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Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

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  • #76
    Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

    Child deaths due to inflammation on acute respiratory
    Last Updated on: 18-03-2009 14:31 PM

    Inflammation of respiratory tract infection on the disease is most common in children, the cause of death among the top, especially children under 5 years old.
    In children, the inflammatory disease on respiratory infection or experience is: bronchitis - lung, Th?y pneumonia, bronchitis level, pneumonia due to virus from the lung, hen waste management ...

    Bronchitis - lungs

    Is sick or having children in more young adults. Children are often infected after the disease is bacterial decline rapidly as the resistance of the body such as after the measles, whooping cough, flu, or Diphtheria after surgery, after the severe burns ...

    When bronchitis lungs, children with symptoms of infections: fever, cough, or regurgitate back, blue skin, remove player, or quấy crying, difficulty breathing fast, nose wings beating, lởm withdraw the sternum, heart re. Play lungs feel lousy moisture. X-rays taken of both lungs with multiple fuzzy đ?m scattered.

    Treatment must be active antibiotics (penicillin, ampicillin, cephalosporin) and anti sultry, summer heat, found.

    Pneumonia Th?y

    Encountered in children or adults (in the fall, winter, spring). Children with high fever, usually 39-40oC, suddenly after infected cold, difficulty breathing, chest pain, cough. Region is inflamed lungs heard Iran has moisture, the blowing pipe, ran explosive, type Education. Take X-ray shows lung damage defecate triangle bottom turn out, at the top of their lungs ron. Blood test: the number of me, of me to have the neutral high. Treatment as in bronchitis - lungs.

    Bronchitis level

    Usually occurs in young adults, when the weather changes or when the nose throat inflammation. Often the waste management in the floor, waste management category average or large waste management is inflamed, the waste of small little or not affected.

    Children ill with symptoms of fever, cough. At first the audience or a spot or, in the less affected. Play lungs have lousy days, ran centipede scattered in both lungs. Although no serious disease such as pneumonia Thuy, bronchitis - lungs but also to cut the points to be transferred to disease worse.
    From the lungs

    Pneumonia is due to gold focused cause. Common in children under 3 years old. Children as small as disease severity.

    Patients often occur unexpectedly. Children high fever 39-40oC, or khan, the packaging, hardship, difficulty breathing, lung examination only hear the explosion, ran a few hours or silent. There may be signs of spills or gas spills and pleura.

    Take X-ray shows the lungs in a variety of steam, the ball slightly growing slowly, if not treated effectively. Take movies lungs many times will be discovered this image. If gas balloon will break out of gas spills, spills and pleura, pleura inflammation blind. Blood test shows me the amount and rate me to have the neutral growth.

    Treatment of active antibiotics work together with the (methicillin, oxacillin ...) against respiratory failure, resulting in saving gas, and pleura (if any) ...

    Hen waste management

    Can happen to children early on. Young hen usually be able to do increase, due to infections, because the situation is not nervous balance (to feel, feel the deal), as a factor stimulating the body (and, amidan, nasal polyp ...).

    Many cases do not find the cause. Difficulty breathing children mainly in the exhaling. Play lungs centipede has ran, ran on. X-ray exposure than normal. Mainly cutting needle treatment (drug stretch waste management, corticoid ...) the best is to find the cause for exclusion.

    All infected sore on acute respiratory tract in children must be noted positive treatment, right patient to avoid the bad consequences that may occur because the body in small children, the ability to higher mortality.


    • #77
      Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

      Hau Giang: dozens of students infected strange
      Last Updated on: 19-03-2009 08:16 AM
      In a few days at the High School common Vi Thuy Vi Thuy district, Hau Giang has many students with symptoms such as headaches, hot fever, red eyes, sore throat, rash and itch of the body .
      While the school has measures for isolation, but the number of students have symptoms on increasing from 2 children were on the way to 13-3 at 12TN1, now has spread to class and 12TN2 increasing total 26 children. According to Medical Center for Vi Thuy district, which is capable of outbreak of measles or Rubella disease.


      • #78
        Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

        Mittinh Week in response to national safety sanitation workers, fire prevention

        20/03 Morning, JSC processing services and products combined Ca Mau and Ca Mau in the port organizations in response mittinh Week national safety sanitation workers and fire prevention.

