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Burundi - Media report of a child who died presented with hemorrhagic symptoms - tests pending, ex- DRC - May 4, 2024 - gov denies any hemorragic disease - ebola test negative

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  • Burundi - Media report of a child who died presented with hemorrhagic symptoms - tests pending, ex- DRC - May 4, 2024 - gov denies any hemorragic disease - ebola test negative

    hat tip @MarionKoopmans

    Bujumbura: alert at Kamenge military hospital after the death of a Congolese child presenting symptoms resembling those of the Ebola virus

    Officials at this hospital located in the north of the commercial city Bujumbura have taken protective measures but employees say that "we need to be more vigilant even if the nurses show no signs of the disease." The child died on Thursday May 2. (SOS Media Burundi)
    The patient was between 7 and 8 years old. She was from neighboring Congo, medical sources at the Kamenge military hospital told SOS Médias Burundi. She died right after being admitted to this hospital.
    “The symptoms the little girl presented were bleeding from the nose and anus. That’s why we were afraid,” our sources say.
    The patient was seen in the emergency department of the pediatrics of the health establishment. At least five people, including nurses, were in direct contact with her. They were quarantined for a few hours. The buildings housing the department concerned and its surroundings have been disinfected and cleaned.
    “The people in question were sent home. Tests were carried out but it was found that there were insufficient reagents. The results are expected next Tuesday,” indicate our sources, who add that “even though we were afraid, the nurses had no symptoms of Ebola virus disease.”
    According to a nurse, the mother of the deceased is receiving preventive care. Our sources say the child had been kept at home since March 25, the day he started showing these signs.
    In Burundi, no case linked to the deadly virus has ever been declared by health authorities.

    But since 2020, epidemiological surveillance services have been installed at the border posts of the small East African nation. Health workers have been deployed at borders to screen patients to isolate passengers who show signs of contagious diseases including Ebola and COVID-19.

    SOS Médias Burundi - Bujumbura : alerte à l'hôpital militaire de Kamenge après la mort d’un enfant congolais présentant les symptômes ressemblant à ceux du virus Ebola Les 13-14 Mai 2015 : le pluralisme des médias vole en éclat. Depuis on vous propose l'actualité du Burundi, de la sous régions et des camps des réfugies.

  • #3
    MAY 5, 2024

    May 5, 2024. Alert in Burundi due to a possible case of Ebola in Bujumbura

    Alert in the military hospital in Kamenge, Burundi , after the death of an 8-year-old Congolese boy on May 2 who presented symptoms similar to those of the Ebola virus .

    Those responsible for the hospital located in the north of the commercial city of Bujumbura have taken protective measures.

    In Burundi, health authorities have never declared any cases related to the deadly virus.



    • #4

      Bujumbura: Fear after death of child with Ebola-like symptoms

      Posted on 05/05/2024 10:55

      Officials at the military hospital in Kamenge, north of the commercial city of Bujumbura, have taken precautionary measures but staff say "we need to be more vigilant even though the nurses are not showing any symptoms." On Thursday, April 2, he contracted what is believed to be the Ebola epidemic.
      The patient was between 7 and 8 years old. He was from the neighboring country of Congo, according to medical information from the Kamenge military hospital that reached SOS Médias Burundi thanks to this story. He died as soon as he entered the hospital.
      “The symptoms the little girl showed were bleeding from the nose and the groin. That's why we were afraid. ”

      The patient was admitted to the hospital, where they treat children. At least five people, including nurses, are with him. They were put in quarantine for a few hours. The buildings in which the department is located and the surrounding area were immediately cleaned.
      “The people in question were sent home. The tests were done but the results are expected next Tuesday," said the spokesperson to this newspaper, adding that "despite our fears, the patients did not have any symptoms of Ebola virus disease. ”
      The nurse says that the deceased's mother is being cared for. The source said that the child was at home since March 25, the day he started showing these symptoms.
      In Burundi, no case related to the deadly virus has been reported by the health authorities.



      • #5

        #URGENT No Ebola in Burundi - nevertheless the Ministry of Health confirms that a 9-year-old Congolese patient with signs resembling haemorrhagic syndrome was received at the Military Hospital of #Bujumbura on 02/04/2024. She succumbed to the disease.​

        Iris News (fr)
        #URGENT Pas d'Ébola au #Burundi - néanmoins le Ministère de la Santé confirme qu'une patiente congolaise de 9 ans présentant des signes ressemblant au syndrome hémorragique à été reçue à l'Hôpital Militaire de #Bujumbura le 02/04/2024. Elle a succombé à la maladie.​
        Last edited by sharon sanders; May 6, 2024, 07:30 PM. Reason: format


        • #6

          Iris News (fr)
          Replying to
          Selon la ministre Lyduine Baradahana, L'Hôpital Militaire a respecté le protocole de la
          en faisant des prélèvements pour analyse au laboratoire. "A ce stade, il ne s'agit pas d'#Ebola ni d'une autre maladie hémorragique", a-t-elle déclaré​

          Iris News (en)




          Replying to


          According to Minister Lyduine Baradahana, the Military Hospital has respected the protocol of the


          By taking samples for analysis in the laboratory. "At this stage, it is not Ebola or another haemorrhagic disease," she said​
          Last edited by sharon sanders; May 6, 2024, 07:30 PM.


          • #7
            "We cannot say that the virus #Ebola or any other contagious disease entered at #Burundi . We are awaiting the results of the blood analysis of the patient who died at
            this 05/02/2024", informs Minister Lyduine Baradahana (
            ) this 04/06/2024 during a press conference, in response to recent rumors which stipulate that an Ebola epidemic has broken out in Burundi following to the death of a patient from #RDCongo , presenting symptoms of Ebola​



            • #8
              Text and image translated from French by Google

              Ministry of Public Health Burundi (MSPLS)@mspls_bdi

              Burundi This afternoon of 06/05, the Minister of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS, Dr #Lydwine €BARADAHANA released a press release following rumors circulating on social networks in relation to a self -called case of Ebola in
              @MairieBuja @NtareHouse

              Click image for larger version

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              • #9
                SOS Médias Burundi
                #Bujumbura : no cases of virus disease #Ebola detected. Results of a suspected case of Ebola virus disease are released this Friday. And people who have been in direct contact with him have been told that they are negative. The tests were done in #Ouganda

                #Bujumbura : pas de cas de maladie à virus #Ebola détecté. Les résultats d'un cas suspect de la maladie à virus Ebola sont publiés ce vendredi. Et il a été signifié aux personnes qui ont été en contact direct avec lui qu'ils sont négatifs. Les tests ont été faits en #Ouganda
                Translated from French by
                #Bujumbura : no cases of virus disease #Ebola detected. Results of a suspected case of Ebola virus disease are released this Friday. And people who have been in direct contact with him have been told that they are negative. The tests were done in #Ouganda



                • #10
                  Translation Google​

                  Complex Humanitarian Crisis and Epidemics - Democratic Republic of Congo: Situation Report Week No 19 (from May 6 to 12, 2024)

                  Format Situation Report Source WHO Posted 29 May 2024 Originally published 29 May 2024

                  Epidemiological situation:

                  ▪ Alert of a suspected case of EVD notified in Burundi on May 4, 2024. This case
                  came from the Uvira ZS in the province of South Kivu. After analysis at
                  laboratory, the case came back negative for Ebola virus.

