Clin Chest Med

. 2023 Jun;44(2):435-449.
doi: 10.1016/j.ccm.2022.11.020. Epub 2022 Nov 24.
Lessons Learned from a Global Perspective of Coronavirus Disease-2019

Viren Kaul 1 , Japjot Chahal 2 , Isaac N Schrarstzhaupt 3 , Heike Geduld 4 , Yinzhong Shen 5 , Maurizio H Cecconi 6 , Andre M Siqueira 7 , Melissa M Markoski 8 , Leticia Kawano-Dourado 9



Coronavirus disease-2019 has impacted the world globally. Countries and health care organizations across the globe responded to this unprecedented public health crisis in a varied manner in terms of public health and social measures, vaccination development and rollout, the conduct of research, developments of therapeutics, sharing of information, and in how they continue to deal with the widespread aftermath. This article reviews the various elements of the global response to the pandemic, focusing on the lessons learned and strategies to consider during future pandemics.

Keywords: COVID-19; Global spread; Lessons learned; Resource allocation; SARS-CoV-2; Socioeconomic status.