rapports futurs

                    Cet ?v?nement se poursuit. Des rapports de suivi hebdomadaires devront ?tre envoy?s.

                    le pathog?ne : Pr?sence mondiale [ modifier ]

                    B. mallei a ?t? ?radiqu? aux ?tats-Unis et dans la plupart des pays occidentaux, mais affecte toujours les animaux en Afrique, en Asie, au Moyen-Orient, en Am?rique centrale et en Am?rique du Sud. [4] De nombreux pays occidentaux ont pu ?liminer la maladie gr?ce ? des programmes de lutte contre la morve et ? des lois exigeant la notification des cas d'infection aux services de sant? et la destruction de tout animal atteint de B. mallei



                    • #11

                      East China province reports outbreak of African swine fever
                      Source: Xinhua| 2018-08-30 23:56:52|Editor: yan

                      BEIJING, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- An outbreak of African swine fever has been discovered in the city of Wuhu, east China's Anhui Province, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said Thursday.

                      Pigs were found dead from unknown causes on a farm in Nanling County in Wuhu when local authorities were checking for African swine fever Wednesday. On Thursday, the case was confirmed as an African swine fever outbreak, the ministry said.

                      Among the 459 pigs on the farm, 185 have so far been affected and 80 have died...


                      • #12
                        Translation google

                        An African swine fever epidemic occurred in Nanling County, Wuhu City, Anhui Province

                        Date: 2018-08-30 20:23 Author: Source: Agriculture and Rural Department of Public Information Office [font: Da Zhong small ] Print
                        NEEDHAM, Massachusetts, the Department of Agriculture Office of Rural 8 Yue 30 released, Nanling County, Wuhu City, Anhui Province occurred in pig disease African swine fever.

                        8 Yue 29 Ri , Anhui Province, animal husbandry and veterinary departments in the conduct of African swine fever outbreak investigation found Wuhu City Nanling County farm pigs died of unknown causes. On August 30th , it was diagnosed as an African swine fever epidemic by the China Center for Animal Health and Epidemiology (National Center for Animal Diseases Research) . The field coexisted 459 pigs , and as of now, there are 185 cases and 80 deaths .

                        After the outbreak, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs immediately dispatched a steering group to Anhui Province. The local authorities have started the emergency response mechanism according to the requirements, and adopted measures such as blockade, culling, harmless treatment, disinfection, etc., and have culled 379 hair sick pigs and the same group of pigs. All the sick and culled pigs have been harmlessly treated. . At the same time, all live pigs and susceptible animals and products are prohibited from entering or leaving the blockade . At present, the epidemic has been effectively disposed of.


                        Han Changfu emphasized the
                        resolute implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council in the video conference on the prevention and control of animal diseases such as African swine fever, and made a
                        concerted effort to win the fight against African pigs.

                        Date: 2018-08-31 17:01 Author: Source: Agriculture and Rural Department of Public Information Office [font: Da Zhong small ] Print

                        NEEDHAM, Massachusetts 8 Yue 31 days, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Organization to convene a national African swine fever and other animal epidemic prevention and control of video conferencing, learning to convey the spirit of the important instructions of the central leading comrades, African swine fever and other animal disease prevention and control work to re-deploy mobilization . Han Changfu, director of the Central Agricultural Office and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, stressed at the meeting that all relevant departments should resolutely implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, further improve their ideological understanding, pay close attention to measures, clarify local responsibilities, and improve multi-sector joint prevention and control. The mechanism, work together to win the fight against African pigs, and fully guarantee the production safety, meat supply and social stability of the aquaculture industry.

                        The meeting held that the current situation of prevention and control of pig swines in China is complicated and severe. All localities and departments must firmly establish risk awareness and bottom line thinking, fully understand the seriousness of the hog epidemic situation in Africa and the urgency, arduousness and complexity of prevention and control work. Strictly implement various prevention and control measures, and focus on the implementation of key measures such as supervision and regulation of live pig transportation, monitoring and investigation, epidemic situation report, epidemic situation disposal, and investigation of epidemic source. It is necessary to strengthen the supervision of catering enterprises, and require them to purchase qualified pork products from formal channels, and collect and dispose of kitchen waste as required. It is forbidden to use pig water without high temperature treatment to feed pigs to prevent the spread of the epidemic.

