02 Mar., Iwate prefecture announces
genetic test was positive for avian influenza virus
Takizawa, Iwate district, Iwate pref 39.791919,141.072421
*4 small farms(under 30 birds)within a radius of 3 km, no mortality...
No announcement yet.
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7 results in 0.0392 seconds.
Japan - H7N1 Avian influenza from dead duck in Iwate prefecture
Japan - First PM 2.5 contamination checks
First PM 2.5 contamination checks
Japan's Environment Ministry has revealed the results of its first survey of atmospheric contamination by ultra-small particles which cause respiratory and circulatory diseases. A majority of the tested...
Japan - Protected crested ibis attacked in the wild
Protected crested ibis attacked in the wild
A Japanese crested ibis that was released into the wild by the government in 2009 has been injured, apparently after being attacked by a raptor, the Ministry of the Environment has announced....
Japan - NOT - Avian influenza from dead swan in Miyagi prefecture
5 Jan., Miyagi prefecture announces
genetic test was positive for avian influenza virus
Ichinojo, Toyomuro, Kakuda city, Miyagi prefecture 37.967664,140.74988
*19 farms within a radius of 10 km, no massive fatalities...
Japan - Late-night sales to be banned at pet shops
Late-night sales to be banned at pet shops
The Environment Ministry will prohibit pet shops from displaying and selling puppies and kittens after 8 p.m. as early as June, because lack of sleep is harmful to young animals' health, sources...
Japan - Dead tundra swan in Shimane prefecture confirmed positive for H5N2
dead tundra swan was A positive by NIES' genetic test
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Japan - Japan to Set Up Fund to Combat Bird Flu
Japan to Set Up Fund to Combat Bird Flu
Tokyo, Nov. 5 (Jiji Press)--Japan's Environment Ministry plans to establish a fund in fiscal 2012 to enable flexible spending on various steps that should be taken in case highly pathogenic avian...