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Getting a flu shot every year? More may not be better
Study: Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system
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Scientists find rare group of children who are naturally immune to malaria
Maybe this knowledge could also lead to an antibody based treatment....
Paraguay: 'Mysterious' epidemic kills recently-contacted tribe members one by one
I think it's a form of genocide to be forcing this tribe out of the forest. Some countries afford more protection to endangered non-humans.
Evolutionary Psychiatry: Zinc! An Antidepressant?
Emily started a topic Lethal influenza virus A H1N1 infection in two relatives with autosomal dominant GATA-2 deficiencyin ImmunityLethal influenza virus A H1N1 infection in two relatives with autosomal dominant GATA-2 deficiency
Texas - Seasonal flu 2013/2014 (other than Dallas or Houston areas)
Local Health Officials Warn Of Aggressive Flu
By: Rachel Cox
(December 19, 2013) Health officials...
Emily started a topic Study finds lower risk of head and neck cancers among patients with greater numbers of dental carriesin CancerStudy finds lower risk of head and neck cancers among patients with greater numbers of dental carries
Another thread about cancer-fighting pathogens:
Tests show woman?s brain cancer responds to new poliovirus treatment at Duke
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How poxviruses evolve rapidly despite low mutation rate
(this describes a most unique pathogen defese system - it actually expands its genome!)
New research led by Dr. Harmit Malik of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has uncovered how poxviruses evolve to rapidly adapt against host defenses...
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Measles virus clearance
[Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Measles virus clearance [Microbiology]...
Lin, W.-H. W., Kouyos, R. D., Adams, R. J., Grenfell,
CIDRAP NEWS SCAN: Waning pertussis immunity, new virus in ducks
NEWS SCAN: Waning pertussis immunity, new virus in ducks
Mar 19, 2012
Study: Pertussis immunity not long-lived in vaccinated...
Giuseppe started a topic Nature Med. Preexisting influenza-specific CD4+ T cells correlate with disease protection against influenza challenge in humansin ImmunityNature Med. Preexisting influenza-specific CD4+ T cells correlate with disease protection against influenza challenge in humans
[Source: Nature, full text. (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Preexisting influenza-specific CD4<SUP>+</SUP> T cells correlate with disease protection against influenza challenge in humans...