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Generation and maintenance of human memory cells during viral infection.

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  • Generation and maintenance of human memory cells during viral infection.

    I'm very sorry for the format but it would be easyer to check for the complete article in PDF format.
    Anyway the text is here if you want to copy some part of it.

    What do influence the immune memory ? they talk about that.


    Generation and maintenance of human memory cells during viral infection.-PDF complete article.

    Page 1
    Typical immune responses lead to the prominent clonal
    expansion of antigen-specific T cells followed by their
    differentiation into effector cells. Most effector cells die at the
    end of the immune response but some of the responding cells
    survive and form long-lived memory cells. The factors
    controlling the formation and survival of memory T cells are
    discussed. Recent evidence suggests that T memory cells
    arise from a subset of effector cells. The longevity of T memory
    cells may require continuous contact with cytokines, notably
    IL-15 for CD8
    Department of Immunology, IMM4, The Scripps Research Institute,
    10550 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
    Correspondence: Jonathan Sprent; e-mail:
    Current Opinion in Immunology 2001, 13:248?254
    0952-7915/01/$ ? see front matter
    ? 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
    antigen-presenting cell
    Fas ligand
    type I interferons
    placental alkaline phosphatase
    A hallmark of the immune system is that secondary
    responses to infectious agents are generally much more
    vigorous than primary responses. Generation of immuno-
    logical memory following contact with pathogens is
    antigen-specific and reflects a combination of humoral
    (?antibody?) and cellular immunity, which is often life-
    long [1?10].
    Humoral immunity is especially important and is due in
    part to generation of memory at the level of B cells. Thus,
    after initial contact with antigen, some of the B cells par-
    ticipating in the primary response form memory cells;
    generation of these cells is the end result of clonal expan-
    sion, differentiation and affinity maturation. These
    ?primed? B cells are more efficient than na?ve B cells and
    give heightened humoral responses on secondary contact
    with the antigen concerned. Despite the importance of
    B cell memory, it has recently become apparent that
    humoral immunity can also reflect the long-term survival
    of plasma cells (antibody-forming effector B cells) generat-
    ed during the primary response [11,12]. These cells lodge
    in the bone marrow and continuously secrete antibody into
    the bloodstream, probably for many years.
    Immunological memory is also apparent at the level of
    T cells ? the carriers of cellular immunity. As for B cells,
    a proportion of na?ve T cells differentiate into long-lived
    memory T cells at the end of the primary response [1?10].
    Reflecting their primed status, memory T cells produce
    vigorous secondary responses to antigen and rapidly elimi-
    nate pathogens by destroying infected cells (cytolysis by
    T cells) and also by controlling B cell responses
    (?help? by CD4
    cells). Here we review recent advances in
    our understanding of the factors controlling the formation
    and survival of memory T cells.
    Generation of memory T cells
    To eliminate pathogens, primary immune responses have
    to be as intense as possible. Pathogens replicate rapidly
    and, to keep pace, antigen-specific T cells divide at a
    prodigious rate (as often as every six hours) and generate
    enormous numbers of effector cells [9,13?16]. These cells
    usually eliminate the pathogen, thus terminating the
    response. Effector cells are then redundant and most of
    these cells are destroyed en masse, presumably to provide
    ?space? for the subsequent responses of na?ve T cells.
    Destruction of effector cells at the end of the primary
    response is a rapid and highly efficient process. Precisely
    how the cells are destroyed is not fully understood but is
    thought to be initiated by loss of contact with antigen:
    TCR stimulation ceases and leads to a decline in the pro-
    duction of life-sustaining cytokines. Deprived of these
    stimuli, T cells activate various intracellular death path-
    ways and rapidly succumb to apoptosis [17,18]. Activation
    of these death pathways reflects exchange of the intracel-
    lular proteins that dock with certain cell-surface molecules,
    notably Fas. Thus, dissociation of FLIP from Fas converts
    Fas to a death-inducing molecule, with the result that lig-
    ation of Fas by the Fas ligand (FasL) triggers activation of
    cytolytic effector molecules (caspases) [19?22].
    A priori, one might expect considerable redundancy in the
    mechanisms leading to death of effector cells. Surprisingly,
    this is not the case because many different molecules in or
    on T cells seem to be indispensable for eliminating effector
    T cells. Thus, gene knockout mice lacking such diverse
    molecules as IL-2 [23], IL-2-receptor (IL-2R)α [24?26], IL-
    2Rβ [27,28], Fas [18,29], FasL [18,29], CTLA-4 [30], PD-1
    [31] or TGF-β [32] develop prominent hypertrophy of the
    secondary lymphoid organs as the result of unrestrained T
    cell proliferation/survival. The implication, therefore, is that
    the default pathway for effector cells is survival rather than
    death. As discussed below, this point has important implica-
    tions for the generation of memory cells.
