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gripe x

  • gsgs
    started a topic wave 2

    wave 2

    wikipedia has 37700 cases in USA, my updates see above

    new upate from Mexico, 2nd wave, 16.July:

    assume 4 months between waves, until immunity weakens again
    (as in 1918) this implies widespread...
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  • Gert van der Hoek
    started a topic Laos - Cases - 56

    Laos - Cases - 56

    Laos confirms first three cases of new flu

    25 Jun 2009

    Source: Reuters

    BANGKOK, June 25 (Reuters) - Laos and the World Health Organization confirmed on Thursday the communist country's first three cases of...
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  • pablomorgan
    started a topic Costa Rica - Cases - 560 - Dead - 15

    Costa Rica - Cases - 560 - Dead - 15

    Health experts were investigating a case of the virus jumping from a person to pigs, trying to determine if the disease was reaching a new stage.

    Hong Kong kept 350 people under quarantine in a hotel as a precaution even though no new...
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