        More than 200 workers mittinh participants provided information about the cause of labor accidents, and fire prevention. Board of Directors, Union leaders set out the tasks required to implement in the manufacturing process to ensure hygiene and safety work, fire prevention. Prohibits workers lack the protection of workers in production, conducting safety training sanitation workers and regularly check all equipment and machinery before the operation, increase investment and equipment fire prevention; achieved motto: "Safety for production, production must be safe". /.


        • #79
          Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

          <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=atc_hl vAlign=top> Announced the HPAI in 2 districts of Hau Giang
          Date 21/03/2009 Last Updated: 9:02 AM, 21/03/2009
          </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE class=atc_imgWrap cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=left><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
          (LĐ) -
          People's Committee has just issued 2 decision announced on the avian influenza in the province of Phu Long, Binh Long, Vinh Vien (Long USA) and Vi Thuy district.
          This is 2 of 3 district occurred HPAI in Hau Giang.




          • #80
            Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

            Khanh Hoa announced the HPAI
            On 20.3.2009, Khanh Hoa provincial People's Committee decision to the HPAI in Vinh Phuong (Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang), annulled the core quarantined here. The transport activity, traders, poultry consumption is normal again.
            Previously, 20.2 days, Khanh Hoa published appear HPAI in this.
            Ng?y 16.2, mẫu
            16.2 days, the disease form of poultry products from the Nguyen Van Trung (Dac Loc village, Vinh Phuong commune) to send the Animal Health Institute Central test, the positive results for H5N1 virus (type A). 18.2 days, the samples continue to be taken in 8 nearby households, but the test result negative. After the publication appeared on good food (especially poultry) in Nha Trang increase is quite high.



            • #81
              Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

              Central: Weather thất often, the disease increased
              Updated: Today at 12:16

              Weather this month nearly half the provinces in Central Vietnam thất often leads to children with diseases Respiratory, pneumonia, fever virus ... to examination and hospitalization unexpected surge.

              According to doctors Tra Thi Thanh Van - Deputy Chief of Pediatrics Hospital in Quang Ngai province, a few days recently, the disease many unexpected surge, the average of 170 patients / day (the previous average of 100 patients / day) lead to overload in science.

              Two in Binh Dinh and Phu Yen also had hundreds of children being infected with quai. In particular, Hoai An district (Binh Dinh) and Eastern District Hoa (Phu Yen), patients were handed children are in place are complex. According to Medical Center for Hoai An district, again two months ago, in the district has over 120 cases were handed. The latest is 15 students in a class of secondary schools in Le Thanh Ton (Dong Hoa district, Phu Yen) were infected quai.

              Currently, Kontum province has nearly 120 cases and 188 water cases diarrhea. In those days, and diarrhea is not remission.


              • #82
                Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

                Authorities thwart pig hijacking in epidemic zone

                Monday, March 23, 2009

                Authorities stopped a group of hijackers from stealing a truck carrying more than 300 frozen swine in a blue ear pig disease epidemic zone Saturday.

                The truck driver had been stopped by disease control and commercial management agencies earlier for attempting to bring the 305 swine out of Que Son District, Quang Nam Province. The district is currently a quarantine zone due to an outbreak of blue ear pig disease. The driver had been instructed to transport the frozen animals to a culling center as it is illegal to transport pigs or pork out of the zone.
                It was en route to the culling center that three people on motorbikes pulled in front of the truck, forcing the vehicle to pull over.
                While the would-be bandits checked the vehicle?s inventory, nearby officials witnessing the ordeal called the police, who soon arrived at the scene and arrested the hijackers.
                An increasing amount of smuggling across quarantine boundaries has been recorded over the last 10 days, said local authorities.
                The province has ordered all district authorities in the quarantine zone to sterilize breeding areas for free, but many villages have reported being charged fees of VND3,000 (US$0.17) per pig.
                The disease has infected at least 1,300 pigs in Quang Nam Province so far.
                Two other provinces, Quang Ninh in the north and Bac Lieu in the Mekong Delta, have been hit by the syndrome this year.
                Blue ear disease, also known as Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS), is a viral and economically important pandemic disease which causes reproductive failure in breeding stock and respiratory tract illness in young pigs.
                Reported by Ho Trong