    Given that more than 90% of T cells participating in the
    primary response are rapidly destroyed, how do a small
    proportion of these cells survive to become long-lived
    memory cells? This question has been posed repeatedly
    over the past 50 years but is still largely unresolved. It is
    often tacitly assumed that generation of memory is an
    Generation and maintenance of memory T cells
    Jonathan Sprent and Charles D Surh
    Page 2
    Generation and maintenance of memory T cells Sprent and Surh 249
    instructional process: most T cells are doomed to die at the
    end of the primary response, and memory cells arise from
    a small subset of cells that have somehow learned to avoid
    death. However, given the conspicuous escape from death
    by effector cells in various gene knockout mice (see
    above), one can make the opposite argument, namely that
    memory cell generation is not an instructional but a default
    pathway. In other words, the T cells generated in the pri-
    mary response are not programmed to die but to survive.
    An instructional process does operate, but it acts largely by
    killing most of these cells and their precursors ? rather
    than by teaching memory cells to survive ? thereby pre-
    venting the immune system from being swamped by
    memory cells.
    In speculating on memory cell generation, it has to be
    borne in mind that, at least for CD8
    cells, the fine speci-
    ficity of T memory cells is established and fixed at the end
    of the primary response [33?36]. It is also clear that the fre-
    quency of T memory cells specific for particular antigenic
    epitopes correlates closely with the extent of proliferation
    (clonal burst size) of the precursor cells during the primary
    response [37]. In considering these points, a key issue is
    whether memory T cells are the descendants of fully dif-
    ferentiated effector cells or arise from partly differentiated
    cells. This is a difficult issue to address experimentally
    because there is no acknowledged definition of a ?fully dif-
    ferentiated? T cell. Nevertheless, it is now well established
    that long-term memory results when na?ve T cells are
    induced to undergo several rounds of cell division in
    response to antigen in vitro and are then adoptively trans-
    ferred in vivo in the absence of antigen [38?44,45
    ]. It has
    also been shown recently that memory CD8
    cells can be
    generated from activated T cells displaying known effector
    function, that is, from an in vitro expanded population in
    which virtually all of the activated cells express perforin
    ]. Likewise, memory cells can arise from T cells that
    synthesize IL-2 [47
    Further evidence that memory cells are the direct
    descendants of effector cells came from an elegant genet-
    ic recombination system in which Granzyme-B synthesis
    by activated CD8
    cells was marked by expression of a
    reporter gene, human placental alkaline phosphatase
    (PLAP) [48
    ]. The unexpected finding in this study was
    that PLAP
    cells accounted for only a small proportion
    (10%) of CD8
    cells at the height of the primary response
    but were a dominant population at the level of memory
    T cells. The implication, therefore, is that memory cells
    are selected from a unique subset of effector cells rather
    than from effector cells in general. As Jacob and
    Baltimore [48
    ] pointed out, however, it is mysterious
    that many of the effector cells (cytolytic cells) generated
    in the primary response were PLAP
    . It is also odd that,
    in unimmunized mice, PLAP expression was not detect-
    ed in normal ?memory-phenotype? (CD44
    ) cells, that is,
    in T cells that are presumed to carry memory for various
    environmental antigens.
    Although clearly informative, the above studies do not defi-
    nitely resolve the issue of whether memory cells arise from
    fully differentiated effectors. On this point, it is notable that
    memory fails to occur when T cells undergo ?exhaustive?
    proliferation to high doses of viruses [49]; in this situation,
    effector T cells are generated in enormous numbers but
    then die en masse, presumably because the cells are all dri-
    ven to a terminal stage of differentiation where escape from
    ?activation-induced cell death? (AICD) is irreversible.
    Accordingly, memory cells may normally arise from a subset
    of cells that express a full range of effector functions but,
    perhaps because of lack of prolonged contact with antigen,
    have yet to be pushed hard enough to initiate AICD. Hence
    memory cells might be drawn from a population of straggler
    cells that only arrive at the site of infection during the later
    stages of the immune response [3].
    The capacity of some effector cells to evade death and sur-
    vive as memory cells is presumably determined by the
    particular conditions encountered during antigen-present-
    ing cell (APC)/T cell interaction. Many costimulatory
    molecules on APCs, including B7, 4IBBL and OX40L,
    play an important role in T cell priming, and blocking
    T cell interaction with these ligands reduces clonal burst
    size and memory cell generation in parallel [7]. However,
    other molecules on APCs, notably CD40, seem to be cru-
    cial for promoting T cell survival. Thus, in the absence of
    CD40L−CD40 interaction, clonal expansion of CD8
    is near normal but is followed by enhanced cell death and
    only limited generation of memory cells [7].
    How APC molecules such as CD40 protect effector cells
    from death is still unclear. Either directly or indirectly,
    these molecules may function by inducing upregulation of
    anti-apoptotic molecules in T cells, for example Bcl-2 [50],
    [39] and lung Kruppel-like factor (LKLF) [51], and
    perhaps also by stimulating T cells to express additional
    costimulatory molecules, for example ICOS [52], or by
    causing T cells to synthesize calcium/calmodulin kinase
    [53] or initiate changes in surface O-glycans [54]. In addi-
    tion, APCs may prevent T cell death by secreting
    protective cytokines such as type I interferons (IFN-I)
    [55], IL-15 [56] or IL-7 [57].
    Subsets of memory T cells
    In terms of their surface markers and functions, CD4
    memory cells show considerable heterogeneity.
