dead tundra swan was A positive by NIES' genetic test
<iframe width="170" height="170" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" urrent=3,0x355654725b6f068b:0x2ca746b736ad034b,0,0 x355654725cb49985:0x9fd3546b43c46ff&ll=35.5715 06,133.229892&spn=0.002967,0.003648&z=16&a mp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href=" urrent=3,0x355654725b6f068b:0x2ca746b736ad034b,0,0 x355654725cb49985:0x9fd3546b43c46ff&ll=35.5715 06,133.229892&spn=0.002967,0.003648&z=16&a mp;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">shichirui port</a></small> Mihonoseki town, Matsue city, Shimane pref
Shichirui port
shimane pref website
*No farm within a radius of 3 km
7 Nov.,
AM 10:30, an inhabitant of Mihonoseki found tundra swan in Shichirui port, Matsue city
eastern Shimane forestry development centre officer collected tundra swan
simple test was negative
8 Nov.,
specimens transferred to National Institute for Environmental Studies "NIES"
10 Nov.,
tundra swan was A positive
specimens transferred to Tottori University
PM 20:30, Matsue city held an emergency meeting
and Shimane prefecture held a crisis management liaison conference
press release %2Fpress.asp%3Fpub_year%3D2011%26pub_month%3D11%26 pub_day%3D10%26press_cd%3DEF552D33-19F7-408F-88AD-0D6611E416A8&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=
pdf press release
nhk news
yomiuri online
mainichi jp
asahi com
1st bird flu case in season confirmed in Shimane Pref.
MATSUE (Kyodo) -- Avian influenza infection has been confirmed in a dead tundra swan collected in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, the first such confirmation in the country this season, the Shimane prefectural government said Thursday.
why H5N1? why modification?
the result is not up yet.....
<iframe width="170" height="170" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=" urrent=3,0x355654725b6f068b:0x2ca746b736ad034b,0,0 x355654725cb49985:0x9fd3546b43c46ff&ll=35.5715 06,133.229892&spn=0.002967,0.003648&z=16&a mp;output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href=" urrent=3,0x355654725b6f068b:0x2ca746b736ad034b,0,0 x355654725cb49985:0x9fd3546b43c46ff&ll=35.5715 06,133.229892&spn=0.002967,0.003648&z=16&a mp;source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">shichirui port</a></small> Mihonoseki town, Matsue city, Shimane pref
Shichirui port
*No farm within a radius of 3 km
7 Nov.,
AM 10:30, an inhabitant of Mihonoseki found tundra swan in Shichirui port, Matsue city
eastern Shimane forestry development centre officer collected tundra swan
simple test was negative
8 Nov.,
specimens transferred to National Institute for Environmental Studies "NIES"
10 Nov.,
tundra swan was A positive
specimens transferred to Tottori University
PM 20:30, Matsue city held an emergency meeting
and Shimane prefecture held a crisis management liaison conference
press release %2Fpress.asp%3Fpub_year%3D2011%26pub_month%3D11%26 pub_day%3D10%26press_cd%3DEF552D33-19F7-408F-88AD-0D6611E416A8&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=
pdf press release
nhk news
yomiuri online
mainichi jp
asahi com
1st bird flu case in season confirmed in Shimane Pref.
MATSUE (Kyodo) -- Avian influenza infection has been confirmed in a dead tundra swan collected in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, the first such confirmation in the country this season, the Shimane prefectural government said Thursday.
why H5N1? why modification?
the result is not up yet.....