[Source: Guangdong Province Department of Health, full page in Chinese: (LINK). Automatic translation from Chinese.]
Guangdong Province reported one new case of human infection with avian influenza virus H7N9
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H7N9 Cases April 2, 2014 (confirmed cases: 2, confirmed deaths: 2) (suspected cases: 0, suspected deaths:0)
Guangdong Province reported one new case of human infection with avian influenza virus H7N9 (DoH, April 2 2014, edited)
[Source: Guangdong Province Department of Health, full page in Chinese: (LINK). Automatic translation from Chinese.]
Guangdong Province reported one new case of human infection with avian influenza virus H7N9
OIE- Highly pathogenic avian influenza, China (People's Rep. of) Follow up report 1- One new Outbreak - Hubei )
World Animal Health Information System
Highly pathogenic avian influenza,China (People's Rep. of)
Information received on 13/01/2014 from Dr Zhang Zhongqui, Director General , China Animal Disease Control Centre, Veterinary...
China, Hubei: Dead pigs floating on river (China News, August 5 2013)
[Source: China News, full page in Chinese: (LINK). Automatic translation. Footage available on source site.]
China, Hubei: Dead pigs floating on river
Published: at 16:45 on August 5, 2013 Source: China News Network...
Section of China high-speed rail collapses (Channel News Asia, March 12 2012)
[Source: Channel NewsAsia, full text: (LINK).]
Section of China high-speed rail collapses...
12 March 2012
BEIJING: A section of a new high-speed railway in central China's Hubei province
WHO - Avian influenza ? situation in China
WHO - Avian influenza ? situation in China
[Source: World Health Organization, <cite cite="http://www.who.int/csr/don/2010_06_08/en/index.html">WHO | Avian influenza ? situation in China</cite>.]
Hong Kong: Notification of a human case of avian flu in Hubei (6/4/10)
Hong Kong: Notification of a human case of avian flu in Hubei (6/4/10)
[Source: Centre for Health Protection, Hong Kong PRC SAR, View Original Article.]
The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health...
A/H5N1 - CINA (dal 2010)
Cina Centrale, caso umano fatale di influenza aviaria A/H5N1 (fonte Xinhua, adattato)
[Fonte: Xinhua, <cite cite="http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2010-06/04/c_13334086.htm">Central China reports...
- Stuck