                • #83
                  Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

                  <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center><TBODY><TR height=8><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD align=left>
                  Tue, 24/03/2009 - 03:02 PM </TD></TR><TR><TD class=main_subtitle></TD></TR><TR><TD>
                  Workshop building, implementation of actions to prevent the media HPAI
                  </TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width=1 align=left><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left></TD></TR><TR><TD align=middle> Representatives attended the workshop participants discussed the group. </TD></TR><TR><TD height=5></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
                  LSO-On 24/3/2009, the project management VAHIP Lang Son province held a conference building, implementation of actions to prevent the media HPAI (H5N1) infection to the staff provincial.
                  In recent years, the smuggling chickens from China to the provinces is very exciting and hard to control the long border line and many regional areas to cover. This is one of the risk of potential spread HPAI through the border through the trade of illegal import of poultry.
                  Qua gi?m s?t t?nh h?nh thực tế năm 2008 tr?n số g? nhập lậu c? 1 số mẫu c? viruts H5N1.
                  Through monitoring the actual situation in 2008 on illegal imported chickens have 1 number viruts have H5N1 samples.

                  Situation before the media and health education are interested in and gradually implement activities directly or indirectly through the media in them. Currently, within the framework of project "Prevention flu and ready to deal with pandemic flu"; media plan of the province is based on the evidence of the initial investigation results and interventions are evaluated through investigation following intervention.

                  Specific objectives of the plan is to enhance knowledge, skills and practices of health staff in the treatment performed in the media to prevent avian influenza, raising awareness and practice of people in prevention of avian influenza.
                  Message content media focusing on behavior change to prevent avian influenza spread to humans. Forms of communication occur under 2 forms of indirect and direct.
                  At the workshop, delegates attending are divided into 3 to the discussion, in which ideas around the issues as:
                  should consider investigating the awareness of the community on H5N1, building plans suitable to each specific sector, the local between the project management with industry, support materials for the communication efficiency achieved ... <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
                  <o:p> </o:p>



                  • #84
                    Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

                    Children hospitalized unexpected surge
                    News from Pediatrics Hospital of Da Nang for nearly two weeks past, children hospitalized unexpected surge. per day have nearly 100 children to examine and hospitalization, doubled compared to the regular, mainly Pneumonia, diarrhea

                    According to doctor Le Xuan Thanh, Chief of Pediatrics, causes children hospitalized cause unexpected surge is due to the weather are the seasons in a day but the morning It will be cold, the hot noon sun makes children not adapt in time



                    • #85
                      Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+


                      Nghe An focuses on describing control on pigs

                      <HR style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px" align=left SIZE=0 width=250> Updated: 24/03/2009 16:54

                      <!--- Bỏ:/image/image_view_fullscreen trong tal:attributes="href string:$here_url-->

                      Nghe An focuses on control tả appear on pigs in Thanh Hoa (Thanh Yen district). In the morning 23 / 3, District Veterinary Station in collaboration with People's Committee has vaccinated tả nose and 2 for 300 pigs in the province. In those days will hold a fold region and vaccination of all pigs in the number of communes in buffer areas and areas with high risk within a radius of 6 km from Thanh Hoa.

                      Earlier, on 19 / 3, in Thanh Hoa and tả appear on pigs including 4 of the Pham Van Duan, x?m 3. From sick pigs have spread to some households in the commune. Veterinary Department of Nghe An in collaboration with local government held destroyed 48 pigs with the description of this.At the province and Thanh Hoa commune in some areas continue to appear pigs died and Unhide unknown causes. The areas in Thanh Hoa Dinh Si for the market traders of cattle, poultry largest province of Nghe An.
                      Most of the large number of people buying in breeding have originated from this market. From the 22 / 3, Nghe An temporarily closed markets and prohibit transport, trade, slaughter cattle in the province in full. /.



