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166 results in 0.0481 seconds.
Calcium May Play a Role in Chronic Lung Infections
Study finds association between some inhaled corticosteroids and pneumonia in COPD patients
If pneumonia is the "old man's friend", should it be prevented by vaccination? An ethical analysis.
Air pollution and hospital admissions for the elderly in Detroit, Michigan (causal relationship to pneumonia admissions suggested)
PA: Man ends up on ECMO after parrot bite
This might not have been related to the parrot bite at all, but it was a new parrot in the household. The story doesn't say whether or not it was an imported bird or how it was housed prior to bringing it home.
He was very lucky his wife...
Hong Kong, Patient with respiratory symptoms and travel history under CHP investigation (May 13 2014): Stable w/ pneumonia, traveled via Doha
[Source: Centre for Health Protection, Hong Kong PRC SAR, full page: (LINK).]
Patient with respiratory symptoms and travel history under CHP investigation
The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the...
Hong Kong, Two patients with respiratory symptoms and travel history test negative for MERS-CoV (May 5 2014)
[Source: Centre for Health Protection, Hong Kong PRC SAR, full page: (LINK).]
Two patients with respiratory symptoms and travel history test negative for MERS-CoV
The Centre for Health Protection (CHP)...
Crit Care. Impact of prior statin therapy on the outcome of patients with suspected ventilator-associated pneumonia: an observational study.
[Source: US National Library of Medicine, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Crit Care. 2014 Apr 28;18(2):R83. [Epub ahead of print]
Impact of prior statin therapy on the outcome of patients with suspected...
Wkly Epidemiol Rec. Severe atypical pneumonia outbreak associated with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Egypt, 2013?2014 season
[Source: World Health Organization, Weekly Epidemiological Record, full PDF document: (LINK). Edited.]
Weekly epidemiological record / Relev? ?pid?miologique hebdomadaire - 18 APRIL 2014, 89th year / 18 AVRIL 2014, 89e ann?e,...
PLoS ONE. Association of Radiologic Findings with Mortality in Patients with Avian Influenza H7N9 Pneumonia
[Source: PLoS ONE, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Open Access / Peer-Reviewed / Research Article
Association of Radiologic Findings with Mortality in Patients with Avian Influenza H7N9 Pneumonia
Giuseppe started a topic Epidemiological update: Measles on a cruise ship, 21 March 2014 (ECDC, March 25 2014): 1 case w/pneumonia in ICU; 2 MeaslesEpidemiological update: Measles on a cruise ship, 21 March 2014 (ECDC, March 25 2014): 1 case w/pneumonia in ICU; 2 HCWs.
[Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), full page: (LINK).]
Epidemiological update: Measles on a cruise ship, 21 March 2014
25 Mar 2014
A measles outbreak was declared on...
Chest. Ventilator-associated pneumonia during weaning from mechanical ventilation: role of fluid management
[Source: Chest, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Original Research | March 20, 2014
Ventilator-associated pneumonia during weaning from mechanical ventilation: role of fluid management
Study of etiologic agents & outcome determinants of community-acquired pneumonia in urban children finds wood smoke exposure is a strong risk factor for mortality
Chest. Emergence of Community-Acquired Adenovirus Type 55 as a Cause of Community-Onset Pneumonia
[Source: Chest, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Original Research: Chest Infections | January 2014
Emergence of Community-Acquired Adenovirus Type 55 as a Cause of Community-Onset PneumoniaHuman Adenovirus...