JANUARY 15, 2016
A new study suggests southeastern Texas and Florida are the most vulnerable parts of the continental United States to incursion by the Zika virus, believed to be the cause of an epidemic of birth defects in Brazil.
Researchers analyzed international travel patterns from Brazil?s Zika hot spots, plotting traveler destinations that also had populations of mosquitos that can transmit the virus. The combination of infected travelers and the right types of mosquitoes could ignite the spread of Zika virus in new regions, especially those where mosquitoes are active year round.
Significant parts of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean would be at risk of seeing imported Zika touch off a spread of the virus at any point in the year, the researchers reported in the journal The Lancet.
In the United States, year-round risk lies on Florida?s peninsula and in a diamond-shaped part of Texas between San Antonio and the Mexican border, according to the authors, from Canada, the United States, and Britain.

JANUARY 15, 2016
A new study suggests southeastern Texas and Florida are the most vulnerable parts of the continental United States to incursion by the Zika virus, believed to be the cause of an epidemic of birth defects in Brazil.
Researchers analyzed international travel patterns from Brazil?s Zika hot spots, plotting traveler destinations that also had populations of mosquitos that can transmit the virus. The combination of infected travelers and the right types of mosquitoes could ignite the spread of Zika virus in new regions, especially those where mosquitoes are active year round.
Significant parts of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean would be at risk of seeing imported Zika touch off a spread of the virus at any point in the year, the researchers reported in the journal The Lancet.
In the United States, year-round risk lies on Florida?s peninsula and in a diamond-shaped part of Texas between San Antonio and the Mexican border, according to the authors, from Canada, the United States, and Britain.