    With regard to function, memory cells differ generally from
    na?ve cells in being hyper-responsive to antigen and in syn-
    thesizing cytokines in large quantities [38?44,45
    Especially at the level of CD4
    cells, memory cells tend to
    synthesize several different cytokines, the particular
    cytokines being determined by the conditions encoun-
    tered during T cell priming. Most immune responses are
    initiated in the T-cell-dependent areas of the lymphoid tis-
    sues by dendritic cells [59]. Through local release of IL-12,
    these professional APCs skew the precursors of memory
    cells towards production of IFN-γ (Th1 memory cells).
    Page 3
    250 Lymphocyte development
    Other memory cells, Th2 cells, produce different
    cytokines, notably IL-4. The precise conditions required
    for priming Th2 memory cells are unclear but a high local
    concentration of IL-4 and TGF-β combined with low
    IL-12 seem to be important. These conditions may arise
    when the responding precursor T cells move away from
    professional APCs and make contact with other APCs, for
    example B cells [10]. Despite the existence of polarized
    Th1 and Th2 cells, many memory cells are not polarized
    and can display an apparently random selection of
    cytokines upon re-stimulation [44,59?61]. Hence, for
    cytokine production, memory cell generation may in part
    be a stochastic process [61].
    Memory T cells also fall into two broad categories on the
    basis of their activation status [2,8,59,60,62?64,65
    Typical memory cells are relatively quiescent and need to
    be re-activated before expressing effector function.
    Phenotypically, resting memory cells (also termed ?central?
    memory cells [59]) can closely resemble na?ve cells, for
    example, in expressing the lymph-node-homing receptors
    CD62L [40,67] and CCR7 [65
    ]. Nevertheless, resting
    memory cells differ generally from na?ve cells in express-
    ing some of the characteristic markers of activated/effector
    T cells, for example a CD44
    phenotype. In addition, rest-
    ing memory cells have a faster background rate of
    proliferation (turnover) in vivo than na?ve cells [68] and, as
    mentioned above, display stronger effector function, for
    example, cytokine production, on contact with specific
    antigen. A second category of memory cells displays many
    of the features of effector cells. These activated memory
    cells lack CD62L and CCR7 lymph-node-homing recep-
    tors and thus tend to be excluded from lymph nodes
    ,69]. For CD8
    cells with direct lytic activity, effector
    memory cells are located largely in the spleen and are also
    found in the gut mucosa [63].
    The inter-relationship of resting and activated memory
    T cells is unclear. The simplest possibility is that activated
    memory cells represent a subset of cells that retain TCR
    contact with small quantities of specific antigen left over
    from the primary response [2,64]. This is a likely possibil-
    ity in lymphocyte choriomeningitis virus infection of mice
    because trace amounts of this virus can be detected long
    after the primary response [70]. Other infections appear to
    be completely eliminated by the immune system, howev-
    er, and there is firm evidence that memory can persist in
    the apparent total absence of specific antigen [37,71?74].
    Alternatively, the presence of effector memory cells may
    reflect intermittent activation of memory cells through
    contact with cross-reactive environmental antigens [75] or
    even self-antigens (see below).
    There is continuing debate on the relative importance of
    activated and resting memory cells. Some workers contend
    that secondary responses to pathogens are not effective
    unless the responding T cells are in a pre-activated state and
    can express direct effector function [64]. The competing
    argument is that the rate at which resting memory cells can
    differentiate into activated effector cells is so rapid that the
    need for pre-activated memory cells is minimal [76]. This
    debate will undoubtedly continue.
    Memory cells arising through homeostatic
    proliferation of na?ve cells
    From adoptive transfer experiments in mice, it has recent-
    ly become apparent that reducing the total numbers of
    T cells below a certain threshold causes residual na?ve cells
    to proliferate. This proliferative response is directed large-
    ly (reviewed in [6,77]), although not entirely [78,79], to
    self-ligand that initially induced positive selection of the
    T cells in the thymus. Such ?homeostatic? proliferation of
    T cells to self-ligands is associated with upregulation of
    various activation/memory markers; in some but not all
    studies, the expression of these markers is maintained
    when total T cell numbers return towards normal values
    (reviewed in [77]).
    The important implication of these findings is that some
    typical memory-phenotype T cells are not the progeny of
    cells responding to various environmental antigens but
    instead arise through homeostatic proliferation directed to
    self-antigens. As homeostatic proliferation of na?ve T cells
    is minimal in normal young mice (which have large num-
    bers of na?ve T cells), the proportion of self-ligand-selected
    ?pseudo?-memory cells is probably quite low in normal ani-
    mals. However, it is quite conceivable that these cells
    become prominent when total T cell numbers are reduced,
    for example, after cytoreductive treatment for cancer, in
    patients with HIV infection and perhaps in normal aging
    (where na?ve T cells decline in number and are replaced by
    memory cells). Because homeostatic proliferation is poly-
    clonal, the pseudo-memory cells generated in response to
    self-antigens presumably express an extensive crossreactive
    repertoire for foreign antigens.
    Factors controlling the survival of memory cells
    MHC ligands
    There is now increasing evidence that, as for na?ve cells,
    the long-term survival of memory cells is not a passive
    process but reflects continuous T cell stimulation.
    However, the factors controlling the survival of na?ve and
    memory T cells seem to be different. For na?ve T cells,
    most [73,80,81
    ], but not all [79,82], of the available evi-
    dence indicates that the survival of these cells requires
    continuous contact with self-MHC−peptide ligands. It was
    initially reported that interaction with MHC ligands is also
    required for the survival of T memory cells, albeit with less
    fine-specificity than for na?ve cells [73]; however, more
    recent evidence suggests that memory T cells can survive
    in the absence of MHC molecules (MHC class I for CD8
    cells, MHC class II for CD4
    cells) [81
    ], implying that
    survival does not depend on TCR ligation; for CD4
    this issue is still controversial because some workers main-
    tain that the survival of memory CD4
    cells requires
    persistent contact with residual antigen [84].
    Page 4
    Generation and maintenance of memory T cells Sprent and Surh 251
    At least for CD8
    cells, loss of contact with MHC ligands
    does not interfere with the high background rate of mem-
    ory cell proliferation [81
    ]. This finding suggests that
    memory cells are subjected to stimulation by other (non-
    MHC) ligands. Here, the role of cytokines is receiving
    increasing attention. Currently, the notion that cytokines
    control the survival of memory cells is largely restricted to
    cells. For these cells, it was initially found that the
    background rate of memory CD8
    cell proliferation
    increased sharply after injection of mice with compounds
    such as Poly IC [85] and lipopolysaccharide [86]. These
    compounds are not recognized by the TCR but lead to
    strong production of cytokines, for example IFN-I and
    IFN-γ, by APCs and other cells. Because IFN-I and IFN-γ
    do not stimulate purified T cells in vitro, it was reasoned
    that these cytokines elicit ?bystander? (non-TCR-depen-
    dent) proliferation of memory CD8
    cells in vivo through
    synthesis of an additional cytokine, in other words, an
    effector cytokine that acts directly on CD8
    memory cells.
    There is now strong evidence that the effector cytokine is
    IL-15 [87]; this cytokine is made by many types of cells,
    including APCs, but is not synthesized by T cells [88].
    First, IL-15 is directly stimulatory for purified CD8
    ory cells and elicits strong proliferation of these cells, both
    in vitro and in vivo [89]; in mice, IL-15 is only poorly stim-
    ulatory for CD4
    memory cells and is non-stimulatory for
    na?ve cells. Second, IL-15 transgenic mice show a selective
    enrichment of CD8
    memory cells [56,90
    ]. Third, the
    selective action of IL-15 on CD8
    memory cells correlates
    with high expression of IL-2Rβ (CD122), an important
    receptor for IL-15 (and IL-2) [89,91
    ]; CD122 expression is
    much lower on CD4
    memory cells and also on na?ve
    T cells. Fourth, compounds that elicit bystander prolifera-
    tion of CD8
    memory cells (Poly IC, lipopolysaccharide,
    IFN-I, IFN-γ) induce synthesis of IL-15 by APCs [89].
    Fifth, IL-15Rα
    [92] and IL-15
    ] mice show a selective
    reduction in the proportion of CD8
    memory cells. Sixth,
    injecting mice with anti-CD122 monoclonal antibody
    reduces the turnover of CD8
    memory cells [91
    ]; con-
    versely, injecting anti-IL-2 monoclonal antibody enhances
    proliferation of these cells, which leads to the interesting
    conclusion that stimulation of CD8
    cells by IL-15 is nor-
    mally balanced by an inhibitory influence of IL-2 [45
    Collectively, these data suggest that IL-15 has a key role in
    regulating homeostasis of CD8
    memory cells, both by
    inducing intermittent proliferation of these cells and by
    maintaining cell viability. Despite the importance of
    IL-15, it remains possible that other cytokines contribute
    to the survival of CD8
    memory cells. On this point, it is
    notable that IL-15Rα
    and IL-15
    mice both show only a
    partial (2?3-fold) reduction in CD44
    cells [92,93
    Interestingly, in IL-15
    mice the residual CD44
    cells are nearly all CD122
    (A Judge, J Sprent, unpub-
    lished data). The implication therefore is that the subset of
    cells, which comprises about 30% of
    cells in normal mice, is relatively indepen-
    dent of IL-15. How CD122
    cells are kept
    alive is still unknown.
    It should be emphasized that most of the data on the role
    of IL-15 on memory T cell survival are based on studies
    with normal ?memory-phenotype? cells rather than on cells
    carrying memory for defined antigens. Because typical
    antigen-specific memory CD8
    cells are CD122
    , it would
    seem quite likely that the long-term survival of these cells
    is IL-15-dependent; however, direct evidence on this
    question is lacking. Thus, it is conceivable that a compo-
    nent of CD8
    memory could be carried by the minor
    subset of CD122
    cells. Evidence against this possi-
    bility has come from the interesting finding that the
    lifespan of memory CD8
    cells generated from antigen-
    stimulated cells in vitro is heavily influenced by the
    cytokine milieu encountered in culture [94
    ]. Thus, some
    cytokines, notably IL-4, stimulated the production of long-
    lived memory cells; by contrast, other cytokines, for
    example IL-2, generated memory cells that disappeared
    progressively over a period of several weeks. The key find-
    ing was that, for these two cytokines, only IL-4 and not
    IL-2 caused upregulation of CD122 on the precursor cells
    in culture. The implication therefore is that memory cells
    are relatively short lived unless the cells are induced to
    express high levels of CD122 during the primary response;
    CD122 expression makes the cells responsive to IL-15 and
    thus ensures their long-term survival.
