8 persons infected with Legionella at sports club bath, Yokohama city
<iframe width="150" height="150" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.co.jp/maps?hl=ja&vpsrc=6&sll=35.431178,139.55570 5&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&brcurrent=3,0x601 85a15eb2d48c9:0x5b29fba75669739d,0&ie=UTF8& ;t=h&ll=35.431154,139.555753&spn=0.000656, 0.000799&z=18&output=embed"></iframe><br...
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makoto started a topic Japan - 8 persons infected with Legionella at sports club bath, Yokohama cityin JapanJapan - 8 persons infected with Legionella at sports club bath, Yokohama city
Japan - O148 mass infection in Yamanashi, Kanagawa prefectures
O148 mass infection in Yamanashi, Kanagawa prefectures
Food service and support services
Aim Services Co., Ltd.
http://www.aimservices.co.jp/en/index.html english page
cafeterias of Aim Services were ordered to suspend...
makoto started a topic Japan - tuberculosis mass infection in Yokohama city crisis management section, 26 fire department personnels infectedin TuberculosisJapan - tuberculosis mass infection in Yokohama city crisis management section, 26 fire department personnels infected
20 Jun., publicly announced
26 fire department personnels infected with TB
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Japan - Escherichia coli(O111 or O157) in Toyama prefecture
29 Apr., Toyama prefecture announced
Escherichia coli O111 or O157 at 2 Yakiniku restaurants
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J Virol. Association of Increased Pathogenicity of Asian H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Chickens with Highly Efficient Viral Replication Accompanied by Early Destruction of Innate Immune Responses.
J Virol. 2009 May 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Association of Increased Pathogenicity of Asian H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Chickens with Highly Efficient Viral Replication Accompanied by Early Destruction of Innate Immune...