                        The meeting pointed out that local people's governments at all levels should take overall responsibility for the prevention and control work in the region, strengthen organizational leadership, and compact the responsibility for prevention and control step by step. It is necessary to organize and mobilize all relevant departments and the whole society, strengthen measures linkage and work security, and pay close attention to the implementation of prevention and control measures. All relevant departments must firmly establish a sense of the overall situation, and each should do their part and cooperate with each other to form a joint force for prevention and control. It is necessary to supervise and guide the production and management entities to raise the awareness of epidemic prevention and implement the main responsibility of the epidemic prevention.

                        The meeting stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the prevention and control of epidemic diseases and industrial development, and strive to complete the task of ensuring supply, ensuring industry and ensuring safety. All localities must conscientiously implement the "food basket" mayor responsibility system, strengthen the production support of pigs, strengthen epidemic prevention management, and fully protect the basic production capacity of the pig industry. Accelerate the effective connection between the main sales area and the main production areas, make overall use of the slaughtering capacity, strengthen market supervision, and ensure adequate supply of meat.

                        The meeting also deployed major animal diseases such as highly pathogenic avian influenza and foot-and-mouth disease, as well as prevention and control of zoonotic diseases such as anthrax.

                        Yu Kangzhen, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, presided over the meeting. The responsible comrades of the Ministry of Transport, the General Administration of Customs, the General Administration of Market Supervision and the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau put forward specific requirements for the work related to this system. The responsible comrades of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Health and Health Commission, the Banking Regulatory Commission, the National Civil Aviation Administration, the State Post Bureau, the Central Military Commission Logistics Support Department and the China Railway Corporation and other units attended the meeting at the main venue.


                        • #13
                          African swine fever,
                          China (People's Rep. of)
                          Information received on 31/08/2018 from Dr Zhang Zhongqui, Director General , China Animal Disease Control Centre, Veterinary Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, China (People's Rep. of)
                          Report type Immediate notification
                          Date of start of the event 17/08/2018
                          Date of confirmation of the event 30/08/2018
                          Report date 31/08/2018
                          Date submitted to OIE 31/08/2018
                          Reason for notification First occurrence of a listed disease
                          Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
                          Causal agent African swine fever virus
                          Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (advanced)
                          This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
                          New outbreaks (1)
                          Outbreak 1 Yanhe Village, Nanling, Wuhu, Anhui
                          Date of start of the outbreak 17/08/2018
                          Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                          Epidemiological unit Farm
                          Affected animals
                          Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                          Swine 459 185 80 379 0
                          Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 1
                          Total animals affected
                          Species Susceptible Cases Deaths Killed and disposed of Slaughtered
                          Swine 459 185 80 379 0
                          Outbreak statistics
                          Species Apparent morbidity rate Apparent mortality rate Apparent case fatality rate Proportion susceptible animals lost*
                          Swine 40.31% 17.43% 43.24% 100.00%
                          *Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter
                          Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
                          • Unknown or inconclusive
                          Epidemiological comments After the first African swine fever outbreak, supervision workgroup was promptly dispatched to the Anhui Province by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Blockade, disinfection, stamping out of the animals, destruction of relevant contaminated materials and restriction of movement measures were conducted in the farm. The local government launched the African swine fever contingency plan and emergency response according to the Standard & Protocol for African swine fever. All live pigs and animal products were prohibited to enter and exit the area.
                          Control measures
                          Measures applied
                          • Movement control inside the country
                          • Surveillance outside containment and/or protection zone
                          • Screening
                          • Traceability
                          • Quarantine
                          • Official destruction of animal products
                          • Official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste
                          • Stamping out
                          • Zoning
                          • Disinfection
                          • Vaccination permitted (if a vaccine exists)
                          • No treatment of affected animals
                          Measures to be applied
                          • No other measures
                          Diagnostic test results
                          Laboratory name and type Species Test Test date Result
                          China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center, National Research center for exotic animal diseases (National laboratory) Swine polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 30/08/2018 Positive
                          China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center, National Research center for exotic animal diseases (National laboratory) Swine real-time PCR 30/08/2018 Positive
                          Future Reporting
                          The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.


                          • #14
                            La Chine a indiqu? que l'?pid?mie de peste porcine africaine avait touch? cinq provinces, mais que la situation ?tait g?n?ralement sous contr?le dans le pays, a d?clar? dimanche le minist?re chinois de l'Agriculture et des Affaires rurales.


                            • #15

                              China confirms sixth African swine fever outbreak in the country
                              02 Sep 2018 06:55PM

                              BEIJING: China's Ministry of Agriculture said on Sunday that 134 hogs had died from African swine fever in Xuancheng city of eastern Anhui province, bringing the total number of outbreaks in China over the past month to six.

                              Xuancheng city is around 70 km (45 miles) southeast of Wuhu city, where another African swine fever case in Anhui was reported last week...