    As many infectious organisms lead to strong production of
    IFNs, infection would be expected to induce bystander
    activation of pre-existing memory CD8
    cells [85]. The
    evidence on this point is conflicting. Thus, some groups
    find that bystander proliferation of memory CD8
    induced by non-crossreactive viruses is very limited or
    undetectable [13,14,95,96]; in fact, bystander activation
    can lead to T cell apoptosis rather than proliferation, thus
    leading to attrition of memory cells [97]. However, other
    workers do find evidence of considerable bystander prolif-
    eration during the early (but not late) stages of viral
    infections [98]. In view of these conflicting data, the issue
    of how bystander stimuli induce quantitative or qualitative
    alterations in the pool of pre-existing memory CD8
    has yet to be resolved. Nevertheless, the fact that numbers
    of antigen-specific memory CD8
    cells remain relatively
    constant throughout life indicates that memory cells are
    subject to strict homeostatic control [99], bystander prolif-
    eration and death being equally balanced.
    The above data refer to memory CD8
    cells ? much less is
    known about the factors controlling the survival of memory
    cells. It would seem quite likely that, as for CD8
    cells, contact with cytokines is required for the long-term
    survival of memory CD4
    cells. However, which cytokines
    are involved is unknown although IL-15 would seem to be
    excluded [92,93
    ]. It is notable that, like CD8
    cells, mem-
    ory CD4
    cells are susceptible to bystander activation by
    Page 5
    252 Lymphocyte development
    IFNs [100]; the effector cytokines involved in this response
    are still unclear.
    The generation of memory T cells can be viewed as the
    culmination of a complex life/death struggle: most T cells
    participating in the primary response are rapidly eliminat-
    ed, leaving only a small proportion of these cells to survive
    as long-lived memory cells. How memory precursors evade
    death in the primary response remains a mystery. Perhaps
    the simplest idea is that death is the default pathway and
    that the survival of memory cells involves an instructional
    process. However, it is striking that a wide variety of gene-
    knockout mice develop progressive T cell hypertrophy of
    the secondary organs, implying that many different mole-
    cules in, or on, T cells are essential for destroying T cells.
    Hence the default pathway for T cells at the end of the pri-
    mary response may be survival, not death.
    A key issue is whether memory T cells arise from fully differ-
    entiated effector cells or from partly differentiated cells.
    Although definitive information on this question is still lack-
    ing, several recent studies indicate that memory cells can arise
    from precursors that display clear signs of effector activity, for
    example synthesis of cytokines and perforin. The relationship
    of these effector-memory precursors to typical end-stage,
    short-lived effector cells, however, has yet to be resolved.
    Once formed, memory T cells often survive indefinitely at
    a population level yet display considerable heterogeneity
    in terms of their activation status, migratory properties and
    expression of surface molecules, notably CCR7 chemokine
    receptors. Whether the survival of memory cells requires
    contact with extrinsic stimuli is receiving close attention.
    The bulk of evidence suggests that, unlike na?ve T cells,
    memory T cells do not require continuous contact with
    MHC ligands. However, for CD8
    cells, there is good evi-
    dence that memory cell survival requires contact with
    cytokines, notably IL-15. Whether CD4
    memory cells are
    cytokine dependent is still unclear.
    We would like to thank Claudia Meo and Barbara Marchand for typing and
    handling the manuscript. This work was supported by the US Public Health
    Service grants AI21487, CA38355 and AI46710 to JS and AI41079 and
    AI45809 to CDS. CDS is a Scholar of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
    Publication number 13723-IMM from the Scripps Research Institute.
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    Generation and maintenance of memory T cells Sprent and Surh 253
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    38. Swain S: Generation and in vivo persistence of polarized Th1 and
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    39. Garcia S, DiSanto J, Stockinger B: Following the development of a
    CD4 T cell response in vivo: from activation to memory formation.
    Immunity 1999, 11:163-171.
    40. London CA, Perez VL, Abbas AK: Functional characteristics and
    survival requirements of memory CD4
    T lymphocytes in vivo.
    J Immunol 1999, 162:766-773.
    41. Boursalian TE, Bottomly K: Stability of na?ve and memory
    phenotypes on resting CD4 T cells in vivo. J Immunol 1999,
    42. Cerwenka A, Morgan TM, Dutton RW: Naive, effector, and memory
    CD8 T cells in protection against pulmonary influenza virus
    infection: homing properties rather than initial frequencies are
    crucial. J Immunol 1999, 163:5535-5543.
    43. Rogers PR, Dubey C, Swain SL: Qualitative changes accompany
    memory T cell generation: faster, more effective responses at
    lower doses of antigen. J Immunol 2000, 164:2338-2346.
    44. Ben-Sasson SZ, Makedonski K, Hu-Li J, Paul WE: Survival and
    cytokine polarization of na?ve CD4
    T cells in vitro is largely
    dependent on exogenous cytokines. Eur J Immunol 2000,
    45. Dai Z, Konieczny BT, Lakkis FG: The dual role of IL-2 in the
    generation and maintenance of CD8
    memory T cells. J Immunol
    2000, 165:3031-3036.
    Using a TCR transgenic model and IL-2
    mice, the authors provide interest-
    ing evidence that contact with IL-2 potentiates the initial generation of mem-
    ory CD8
    cells; however, IL-2 can subsequently inhibit the turnover of
    mature memory CD8
    46. Opferman JT, Ober BT, Ashton-Rickardt PG: Linear differentiation of
    cytotoxic effectors into memory T lymphocytes. Science 1999,
    Long-lived memory CD8
    cells arise when na?ve T cells are induced to
    undergo multiple rounds of cell division to antigen in vitro and are then trans-
    ferred without antigen in vivo. The important finding is that, before transfer,
    100% of the activated T cells expressed perforin, thereby proving that mem-
    ory cells can be the progeny of effector cells.
    47. Saparov A, Wagner FH, Zheng R, Oliver JR, Maeda H, Hockett RD,
    Weaver CT: Interleukin-2 expression by a subpopulation of
    primary T cells is linked to enhanced memory/effector function.
    Immunity 1999, 11:271-280.
    Using an IL-2-promotor/green-fluorescent-protein-receptor transgenic
    model, the authors show that memory cells can arise from precursor cells
    that synthesize IL-2.
    48. Jacob J, Baltimore D: Modelling T-cell memory by genetic marking
    of memory T cells in vivo. Nature 1999, 399:593-597.
    The authors use an elegant genetic approach to mark memory CD8
    by expressing two transgenes, a Cre recombinase driven by Granzyme B
    promotor and a CD2-driven reporter gene preceded by a loxP-flanked stop
    codon. Turning on the Granzyme B promotor by activating T cells results in
    Cre recombinase-mediated excision of the stop codon and the permanent
    expression of the reporter gene (PLAP [placental alkaline phosphatase]).
    Interestingly, only 10% of antigen-specific effector cells determined by
    tetramer staining are PLAP
    , even though most of the memory cells arising
    from these cells are PLAP
    . The data suggest, therefore, that memory cells
    may arise from a specific population of effector cells.
    49. Moskophidis D, Lechner F, Pircher H, Zinkernagel R: Virus
    persistence in acutely infected immunocompetent mice by
    exhaustion of antiviral cytotoxic effector T cells. Nature 1993,
    50. Grayson JM, Zajac AJ, Altman JD, Ahmed R: Increased expression
    of Bcl-2 in antigen-specific memory CD8
    T cells. J Immunol 2000,
    51. Schober SL, Kuo CT, Schluns KS, Lefrancois L, Leiden JM, Jameson
    SC: Expression of the transcription factor lung Kruppel-like factor
    is regulated by cytokines and correlates with survival of memory
    T cells in vitro and in vivo. J Immunol 1999, 163:3662-3667.
    52. Yoshinaga SK, Whoriskey JS, Khare SD, Sarmiento U, Guo J, Horan T,
    Shih G, Zhang M, Coccia MA, Kohno T et al.: T-cell co-stimulation
    through B7RP-1 and ICOS. Nature 1999, 402:827-832.
    53. Bui JD, Calbo S, Hayden-Martinez K, Kane LP, Gardner P, Hedrick
    SM: A role for CaMKII in T cell memory. Cell 2000, 100:457-467.
    54. Priatel JJ, Chui D, Hiraoka N, Simmons CJ, Richardson KB, Page DM,
    Fukuda M, Varki NM, Marth JD: The ST3 Gal-I sialyltransferase
    controls CD8
    T lymphocyte homeostasis by modulating O-
    glycan biosynthesis. Immunity 2000, 12:273-283.
    55. Akbar AN, Salmon M, Savill J, Janossy G: A possible role for bcl-2 in
    regulating T-cell memory ? a balancing act between cell death
    and survival. Immunol Today 1993, 14:526-532.
    56. Marks-Konczalik J, Dubois S, Losi JM, Sabzevari H, Yamada N,
    Feigenbaum L, Waldmann TA, Tagaya Y: IL-2-induced activation-
    induced cell death is inhibited in IL-15 transgenic mice. Proc Natl
    Acad Sci USA 2000, 97:11445-11450.
    57. Schluns KS, Kieper WC, Jameson SC, Lefrancois L: Interleukin-7
    mediates the homeostasis of na?ve and memory CD8 T cells
    in vivo. Nat Immunol 2000, 1:426-432.
    58. Pihlgren M, Dubois PM, Tomkowiak M, Sjogren T, Marvel J: Resting
    memory CD8
    T cells are hyperreactive to antigenic challenge
    in vitro. J Exp Med 1996, 184:2141-2151.
    59. Lanzavecchia A, Sallusto F: Dynamics of T lymphocyte responses:
    intermediates, effectors, and memory cells. Science 2000,
    60. Ludviksson BR, Seegers D, Resnick AS, Strober W: The effect of
    TGF-β1 on immune responses of na?ve versus memory CD4
    Th1/Th2 T cells. Eur J Immunol 2000, 30:2101-2111.
    61. Kelso A: Educating T cells: early events in the differentiation and
    commitment of cytokine-producing CD4
    and CD8
    T cells.
    Springer Semin Immunopathol 1999, 21:231-248.
    62. Selin LK, Welsh RM: Cytolytically active memory CTL present in
    lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-immune mice after clearance
    of virus infection. J Immunol 1997, 158:5366-5373.
    63. Kim SK, Schluns KS, Lefrancois L: Induction and visualization of
    mucosal memory CD8 T cells following systemic virus infection.
    J Immunol 1999, 163:4125-4132.
    64. Ochsenbein AF, Karrer U, Klenerman P, Althage A, Ciurea A, Shen H,
    Miller JF, Whitton JL, Hengartner H, Zinkernagel RM: A comparison
    of T cell memory against the same antigen induced by virus
    versus intracellular bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1999,
    Page 7
    65. Sallusto F, Lenig D, Forster R, Lipp M, Lanzavecchia A: Two subsets
    of memory T lymphocytes with distinct homing potentials and
    effector functions. Nature 1999, 401:708-712.
    This important paper subdivides memory T cells into two populations accord-
    ing to the expression of a chemokine receptor CCR7, which is essential for
    homing of T cells to lymph nodes. CCR7
    cells remain within the confines of
    the secondary lymphoid tissues and do not exhibit direct effector function.
    Activation of CCR7
    memory cells rather leads to differentiation into CCR7
    cells that can migrate into inflamed sites and display direct effector function.
    The identification of these two subpopulations of memory T cells may explain
    how long-term memory can be maintained while continuously generating
    rapid effector responses against recall antigens. The authors propose the use
    of the terminology ?central memory? and ?effector memory? to refer to the two
    functionally different CCR7
    and CCR7
    populations, respectively.
    66. Ahmadzadeh M, Hussain SF, Farber DL: Effector CD4 T cells are
    biochemically distinct from the memory subset: evidence for
    long-term persistence of effectors in vivo. J Immunol 1999,
    67. Tripp RA, Hou S, Doherty PC: Temporal loss of the activated
    L-selectin-low phenotype for virus-specific CD8
    T memory cells.
    J Immunol 1995, 154:5870-5875.
    68. Tough DF, Sprent J: Turnover of na?ve- and memory-phenotype
    T cells. J Exp Med 1994, 179:1127-1135.
    69. Bradley LM, Harbertson J, Watson SR: Memory CD4 cells do not
    migrate into peripheral lymph nodes in the absence of antigen.
    Eur J Immunol 1999, 29:3273-3284.
    70. Ciurea A, Klenerman P, Hunziker L, Horvath E, Odermatt B,
    Ochsenbein AF, Hengartner H, Zinkernagel RM: Persistence of
    lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus at very low levels in immune
    mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1999, 96:11964-11969.
    71. Lau LL, Jamieson BD, Somasundaram R, Ahmed R: Cytotoxic T cell
    memory without antigen. Nature 1994, 369:648-652.
    72. Mullbacher A: The long-term maintenance of cytotoxic T cell
    memory does not require persistence of antigen. J Exp Med 1994,
    73. Tanchot C, Lemonnier FA, Perarnau B, Freitas AA, Rocha B:
    Differential requirements for survival and proliferation of CD8
    na?ve or memory T cells. Science 1997, 276:2057-2062.
    74. Markiewicz MA, Girao C, Opferman JT, Sun J, Hu Q, Agulnik AA,
    Bishop CE, Thompson CB, Ashton-Rickardt PG: Long-term T cell
    memory requires the surface expression of self- peptide/major
    histocompatibility complex molecules. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
    1998, 95:3065-3070.
    75. Beverley PCL: Is T cell memory maintained by cross-reactive
    stimulation? Immunol Today 1990, 11:203-205.
    76. Tough DF, Sprent J: Bystander stimulation of T cells by cytokines.
    Immunologist 1999, 7:75-78.
    77. Surh C, Sprent J: Homeostatic T cell proliferation: how far can
    T cells be activated by self-ligands? J Exp Med 2000, 192:F9-F14.
    78. Bender J, Mitchell T, Kappler J, Marrack P: CD4
    T cell division in
    irradiated mice requires peptides distinct from those responsible
    for thymic selection. J Exp Med 1999, 190:367-374.
    79. Clarke SR, Rudensky AY: Survival and homeostatic proliferation of
    na?ve peripheral CD4
    T cells in the absence of self peptide:MHC
    complexes. J Immunol 2000, 165:2458-2464.
    80. Rooke R, Waltzinger C, Benoist C, Mathis D: Targeted
    complementation of MHC class II deficiency by intrathymic
    delivery of recombinant adenoviruses. Immunity 1997, 7:123-134.
    81. Murali-Krishna K, Lau LL, Sambhara S, Lemonnier F, Altman J,
    Ahmed R: Persistence of memory CD8 T cells in MHC class
    I-deficient mice. Science 1999, 286:1377-1381.
    Convincing evidence is provided that, after adoptive transfer, memory CD8
    cells survive well in the absence of MHC class I molecules and show no
    reduction in their background rate of proliferation.
    82. Dorfman JR, Stefanova I, Yasutomo K, Germain RN: CD4
    T cells
    survival is not directly linked to self-MHC-induced TCR signaling.
    Nat Immunol 2000, 1:329-335.
    83. Swain SL, Hu H, Huston G: Class II-independent generation of
    CD4 memory T cells from effectors. Science 1999, 286:1381-1383.
    Complementing data on CD8
    cells [81
    ], the authors demonstrate clearly
    that clonally expanded effector CD4
    cells generated in vitro are able to
    form long-lived memory cells in MHC-class-II
    hosts, indicating that the sur-
    vival of memory CD4
    cells is MHC-independent.
    84. van Essen D, Dullforce P, Brocker T, Gray D: Cellular interactions
    involved in Th cell memory. J Immunol 2000, 165:3640-3646.
    85. Tough DF, Borrow P, Sprent J: Induction of bystander T cell
    proliferation by viruses and type I interferon in vivo. Science
    1996, 272:1947-1950.
    86. Tough DF, Sun S, Sprent J: T cell stimulation in vivo by
    lipopolysaccharide (LPS). J Exp Med 1997, 185:2089-2094.
    87. Sprent J, Zhang X, Sun S, Tough D: T cell proliferation in vivo and the
    role of cytokines. Phil Trans R Roc Lond Biol Sci 2000, 355:317-322.
    88. Waldmann TA, Tagaya Y: The multifaceted regulation of interleukin-
    15 expression and the role of this cytokine in NK cell
    differentiation and host response to intracellular pathogens.
    Annu Rev Immunol 1999, 17:19-49.
    89. Zhang X, Sun S, Hwang I, Tough DF, Sprent J: Potent and selective
    stimulation of memory-phenotype CD8
    T cells in vivo by IL-15.
    Immunity 1998, 8:591-599.
    90. Nishimura H, Yajima T, Naiki Y, Tsunobuchi H, Umemura M, Itano K,
    Matsuguchi T, Suzuki M, Ohashi PS, Yoshikai Y: Differential roles of
    interleukin 15 mRNA isoforms generated by alternative splicing in
    immune responses in vivo. J Exp Med 2000, 191:157-170.
    Consolidating the evidence that CD8
    memory cells are controlled by IL-15,
    this paper shows that IL-15 transgenic mice have a selective increase in
    memory CD8
    91. Ku CC, Murakami M, Sakamoto A, Kappler J, Marrack P: Control of
    homeostasis of CD8
    memory T cells by opposing cytokines.
    Science 2000, 288:675-678.
    On the basis of the effects of injecting mice with antibodies to cytokines or
    cytokine receptors, the authors provide compelling evidence that the normal
    turnover of CD8
    memory cells in vivo is enhanced by IL-15 and inhibited by
    IL-2. (See also [45
    92. Lodolce JP, Boone DL, Chai S, Swain RE, Dassopoulos T, Trettin S, Ma A:
    IL-15 receptor maintains lymphoid homeostasis by supporting
    lymphocyte homing and proliferation. Immunity 1998, 9:669-676.
    93. Kennedy MK, Glaccum M, Brown SN, Butz EA, Viney JL, Embers M,
    Matsuki N, Charrier K, Sedger L, Willis CR et al.: Reversible defects
    in natural killer and memory CD8 T cell lineages in interleukin
    15-deficient mice. J Exp Med 2000, 191:771-780.
    An important paper showing that IL-15 plays a key role in maintaining the survival
    of several subsets of lymphoid cells, notably memory-phenotype CD8
    94. Huang LR, Chen FL, Chen YT, Lin YM, Kung JT: Potent induction of
    long-term CD8
    T cell memory by short-term IL-4 exposure
    during T cell receptor stimulation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000,
    In this paper, the authors followed the survival of memory CD8
    cells that
    arose after adoptive transfer of na?ve T cells stimulated with specific antigen
    in vitro. The surprising observation is that in vitro exposure to IL-2 or IL-12
    generated short-lived memory cells whereas exposure to IL-4 led to the for-
    mation of long-lived memory cells. The key finding is that only IL-4 and not
    IL-2 or IL-12 led to upregulation of IL-2-receptor (IL-2R)β, thus implying that
    the longevity of memory CD8
    cells requires high expression of IL-2Rβ, pre-
    sumably thus allowing the cells to be responsive to IL-15.
    95. Zarozinski CC, Welsh RM: Minimal bystander activation of CD8
    T cells during the virus-induced polyclonal T cell response. J Exp
    Med 1997, 185:1629-1639.
    96. Busch DH, Kerksiek KM, Pamer EG: Differing roles of inflammation
    and antigen in T cell proliferation and memory generation.
    J Immunol 2000, 164:4063-4070.
    97. Zarozinski CC, McNally JM, Lohman BL, Daniels KA, Welsh RM:
    Bystander sensitization to activation-induced cell death as a
    mechanism of virus-induced immune suppression. J Virol 2000,
    98. Andreasen SO, Christensen JP, Marker O, Thomsen AR: Virus-
    induced non-specific signals cause cell cycle progression of
    primed CD8
    T cells but do not induce cell differentiation. Int
    Immunol 1999, 11:1463-1473.
    99. Tanchot C, Fernandes HV, Rocha B: The organization of mature
    T-cell pools. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B 2000, 355:323-328.
    100. Eberl G, Brawand P, MacDonald HR: Selective bystander
    proliferation of memory CD4
    and CD8
    T cells upon NK T or
    T cell activation. J Immunol 2000, 165:4305-4311.
    254 Lymphocyte development