                      • #86
                        Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

                        Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Vietnam (4/10/2009) [WAHID Interface - OIE]
                        Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Vietnam

                        Information received on 10/04/2009 from Mr Bui Quang Anh, Chief Veterinary Officer, Department of Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, HANOI, Vietnam

                        -- Summary
                        Report type Follow-up report No. 30
                        Start date 07/12/2006
                        Date of first confirmation of the event 19/12/2006
                        Report date 10/04/2009
                        Date submitted to OIE 10/04/2009
                        Reason for notification Reoccurrence of a listed disease
                        Date of previous occurrence 10/08/2006
                        Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
                        Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus Serotype H5N1
                        Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (basic), Laboratory (advanced)
                        This event pertains to a defined zone within the country
                        Related reports
                        * Immediate notification (19/12/2006)
                        * Follow-up report No. 1 (04/01/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 2 (17/01/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 3 (27/02/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 4 (23/03/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 5 (02/04/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 6 (17/05/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 7 (24/05/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 8 (07/06/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 9 (05/07/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 10 (14/09/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 11 (11/10/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 12 (31/10/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 13 (12/11/2007)
                        * Follow-up report No. 14 (07/01/2008)
                        * Follow-up report No. 15 (01/02/2008)
                        * Follow-up report No. 16 (23/02/2008)
                        * Follow-up report No. 17 (12/03/2008)
                        * Follow-up report No. 18 (01/04/2008)
                        * Follow-up report No. 19 (23/04/2008)
                        * Follow-up report No. 20 (14/07/2008)
                        * Follow-up report No. 21 (30/09/2008)
                        * Follow-up report No. 22 (27/11/2008)
                        * Follow-up report No. 23 (30/12/2008)
                        * Follow-up report No. 24 (07/01/2009)
                        * Follow-up report No. 25 (03/02/2009)
                        * Follow-up report No. 26 (06/02/2009)
                        * Follow-up report No. 27 (16/02/2009)
                        * Follow-up report No. 28 (22/02/2009)
                        * Follow-up report No. 29 (06/03/2009)
                        * Follow-up report No. 30 (10/04/2009)

                        -- New outbreaks

                        - Outbreak 1 - Thanh Yen, Thanh Yen, Dien Bien, LAI CHAU
                        Date of start of the outbreak 09/03/2009
                        Outbreak status Resolved (01/04/2009)
                        Epidemiological unit Farm
                        Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
                        - Birds - 250 - 125 - 75 - 50 - 0

                        - Outbreak 2 - Quarter No. 9, Hai Hoa, Mong Cai, QUANG NINH
                        Date of start of the outbreak 08/03/2009
                        Outbreak status Resolved (09/03/2009)
                        Epidemiological unit Farm
                        Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
                        - Birds - 20 - 13 - 9 - 11 - 0

                        - Outbreak 3 - Thanh Luong, Thanh Luong, Dien Bien, LAI CHAU
                        Date of start of the outbreak 14/03/2009
                        Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                        Epidemiological unit Farm
                        Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
                        - Birds - 316 - 113 - 113 - 203 - 0

                        - Outbreak 4 - Thanh Nua, Thanh Nua, Dien Bien, LAI CHAU
                        Date of start of the outbreak 18/03/2009
                        Outbreak status Continuing (or date resolved not provided)
                        Epidemiological unit Village
                        Affected animals: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
                        - Birds - 1200 - 818 - 713 - 487 - 0

                        -- Summary of outbreaks
                        Total outbreaks: 4
                        Total animals affected: Species - Susceptible - Cases - Deaths - Destroyed - Slaughtered
                        - Birds - 1786 - 1069 - 910 - 751 - 0
                        Outbreak statistics: Species - Apparent morbidity rate - Apparent mortality rate - Apparent case fatality rate - Proportion susceptible animals lost*
                        - Birds - 59.85% - 50.95% - 85.13% - 93.00%
                        * Removed from the susceptible population through death, destruction and/or slaughter

                        -- Epidemiology
                        Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
                        * Introduction of new live animals
                        * Illegal movement of animals
                        * Fomites (humans, vehicles, feed, etc.)

                        -- Control measures
                        Measures applied
                        * Quarantine
                        * Movement control inside the country
                        * Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)
                        * Modified stamping out
                        * No vaccination
                        * No treatment of affected animals
                        Measures to be applied
                        * Screening
                        * Zoning
                        * Vaccination in response to the outbreak (s)

                        -- Future Reporting
                        The event is continuing. Weekly follow-up reports will be submitted.
                        <cite cite="" >WAHID Interface - OIE World Animal Health Information Database</cite>


                        • #87
                          Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

                          Bird flu hits another province of Vietnam

                 2009-05-14 11:15:49

                          HANOI, May 14 (Xinhua) -- Another Southwestern province Dong Thap of Vietnam was confirmed of being hit by the bird flu, said are port of the Vietnam's Department of Animal Health under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on Thursday.

                          The bird flu broke out in a local farm on May 10, killing 49 out of a flock of 142 ducks, said the report.

                          Local animal health authorities had been implementing measures to curb the spread of the bird flu virus to nearby areas.

                          Currently, Vietnam reported three provinces hit by avian flu including two central provinces of Thanh Hoa and Quang Ngai and a newly-confirmed Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap, said the department.

                          Vietnam has reported five human cases of bird flu so far this year, four of them died.


                          • #88
                            Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

                            [Out of Russia]

                            Vietnam: four new outbreaks of avian influenza

                            May 25, 2009
                            Veterinary services have reported new outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza to the World Organization for Animal Health.

                            New cases of infection - all on the farm, rather than privately Compound - quickly spread across the country, they erupted in the province Kuangngay (central coast), Thanh Hoa (North Coast) and two outbreaks occurred in the Delta. Mekong in the south.

                            In general, the zone of spread of the disease reached 12 342 birds, of which 589 were infected, 503 died, 4 of 339 birds had to be destroyed.

                            It was confirmed the presence of the virus H5N1.


                            • #89
                              Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

                              October 31, 2009
                              Now 48 million doses of bird flu vaccines room phase II

                              Situation surrounding vaccination influenza A/H5N1 vaccine II in 2009 that number NNVN yesterday reflected, we have discussed with Mr. Nguyen Anh Dung - Technology Development JSC rural unit handles supply of vaccines for vaccination phase II in 2009.

                              Mr Dung said that the bid-winning projects supply of vaccines Department of Animal Health, Co. to become the sole supply of vaccines for the entire province and poultry units are liable to compulsory vaccination is granted economic Investment costs from the phase II in 2009. Only five provinces of Vinh Phuc, Ho Chi Minh City, BR-VT and Dong Nai, Hanoi and Binh Duong have to manually remove and self-funding of the purchase vaccines for vaccination.

                              According to the plan of the Department of Veterinary Affairs, that the Company is in 136 million doses of influenza A/H5N1 vaccine strains from RE1 Co. cradle Hao (China). Mr Dung said that currently, there were 88 million doses have been sub-department of Animal Health of provinces receive. Company more than 48 million doses are still preserved in cold storage waiting for the province continue to register in November as planned. Expiry of this batch of vaccines to June 2010.

                              If the expiration of the provinces that are still not receiving all vaccines will process How, sir?

                              Besides vaccination campaign late 2009 and early 2010, during the month will have the additional round of vaccination should not worry stories vaccines expire. However the cost of money and power management for all three storage facilities in three regions: North, South to several tens of million a month. According bidding packages for the Department of Animal Health Company own costs to pay. So we want to speed as quickly as possible vaccination. However this depends on the implementation of the provincial vaccination.


                              • #90
                                Re: Vietnam - General News + Poultry/Animals/Wild Birds Jan 30, 2009+

                                Avian recurrence

                                02/11/2009 0:34
                                1:11 yesterday, Department of Animal Health (MARD) officially confirmed, bird flu has reoccurred after a long period of both countries successfully control this dangerous disease. Accordingly, the authorities have detected a new outbreak in the province of Dien Bien.

                                More reports of the provincial Animal Health Department said, has translated in nine households in the communes of livestock and Do Luong Thanh Yen (H.Dien Bien). Test samples on poultry products from sick or dead were positive for the influenza A/H5N1 virus. Main provincial Veterinary Bureau has conducted measures against services in accordance with and destroyed a total of 2283 birds in the area

