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Quang Tri Province: Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks: Confirmed H5N1

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  • Quang Tri Province: Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks: Confirmed H5N1

    Added on 31/01/10 06:06

    Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks infected strange

    Veterinary Sub-Department of Quang Tri province has coordinated with the station Trieu Phong Animal Health conducted more than 1,000 ducks culled infected poultry farms strange in his family's village Church Contact Vinh Phan, Trieu Do, Trieu room.

    Before that, more than 1,000 children in Forum duck farm poultry Vinh his symptoms and diarrhea music food in bulk at 26 / 1. Family Vinh told local authorities and Trieu Phong District Veterinary Station.

    Veterinary staff Trieu Phong district has conducted inspection on pathological Forum ducks but detectable disease vaccine. Critical sub-department of Veterinary province, after taking product samples, Tram Trieu Phong Animal Health Organization immediately destroyed immediately duck forums, product samples also been tested in the Animal Health Agency Region III immediately then.

    Am 31/1, Le Thi Nga, Director of Animal Health Chi Quang Tri province directly to local testing situation, conduct a direct measure of disease prevention. More than 3370 doses of vaccine have been vaccinated for poultry in 9/9 Trieu village of India, planned way to 31/1 be vaccinated all poultry in the commune.

    It is known that, in addition to Rural Education Contact duck sick strange discovery, in Ha Quy village nearby was also detected 70% of poultry in the family have similar symptoms. While no precise conclusions about the epidemic, Sub-Department of Animal Health in Quang Tri province has directed local measures to prevent disease spread on a large scale.

    Ti?u huỷ hơn 1.000 con vịt nhiễm bệnh lạ

    hi cục Th? y tỉnh Quảng Trị vừa phối hợp với trạm Th? y huyện Triệu Phong tiến h?nh ti?u huỷ hơn 1.000 con vịt nhiễm bệnh lạ tại trại nu?i gia cầm của gia đ?nh anh Phan Vinh ở th?n Gi?o Li?n, x? Triệu Độ, huyện Triệu Phong

    Trước đ?, đ?n vịt hơn 1.000 con tại trại gia cầm của anh Vinh c? triệu chứng nh?c ăn v? ỉa chảy đồng loạt v?o ng?y 26/1. Gia đ?nh anh Vinh đ? b?o với ch?nh quyền địa phương v? trạm Th? y huyện Triệu Phong.

    Nh?n vi?n th? y huyện Triệu Phong đ? tiến h?nh kiểm tra bệnh l? đ?n vịt tr?n nhưng kh?ng ph?t hiện được chủng bệnh. Theo chỉ đạo của Chi cục th? y tỉnh, sau khi lấy mẫu bệnh phẩm, Trạm Th? y huyện Triệu Phong lập tức tổ chức ti?u huỷ ngay đ?n vịt, c?n mẫu bệnh phẩm được đưa đi x?t nghiệm tại Cơ quan Th? y v?ng III ngay sau đ?.

    S?ng 31/1, b? L? Thị Nga, Chi cục trưởng Th? y tỉnh Quảng Trị đ? trực tiếp về địa phương kiểm tra t?nh h?nh, chỉ đạo tiến h?nh một số biện ph?p ph?ng chống dịch bệnh. Hơn 3.370 liều vắcxin đ? được ti?m ph?ng cho c?c đ?n gia cầm tại 9/9 th?n của x? Triệu Độ, theo kế hoạch đến chiều 31/1 sẽ ti?m ph?ng hết đ?n gia cầm tại địa b?n x?.

    Được biết, ngo?i th?n Gi?o Li?n ph?t hiện vịt bị bệnh lạ, tại th?n Quy H? l?n cận cũng đ? ph?t hiện đến 70% tổng đ?n gia cầm trong c?c gia đ?nh c? triệu chứng bệnh tương tự. Trong khi chưa c? kết luận ch?nh x?c về bệnh dịch, Chi cục Th? y tỉnh Quảng Trị đ? chỉ đạo địa phương c?c biện ph?p ngăn kh?ng để dịch bệnh l?y lan tr?n diện rộng.

    Chi cục Thú y tỉnh Quảng Trị vừa phối hợp với trạm Thú y huyện Triệu Phong tiến hành tiêu huỷ hơn 1.000 con vịt nhiễm bệnh lạ tại trại nuôi gia cầm của gia đình anh Phan Vinh ở thôn Giáo Liên, xã Triệu Độ, huyện Triệu Phong.

  • #2
    Re: Quang Tri Province: Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks infected strange

    Promptly put on the translation infected poultry unknown cause in Quang Tri


    During the day from 29 to 31-1, Chi Quang Tri Department of Animal Health has issued more than 40,000 doses of vaccine, over 100 liters of chemicals, lime powder to target near 1.000kg toxic disinfection and conducting vaccination for poultry in Trieu Do, Trieu Phong district where many birds died unknown causes. Previously, on 28-1 this local agencies in cooperation with provincial and district veterinary organizations destroyed more than 1,000 ducks of his family in the village Church Contact Vinh Phan, Trieu Do, Trieu Phong and disease dead series.

    Le Thi Nga, Director Chi Chi Quang Tri Department of Animal Health said, raising ducks forums Phan Vinh's family has the symptoms of diarrhea, take the distribution of liquid, remove the food and many children died, he was immediately with Vinh local government and District Veterinary Station. After checking the forums duck's disease family Vinh, 28-1 pm Sub-Department of Animal Health has directed the provincial Animal Health Station Trieu Phong and coordinate with local products taken samples sent for examination at the agency Regional Animal Health III and organize forums ducks were culled immediately disease.

    Contact Church outside village and commune million poultry have been detected ill, in village of Quy Ha Trieu Phuoc village adjacent to the Church Contact was also detected 70% of poultry have similar symptoms.

    Currently, Chi Quang Tri Department of Animal Health is continuing to direct and supervise strictly not for slaughter, movement of poultry out of the province in a weeks time to monitor, and carry pepper toxic disinfection, sanitation services which happen to control the outbreak early to avoid spread on a large scale. Currently, vaccination has deployed more than 3370 doses of vaccine (100% total population) in poultry in nine ninths of the rural communes million. Veterinary Sub-Department of Quang Tri is also carrying out medication and vaccination for all poultry in the communal areas of the surrounding area as Trieu Phuoc Trieu Thuan.

    Original (but at a different site):

    Khẩn trương dập dịch trên đàn gia cầm mắc bệnh chưa rõ nguyên nhân tại Quảng Trị
    QĐND - Chủ Nhật, 31/01/2010, 23:8 (GMT+7)

    Trong các ngày từ 29 đến 31-1, Chi cục Thú y Quảng Trị đã cấp hơn 40.000 liều văc-xin, trên 100 lít hóa chất, gần 1.000kg vôi bột để tiêu độc khử trùng và tiến hành tiêm phòng cho đàn gia cầm tại xã Triệu Độ, huyện Triệu Phong nơi có nhiều gia cầm chết chưa rõ nguyên nhân. Trước đó, ngày 28-1 địa phương này đã phối hợp với cơ quan thú y tỉnh và huyện tổ chức tiêu hủy hơn 1.000 con vịt của gia đình anh Phan Vinh ở thôn Giáo Liên, xã Triệu Độ, huyện Triệu Phong bị bệnh và chết hàng loạt.

    Bà Lê Thị Nga, Chi cục trưởng Chi cục Thú y Quảng Trị cho biết, đàn vịt nuôi của gia đình anh Phan Vinh có các triệu chứng ỉa chảy, đi phân lỏng, bỏ ăn và chết nhiều con, anh Vinh đã báo ngay với chính quyền địa phương và trạm Thú y huyện. Sau khi kiểm tra bệnh trên đàn vịt của gia đình anh Vinh, chiều 28-1 Chi cục Thú y tỉnh đã chỉ đạo trạm Thú y huyện Triệu Phong phối hợp với địa phương tiến hành lấy mẫu bệnh phẩm gửi đi xét nghiệm tại Cơ quan Thú y vùng III và tổ chức tiêu huỷ ngay đàn vịt bị bệnh này.

    Ngoài thôn Giáo Liên, xã Triệu Độ đã phát hiện gia cầm bị bệnh, tại thôn Quy Hà của xã Triệu Phước giáp với thôn Giáo Liên cũng đã phát hiện đến 70% tổng đàn gia cầm có triệu chứng bệnh tương tự.

    Hiện tại, Chi cục Thú y Quảng Trị đang tiếp tục chỉ đạo, giám sát nghiêm ngặt không cho giết mổ, vận chuyển gia cầm ra khỏi địa bàn trong thời gian 1 tuần để theo dõi, đồng thời tiến hành tiêu độc khử trùng, vệ sinh nơi xảy ra dịch để sớm khống chế ổ dịch tránh không để lây lan trên diện rộng. Hiện tại, đã triển khai tiêm phòng hơn 3.370 liều văc-xin (100% tổng đàn) trên đàn gia cầm tại 9/9 thôn của xã Triệu Độ. Chi cục thú y Quảng Trị cũng đang tiến hành cấp thuốc và tiêm phòng hết đàn gia cầm tại địa bàn các xã xung quanh vùng dịch như Triệu Phước, Triệu Thuận.…

    Báo QĐND - cơ quan của QUTW và Bộ Quốc phòng, tiếng nói của LLVT và NDVN. Tin quân đội, Quốc phòng, LLVT, bảo vệ Tổ quốc, chủ quyền biển đảo, chống Diễn biến hòa bình, quân sự địa phương |Trường Sa| huấn luyện|SSCĐ|KVPT


    • #3
      Re: Quang Tri Province: Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks infected strange


      Quang Tri: Destruction of more than 1,000 birds infected

      NDDT-On 31-1, Sub-Department of Animal Health said that Quang Tri province, more than 1,000 children's forums duck family Vinh Phan, Lien village Church, Trieu Do, Trieu Phong symptoms diarrhea, take liquid distribution and eating out.

      Veterinary Sub-Department of Quang Tri province has directed stations Veterinary Trieu Phong and coordinate with local destruction of forums conducted duck products also sent samples to the Animal Health Agency and the three tests implement preventive measures disease.

      By afternoon on 31-1, Veterinary organized vaccination services to all poultry in all villages of the commune million.

      Veterinary stations Trieu Phong Trieu has collaborated with India conducting emergency measures to prevent disease spread, and notify the household monitoring poultry after vaccination, timely reporting when detecting signs of bird diseases. In the key quarantine, force functions and coordinate with local authorities not to transport poultry out, and continue to implement vaccination for poultry diseases in the region has translated ...


      • #4
        Re: Quang Tri Province: Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks infected strange

        Monday, February 1, 2010 8:25
        Quang Tri: destroyed more than 1,000 ducks sick

        (Quang Tri) - On 31-1, Le Thi Nga - Main Sub-Department of Animal Health Director of Quang Tri - that was discovered and destroyed Forum conducted more than 1,000 children of duck family Phan Vinh (Rural Education Contact , Trieu Do, Trieu Phong, Quang Tri province) was unknown causes disease.

        Samples were transported poultry products tested in the animal health agency III.

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        According to Russia, symptoms appear on the Forum is to duck his Vinh distribution of liquid, remove the food before few days but do people slow body functions should report the epidemic has spread very quickly.

        To the present time, in addition to his duck forums Vinh, has over 70% of flocks of 200 households (an average of 5-15 chickens, ducks) in Ha Quy village (bordering village Church Contact) has also infected disease and death.

        People in this place thrown into the river and the poultry field, causing the smell rotten concentration anonymously.

        Veterinary Sub-Department of Quang Tri province was granted on the basis of vaccines


        • #5
          Re: Quang Tri Province: Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks infected strange

          Post #1:
          Before that, more than 1,000 children in Forum duck farm poultry Vinh his symptoms and diarrhea music food in bulk at 26 / 1. Family Vinh told local authorities and Trieu Phong District Veterinary Station.
          The culling was completed on 1/31:
          Veterinary Sub-Department of Quang Tri province has coordinated with the station Trieu Phong Animal Health conducted more than 1,000 ducks culled infected poultry farms strange in his family's village Church Contact Vinh Phan, Trieu Do, Trieu room.

          Today is February 2nd. I can't find anything conclusive yet.

          Quang Tri: Destruction of more than 1,000 ducks infected
          Monday, January 2, 2010 16:2

          Before that, more than 1,000 children in Forum duck farm poultry Vinh his symptoms and diarrhea music food in bulk. Family Vinh told local authorities and Trieu Phong District Veterinary Station. Soon after, staff veterinarian Trieu Phong district has conducted inspection Forum ducks but no pathological findings were sick.

          Critical sub-department of Veterinary province, after taking product samples, Tram Trieu Phong Animal Health immediately held immediately destroy Forum ducks, also be included product samples tested at the Animal Health Agency Region III .

          It is known that, in addition to Rural Education Contact duck sick strange discovery, in Ha Quy village nearby was also detected 70% of poultry in the family have similar symptoms. While no precise conclusions about the epidemic, Sub-Department of Animal Health in Quang Tri province has directed local measures to prevent disease spread on a large scale


          • #6
            Re: Quang Tri Province: Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks infected strange

            I guess the same thing happened a little over a year ago in Quang Nam Province.


            • #7
              Re: Quang Tri Province: Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks infected strange

              Quang Tri - 1,000 Ducks Death: Confirmed H5N1

              New cases of animal diseases uncovered in central region
              February, 03 2010 10:50:00

              Ha Noi ? Bird flu and foot-and-mouth disease have recurred in Quang Tri and Gia Lai provinces after less than a year since the last animal epidemics broke out, according to local authorities.
              Bird flu was found to have infected a flock of ducks, belonging to Phan Vinh in Giao Lien Village, Trieu Do Commune of Trieu Phong District in the central province of Quang Tri. Vinh's ducks displayed symptoms of the disease including having watery manure and a lack of appetite.

              According to Le Thi Nga, head of the Animal Health Office of Quang Tri, the local resident did not report the symptoms early enough, and the disease spread, infecting over 1,000 ducks. Dead ducks were then carelessly disposed of which had a detrimental effect on the environment.
              After hearing the report, local authorities acted quickly, setting up an investigation at the village, Nga said.

              "The district animal health staff destroyed over 1,000 ducks and vaccinated a total of 8,300. We also sprayed chemicals and disinfected the whole area. Trading was banned to limit the spread of the disease. Until now, no new cases have been reported," said Nguyen Huu Thanh, deputy head of the People's Committee of Trieu Phong district.

              In a similar situation, Le Van Thanh from H'Bong Commune of Chu Se said he became very worried when his cattle and buffalo started developing red spots in their mouths. He reported it immediately to local authorities but the disease still spread. "Out of the 74 cattle that I own, 25 of them were infected with foot and mouth disease," said Thanh.

              Most families in H'Bong commune make a living from raising cattle and buffaloes with a total number of 7,000. In the first inspection of 430 animals, 65 had symptoms of foot and mouth disease.

              "An inspection group was immediately set up and the infected animals destroyed while the others were vaccinated," said Nguyen Can, head of the commune.
              Buffalo trading is also prohibited in the commune and until now, only three households are still under surveillance, according to Can.
              Duong Ngoc Thach, deputy head of the Animal Health Office of Central Highland Gia Lai Province, said the last time a case of foot-and mouth disease was found in the province was in April, 2009. In Trieu Phong district of Quang Tri province, the last time a bird flu case was discovered was last February, according to Thanh.
              Foot-and mouth disease first hit Viet Nam in 2003.
              Bird flu was also first identified in Viet Nam in 2003, and has recurred occasionally. Last month, over 2,000 ducks in Ca Mau and Ha Tinh provinces were found to be infected. ? VNS


              • #8
                Re: Quang Tri Province: Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks: Confirmed H5N1

                Thứ Năm, 04/02/2010, 22:35
                Ducks died in Quang Tri was infected by H5N1 virus

                TTO - Ms Le Thi Nga, Director Chi Chi Quang Tri Department of Animal Health said the agency veterinary III has announced the results of product testing samples taken from sick ducks died of the Forum his family Phan Vinh (in Rural Education Lien, Trieu Do, Trieu Phong) is infected by H5N1 virus.

                After the epidemic, Chi Quang Tri Department of Animal Health has cooperated with the functional destruction of the forums more than 1,000 ducks his family Vinh and quickly implement measures to control epidemics. Work localized stamping service is made, particularly in the communes surrounding risk spreading diseases such as high Dynasty, Zhao Thuan, Phuoc Trieu ...

                According to Russia, to the present time basically control the avian influenza outbreak in the village Church Lien, Trieu Do, Trieu Phong. However, active transport, trade, slaughtering live poultry in Trieu India is still banned.


                • #9
                  Re: Quang Tri Province: Destroyed more than 1,000 ducks: Confirmed H5N1

                  Add a province with avian

                  Days 8-2, Department of Animal Health (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) said that the newly discovered avian influenza occurred in the province of Quang Tri province, bringing the total number of provinces in the country has not translated through 21 days 6 provinces, including Ca Mau, Ha Tinh, Dien Bien, Soc Trang, Kon Tum and Quang Tri.

                  Sub-Department of Animal Health under Quang Tri province, the past 1-2 days, the avian influenza have occurred in rural An Cu, Trieu Phuong, Trieu Phong, with a total of 400 ducks were destroyed as children. Currently, Sub-Department of Animal Health of provinces with local authorities are taking measures prevention services as prescribed.

                  Besides, worrying, in Ca Mau province continues to generate new outbreak. Most recently on 6-2, avian flu has occurred on the forums of a duck family in the village 4, An Xuyen, Ca Mau City, with a total ducks were killed and destroyed more than 480 children. Thus, from the first outbreak (31-12-2009) So far, avian influenza has occurred in eight communes in two districts and one city of Ca Mau, with a total of more than 6400 birds destroyed .

                  Also according to Department of Animal Health, the end of today, all countries in the area six provinces where foot and mouth disease on service animals are not over 21 days, that is: Lang Son, Cao Bang, Lai Chau, Nghe An, Dien border and Tuyen Quang.


