[Source: JAMA, full page: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Viewpoint | February 24, 2014
Critically Ill Patients With Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Virus Infection in 2014
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JAMA. Critically Ill Patients With Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Virus Infection in 2014
Chest. Obesity and Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients
[Source: Chest, full text: (LINK). Abstract, edited.]
Obesity and Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients...
Martino, J. L., Stapleton, R. D., Wang, M., Day, A. G., Cahill, N. E., Dixon, A. E., Suratt, B. T., Heyland,
Hospital ICUs strained
H1N1 Strains Intensive Care Units
Intensive-care units are being strained, hospital officials said Thursday morning,...
FrenchieGirl started a topic Brazil - "Hospital began to see some cases many weird, strange cases like never seen in my life"in BrazilBrazil - "Hospital began to see some cases many weird, strange cases like never seen in my life"
[Google Translation]
14/08/2009 - 19:59 - Updated 14/08/2009 - 22:20
The progress of the pandemic press hospitals and health system
While the swine influenza vaccine is not enough, the number of patients...
FrenchieGirl started a topic Australia - Northern Territory - 7 swine flu patients in intensive carein AustraliaAustralia - Northern Territory - 7 swine flu patients in intensive care
Seven swine flu patients in intensive care
By Phoebe Stewart
Posted 1 hour 49 minutes ago
Updated 1 hour 48 minutes ago
There are seven people with swine flu in the Royal Darwin Hospital's intensive...
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. Intensive-Care Patients With Severe Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection --- Michigan, June 2009
Intensive-Care Patients With Severe Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection --- Michigan, June 2009 (MMWR, edited)
July 10, 2009 / 58(Dispatch);1-4...
Intensive-Care Patients With Severe Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection ---