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US FluView - Weekly Surveillance Flu report 2022/2023 season - for trend analysis

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  • US FluView - Weekly Surveillance Flu report 2022/2023 season - for trend analysis

    Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

    Updated October 7, 2022

    2021-2022 Influenza Season for Week 39, ending October 1, 2022

    All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

    A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

    Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.
    U.S. Virologic Surveillance

    Clinical Laboratories

    The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

    No. of specimens tested 40,709 3,801,185
    No. of positive specimens (%) 1,021 (2.5%) 137,999 (3.6%)
    Positive specimens by type
    Influenza A 969 (94.9%) 135,571 (98.2%)
    Influenza B 52 (5.1%) 2,428 (1.8%)

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen Public Health Laboratories

    The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
    No. of specimens tested 7,379 1,123,222
    No. of positive specimens 49 26,322
    Positive specimens by type/subtype
    Influenza A 47 (95.9%) 26,156 (99.4%)
    (H1N1)pdm09 7 (24.1%) 86 (0.4%)
    H3N2 22 (75.9%) 20,712 (99.6%)
    H3N2v 0 4 (<0.1%)
    Subtyping not performed 18 5,354
    Influenza B 2 (4.1%) 166 (0.6%)
    Yamagata lineage 0 1 (2.2%)
    Victoria lineage 0 45 (97.8%)
    Lineage not performed 2 120

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

    Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
    Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

    The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
    Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

    Nationwide during week 39, 2.4% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

    * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

    View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full ScreenOutpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

    More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

    During week 39, the percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet was 9.6% among those 0-4 years, 3.6% among those 5-24 years, 1.1% among those 25-49 years, 0.8% among those 50-64 years, and 0.6% among those 65 years and older.

    * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen
    Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

    Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
    Week 39
    (Week ending
    Oct. 1, 2022)
    Week 38
    (Week ending
    Sep. 24, 2022)
    Week 39
    (Week ending
    Oct. 1, 2022)
    Week 38
    (Week ending
    Sep. 24, 2022)
    Very High 0 0 3 5
    High 4 4 25 13
    Moderate 3 1 35 29
    Low 11 11 92 90
    Minimal 37 39 487 527
    Insufficient Data 0 0 287 265

    *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

    Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
    Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

    LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 39, 36 (0.3%) of 14,367 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

    Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
    Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
    Hospitalization Surveillance


    The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 14 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. Patients admitted for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalization after June 11, 2022, will not be included in FluSurv-NET for the 2021-2022 season. Data on patients admitted through June 11, 2022, will continue to be updated as additional information is received.

    Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
    Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
    HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

    Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 39, 885 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to the hospital.

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

    Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
    Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
    Mortality Surveillance

    National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

    Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on October 6, 2022, 8.7% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending October 1, 2022 (week 39), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 5.7% for this week. Among the 2,035 PIC deaths reported for this week, 983 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and five listed influenza, indicating that current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19 and not influenza. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

    Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
    Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

    One influenza-associated pediatric death occurring during the 2021-2022 season was reported to CDC during week 39. The death was associated with an influenza A virus for which no subtyping was performed and occurred during week 12 (the week ending March 26, 2022).

    A total of 40 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2021-2022 season have been reported to CDC.

    View Full Screen

    Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

    Additional National and International Influenza Surveillance Information

    FluView Interactive: FluView includes enhanced web-based interactive applications that can provide dynamic visuals of the influenza data collected and analyzed by CDC. These FluView Interactive applications allow people to create customized, visual interpretations of influenza data, as well as make comparisons across flu seasons, regions, age groups and a variety of other demographics.

    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Monthly surveillance data on the prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism among full-time workers in the United States are available from NIOSH.

    U.S. State and local influenza surveillance: Select a jurisdiction below to access the latest local influenza information. World Health Organization:
    Additional influenza surveillance information from participating WHO member nations is available through
    FluNet and the Global Epidemiology Reports.

    WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza:
    Australia, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (CDC in Atlanta, Georgia)

    The most up-to-date influenza information from Europe is available from WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

    Public Health Agency of Canada:
    The most up-to-date influenza information from Canada is available in Canada’s weekly FluWatch report.

    Public Health England:
    The most up-to-date influenza information from the United Kingdom is available from Public Health England.

    Any links provided to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at these links.

    A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

  • #2
    Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

    Updated October 14, 2022

    Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

    Key Updates for Week 40, ending October 8, 2022

    Early increases in seasonal influenza activity have been reported in most of the United States, with the southeast and south-central areas of the country reporting the highest levels of activity.

    Clinical Lab3.3%

    positive for influenza
    this week

    Public Health Lab
    The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

    Virus Characterization
    Influenza virus characterization information will be reported later this season.

    Outpatient Respiratory Illness2.6%

    of visits to a health care provider are for respiratory illness this week
    (above baseline)

    Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
    This week, 3 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 6 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

    Long-term Care Facilities0.3%

    of facilities reported
    ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
    among residents this week.

    Severe Disease

    Hospitalization rates will be updated starting later this season.

    HHS Protect Hospitalizations1,322

    patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
    this week.

    NCHS Mortality8.7%

    of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold)

    Pediatric Deaths3

    influenza-associated deaths reported this week; all occurred during the 2021-2022 season.

    All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

    A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

    Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

    Key Points
    • This is the first FluView of the 2022-2023 influenza season.
    • Influenza activity is low but increasing in most of the country. Regions 4 (southeast) and 6 (south-central) are reporting the highest levels of flu activity.
    • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
    • CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu vaccine, ideally by the end of October.
    • There are also prescription flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness; those need to be started as early as possible.
    U.S. Virologic Surveillance

    Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories is increasing; however, activity varies by region. Percent positivity increased this week in regions 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9, and was similar to or lower than the previous week in all other regions. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
    Clinical Laboratories

    The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

    No. of specimens tested 58,481 53,565
    No. of positive specimens (%) 1,274 (2.2%) 1,766 (3.3%)
    Positive specimens by type
    Influenza A 1,213 (95.2%) 1,686 (95.5%)
    Influenza B 61 (4.8%) 80 (4.5%)

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen Public Health Laboratories

    The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
    No. of specimens tested 7,729 7,261
    No. of positive specimens 133 83
    Positive specimens by type/subtype
    Influenza A 130 (97.7%) 81 (97.6%)
    (H1N1)pdm09 18 (26.9%) 16 (36.4%)
    H3N2 49 (73.1%) 28 (63.6%)
    H3N2v 0 0
    Subtyping not performed 63 37
    Influenza B 3 (2.3%) 2 (2.4%)
    Yamagata lineage 0 0
    Victoria lineage 1 (100%) 1 (100%)
    Lineage not performed 2 1

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

    Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
    Influenza Virus Characterization

    CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans. CDC also tests susceptibility of circulating influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir.

    CDC has genetically characterized 396 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022. While there are little data to date, most of the H3N2 viruses so far are genetically closely related to the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere vaccine virus, but there are some antigenic differences that have developed as H3N2 viruses have continued to evolve.
    A/H1 21
    6B.1A 21 (100%) 5a.1 5 (23.8%)
    5a.2 16 (76.2%)
    A/H3 373
    3C.2a1b 373 (100%) 1a 0
    1b 0
    2a 0
    2a.1 0
    2a.2 373 (100%)
    3C.3a 0 3a 0
    B/Victoria 2
    V1A 2 (100%) V1A 0
    V1A.1 0
    V1A.3 0
    V1A.3a 0
    V1A.3a.1 0
    V1A.3a.2 2 (100%)
    B/Yamagata 0
    Y3 0
    CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

    Influenza A Viruses
    • A (H1N1)pdm09: Two A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and none were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines or by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
    • A (H3N2): Twenty-four A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 22 (92%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

    Influenza B Viruses
    • B/Victoria: No influenza B/Victoria-lineage viruses were antigenically characterized by HI.
    • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

    Virus antiviral susceptibility data will be reported later this season when a sufficient number of specimens have been tested.
    Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

    The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
    Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

    Nationwide during week 40, 2.6% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This increased compared to week 39 and is above the national baseline of 2.5%. Eight of the 10 HHS regions are below their region-specific baselines; regions 3 and 4 are above their respective baselines. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

    * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

    View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full ScreenOutpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

    More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

    The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet is trending upward in all age groups (0-4 years, 5-24 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years).

    * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen
    Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

    Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
    Week 40
    (Week ending
    Oct. 8, 2022)
    Week 39
    (Week ending
    Oct. 1, 2022)
    Week 40
    (Week ending
    Oct. 8, 2022)
    Week 39
    (Week ending
    Oct. 1, 2022)
    Very High 1 0 7 4
    High 5 4 24 25
    Moderate 3 2 36 36
    Low 14 11 106 92
    Minimal 32 38 490 507
    Insufficient Data 0 0 266 265

    *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

    Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
    Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

    LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 40, 41 (0.3%) of 14,331 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

    Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
    Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
    Hospitalization Surveillance


    The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in selected counties in 14 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET estimated hospitalization rates will be updated weekly starting later this season.

    Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
    Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
    HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

    Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 40, 1,322 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

    Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
    Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
    Mortality Surveillance

    National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

    Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on October 13, 2022, 8.7% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending October 8, 2022 (week 40), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 5.8% for this week. Among the 1,928 PIC deaths reported for this week, 898 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and nine listed influenza, indicating that current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19 and not influenza. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

    Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
    Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

    Three influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2021-2022 season were reported to CDC during week 40. The deaths were associated with influenza A (H3) viruses and occurred during weeks 5, 16, and 21 of 2022 (weeks ending February 5, April 23, and May 28 respectively).

    A total of 43 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2021-2022 season have been reported to CDC. No influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

    View Full Screen

    Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

    Additional National and International Influenza Surveillance Information

    FluView Interactive: FluView includes enhanced web-based interactive applications that can provide dynamic visuals of the influenza data collected and analyzed by CDC. These FluView Interactive applications allow people to create customized, visual interpretations of influenza data, as well as make comparisons across flu seasons, regions, age groups and a variety of other demographics.

    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Monthly surveillance data on the prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism among full-time workers in the United States are available from NIOSH.

    U.S. State and local influenza surveillance: Select a jurisdiction below to access the latest local influenza information. World Health Organization:
    Additional influenza surveillance information from participating WHO member nations is available through
    FluNet and the Global Epidemiology Reports.

    WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza:
    Australia, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (CDC in Atlanta, Georgia)

    The most up-to-date influenza information from Europe is available from WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

    Public Health Agency of Canada:
    The most up-to-date influenza information from Canada is available in Canada’s weekly FluWatch report.

    Public Health England:
    The most up-to-date influenza information from the United Kingdom is available from Public Health England.

    Any links provided to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at these links.

    A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.


    • #3
      Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

      Updated October 21, 2022

      Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

      Key Updates for Week 41, ending October 15, 2022

      Early increases in seasonal influenza activity have been reported in most of the United States, with the southeast and south-central areas of the country reporting the highest levels of activity.

      Clinical Lab4.4%

      positive for influenza
      this week

      Public Health Lab
      The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

      Virus Characterization
      Genetic and antigenic characterization are summarized in this report.

      Outpatient Respiratory Illness3.0%

      of visits to a health care provider are for respiratory illness this week
      (above baseline)

      Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
      This week, 8 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 10 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

      Long-term Care Facilities0.4%

      of facilities reported
      ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
      among residents this week.

      Severe Disease

      Hospitalization rates will be updated starting later this season.

      HHS Protect Hospitalizations1,674

      patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
      this week.

      NCHS Mortality8.8%

      of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold)

      Pediatric Deaths0

      influenza-associated deaths reported this week

      All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

      A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

      Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

      Key Points
      • Influenza activity is increasing in most of the country. Regions 4 (southeast) and 6 (south-central) are reporting the highest levels of flu activity.
      • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
      • CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu vaccine, ideally by the end of October.
      • There are also prescription flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness; those need to be started as early as possible.
      U.S. Virologic Surveillance

      Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories is increasing; however, activity varies by region. Percent positivity increased ≥ 0.5% this week in regions 3, 4, 6, and 9, and was similar to or lower than the previous week in all other regions. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
      Clinical Laboratories

      The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

      No. of specimens tested 61,813 134,628
      No. of positive specimens (%) 2,712 (4.4%) 4,782 (3.6%)
      Positive specimens by type
      Influenza A 2,639 (97.3%) 4,610 (96.4%)
      Influenza B 73 (2.7%) 172 (3.6%)

      View Chart Data | View Full Screen Public Health Laboratories

      The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
      No. of specimens tested 6,854 14,607
      No. of positive specimens 137 349
      Positive specimens by type/subtype
      Influenza A 135 (98.5%) 341 (97.7%)
      (H1N1)pdm09 20 (22.5%) 50 (20.5%)
      H3N2 69 (77.5%) 194 (79.5%)
      H3N2v 0 0
      Subtyping not performed 46 97
      Influenza B 2 (1.5%) 8 (2.3%)
      Yamagata lineage 0 0
      Victoria lineage 0 2 (100%)
      Lineage not performed 2 6

      View Chart Data | View Full Screen

      Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
      Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
      Novel Influenza A Virus

      A human infection with a novel influenza A virus was reported by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The patient was infected with an influenza A(H3N2) variant (A(H3N2)v) virus. The illness occurred during week 36 of 2022. The patient is <18 years of age, was not hospitalized, and has recovered from their illness. An investigation by local public health officials found that the patient had indirect swine exposure at an agricultural fair prior to their illness onset. Additional investigation did not identify respiratory illness in any of the patient’s household contacts. No person-to-person transmission of A(H3N2)v virus associated with this patient has been identified.

      A total of nine human infections with variant novel influenza A viruses have been reported in the United States in 2022, including four H3N2v (Michigan (1) West Virginia (3)) and five H1N2v (Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, Oregon, Wisconsin) viruses. When an influenza virus that normally circulates in swine (but not people) is detected in a person, it is called a “variant” influenza virus. Most human infections with variant influenza viruses occur following exposure to swine, but human-to-human transmission can occur. It is important to note that in most cases, variant influenza viruses have not shown the ability to spread easily and sustainably from person to person.

      Early identification and investigation of human infections with novel influenza A viruses are critical so that the risk of infection can be understood, and appropriate public health measures can be taken.

      Additional information on influenza in swine, variant influenza virus infection in humans, and guidance to interact safely with swine can be found at

      Additional information regarding human infections with novel influenza A viruses:

      Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

      Influenza Virus Characterization

      CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans. CDC also tests susceptibility of circulating influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir.

      CDC genetically characterized 446 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
      A/H1 36
      6B.1A 36 (100%) 5a.1 5 (13.9%)
      5a.2 31 (86.1%)
      A/H3 408
      3C.2a1b 408 (100%) 1a 0
      1b 0
      2a 0
      2a.1 0
      2a.2 408 (100%)
      3C.3a 0 3a 0
      B/Victoria 2
      V1A 2 (100%) V1A 0
      V1A.1 0
      V1A.3 0
      V1A.3a 0
      V1A.3a.1 0
      V1A.3a.2 2 (100%)
      B/Yamagata 0
      Y3 0
      CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

      Influenza A Viruses
      • A (H1N1)pdm09: Eleven A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 9 (82%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 9 (82%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
      • A (H3N2): Thirty-two A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 30 (94%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

      Influenza B Viruses
      • B/Victoria: One influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus was antigenically characterized by HI; it was well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines
      • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

      Virus antiviral susceptibility data will be reported later this season when a sufficient number of specimens have been tested.
      Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

      The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
      Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

      Nationwide during week 41, 3.0% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This increased compared to week 40 and is above the national baseline of 2.5%. Regions 2, 3, 4, and 6 are above their region-specific baselines, and regions 7 and 9 are at their respective baselines. The remaining four regions are below their region-specific baselines. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

      * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

      View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full ScreenOutpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

      More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

      The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet is trending upwards in all age groups (0-4 years, 5-24 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years).

      * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

      View Chart Data | View Full Screen
      Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

      Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
      Week 41
      (Week ending
      Oct. 15, 2022)
      Week 40
      (Week ending
      Oct. 8, 2022)
      Week 41
      (Week ending
      Oct. 15, 2022)
      Week 40
      (Week ending
      Oct. 8, 2022)
      Very High 1 1 9 9
      High 9 4 38 23
      Moderate 8 4 60 38
      Low 9 14 101 106
      Minimal 28 32 389 495
      Insufficient Data 0 0 332 258

      *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

      Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
      Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
      Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

      LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 41, 64 (0.4%) of 14,239 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

      View Chart Data | View Full Screen

      Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
      Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
      Hospitalization Surveillance


      The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in selected counties in 14 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET estimated hospitalization rates will be updated weekly starting later this season.

      Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
      Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
      HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

      Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 41, 1,674 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

      View Chart Data | View Full Screen

      Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
      Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
      Mortality Surveillance

      National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

      Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on October 20, 2022, 8.8% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending October 15, 2022 (week 41), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 5.8% for this week. Among the 2,060 PIC deaths reported for this week, 931 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 18 listed influenza, indicating that current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19 and not influenza. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

      View Chart Data | View Full Screen

      Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
      Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
      Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

      No influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported to CDC during week 41. No influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

      View Full Screen

      Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
      Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

      Additional National and International Influenza Surveillance Information

      FluView Interactive: FluView includes enhanced web-based interactive applications that can provide dynamic visuals of the influenza data collected and analyzed by CDC. These FluView Interactive applications allow people to create customized, visual interpretations of influenza data, as well as make comparisons across flu seasons, regions, age groups and a variety of other demographics.

      National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Monthly surveillance data on the prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism among full-time workers in the United States are available from NIOSH.

      U.S. State and local influenza surveillance: Select a jurisdiction below to access the latest local influenza information. World Health Organization:
      Additional influenza surveillance information from participating WHO member nations is available through
      FluNet and the Global Epidemiology Reports.

      WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza:
      Australia, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (CDC in Atlanta, Georgia)

      The most up-to-date influenza information from Europe is available from WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

      Public Health Agency of Canada:
      The most up-to-date influenza information from Canada is available in Canada’s weekly FluWatch report.

      Public Health England:
      The most up-to-date influenza information from the United Kingdom is available from Public Health England.

      Any links provided to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at these links.

      A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.


      • #4

        Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

        Updated October 28, 2022

        Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

        Key Updates for Week 42, ending October 22, 2022

        Early increases in seasonal influenza activity continue, with the southeast and south-central areas of the country reporting the highest levels of activity.

        Clinical Lab6.2%

        positive for influenza
        this week

        Public Health Lab
        The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

        Virus Characterization
        Genetic and antigenic characterization are summarized in this report.

        Outpatient Respiratory Illness3.3%

        of visits to a health care provider are for respiratory illness this week
        (above baseline)

        Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
        This week, 1 jurisdiction experienced moderate activity and 13 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

        Long-term Care Facilities0.5%

        of facilities reported
        ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
        among residents this week.

        Severe Disease

        FluSurv-NET1.5 per 100,000

        cumulative hospitalization rate

        HHS Protect Hospitalizations2,332

        patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
        this week.

        NCHS Mortality9.2%

        of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold)

        Pediatric Deaths1

        influenza-associated death reported this week

        All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

        A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

        Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

        Key Points
        • Influenza activity continues to increase. Regions 4 (southeast) and 6 (south-central) are reporting the highest levels of flu activity.
        • The first influenza-associated pediatric death of the 2022-2023 season was reported this week.
        • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 880,000 flu illnesses, 6,900 hospitalizations, and 360 deaths from flu.
        • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system is higher than the rate observed in week 42 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011.
        • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
        • CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu vaccine annually.
        • There are also prescription flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness; those need to be started as early as possible.
        U.S. Virologic Surveillance

        Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories is increasing; however, activity varies by region. Percent positivity increased ≥ 0.5% this week in regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, and was similar to the previous week but trending upward in region 1. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
        Clinical Laboratories

        The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

        No. of specimens tested 66,955 216,088
        No. of positive specimens (%) 4,129 (6.2%) 9,142 (4.2%)
        Positive specimens by type
        Influenza A 4,061 (98.4%) 8,887 (97.2%)
        Influenza B 68 (1.6%) 255 (2.8%)

        View Chart Data | View Full Screen
        Public Health Laboratories

        The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
        No. of specimens tested 8,367 24,935
        No. of positive specimens 298 984
        Positive specimens by type/subtype
        Influenza A 291 (97.7%) 965 (98.1%)
        (H1N1)pdm09 43 (25.4%) 121 (16.3%)
        H3N2 126 (74.6%) 621 (83.7%)
        H3N2v 0 0
        Subtyping not performed 122 223
        Influenza B 7 (2.3%) 19 (1.9%)
        Yamagata lineage 0 0
        Victoria lineage 0 8 (100%)
        Lineage not performed 7 11

        View Chart Data | View Full Screen

        Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
        Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
        Influenza Virus Characterization

        CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans. CDC also tests susceptibility of circulating influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir.

        CDC genetically characterized 452 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
        A/H1 38
        6B.1A 38 (100%) 5a.1 5 (13.2%)
        5a.2 33 (86.8%)
        A/H3 412
        3C.2a1b 412 (100%) 1a 0
        1b 0
        2a 0
        2a.1 0
        2a.2 412 (100%)
        3C.3a 0 3a 0
        B/Victoria 2
        V1A 2 (100%) V1A 0
        V1A.1 0
        V1A.3 0
        V1A.3a 0
        V1A.3a.1 0
        V1A.3a.2 2 (100%)
        B/Yamagata 0
        Y3 0
        CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

        Influenza A Viruses
        • A (H1N1)pdm09: Fourteen A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 12 (86%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 12 (86%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
        • A (H3N2): Thirty-five A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 33 (94%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

        Influenza B Viruses
        • B/Victoria: One influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus was antigenically characterized by HI; it was well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines
        • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

        Virus antiviral susceptibility data will be reported later this season when a sufficient number of specimens have been tested.
        Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

        The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
        Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

        Nationwide during week 42, 3.3% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This increased compared to week 41 and is above the national baseline of 2.5%. Regions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are at or above their region-specific baselines. The remaining three regions are below their region-specific baselines. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

        * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

        View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
        Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

        More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

        The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet is trending upwards in all age groups (0-4 years, 5-24 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years).

        * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

        View Chart Data | View Full Screen
        Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

        Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
        Week 42
        (Week ending
        Oct. 22, 2022)
        Week 41
        (Week ending
        Oct. 15, 2022)
        Week 42
        (Week ending
        Oct. 22, 2022)
        Week 41
        (Week ending
        Oct. 15, 2022)
        Very High 2 1 13 9
        High 11 9 65 39
        Moderate 1 8 63 63
        Low 14 8 134 103
        Minimal 26 29 398 414
        Insufficient Data 1 0 256 301

        *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

        Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
        Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
        Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

        LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 42, 75 (0.5%) of 14,264 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

        View Chart Data | View Full Screen

        Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
        Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
        Hospitalization Surveillance


        The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

        A total of 443 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2022, and October 22, 2022; 94.4% were associated with influenza A virus, 3.4% were associated with influenza B virus, 0.5% with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 1.8% with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 59 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 27.1% were A(H1N1)pdm09 virus and 72.9% were A(H3N2).

        The overall cumulative hospitalization rate per 100,000 population was 1.5. This cumulative hospitalization rate is higher than the cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 42 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011, which ranged from 0 to 0.3. The highest hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were among adults aged ≥ 65 years (3.0) and children aged 0-4 years (3.0), followed by children aged 5-17 years (1.7), adults aged 50-64 (1.3) and adults aged 18-49 years (0.8).

        Cumulative hospitalization rates for each age group were higher than cumulative in-season hospitalization rates previously observed during week 42; since 2010-11, in-season rates ranged from 0 to 0.4 among children 0-4 years, 0 to 0.1 among children 5-17 years, 0 to 0.2 among adults 18-49 years, 0 to 0.3 among adults 50-64 years, and 0 to 1.0 among adults ≥ 65 years.

        View Full Screen

        Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
        Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
        HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

        Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 42, 2,332 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

        View Chart Data | View Full Screen

        Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
        Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
        Mortality Surveillance

        National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

        Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on October 27, 2022, 9.2% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending October 22, 2022 (week 42), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 5.9% for this week. Among the 2,128 PIC deaths reported for this week, 949 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 15 listed influenza, indicating that current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19 and not influenza. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

        View Chart Data | View Full Screen

        Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
        Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
        Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

        One influenza-associated pediatric death occurring during the 2022-2023 season was reported to CDC during week 42. The death was associated with an influenza A(H3) virus and occurred during week 40 (the week ending October 8, 2022). This is the first influenza-associated pediatric death occurring during the 2022-2023 season that has been reported to CDC.

        View Full Screen

        Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
        Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

        Additional National and International Influenza Surveillance Information

        FluView Interactive: FluView includes enhanced web-based interactive applications that can provide dynamic visuals of the influenza data collected and analyzed by CDC. These FluView Interactive applications allow people to create customized, visual interpretations of influenza data, as well as make comparisons across flu seasons, regions, age groups and a variety of other demographics.

        National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Monthly surveillance data on the prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism among full-time workers in the United States are available from NIOSH.

        U.S. State and local influenza surveillance: Select a jurisdiction below to access the latest local influenza information. World Health Organization:
        Additional influenza surveillance information from participating WHO member nations is available through
        FluNet and the Global Epidemiology Reports.

        WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza:
        Australia, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (CDC in Atlanta, Georgia)

        The most up-to-date influenza information from Europe is available from WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

        Public Health Agency of Canada:
        The most up-to-date influenza information from Canada is available in Canada’s weekly FluWatch report.

        Public Health England:
        The most up-to-date influenza information from the United Kingdom is available from Public Health England.

        Any links provided to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at these links.

        A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.


        • #5
          Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

          Updated November 4, 2022

          Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

          Key Updates for Week 43, ending October 29, 2022

          Early increases in seasonal influenza activity continue nationwide. The southeastern and south-central areas of the country are reporting the highest levels of activity followed by the Mid-Atlantic and the south-central West Coast regions.

          Clinical Lab9.0%

          positive for influenza
          this week

          Public Health Lab
          The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

          Virus Characterization
          Genetic and antigenic characterization are summarized in this report.

          Outpatient Respiratory Illness4.3%

          of visits to a health care provider are for respiratory illness this week
          (above baseline)

          Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
          This week, 4 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 19 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

          Long-term Care Facilities0.8%

          of facilities reported
          ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
          among residents this week.

          Severe Disease

          FluSurv-NET2.9 per 100,000

          cumulative hospitalization rate

          HHS Protect Hospitalizations4,326

          patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
          this week.

          NCHS Mortality9.1%

          of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold)

          Pediatric Deaths2

          deaths were reported (1 occurred in 2021-22 season and 1 occurred in 2022-23 season).

          All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

          A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

          Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

          Key Points
          • Influenza activity continues to increase. Regions 4 (Southeast) and 6 (South-Central) are reporting the highest levels of flu activity, followed by regions 3 (Mid-Atlantic) and 9 (south-central West Coast).
          • One human infection with a novel influenza A virus was reported by the New Mexico Department of Health.
          • The second pediatric death of the 2022-23 influenza season was reported this week.
          • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 1,600,000 illnesses, 13,000 hospitalizations, and 730 deaths from flu.
          • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system is higher than the rate observed in week 43 during every previous season since 2010-2011.
          • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
          • CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu vaccine annually.
          • There are also prescription flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness; those need to be started as early as possible.
          U.S. Virologic Surveillance

          Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories is increasing. Percent positivity increased ≥ 0.5 percentage points this week in all regions. The majority of viruses detected so far this season have been influenza A(H3N2), however the proportion of influenza A(H1N1) viruses is increasing nationally. In Region 5, the majority of viruses detected during week 43 were influenza A(H1N1). For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
          Clinical Laboratories

          The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

          No. of specimens tested 83,742 327,191
          No. of positive specimens (%) 7,504 (9.0%) 17,271 (5.3%)
          Positive specimens by type
          Influenza A 7,422 (98.9%) 16,901 (97.9%)
          Influenza B 82 (1.1%) 370 (2.1%)

          View Chart Data | View Full Screen
          Public Health Laboratories

          The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
          No. of specimens tested 8,187 33,638
          No. of positive specimens 467 1,699
          Positive specimens by type/subtype
          Influenza A 466 (99.8%) 1,674 (98.5%)
          (H1N1)pdm09 108 (33.8%) 289 (20.9%)
          H3N2 212 (66.3%) 1,097 (79.1%)
          H3N2v 0 0
          Subtyping not performed 146 288
          Influenza B 1 (0.2%) 25 (1.5%)
          Yamagata lineage 0 1 (6.3%)
          Victoria lineage 0 15 (93.8%)
          Lineage not performed 1 9

          View Chart Data | View Full Screen

          Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
          Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
          Public Health Novel Influenza A Virus

          A human infection with a novel influenza A virus was reported by the New Mexico Department of Health. The patient was infected with an influenza A(H3N2) variant (A(H3N2)v) virus. The illness occurred during the week ending October 15, 2022 (week 41). The patient is <18 years of age and is recovering from their illness. An investigation by local public health officials found that the patient had swine exposure prior to their illness onset. No person-to-person transmission of A(H3N2)v virus associated with this patient has been identified. The investigation is ongoing.

          A total of ten human infections with variant novel influenza A viruses have been reported in the United States in 2022, including five H3N2v (Michigan, New Mexico, West Virginia (3)) and five H1N2v (Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, Oregon, Wisconsin) viruses. When an influenza virus that normally circulates in swine (but not people) is detected in a person, it is called a “variant” influenza virus. Most human infections with variant influenza viruses occur following exposure to swine, but human-to-human transmission can occur. It is important to note that in most cases, variant influenza viruses have not shown the ability to spread easily and sustainably from person to person.

          Early identification and investigation of human infections with novel influenza A viruses are critical so that the risk of infection can be understood, and appropriate public health measures can be taken.

          Additional information on influenza in swine, variant influenza virus infection in humans, and guidance to interact safely with swine can be found at

          Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
          Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
          Influenza Virus Characterization

          CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans. CDC also tests susceptibility of circulating influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir.

          CDC genetically characterized 460 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
          A/H1 40
          6B.1A 40 (100%) 5a.1 5 (12.5%)
          5a.2 35 (87.5%)
          A/H3 418
          3C.2a1b 418 (100%) 1a 0
          1b 0
          2a 0
          2a.1 0
          2a.2 418 (100%)
          3C.3a 0 3a 0
          B/Victoria 2
          V1A 2 (100%) V1A 0
          V1A.1 0
          V1A.3 0
          V1A.3a 0
          V1A.3a.1 0
          V1A.3a.2 2 (100%)
          B/Yamagata 0
          Y3 0
          CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

          Influenza A Viruses
          • A (H1N1)pdm09: Twenty-six A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 24 (92%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 24 (92%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
          • A (H3N2): Forty-two A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 40 (95%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

          Influenza B Viruses
          • B/Victoria: One influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus was antigenically characterized by HI; it was well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
          • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

          Virus antiviral susceptibility data will be reported later this season when a sufficient number of specimens have been tested.
          Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

          The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
          Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

          Nationwide during week 43, 4.3% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is an increase compared to week 42 and is above the national baseline of 2.5%. Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are above their region-specific baselines. The remaining two regions are below their region-specific baselines. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

          * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

          View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
          Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

          More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

          The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet is increasing in all age groups (0-4 years, 5-24 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years).

          View Chart Data | View Full Screen
          Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

          Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
          Week 43
          (Week ending
          Oct. 29, 2022)
          Week 42
          (Week ending
          Oct. 22, 2022)
          Week 43
          (Week ending
          Oct. 29, 2022)
          Week 42
          (Week ending
          Oct. 22, 2022)
          Very High 11 1 42 9
          High 8 4 97 24
          Moderate 4 4 82 38
          Low 11 12 131 109
          Minimal 21 34 332 505
          Insufficient Data 0 0 245 244

          *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

          Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
          Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
          Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

          LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 43, 117 (0.8%) of 14,221 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

          View Chart Data | View Full Screen

          Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
          Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
          Hospitalization Surveillance


          The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

          A total of 842 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2022, and October 29, 2022; 95.0% were associated with influenza A virus, 3.6% were associated with influenza B virus, 0.5% with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 1.0% with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 115 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 26.1% were A(H1N1)pdm09 virus and 72.2% were A(H3N2).

          The overall cumulative hospitalization rate per 100,000 population was 2.9. This cumulative hospitalization rate is higher than the cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 43 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011, which ranged from 0 to 0.5. The highest hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were among adults aged ≥ 65 years (6.3), followed by children aged 0-4 years (5.5), adults aged 50-64 (2.8), children aged 5-17 years (2.6), and adults aged 18-49 years (1.5).

          Cumulative hospitalization rates for each age group were higher than cumulative in-season hospitalization rates previously observed during week 43; since 2010-11, in-season rates ranged from 0 to 0.9 among children 0-4 years, 0 to 0.3 among children 5-17 years, 0 to 0.2 among adults 18-49 years, 0 to 0.5 among adults 50-64 years, and 0.1 to 1.4 among adults ≥ 65 years.

          View Full Screen

          Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
          Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
          HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

          Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 43, 4,326 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

          View Chart Data | View Full Screen

          Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
          Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
          Mortality Surveillance

          National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

          Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on November 3, 2022, 9.1% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending October 29, 2022 (week 43), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 6.0% for this week. Among the 2,153 PIC deaths reported for this week, 988 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 29 listed influenza, indicating that current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19 and not influenza. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

          View Chart Data | View Full Screen

          Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
          Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
          Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

          Two influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported to CDC during week 43. Both deaths were associated with influenza A(H3) viruses.

          One death occurred during week 43 (the week ending October 29, 2022). This was the second influenza-associated pediatric death occurring during the 2022-2023 season that has been reported to CDC.

          The other death occurred during week 37 (the week ending September 17, 2022), which was during the 2021-2022 season. The total number of pediatric deaths that occurred in the 2021-2022 season is 44.

          View Full Screen

          Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
          Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

          Additional National and International Influenza Surveillance Information

          FluView Interactive: FluView includes enhanced web-based interactive applications that can provide dynamic visuals of the influenza data collected and analyzed by CDC. These FluView Interactive applications allow people to create customized, visual interpretations of influenza data, as well as make comparisons across flu seasons, regions, age groups and a variety of other demographics.

          National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Monthly surveillance data on the prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism among full-time workers in the United States are available from NIOSH.

          U.S. State and local influenza surveillance: Select a jurisdiction below to access the latest local influenza information. World Health Organization:
          Additional influenza surveillance information from participating WHO member nations is available through
          FluNet and the Global Epidemiology Reports.

          WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza:
          Australia, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (CDC in Atlanta, Georgia)

          The most up-to-date influenza information from Europe is available from WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

          Public Health Agency of Canada:
          The most up-to-date influenza information from Canada is available in Canada’s weekly FluWatch report.

          Public Health England:
          The most up-to-date influenza information from the United Kingdom is available from Public Health England.

          Any links provided to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at these links.

          A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.


          • #6
            Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

            Updated November 10, 2022

            Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

            Key Updates for Week 44, ending November 5, 2022

            Early increases in seasonal influenza activity continue nationwide. The southeastern and south-central areas of the country are reporting the highest levels of activity followed by the Mid-Atlantic and the south-central West Coast regions.

            Clinical Lab12.8%

            positive for influenza
            this week

            Public Health Lab
            The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

            Virus Characterization
            Genetic and antigenic characterization are summarized in this report.

            Outpatient Respiratory Illness5.5%

            of visits to a health care provider are for respiratory illness this week
            (above baseline)

            Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
            This week, 6 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 25 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

            Long-term Care Facilities1.0%

            of facilities reported
            ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
            among residents this week.

            Severe Disease

            FluSurv-NET5.0 per 100,000

            cumulative hospitalization rate

            HHS Protect Hospitalizations6,465

            patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
            this week.

            NCHS Mortality9.0%

            of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold)

            Pediatric Deaths3

            deaths were reported this week for a total of 5 so far this season.

            All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

            A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

            Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

            Key Points
            • Influenza activity continues to increase. Regions 4 (Southeast) and 6 (South-Central) are reporting the highest levels of flu activity, followed by regions 3 (Mid-Atlantic) and 9 (south-central West Coast).
            • Three influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported this week.
            • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 2.8 million illnesses, 23,000 hospitalizations, and 1,300 deaths from flu.
            • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system is higher than the rate observed in week 44 during every previous season since 2010-2011.
            • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
            • CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu vaccine annually.
            • There are also prescription flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness; those need to be started as early as possible.
            U.S. Virologic Surveillance

            Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories is increasing. Percent positivity increased ≥ 0.5 percentage points this week in all regions. The majority of viruses detected so far this season have been influenza A(H3N2), however approximately 30% of the subtyped influenza A viruses have been influenza A(H1N1) viruses. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
            Clinical Laboratories

            The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

            No. of specimens tested 103,311 457,029
            No. of positive specimens (%) 13,178 (12.8%) 32,046 (7.0%)
            Positive specimens by type
            Influenza A 13,086 (99.3%) 31,558 (98.5%)
            Influenza B 92 (0.7%) 488 (1.5%)

            View Chart Data | View Full Screen
            Public Health Laboratories

            The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
            No. of specimens tested 8,824 44,656
            No. of positive specimens 705 2,854
            Positive specimens by type/subtype
            Influenza A 700 (99.3%) 2,824 (98.9%)
            (H1N1)pdm09 108 (24.9%) 485 (21.2%)
            H3N2 325 (75.1%) 1,798 (78.8%)
            H3N2v 0 0
            Subtyping not performed 267 541
            Influenza B 5 (0.7%) 30 (1.1%)
            Yamagata lineage 0 0
            Victoria lineage 0 15 (100.0%)
            Lineage not performed 5 15

            View Chart Data | View Full Screen

            Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
            Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
            Influenza Virus Characterization

            CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans. CDC also tests susceptibility of circulating influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir.

            CDC genetically characterized 490 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
            A/H1 57
            6B.1A 57 (100%) 5a.1 5 (8.8%)
            5a.2 52 (91.2%)
            A/H3 431
            3C.2a1b 431 (100%) 1a 0
            1b 0
            2a 0
            2a.1 0
            2a.2 431 (100%)
            3C.3a 0 3a 0
            B/Victoria 2
            V1A 2 (100%) V1A 0
            V1A.1 0
            V1A.3 0
            V1A.3a 0
            V1A.3a.1 0
            V1A.3a.2 2 (100%)
            B/Yamagata 0
            Y3 0
            CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

            Influenza A Viruses
            • A (H1N1)pdm09:Twenty-six A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 24 (92%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 24 (92%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
            • A (H3N2): Forty-two A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 40 (95%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

            Influenza B Viruses
            • B/Victoria: One influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus was antigenically characterized by HI; it was well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
            • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

            Virus antiviral susceptibility data will be reported later this season when a sufficient number of specimens have been tested.
            Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

            The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
            Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

            Nationwide during week 44, 5.5% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is an increase compared to week 43 and is above the national baseline of 2.5%. All ten HHS regions are above their respective baselines. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

            * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

            View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
            Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

            More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

            The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet is increasing in all age groups (0-4 years, 5-24 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years).

            View Chart Data | View Full Screen
            Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

            Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
            Week 44
            (Week ending
            Nov. 5, 2022)
            Week 43
            (Week ending
            Oct. 29, 2022)
            Week 44
            (Week ending
            Nov. 5, 2022)
            Week 43
            (Week ending
            Oct. 29, 2022)
            Very High 16 1 71 9
            High 9 4 132 24
            Moderate 6 4 91 38
            Low 10 12 136 109
            Minimal 14 34 256 507
            Insufficient Data 0 0 243 242

            *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

            Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
            Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
            Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

            LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 44, 141 (1.0%) of 14,225 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

            View Chart Data | View Full Screen

            Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
            Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
            Hospitalization Surveillance


            The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

            A total of 1,472 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2022, and November 5, 2022; 96.1% were associated with influenza A virus, 2.7% were associated with influenza B virus, 0.5% with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 0.7% with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 192 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 25.0% were A(H1N1)pdm09 virus and 74.5% were A(H3N2).

            The overall cumulative hospitalization rate per 100,000 population was 5.0. This cumulative hospitalization rate is higher than the cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 44 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011, which ranged from 0.1 to 0.7. The highest hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were among adults aged ≥ 65 years (10.7), followed by children aged 0-4 years (9.3), adults aged 50-64 (4.9), children aged 5-17 years (5.0), and adults aged 18-49 years (2.6).

            Cumulative hospitalization rates for each age group were higher than cumulative in-season hospitalization rates previously observed during week 44; since 2010-11, in-season rates ranged from 0 to 1.1 among children 0-4 years, 0 to 0.4 among children 5-17 years, 0 to 0.3 among adults 18-49 years, 0.1 to 0.9 among adults 50-64 years, and 0.2 to 2.3 among adults ≥ 65 years.

            View Full Screen

            Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
            Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
            HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

            Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 44, 6,465 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

            View Chart Data | View Full Screen

            Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
            Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
            Mortality Surveillance

            National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

            Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on November 10, 2022, 9.0% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending November 5, 2022 (week 44), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 6.1% for this week. Among the 2,135 PIC deaths reported for this week, 949 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 54 listed influenza, indicating that current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19 and not influenza. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

            View Chart Data | View Full Screen

            Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
            Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
            Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

            Three influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season were reported to CDC during week 44. The deaths occurred during weeks 41 (the week ending October 15, 2022), 43 (the week ending October 29, 2022), and 44 (the week ending November 5, 2022). All three deaths were associated with influenza A viruses. Two of the influenza A viruses had subtyping performed; one was an A(H1N1)pdm09 virus and one was an A(H3) virus.

            A total of five influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

            View Full Screen

            Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
            Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

            Additional National and International Influenza Surveillance Information

            FluView Interactive: FluView includes enhanced web-based interactive applications that can provide dynamic visuals of the influenza data collected and analyzed by CDC. These FluView Interactive applications allow people to create customized, visual interpretations of influenza data, as well as make comparisons across flu seasons, regions, age groups and a variety of other demographics.

            National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Monthly surveillance data on the prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism among full-time workers in the United States are available from NIOSH.

            U.S. State and local influenza surveillance: Select a jurisdiction below to access the latest local influenza information. World Health Organization:
            Additional influenza surveillance information from participating WHO member nations is available through
            FluNet and the Global Epidemiology Reports.

            WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza:
            Australia, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (CDC in Atlanta, Georgia)

            The most up-to-date influenza information from Europe is available from WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

            Public Health Agency of Canada:
            The most up-to-date influenza information from Canada is available in Canada’s weekly FluWatch report.

            Public Health England:
            The most up-to-date influenza information from the United Kingdom is available from Public Health England.

            Any links provided to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at these links.

            A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.


            • #7
              Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

              Updated November 18, 2022

              Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

              Note: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, FluView for Week 46 will be posted on November 28, 2022.

              Key Updates for Week 45, ending November 12, 2022

              Seasonal influenza activity is elevated across the country.

              Clinical Lab14.7%

              positive for influenza
              this week

              Public Health Lab
              The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

              Virus Characterization
              Genetic and antigenic characterization are summarized in this report.

              Outpatient Respiratory Illness5.8%

              of visits to a health care provider are for respiratory illness this week
              (above baseline)

              Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
              This week, 6 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 30 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

              Long-term Care Facilities1.2%

              of facilities reported
              ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
              among residents this week.

              Severe Disease

              FluSurv-NET8.1 per 100,000

              cumulative hospitalization rate

              HHS Protect Hospitalizations8,707

              patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
              this week.

              NCHS Mortality9.4%

              of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold)

              Pediatric Deaths2

              deaths were reported this week for a total of 7 so far this season.

              All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

              A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

              Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

              Key Points
              • Seasonal influenza activity is elevated across the country.
              • The majority of influenza viruses detected this season have been influenza A(H3N2) viruses, but the proportion of subtyped influenza A viruses that are A(H1N1) is increasing slightly.
              • Two more influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported this week, for a total of seven pediatric flu deaths reported so far this season.
              • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 4.4 million illnesses, 38,000 hospitalizations, and 2,100 deaths from flu.
              • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system is higher than the rate observed in week 45 during every previous season since 2010-2011.
              • The majority of influenza viruses tested are in the same genetic subclade as and antigenically similar to the influenza viruses included in this season’s influenza vaccine.
              • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
              • CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu vaccine annually. Now is a good time to get vaccinated.
              • There are also prescription flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness; those need to be started as early as possible.
              U.S. Virologic Surveillance

              Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories is increasing. Percent positivity increased ≥ 0.5 percentage points this week in regions 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, and 10. The majority of viruses detected so far this season have been influenza A(H3N2), however during the past three week, approximately 26% of the subtyped influenza A viruses have been influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
              Clinical Laboratories

              The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

              No. of specimens tested 103,830 575,479
              No. of positive specimens (%) 15,308 (14.7%) 49,726 (8.6%)
              Positive specimens by type
              Influenza A 15,185 (99.2%) 49,064 (98.7%)
              Influenza B 123 (0.8%) 662 (1.3%)

              View Chart Data | View Full Screen
              Public Health Laboratories

              The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
              No. of specimens tested 7,575 53,659
              No. of positive specimens 912 4,493
              Positive specimens by type/subtype
              Influenza A 911 (99.9%) 4,459 (99.2%)
              (H1N1)pdm09 121 (24.6%) 807 (22.8%)
              H3N2 370 (75.4%) 2,733 (77.2%)
              H3N2v 0 1 (<0.1%)
              Subtyping not performed 420 918
              Influenza B 1 (0.1%) 34 (0.8%)
              Yamagata lineage 0 0
              Victoria lineage 0 18 (100%)
              Lineage not performed 1 16

              View Chart Data | View Full Screen

              Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
              Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
              Influenza Virus Characterization

              CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans.

              CDC genetically characterized 589 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
              A/H1 74
              6B.1A 74 (100%) 5a.1 5 (6.8%)
              5a.2 69 (93.2%)
              A/H3 510
              3C.2a1b 510 (100%) 1a 0
              1b 0
              2a 0
              2a.1 0
              2a.2 510 (100%)
              3C.3a 0 3a 0
              B/Victoria 5
              V1A 5 (100%) V1A 0
              V1A.1 0
              V1A.3 0
              V1A.3a 0
              V1A.3a.1 0
              V1A.3a.2 5 (100%)
              B/Yamagata 0
              Y3 0
              CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

              Influenza A Viruses
              • A (H1N1)pdm09: Thirty-three A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 31 (94%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 31 (94%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
              • A (H3N2): Fifty A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 48 (96%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

              Influenza B Viruses
              • B/Victoria: One influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus was antigenically characterized by HI; it was well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
              • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

              CDC also tests susceptibility of circulating influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir. Virus antiviral susceptibility data will be reported later this season when a sufficient number of specimens have been tested.
              Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

              The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
              Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

              Nationwide during week 45, 5.8% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is above the national baseline of 2.5%. All 10 HHS regions are above their respective baselines. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

              * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

              View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
              Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

              More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

              The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet is increasing in the 0-4 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years age groups, while remaining stable in the 5-24 years age group.

              View Chart Data | View Full Screen
              Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

              Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
              Week 45
              (Week ending
              Nov. 12, 2022)
              Week 44
              (Week ending
              Nov. 5, 2022)
              Week 45
              (Week ending
              Nov. 12, 2022)
              Week 44
              (Week ending
              Nov. 5, 2022)
              Very High 16 16 66 74
              High 14 9 150 132
              Moderate 6 7 101 94
              Low 11 7 139 134
              Minimal 8 16 225 262
              Insufficient Data 0 0 248 233

              *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

              Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
              Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
              Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

              LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 45, 174 (1.2%) of 14,161 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

              View Chart Data | View Full Screen

              Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
              Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
              Hospitalization Surveillance


              The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

              A total of 2,370 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2022, and November 12, 2022; 95.6% were associated with influenza A virus, 2.4% were associated with influenza B virus, 0.3% with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 1.6% with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 317 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 23.3% were A(H1N1)pdm09 virus and 76.7% were A(H3N2).

              The overall cumulative hospitalization rate per 100,000 population was 8.1. This cumulative hospitalization rate is higher than the cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 45 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011, which ranged from 0.1 to 0.9. The highest hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were among adults aged ≥ 65 years (18.6), followed by children aged 0-4 years (13.6), adults aged 50-64 (8.0), children aged 5-17 years (7.3), and adults aged 18-49 years (4.2).

              Cumulative hospitalization rates for each age group were higher than cumulative in-season hospitalization rates previously observed during week 45; since 2010-11 in-season rates ranged from 0 to 1.6 among children 0-4 years, 0 to 0.5 among children 5-17 years, 0 to 0.4 among adults 18-49 years, 0.1 to 0.9 among adults 50-64 years, and 0.3 to 2.7 among adults ≥ 65 years.

              View Full Screen

              Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
              Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
              HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

              Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 45, 8,707 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

              View Chart Data | View Full Screen

              Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
              Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
              Mortality Surveillance

              National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

              Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on November 17, 2022, 9.4% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending November 12, 2022 (week 45), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 6.2% for this week. Among the 2,175 PIC deaths reported for this week, 926 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 70 listed influenza. While current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19, the proportion due to influenza remains small but is increasing. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

              View Chart Data | View Full Screen

              Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
              Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
              Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

              Two influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season were reported to CDC during week 45. One death was associated with an influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus and one death was associated with an influenza A(H3) virus. Both deaths occurred during week 44 (the week ending November 5, 2022).

              A total of seven influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

              View Full Screen

              Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
              Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

              Additional National and International Influenza Surveillance Information

              FluView Interactive: FluView includes enhanced web-based interactive applications that can provide dynamic visuals of the influenza data collected and analyzed by CDC. These FluView Interactive applications allow people to create customized, visual interpretations of influenza data, as well as make comparisons across flu seasons, regions, age groups and a variety of other demographics.

              National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Monthly surveillance data on the prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism among full-time workers in the United States are available from NIOSH.

              U.S. State and local influenza surveillance: Select a jurisdiction below to access the latest local influenza information. World Health Organization:
              Additional influenza surveillance information from participating WHO member nations is available through
              FluNet and the Global Epidemiology Reports.

              WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza:
              Australia, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (CDC in Atlanta, Georgia)

              The most up-to-date influenza information from Europe is available from WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

              Public Health Agency of Canada:
              The most up-to-date influenza information from Canada is available in Canada’s weekly FluWatch report.

              Public Health England:
              The most up-to-date influenza information from the United Kingdom is available from Public Health England.

              Any links provided to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at these links.

              A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.


              • #8
                Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

                Updated December 2, 2022

                Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

                Key Updates for Week 47, ending November 26, 2022

                Seasonal influenza activity is high and continues to increase across the country.

                Clinical Lab25.1%

                positive for influenza
                this week

                Public Health Lab
                The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

                Virus Characterization
                Genetic and antigenic characterization are summarized in this report.

                Outpatient Respiratory Illness7.5%

                of visits to a health care provider are for respiratory illness this week
                (above baseline)

                Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
                This week, 2 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 47 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

                Long-term Care Facilities2.6%

                of facilities reported
                ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
                among residents this week.

                Severe Disease

                FluSurv-NET16.6 per 100,000

                cumulative hospitalization rate

                HHS Protect Hospitalizations19,593

                patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
                this week.

                NCHS Mortality9.7%

                of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold)

                Pediatric Deaths2

                deaths were reported this week for a total of 14 so far this season.

                All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

                A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

                Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

                Key Points
                • Seasonal influenza activity is high and continues to increase across the country.
                • Of influenza A viruses detected and subtyped this season, 79% have been influenza A(H3N2) and 21% have been influenza A(H1N1).
                • Two influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported this week, for a total of 14 pediatric flu deaths reported so far this season.
                • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 8.7 million illnesses, 78,000 hospitalizations, and 4,500 deaths from flu.
                • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system is higher than the rate observed in week 47 during every previous season since 2010-2011.
                • The number of flu hospital admissions reported in the HHS Protect system during week 47 almost doubled compared with week 46.
                • The majority of influenza viruses tested are in the same genetic subclade as and antigenically similar to the influenza viruses included in this season’s influenza vaccine.
                • All viruses collected and evaluated this season have been susceptible to influenza antivirals.
                • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
                • CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu vaccine annually. Now is a good time to get vaccinated if you haven’t already.
                • There are also prescription flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness; those need to be started as early as possible.
                U.S. Virologic Surveillance

                Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories is increasing. Percent positivity increased ≥ 0.5 percentage points this week in all regions. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
                Clinical Laboratories

                The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

                No. of specimens tested 130,584 907,795
                No. of positive specimens (%) 32,733 (25.1%) 113,482 (12.5%)
                Positive specimens by type
                Influenza A 32,594 (99.6%) 112,488 (99.1%)
                Influenza B 139 (0.4%) 994 (0.9%)

                View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                Public Health Laboratories

                The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
                No. of specimens tested 7,447 73,201
                No. of positive specimens 1,264 8,437
                Positive specimens by type/subtype
                Influenza A 1,263 (99.9%) 8,391 (99.5%)
                (H1N1)pdm09 123 (15.6%) 1,469 (21.2%)
                H3N2 667 (84.4%) 5,463 (78.8%)
                H3N2v 0 1 (<0.1%)
                Subtyping not performed 473 1,458
                Influenza B 1 (0.1%) 46 (0.5%)
                Yamagata lineage 0 0
                Victoria lineage 0 25 (100%)
                Lineage not performed 1 21

                View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
                Influenza Virus Characterization

                CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans.

                CDC genetically characterized 788 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
                A/H1 135
                6B.1A 135 (100%) 5a.1 5 (3.7%)
                5a.2 130 (96.3%)
                A/H3 643
                3C.2a1b 643 (100%) 1a 0
                1b 0
                2a 0
                2a.1 1 (0.2%)
                2a.2 642 (99.8%)
                3C.3a 0 3a 0
                B/Victoria 10
                V1A 10 (100%) V1A 0
                V1A.1 0
                V1A.3 0
                V1A.3a 0
                V1A.3a.1 0
                V1A.3a.2 10 (100%)
                B/Yamagata 0
                Y3 0
                CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

                Influenza A Viruses
                • A (H1N1)pdm09: Forty-eight A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 46 (96%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 46 (96%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                • A (H3N2): Sixty A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 58 (97%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

                Influenza B Viruses
                • B/Victoria: One influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus was antigenically characterized by HI; it was well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

                Assessment of Virus Susceptibility to Antiviral Medications

                CDC assesses susceptibility of influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir using next generation sequence analysis supplemented by laboratory assays. Information about antiviral susceptibility test methods can be found at U.S. Influenza Surveillance: Purpose and Methods | CDC.

                Viruses collected in the U.S. since October 2, 2022, were tested for antiviral susceptibility as follows:
                Oseltamivir Viruses
                337 106 223 8 0
                0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                Peramivir Viruses
                337 106 223 8 0
                0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                Zanamivir Viruses
                337 106 223 8 0
                0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                PA Cap-Dependent Endonuclease Inhibitor Baloxavir Viruses
                331 101 221 9 0
                0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

                The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
                Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

                Nationwide during week 47, 7.5% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is above the national baseline of 2.5%. All 10 HHS regions are above their respective baselines. The percent of patient visits for respiratory illness remained stable (change of ≤ .1 percentage points) in Region 6, and increased in all other regions during week 47 compared to week 46. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

                * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

                View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
                Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

                More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

                The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet increased in all age groups (0-4 years, 5-24 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years).

                View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

                Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
                Week 47
                (Week ending
                Nov. 26, 2022)
                Week 46
                (Week ending
                Nov. 19, 2022)
                Week 47
                (Week ending
                Nov. 26, 2022)
                Week 46
                (Week ending
                Nov. 19, 2022)
                Very High 31 19 107 66
                High 16 17 201 173
                Moderate 2 9 122 112
                Low 4 5 130 135
                Minimal 2 5 117 206
                Insufficient Data 0 0 252 237

                *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

                Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
                Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
                Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

                LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 47, 364 (2.6%) of 13,991 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

                View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
                Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                Hospitalization Surveillance


                The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

                A total of 4,863 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2021, and November 26, 2022. The overall cumulative hospitalization rate was 16.6 per 100,000 population. This cumulative hospitalization rate is higher than the cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 47 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011, which ranged from 0.1 to 2.0.

                When examining rates by age, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among adults aged 65 and older (39.9). Among adults aged 65 and older, rates were highest among adults aged 85 and older (71.3). Among persons aged <65 years, hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were highest among children aged 0-4 years (28.4) followed by adults aged 50-64 years (16.6). When examining rates by race and ethnicity, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among non-Hispanic Black persons (30.2), followed by non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons (16.7), followed by Hispanic/Latino persons (9.9), followed by non-Hispanic White persons (9.6), followed by non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander persons (6.7).

                Among 4,863 hospitalizations, 4,676 (96.2%) were associated with influenza A virus, 96 (2%) with influenza B virus, 9 (0.2%) with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 82 (1.7%) with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 715 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 556 (77.8%) were A(H3N2), and 159 (22.2%) were A(H1N1)pdm09. Based on preliminary data, of the 555 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations with more complete data, 4.32% (95% CI: 2.79%-6.37%) also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

                Among 522 hospitalized adults with information on underlying medical conditions, 96.7% had at least one reported underlying medical condition; the most commonly reported were hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorder, chronic lung disease, and obesity. Among 99 hospitalized children with information on underlying medical conditions, 73.7% had at least one reported underlying medical condition; the most commonly reported was asthma.

                View Full Screen

                Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
                Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
                HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

                Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 47, 19,593 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

                View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
                Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                Mortality Surveillance

                National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

                Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on December 1, 2022, 9.7% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending November 26, 2022 (week 47), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 6.4% for this week. Among the 1,801 PIC deaths reported for this week, 792 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 99 listed influenza. While current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19, the proportion due to influenza is increasing. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

                View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
                Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

                Two influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season were reported to CDC during week 47. One death was associated with an influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus and occurred during week 46 (the week ending November 19, 2022). The other death was associated with an influenza A virus for which no subtyping was performed and occurred during week 44 (the week ending November 5, 2022).

                A total of 14 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

                View Full Screen

                Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

                Additional National and International Influenza Surveillance Information

                FluView Interactive: FluView includes enhanced web-based interactive applications that can provide dynamic visuals of the influenza data collected and analyzed by CDC. These FluView Interactive applications allow people to create customized, visual interpretations of influenza data, as well as make comparisons across flu seasons, regions, age groups and a variety of other demographics.

                National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Monthly surveillance data on the prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism among full-time workers in the United States are available from NIOSH.

                U.S. State and local influenza surveillance: Select a jurisdiction below to access the latest local influenza information. World Health Organization:
                Additional influenza surveillance information from participating WHO member nations is available through
                FluNet and the Global Epidemiology Reports.

                WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza:
                Australia, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (CDC in Atlanta, Georgia)

                The most up-to-date influenza information from Europe is available from WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

                Public Health Agency of Canada:
                The most up-to-date influenza information from Canada is available in Canada’s weekly FluWatch report.

                Public Health England:
                The most up-to-date influenza information from the United Kingdom is available from Public Health England.

                Any links provided to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at these links.

                A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.


                • #9
                  Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

                  Updated December 9, 2022

                  Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

                  Key Updates for Week 48, ending December 3, 2022

                  Seasonal influenza activity remains high across the country.

                  Clinical Lab24.8%

                  positive for influenza
                  this week

                  Public Health Lab
                  The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

                  Virus Characterization
                  Genetic and antigenic characterization and antiviral susceptibility are summarized in this report.

                  Outpatient Respiratory Illness7.2%

                  of visits to a health care provider this week were for respiratory illness
                  (above baseline).

                  Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
                  This week, 4 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 46 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

                  Long-term Care Facilities5.4%

                  of facilities reported
                  ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
                  among residents this week.

                  Severe Disease

                  FluSurv-NET26.0 per 100,000

                  cumulative hospitalization rate

                  HHS Protect Hospitalizations25,906

                  patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
                  this week.

                  NCHS Mortality10.3%

                  of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold).

                  Pediatric Deaths7

                  deaths were reported this week for a total of 21 so far this season.

                  All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

                  A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

                  Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

                  Key Points
                  • Seasonal influenza activity is high across the country.
                  • Of influenza A viruses detected and subtyped during week 48, 76% have been influenza A(H3N2) and 24% have been influenza A(H1N1).
                  • Seven influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported this week, for a total of 21 pediatric flu deaths reported so far this season.
                  • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 13 million illnesses, 120,000 hospitalizations, and 7,300 deaths from flu.
                  • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system is higher than the rate observed in week 48 during every previous season since 2010-2011.
                  • The number of flu hospital admissions reported in the HHS Protect system increased during week 48 compared to week 47.
                  • The majority of influenza viruses tested are in the same genetic subclade as and antigenically similar to the influenza viruses included in this season’s influenza vaccine.
                  • All viruses collected and evaluated this season have been susceptible to influenza antivirals.
                  • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
                  • CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu vaccine annually. Now is a good time to get vaccinated if you haven’t already.
                  • There are also prescription flu antiviral drugs that can be used to treat flu illness. It’s very important that flu antiviral drugs are started as soon as possible to treat patients who are hospitalized with flu, people who are very sick with flu but who do not need to be hospitalized, and people with flu who are at higher risk of serious flu complications based on their age or health.
                  • Multiple respiratory viruses are currently co-circulating with influenza. Testing is important to determine appropriate treatment.
                  U.S. Virologic Surveillance

                  Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories is increasing. Percent positivity increased ≥ 0.5 percentage points this week in regions 1, 2, 8, and 9, and remained stable or decreased in all remaining regions. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
                  Clinical Laboratories

                  The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

                  No. of specimens tested 143,924 1,058,393
                  No. of positive specimens (%) 35,704 (24.8%) 150,865 (14.3%)
                  Positive specimens by type
                  Influenza A 35,568 (99.6%) 149,704 (99.2%)
                  Influenza B 136 (0.4%) 1,161 (0.8%)

                  View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                  Public Health Laboratories

                  The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
                  No. of specimens tested 9,844 84,961
                  No. of positive specimens 1,974 11,695
                  Positive specimens by type/subtype
                  Influenza A 1,974 (100%) 11,646 (99.6%)
                  (H1N1)pdm09 244 (23.9%) 1,980 (21.4%)
                  H3N2 776 (76.1%) 7,284 (78.6%)
                  H3N2v 0 1 (<0.1%)
                  Subtyping not performed 954 2,381
                  Influenza B 0 (0%) 49 (0.4%)
                  Yamagata lineage 0 0
                  Victoria lineage 0 27 (100%)
                  Lineage not performed 0 22

                  View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                  Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                  Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
                  Influenza Virus Characterization

                  CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans.

                  CDC genetically characterized 887 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
                  A/H1 171
                  6B.1A 171 (100%) 5a.1 5 (2.9%)
                  5a.2 166 (97.1%)
                  A/H3 704
                  3C.2a1b 704 (100%) 1a 0
                  1b 0
                  2a 0
                  2a.1 1 (0.1%)
                  2a.2 703 (99.9%)
                  3C.3a 0 3a 0
                  B/Victoria 12
                  V1A 12 (100%) V1A 0
                  V1A.1 0
                  V1A.3 0
                  V1A.3a 0
                  V1A.3a.1 0
                  V1A.3a.2 12 (100%)
                  B/Yamagata 0
                  Y3 0
                  CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

                  Influenza A Viruses
                  • A (H1N1)pdm09: Fifty-four A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 52 (96%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 52 (96%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                  • A (H3N2): Sixty A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 58 (97%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

                  Influenza B Viruses
                  • B/Victoria: One influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus was antigenically characterized by HI; it was well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                  • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

                  Assessment of Virus Susceptibility to Antiviral Medications

                  CDC assesses susceptibility of influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir using next generation sequence analysis supplemented by laboratory assays. Information about antiviral susceptibility test methods can be found at U.S. Influenza Surveillance: Purpose and Methods | CDC.

                  Viruses collected in the U.S. since October 2, 2022, were tested for antiviral susceptibility as follows:
                  Oseltamivir Viruses
                  397 128 260 9 0
                  0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                  0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                  Peramivir Viruses
                  397 128 260 9 0
                  0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                  0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                  Zanamivir Viruses
                  397 128 260 9 0
                  0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                  0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                  PA Cap-Dependent Endonuclease Inhibitor Baloxavir Viruses
                  379 119 251 9 0
                  0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                  Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

                  The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
                  Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

                  Nationwide during week 48, 7.2% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is above the national baseline of 2.5%. All 10 HHS regions are above their respective baselines. The percent of patient visits for respiratory illness increased in regions 1 and 2, and decreased in all other regions during week 48 compared to week 47. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

                  * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

                  View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
                  Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

                  More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

                  The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet decreased in the 0-4 years and 5-24 years age groups and increased in the 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years age groups.

                  View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                  Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

                  Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
                  Week 48
                  (Week ending
                  Dec. 3, 2022)
                  Week 47
                  (Week ending
                  Nov. 26, 2022)
                  Week 48
                  (Week ending
                  Dec. 3, 2022)
                  Week 47
                  (Week ending
                  Nov. 26, 2022)
                  Very High 30 31 114 110
                  High 16 16 219 202
                  Moderate 4 2 115 120
                  Low 2 4 123 131
                  Minimal 3 2 118 123
                  Insufficient Data 0 0 240 243

                  *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

                  Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
                  Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
                  Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

                  LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 48, 768 (5.4%) of 14,321 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

                  View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                  Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
                  Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                  Hospitalization Surveillance


                  The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

                  A total of 7,598 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2021, and December 3, 2022. The weekly hospitalization rate observed in week 48 was 5.9 per 100,000 population. The weekly rate observed during week 47 is the third highest peak weekly rate observed during all seasons going back to 2010-2011 following the 2014-15 and 2017-18 seasons.

                  The overall cumulative hospitalization rate was 26.0 per 100,000 population. This cumulative hospitalization rate is 9.6 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 48 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011 (prior season rates ranged from 0.2 per 100,000 to 2.7 per 100,000).

                  When examining rates by age, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among adults aged 65 and older (67.3). Among adults aged 65 and older, rates were highest among adults aged 85 and older (119.9). Among persons aged <65 years, hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were highest among children aged 0-4 years (42.3) followed by adults aged 50-64 years (26.2). When examining rates by race and ethnicity, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among non-Hispanic Black persons (43.9), followed by non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons (29.0), followed by non-Hispanic White persons (16.5) and Hispanic/Latino persons (16.5), followed by non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander persons (10.7).

                  Among 7,598 hospitalizations, 7,264 (95.6%) were associated with influenza A virus, 135 (1.8%) with influenza B virus, 10 (0.1%) with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 189 (2.5%) with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 1268 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 1016 (80.1%) were A(H3N2), and 252 (19.9%) were A(H1N1)pdm09. Based on preliminary data, of the 798 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations with more complete data, 3.76% (95% CI: 2.55%-5.32%) also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

                  Among 699 hospitalized adults with information on underlying medical conditions, 96.9% had at least one reported underlying medical condition, the most commonly reported were hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorder, and obesity. Among 163 hospitalized children with information on underlying medical conditions, 71.2% had at least one reported underlying medical condition; the most commonly reported was asthma, followed by obesity, and neurologic disease.

                  View Full Screen

                  Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
                  Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
                  HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

                  Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 48, 25,906 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

                  View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                  Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
                  Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                  Mortality Surveillance

                  National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

                  Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on December 8, 2022, 10.3% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending December 3, 2022 (week 48), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 6.5% for this week. Among the 2,484 PIC deaths reported for this week, 968 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 246 listed influenza. While current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19, the proportion due to influenza is increasing. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

                  View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                  Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                  Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
                  Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

                  Seven influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season were reported to CDC during week 48. The deaths occurred between week 42 (the week ending October 22, 2022) and week 48 (the week ending December 3, 2022). All seven deaths were associated with influenza A viruses. Four of the influenza A viruses had subtyping performed; all four were A(H3) viruses.

                  A total of 21 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

                  View Full Screen

                  Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                  Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

                  Additional National and International Influenza Surveillance Information

                  FluView Interactive: FluView includes enhanced web-based interactive applications that can provide dynamic visuals of the influenza data collected and analyzed by CDC. These FluView Interactive applications allow people to create customized, visual interpretations of influenza data, as well as make comparisons across flu seasons, regions, age groups and a variety of other demographics.

                  National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Monthly surveillance data on the prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism among full-time workers in the United States are available from NIOSH.

                  U.S. State and local influenza surveillance: Select a jurisdiction below to access the latest local influenza information. World Health Organization:
                  Additional influenza surveillance information from participating WHO member nations is available through
                  FluNet and the Global Epidemiology Reports.

                  WHO Collaborating Centers for Influenza:
                  Australia, China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (CDC in Atlanta, Georgia)

                  The most up-to-date influenza information from Europe is available from WHO/Europe and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

                  Public Health Agency of Canada:
                  The most up-to-date influenza information from Canada is available in Canada’s weekly FluWatch report.

                  Public Health England:
                  The most up-to-date influenza information from the United Kingdom is available from Public Health England.

                  Any links provided to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at these links.

                  A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.


                  • #10
                    Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

                    Updated December 16, 2022

                    Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

                    Key Updates for Week 49, ending December 10, 2022

                    Seasonal influenza activity remains high but appears to be declining in some areas.

                    Clinical Lab25.4%

                    positive for influenza
                    this week

                    Public Health Lab
                    The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

                    Virus Characterization
                    Genetic and antigenic characterization and antiviral susceptibility are summarized in this report.

                    Outpatient Respiratory Illness6.9%

                    of visits to a health care provider this week were for respiratory illness
                    (above baseline).

                    Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
                    This week, 3 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 48 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

                    Long-term Care Facilities6.8%

                    of facilities reported
                    ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
                    among residents this week.

                    Severe Disease

                    FluSurv-NET32.7 per 100,000

                    cumulative hospitalization rate

                    HHS Protect Hospitalizations23,503

                    patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
                    this week.

                    NCHS Mortality11.6%

                    of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold).

                    Pediatric Deaths9

                    deaths were reported this week for a total of 30 so far this season.

                    All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

                    A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

                    Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

                    Key Points
                    • Seasonal influenza activity remains high but appears to be declining in some areas.
                    • Of influenza A viruses detected and subtyped during week 49, 80% were influenza A(H3N2) and 20% were influenza A(H1N1).
                    • Nine influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported this week, for a total of 30 pediatric flu deaths reported so far this season.
                    • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 15 million illnesses, 150,000 hospitalizations, and 9,300 deaths from flu.
                    • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system is higher than the rate observed in week 49 during every previous season since 2010-2011.
                    • The number of flu hospital admissions reported in the HHS Protect system decreased nationally during week 49 compared to week 48.
                    • The majority of influenza viruses tested are in the same genetic subclade as and antigenically similar to the influenza viruses included in this season’s influenza vaccine.
                    • All viruses collected and evaluated this season have been susceptible to the influenza antivirals oseltamivir, peramivir, zanamivir, and baloxavir.
                    • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
                    • CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu vaccine annually. Now is a good time to get vaccinated if you haven’t already.
                    • CDC issued Interim Guidance for Clinicians to Prioritize Antiviral Treatment of Influenza in the Setting of Reduced Availability of Oseltamivir through the Health Alert Network (HAN) on December 15, 2022.
                    U.S. Virologic Surveillance

                    Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories is the same as the previous week. Percent positivity increased ≥ 0.5 percentage points this week in regions 1, 5, 7, and 8, and remained stable or decreased in all remaining regions. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
                    Clinical Laboratories

                    The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

                    No. of specimens tested 123,987 1,219,825
                    No. of positive specimens (%) 31,442 (25.4%) 192,458 (15.8%)
                    Positive specimens by type
                    Influenza A 31,287 (99.5%) 191,112 (99.3%)
                    Influenza B 155 (0.5%) 1,346 (0.7%)

                    View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                    Public Health Laboratories

                    The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
                    No. of specimens tested 8,996 96,317
                    No. of positive specimens 1,763 14,494
                    Positive specimens by type/subtype
                    Influenza A 1,760 (99.8%) 14,440 (99.6%)
                    (H1N1)pdm09 190 (20.2%) 2,480 (21.5%)
                    H3N2 750 (79.8%) 9,054 (78.5%)
                    H3N2v 0 1 (<0.1%)
                    Subtyping not performed 820 2,905
                    Influenza B 3 (0.2%) 54 (0.4%)
                    Yamagata lineage 0 0
                    Victoria lineage 1 (100%) 30 (100%)
                    Lineage not performed 2 24

                    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                    Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
                    Influenza Virus Characterization

                    CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans.

                    CDC genetically characterized 1,010 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
                    A/H1 214
                    6B.1A 214 (100%) 5a.1 5 (2.3%)
                    5a.2 209 (97.7%)
                    A/H3 784
                    3C.2a1b 784 (100%) 1a 0
                    1b 0
                    2a 0
                    2a.1 1 (0.1%)
                    2a.2 783 (99.9%)
                    3C.3a 0 3a 0
                    B/Victoria 12
                    V1A 12 (100%) V1A 0
                    V1A.1 0
                    V1A.3 0
                    V1A.3a 0
                    V1A.3a.1 0
                    V1A.3a.2 12 (100%)
                    B/Yamagata 0
                    Y3 0
                    CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

                    Influenza A Viruses
                    • A (H1N1)pdm09: Sixty-five A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 63 (97%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 63 (97%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                    • A (H3N2): Sixty A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 58 (97%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

                    Influenza B Viruses
                    • B/Victoria: Eight influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus were antigenically characterized by HI; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                    • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

                    Assessment of Virus Susceptibility to Antiviral Medications

                    CDC assesses susceptibility of influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir using next generation sequence analysis supplemented by laboratory assays. Information about antiviral susceptibility test methods can be found at U.S. Influenza Surveillance: Purpose and Methods | CDC.

                    Viruses collected in the U.S. since October 2, 2022, were tested for antiviral susceptibility as follows:
                    Oseltamivir Viruses
                    519 171 338 10 0
                    0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                    0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                    Peramivir Viruses
                    519 171 338 10 0
                    0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                    0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                    Zanamivir Viruses
                    519 171 338 10 0
                    0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                    0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                    PA Cap-Dependent Endonuclease Inhibitor Baloxavir Viruses
                    501 162 330 9 0
                    0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                    Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

                    The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
                    Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

                    Nationwide during week 49, 6.9% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is above the national baseline of 2.5%. All 10 HHS regions are above their respective baselines. The percent of patient visits for respiratory illness increased in regions 1, 7, and 8, decreased in regions 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 10, and remained stable in region 5 during week 49 compared to week 48. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

                    * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

                    View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
                    Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

                    More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

                    The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet increased in 5-24 years age group and decreased in all other age groups (0-4 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years).

                    View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                    Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

                    Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
                    Week 49
                    (Week ending
                    Dec. 10, 2022)
                    Week 48
                    (Week ending
                    Dec. 3, 2022)
                    Week 49
                    (Week ending
                    Dec. 10, 2022)
                    Week 48
                    (Week ending
                    Dec. 3, 2022)
                    Very High 28 32 85 115
                    High 20 14 228 224
                    Moderate 3 3 150 113
                    Low 2 3 114 126
                    Minimal 2 3 118 119
                    Insufficient Data 0 0 234 232

                    *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

                    Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
                    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
                    Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

                    LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 49, 971 (6.8%) of 14,315 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

                    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                    Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
                    Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                    Hospitalization Surveillance


                    The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

                    A total of 9,567 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2021, and December 10, 2022. The weekly hospitalization rate observed in week 49 was 4.5 per 100,000 population. The weekly rate observed during week 48 (8.0 per 100,000 population), the highest so far this season, is the third highest peak weekly rate observed during all seasons going back to 2010-2011 following the 2014-15 and 2017-18 seasons.

                    The overall cumulative hospitalization rate was 32.7 per 100,000 population. This cumulative hospitalization rate is 7.6 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 49 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011 (prior season rates ranged from 0.2 per 100,000 to 4.3 per 100,000).

                    When examining rates by age, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among adults aged 65 and older (88.4). Among adults aged 65 and older, rates were highest among adults aged 85 and older (160.2). Among persons aged <65 years, hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were highest among children aged 0-4 years (49.6) followed by adults aged 50-64 years (33.6). When examining rates by race and ethnicity, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among non-Hispanic Black persons (47.9), followed by non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons (35.9), followed by Hispanic/Latino persons (22.5), followed by non-Hispanic White persons (20.7) and followed by non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander persons (13.5).

                    Among 9,567 hospitalizations, 9,287 (97.1%) were associated with influenza A virus, 150 (1.6%) with influenza B virus, 13 (0.1%) with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 117 (1.2%) with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 1761 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 1,394 (79.2%) were A(H3N2) and 367 (20.8%) were A(H1N1)pdm09. Based on preliminary data, of the 1,047 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations with more complete data, 3.2% (95% CI: 2.18%-4.40%) also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

                    Among 846 hospitalized adults with information on underlying medical conditions, 96.8% had at least one reported underlying medical condition, the most commonly reported were hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorder, and obesity. Among 237 hospitalized children with information on underlying medical conditions, 70.5% had at least one reported underlying medical condition; the most commonly reported was asthma, followed by obesity, and neurologic disease.

                    View Full Screen

                    View Full Screen

                    Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
                    Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
                    HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

                    Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 49, 23,503 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

                    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                    Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
                    Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                    Mortality Surveillance

                    National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

                    Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on December 15, 2022, 11.6% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending December 10, 2022 (week 49), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 6.6% for this week. Among the 2,913 PIC deaths reported for this week, 1,179 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 331 listed influenza. While current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19, the proportion due to influenza is increasing. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

                    View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                    Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
                    Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

                    Nine influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season were reported to CDC during week 49. The deaths occurred between week 44 (the week ending November 5, 2022) and week 49 (the week ending December 10, 2022). Eight deaths were associated with influenza A viruses and one death was associated with an influenza B virus with no lineage determined. Five of the influenza A viruses had subtyping performed; all five were A(H3) viruses.

                    A total of 30 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

                    View Full Screen

                    Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                    Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

                    Additional National and International Influenza Surveillance Information

                    FluView Interactive: FluView includes enhanced web-based interactive applications that can provide dynamic visuals of the influenza data collected and analyzed by CDC. These FluView Interactive applications allow people to create customized, visual interpretations of influenza data, as well as make comparisons across flu seasons, regions, age groups and a variety of other demographics.

                    National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health: Monthly surveillance data on the prevalence of health-related workplace absenteeism among full-time workers in the United States are available from NIOSH.

                    U.S. State and local influenza surveillance: Select a jurisdiction below to access the latest local influenza information.


                    • #11
                      Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

                      Updated December 23, 2022

                      Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

                      Key Updates for Week 50, ending December 17, 2022

                      Seasonal influenza activity remains high but is declining in most areas.

                      Clinical Lab24.4%

                      positive for influenza
                      this week

                      Public Health Lab
                      The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

                      Virus Characterization
                      Genetic and antigenic characterization and antiviral susceptibility are summarized in this report.

                      Outpatient Respiratory Illness6.3%

                      of visits to a health care provider this week were for respiratory illness
                      (above baseline).

                      Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
                      This week, 3 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 48 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

                      Long-term Care Facilities6.1%

                      of facilities reported
                      ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
                      among residents this week.

                      Severe Disease

                      FluSurv-NET39.9 per 100,000

                      cumulative hospitalization rate

                      HHS Protect Hospitalizations20,783

                      patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
                      this week.

                      NCHS Mortality12.0%

                      of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold).

                      Pediatric Deaths17

                      deaths were reported this week for a total of 47 so far this season.

                      All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

                      A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

                      Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

                      Key Points
                      • Seasonal influenza activity remains high but is declining in most areas.
                      • Of influenza A viruses detected and subtyped during week 50, 77.8% were influenza A(H3N2) and 22.2% were influenza A(H1N1).
                      • Seventeen influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported this week, for a total of 47 pediatric flu deaths reported so far this season.
                      • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 18 million illnesses, 190,000 hospitalizations, and 12,000 deaths from flu.
                      • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system was more than 6 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed for week 50 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011. However, this in-season rate is still lower than end-of-season hospitalization rates for all but 4 pre-COVID-19-pandemic seasons going back to 2010-11.
                      • The number of flu hospital admissions reported in the HHS Protect system decreased nationally from the week prior for the second week in a row.
                      • The majority of influenza viruses tested are in the same genetic subclade as and antigenically similar to the influenza viruses included in this season’s influenza vaccine.
                      • All viruses collected and evaluated this season have been susceptible to the influenza antivirals oseltamivir, peramivir, zanamivir, and baloxavir.
                      • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
                      • CDC recommends that everyone ages 6 months and older get a flu vaccine annually. Now is a good time to get vaccinated if you haven’t already.
                      • CDC issued Interim Guidance for Clinicians to Prioritize Antiviral Treatment of Influenza in the Setting of Reduced Availability of Oseltamivir through the Health Alert Network (HAN) on December 15, 2022.
                      U.S. Virologic Surveillance

                      Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories declined compared to the previous week. Percent positivity increased ≥ 0.5 percentage points this week in Region 7 and remained stable or decreased in all remaining regions. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
                      Clinical Laboratories

                      The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

                      No. of specimens tested 135,848 1,400,183
                      No. of positive specimens (%) 33,202 (24.4%) 237,237 (16.9 %)
                      Positive specimens by type
                      Influenza A 33,041 (99.5%) 235,705 (99.4%)
                      Influenza B 161 (0.5%) 1,532 (0.6%)

                      View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                      Public Health Laboratories

                      The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
                      No. of specimens tested 9,081 107,874
                      No. of positive specimens 1,588 17,454
                      Positive specimens by type/subtype
                      Influenza A 1,583 (99.7%) 17,393 (99.7%)
                      (H1N1)pdm09 182 (22.2%) 3,005 (21.5%)
                      H3N2 637 (77.8%) 10,943 (78.5%)
                      H3N2v 0 1 (<0.1%)
                      Subtyping not performed 764 3,444
                      Influenza B 5 (0.3%) 61 (0.3%)
                      Yamagata lineage 0 0
                      Victoria lineage 2 (100%) 36 (100%)
                      Lineage not performed 3 25

                      View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                      Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                      Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
                      Influenza Virus Characterization

                      CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans.

                      CDC genetically characterized 1,286 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
                      A/H1 299
                      6B.1A 299 (100%) 5a.1 6 (2.0%)
                      5a.2 293 (98.0%)
                      A/H3 968
                      3C.2a1b 968 (100%) 1a 0
                      1b 0
                      2a 0
                      2a.1 1 (0.1%)
                      2a.2 967 (99.9%)
                      3C.3a 0 3a 0
                      B/Victoria 19
                      V1A 19 (100%) V1A 0
                      V1A.1 0
                      V1A.3 1 (5.3%)
                      V1A.3a 0
                      V1A.3a.1 0
                      V1A.3a.2 18 (94.7%)
                      B/Yamagata 0
                      Y3 0
                      CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

                      Influenza A Viruses
                      • A (H1N1)pdm09: Seventy-five A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 73 (97%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 73 (97%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                      • A (H3N2): Sixty A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 58 (97%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

                      Influenza B Viruses
                      • B/Victoria: Eight influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus were antigenically characterized by HI; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                      • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

                      Assessment of Virus Susceptibility to Antiviral Medications

                      CDC assesses susceptibility of influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir using next generation sequence analysis supplemented by laboratory assays. Information about antiviral susceptibility test methods can be found at U.S. Influenza Surveillance: Purpose and Methods | CDC.

                      Viruses collected in the U.S. since October 2, 2022, were tested for antiviral susceptibility as follows:
                      Oseltamivir Viruses
                      739 232 492 15 0
                      0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                      0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                      Peramivir Viruses
                      739 232 492 15 0
                      0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                      0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                      Zanamivir Viruses
                      739 232 492 15 0
                      0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                      0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                      PA Cap-Dependent Endonuclease Inhibitor Baloxavir Viruses
                      713 222 476 15 0
                      0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                      Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

                      The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
                      Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

                      Nationwide during week 50, 6.3% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is above the national baseline of 2.5%. All 10 HHS regions are above their respective baselines. The percent of patient visits for respiratory illness increased in Region 8, remained stable in regions 1 and 7, and decreased in the remaining seven regions during week 50 compared to week 49. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

                      * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

                      View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
                      Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

                      More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

                      The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet decreased in all age groups (0-4 years, 5-24 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years).

                      View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                      Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

                      Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
                      Week 50
                      (Week ending
                      Dec. 17, 2022)
                      Week 49
                      (Week ending
                      Dec. 10, 2022)
                      Week 50
                      (Week ending
                      Dec. 17, 2022)
                      Week 49
                      (Week ending
                      Dec. 10, 2022)
                      Very High 27 28 71 85
                      High 21 20 190 231
                      Moderate 3 3 162 151
                      Low 2 2 121 112
                      Minimal 1 2 131 120
                      Insufficient Data 1 0 254 230

                      *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

                      Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
                      Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
                      Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

                      LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 50, 869 (6.1%) of 14,266 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

                      View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                      Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
                      Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                      Hospitalization Surveillance


                      The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

                      A total of 11,671 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2021, and December 17, 2022. The weekly hospitalization rate observed in week 50 was 4.4 per 100,000 population. The weekly rate observed during week 48 (week ending December 3) is the third highest peak weekly rate observed during all seasons going back to 2010-2011; this follows the 2017-18 season which peaked during week 1 (week ending January 6) and the 2014-15 season which peaked during week 52 (week ending December 27).

                      The overall cumulative hospitalization rate was 39.9 per 100,000 population. This cumulative hospitalization rate is 6.4 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 50 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011 (prior season rates ranged from 0.3 per 100,000 to 6.2 per 100,000). However, this in-season cumulative hospitalization rate is still lower than end-of-season hospitalization rates for all but 4 pre-COVID-19-pandemic seasons (2015-16, 2013-14, 2011-12, 2010-11 seasons).

                      When examining rates by age, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among adults aged 65 and older (110.1). Among adults aged 65 and older, rates were highest among adults aged 85 and older (196.8). Among persons aged <65 years, hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were highest among children aged 0-4 years (58.8) followed by adults aged 50-64 years (41.7). When examining rates by race and ethnicity, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among non-Hispanic Black persons (57.2), followed by non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons (46.2), followed by Hispanic/Latino persons (28.8), followed by non-Hispanic White persons (27.3) and followed by non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander persons (16.4).

                      Among 11,671 hospitalizations,11,335 (97.1%) were associated with influenza A virus, 178 (1.5%) with influenza B virus, 14 (0.1%) with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 144 (1.2%) with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 2,131 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 1,693 (79.4%) were A(H3N2), and 438 (20.6%) were A(H1N1)pdm09. Based on preliminary data, of the 1,316 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations with more complete data, 2.96% (95% CI: 2.12%-4.03%) also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

                      Among 995 hospitalized adults with information on underlying medical conditions, 96.9% had at least one reported underlying medical condition, the most commonly reported were hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorder, and obesity. Among 318 hospitalized children with information on underlying medical conditions, 70.4% had at least one reported underlying medical condition; the most commonly reported was asthma, followed by obesity, and neurologic disease.

                      View Full Screen

                      View Full Screen

                      Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
                      Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
                      HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

                      Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 50, 20,783 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

                      View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                      Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
                      Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                      Mortality Surveillance

                      National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

                      Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on December 22, 2022, 12.0% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending December 17, 2022 (week 50), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 6.7% for this week. Among the 3,026 PIC deaths reported for this week, 1,232 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 408 listed influenza. While current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19, the proportion due to influenza is increasing. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

                      View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                      Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                      Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
                      Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

                      Seventeen influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season were reported to CDC during week 50. The deaths occurred between week 44 (the week ending November 5, 2022) and week 50 (the week ending December 17, 2022). All 17 deaths were associated with influenza A viruses. Subtyping was performed on eight of the influenza A viruses; all eight were A(H3) viruses.

                      A total of 47 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

                      View Full Screen

                      Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                      Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive


                      • #12
                        Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

                        Updated January 6, 2023

                        Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

                        Key Updates for Week 52, ending December 31, 2022

                        Seasonal influenza activity remains high but continues to decline in most areas.

                        Clinical Lab15.0%

                        positive for influenza
                        this week

                        Public Health Lab
                        The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

                        Virus Characterization
                        Genetic and antigenic characterization and antiviral susceptibility are summarized in this report.

                        Outpatient Respiratory Illness5.4%

                        of visits to a health care provider this week were for respiratory illness
                        (above baseline).

                        Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
                        This week, 8 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 39 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

                        Long-term Care Facilities5.5%

                        of facilities reported
                        ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
                        among residents this week.

                        Severe Disease

                        FluSurv-NET48.6 per 100,000

                        cumulative hospitalization rate

                        HHS Protect Hospitalizations18,954

                        patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
                        this week.

                        NCHS Mortality12.8%

                        of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold).

                        Pediatric Deaths13

                        deaths were reported this week for a total of 74 so far this season.

                        All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

                        A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

                        Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

                        Key Points
                        • Seasonal influenza activity remains high but continues to decline in most areas.
                        • Of influenza A viruses detected and subtyped during week 52, 70% were influenza A(H3N2) and 30% were influenza A(H1N1).
                        • Thirteen influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported this week, for a total of 74 pediatric flu deaths reported so far this season.
                        • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 22 million illnesses, 230,000 hospitalizations, and 14,000 deaths from flu.
                        • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system was 3.5 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed for week 52 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011. However, this in-season rate is still lower than end-of-season hospitalization rates for all but 4 pre-COVID-19-pandemic seasons going back to 2010-2011.
                        • The number of flu hospital admissions reported in the HHS Protect system was similar to last week.
                        • The majority of influenza viruses tested are in the same genetic subclade as and antigenically similar to the influenza viruses included in this season’s influenza vaccine.
                        • All viruses collected and evaluated this season have been susceptible to the influenza antivirals oseltamivir, peramivir, zanamivir, and baloxavir.
                        • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
                        • CDC continues to recommend that everyone ages 6 months and older get an annual flu vaccine as long as flu activity continues.
                        • CDC issued Interim Guidance for Clinicians to Prioritize Antiviral Treatment of Influenza in the Setting of Reduced Availability of Oseltamivir through the Health Alert Network (HAN) on December 15, 2022.
                        U.S. Virologic Surveillance

                        Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories declined compared to the previous week. Percent positivity decreased in all HHS regions. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
                        Clinical Laboratories

                        The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

                        No. of specimens tested 93,589 1,660,415
                        No. of positive specimens (%) 14,027 (15.0%) 287,354 (17.3%)
                        Positive specimens by type
                        Influenza A 13,905 (99.1%) 285,535 (99.4%)
                        Influenza B 122 (0.9%) 1,819 (0.6%)

                        View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                        Public Health Laboratories

                        The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
                        No. of specimens tested 5,389 123,258
                        No. of positive specimens 613 21,054
                        Positive specimens by type/subtype
                        Influenza A 611 (99.7%) 20,982 (99.7%)
                        (H1N1)pdm09 79 (29.8%) 3,701 (22.0%)
                        H3N2 186 (70.2%) 13,111 (22.0%)
                        H3N2v 0 1 (<0.1%)
                        Subtyping not performed 346 4,169
                        Influenza B 2 (0.3%) 72 (0.3%)
                        Yamagata lineage 0 0
                        Victoria lineage 1 (100%) 43 (100%)
                        Lineage not performed 1 29

                        View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                        Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                        Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
                        Influenza Virus Characterization

                        CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans.

                        CDC genetically characterized 1,481 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
                        A/H1 368
                        6B.1A 368 (100%) 5a.1 6 (1.6%)
                        5a.2 362 (98.4%)
                        A/H3 1,094
                        3C.2a1b 1,040 (100%) 1a 0
                        1b 0
                        2a 0
                        2a.1 1 (0.1%)
                        2a.2 1,093 (99.9%)
                        3C.3a 0 3a 0
                        B/Victoria 19
                        V1A 19 (100%) V1A 0
                        V1A.1 0
                        V1A.3 1 (5.3%)
                        V1A.3a 0
                        V1A.3a.1 0
                        V1A.3a.2 18 (94.7%)
                        B/Yamagata 0
                        Y3 0
                        CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

                        Influenza A Viruses
                        • A (H1N1)pdm09: Eighty-nine A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 87 (98%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 87 (98%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                        • A (H3N2): Sixty A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 58 (97%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

                        Influenza B Viruses
                        • B/Victoria: Eleven influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus were antigenically characterized by HI; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                        • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

                        Assessment of Virus Susceptibility to Antiviral Medications

                        CDC assesses susceptibility of influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir using next generation sequence analysis supplemented by laboratory assays. Information about antiviral susceptibility test methods can be found at U.S. Influenza Surveillance: Purpose and Methods | CDC.

                        Viruses collected in the U.S. since October 2, 2022, were tested for antiviral susceptibility as follows:
                        Oseltamivir Viruses
                        895 293 586 16 0
                        0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                        0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                        Peramivir Viruses
                        895 293 586 16 0
                        0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                        0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                        Zanamivir Viruses
                        895 293 586 16 0
                        0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                        0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                        PA Cap-Dependent Endonuclease Inhibitor Baloxavir Viruses
                        871 280 575 16 0
                        0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                        Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

                        The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
                        Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

                        Nationwide during week 52, 5.4% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is above the national baseline of 2.5%. All 10 HHS regions are above their respective baselines. The percent of patient visits for respiratory illness remained stable for regions 4 and 9 and decreased in all other regions during week 52 compared to week 51. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

                        * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

                        View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
                        Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

                        More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

                        The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet increased in the 65+ years age group, remained stable in the 50-64 years age group, and decreased in the 0-4 years, 5-24 years, and 25-49 years age groups.

                        View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                        Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

                        Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
                        Week 52
                        (Week ending
                        Dec. 31, 2022)
                        Week 51
                        (Week ending
                        Dec. 24, 2022)
                        Week 52
                        (Week ending
                        Dec. 31, 2022)
                        Week 51
                        (Week ending
                        Dec. 24, 2022)
                        Very High 12 24 37 59
                        High 27 20 155 172
                        Moderate 8 4 142 152
                        Low 3 1 167 154
                        Minimal 5 6 167 147
                        Insufficient Data 0 0 261 245

                        *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

                        Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
                        Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
                        Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

                        LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 52, 786 (5.5%) of 14,188 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

                        View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                        Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
                        Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                        Hospitalization Surveillance


                        The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

                        A total of 14,217 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022. The weekly hospitalization rate observed in week 52 was 2.6 per 100,000 population. The weekly rate observed during week 48 (week ending December 3, 2022) is the third highest peak weekly rate observed during all seasons going back to 2010-2011; this follows the 2017-18 season which peaked during week 1 (week ending January 6, 2018) and the 2014-15 season which peaked during week 52 (week ending December 27, 2014).

                        The overall cumulative hospitalization rate was 48.6 per 100,000 population. This cumulative hospitalization rate is 3.5 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 52 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011 (prior season rates ranged from 0.3 per 100,000 to 13.8 per 100,000). However, this in-season cumulative hospitalization rate is still lower than end-of-season hospitalization rates for all but 4 pre-COVID-19-pandemic seasons (2015-16, 2013-14, 2011-12, and 2010-11 seasons).

                        When examining rates by age, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among adults aged 65 and older (137.9). Among adults aged 65 and older, rates were highest among adults aged 85 and older (246.7). Among persons aged <65 years, hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were highest among children aged 0-4 years (70.2), followed by adults aged 50-64 years (51.1). When examining rates by race and ethnicity, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among non-Hispanic Black persons (71.1), followed by non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons (59.5), non-Hispanic White persons (38.4), Hispanic/Latino persons (36.2), and non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander persons (20.9).

                        Among 14,217 hospitalizations, 13,791 (97%) were associated with influenza A virus, 222 (1.6%) with influenza B virus, 18 (0.1%) with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 186 (1.3%) with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 2,547 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 2,007 (78.8%) were A(H3N2), and 540 (21.2%) were A(H1N1)pdm09. Based on preliminary data, of the 1,608 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations with more complete data, 3.2% (95% CI: 2.4%-4.2%) also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

                        Among 1,220 hospitalized adults with information on underlying medical conditions, 96.4% had at least one reported underlying medical condition, the most commonly reported were hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorder, and obesity. Among 551 hospitalized women of childbearing age (15-49 years) with information on pregnancy status, 227 (41.2%) were pregnant. Among 383 hospitalized children with information on underlying medical conditions, 67.1% had at least one reported underlying medical condition; the most commonly reported was asthma, followed by obesity, and neurologic disease.

                        View Full Screen

                        View Full Screen

                        Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
                        Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
                        HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

                        Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 52, 18,954 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

                        View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                        Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
                        Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                        Mortality Surveillance

                        National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

                        Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on January 5, 2023, 12.8% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending December 31, 2022 (week 52), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 6.9% for this week. Among the 2,380 PIC deaths reported for this week, 1,023 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 303 listed influenza. While current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19, the proportion due to influenza increased from October through early December and has remained at similar levels for the past four weeks. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

                        View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                        Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                        Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
                        Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

                        Thirteen influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season were reported to CDC during week 52. The deaths occurred between week 43 (the week ending October 29, 2022) and week 51 (the week ending December 24, 2022). Twelve deaths were associated with influenza A viruses and one was associated with an influenza B virus with no lineage determined. Six of the influenza A viruses had subtyping performed; one was an A(H1N1) virus and the remaining five were A(H3) viruses.

                        A total of 74 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

                        View Full Screen

                        Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                        Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive


                        • #13
                          Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

                          Updated January 13, 2023

                          Note: CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review.

                          Key Updates for Week 1, ending January 7, 2023

                          Seasonal influenza activity continues but is declining in most areas.

                          Clinical Lab8.6%

                          positive for influenza
                          this week

                          Public Health Lab
                          The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

                          Virus Characterization
                          Genetic and antigenic characterization and antiviral susceptibility are summarized in this report.

                          Outpatient Respiratory Illness4.0%

                          of visits to a health care provider this week were for respiratory illness
                          (above baseline).

                          Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
                          This week, 14 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 23 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

                          Long-term Care Facilities5.1%

                          of facilities reported
                          ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
                          among residents this week.

                          Severe Disease

                          FluSurv-NET54.4 per 100,000

                          cumulative hospitalization rate

                          HHS Protect Hospitalizations12,409

                          patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
                          this week.

                          NCHS Mortality13.1%

                          of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold).

                          Pediatric Deaths5

                          deaths were reported this week for a total of 79 so far this season.

                          All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

                          A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

                          Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

                          Key Points
                          • Seasonal influenza activity continues but is declining in most areas.
                          • Of influenza A viruses detected and subtyped during week 1, 72% were influenza A(H3N2) and 28% were influenza A(H1N1).
                          • Five influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported this week, for a total of 79 pediatric flu deaths reported so far this season.
                          • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 24 million illnesses, 260,000 hospitalizations, and 16,000 deaths from flu.
                          • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system was 1.8 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed for week 1 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011. However, this in-season rate is still lower than end-of-season hospitalization rates for all but 4 pre-COVID-19-pandemic seasons going back to 2010-2011.
                          • The number of flu hospital admissions reported in the HHS Protect system decreased compared to week 52.
                          • The majority of influenza viruses tested are in the same genetic subclade as and antigenically similar to the influenza viruses included in this season’s influenza vaccine.
                          • All viruses collected and evaluated this season have been susceptible to the influenza antivirals oseltamivir, peramivir, zanamivir, and baloxavir.
                          • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
                          • CDC continues to recommend that everyone ages 6 months and older get an annual flu vaccine as long as flu activity continues.
                          • CDC issued Interim Guidance for Clinicians to Prioritize Antiviral Treatment of Influenza in the Setting of Reduced Availability of Oseltamivir through the Health Alert Network (HAN) on December 15, 2022.
                          U.S. Virologic Surveillance

                          Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories declined compared to the previous week. Percent positivity decreased in all HHS regions. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
                          Clinical Laboratories

                          The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

                          No. of specimens tested 96,123 1,791,474
                          No. of positive specimens (%) 8,281 (8.6%) 300,365 (16.8%)
                          Positive specimens by type
                          Influenza A 8,169 (98.6%) 298,392 (99.3%)
                          Influenza B 112 (1.4%) 1,973 (0.7%)

                          View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                          Public Health Laboratories

                          The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
                          No. of specimens tested 6,724 132,276
                          No. of positive specimens 743 22,902
                          Positive specimens by type/subtype
                          Influenza A 736 (99.1%) 22,818 (99.6%)
                          (H1N1)pdm09 130 (28.4%) 4,245 (22.9%)
                          H3N2 328 (71.6%) 14,278 (77.1%)
                          H3N2v 0 1 (<0.1%)
                          Subtyping not performed 278 4,294
                          Influenza B 7 (0.9%) 84 (0.4%)
                          Yamagata lineage 0 0
                          Victoria lineage 6 (100%) 53 (100%)
                          Lineage not performed 1 31

                          View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                          Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                          Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
                          Influenza Virus Characterization

                          CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans.

                          CDC genetically characterized 1,634 influenza viruses collected since May 1, 2022.
                          A/H1 431
                          6B.1A 431 (100%) 5a.1 6 (1.4%)
                          5a.2 425 (98.6%)
                          A/H3 1,184
                          3C.2a1b 1,184 (100%) 1a 0
                          1b 0
                          2a 0
                          2a.1 1 (0.1%)
                          2a.2 1,183 (99.9%)
                          3C.3a 0 3a 0
                          B/Victoria 19
                          V1A 19 (100%) V1A 0
                          V1A.1 0
                          V1A.3 1 (5.3%)
                          V1A.3a 0
                          V1A.3a.1 0
                          V1A.3a.2 18 (94.7%)
                          B/Yamagata 0
                          Y3 0
                          CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended egg-based and cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

                          Influenza A Viruses
                          • A (H1N1)pdm09: Eighty-nine A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 87 (98%) were well recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 87 (98%) were well recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Victoria/2570/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                          • A (H3N2):Sixty A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and 58 (97%) were well-recognized by ferret antisera to egg-grown A/Darwin/9/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for egg-based influenza vaccines.

                          Influenza B Viruses
                          • B/Victoria: Eleven influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus were antigenically characterized by HI; all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines and by ferret antisera to egg-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the egg-based influenza vaccines.
                          • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

                          Assessment of Virus Susceptibility to Antiviral Medications

                          CDC assesses susceptibility of influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir using next generation sequence analysis supplemented by laboratory assays. Information about antiviral susceptibility test methods can be found at U.S. Influenza Surveillance: Purpose and Methods | CDC.

                          Viruses collected in the U.S. since October 2, 2022, were tested for antiviral susceptibility as follows:
                          Oseltamivir Viruses
                          1,193 410 765 18 0
                          0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                          0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                          Peramivir Viruses
                          1,193 410 765 18 0
                          0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                          0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                          Zanamivir Viruses
                          1,193 410 765 18 0
                          0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                          0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                          PA Cap-Dependent Endonuclease Inhibitor Baloxavir Viruses
                          1,147 387 743 17 0
                          0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                          Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

                          The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
                          Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

                          Nationwide during week 1, 4.0% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is above the national baseline of 2.5%. The percent of patient visits for respiratory illness decreased for all regions during week 1 compared to week 52 but remains above their region-specific baselines in all regions. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

                          * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

                          View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
                          Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

                          More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

                          The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet decreased in all age groups (0-4 years, 5-24 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years) in week 1 compared to week 52.

                          View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                          Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

                          Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
                          Week 1
                          (Week ending
                          Jan. 7, 2023)
                          Week 52
                          (Week ending
                          Dec. 31, 2022)
                          Week 1
                          (Week ending
                          Jan. 7, 2023)
                          Week 52
                          (Week ending
                          Dec. 31, 2022)
                          Very High 2 12 19 38
                          High 21 31 93 158
                          Moderate 14 5 102 145
                          Low 9 2 184 169
                          Minimal 8 5 275 169
                          Insufficient Data 1 0 256 250

                          *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

                          Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
                          Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
                          Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

                          LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 1, 724 (5.1%) of 14,269 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

                          View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                          Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
                          Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                          Hospitalization Surveillance


                          The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

                          A total of 15,910 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2022, and January 7, 2023. The weekly hospitalization rate observed in week 1 was 2.0 per 100,000 population. The weekly rate observed during week 48 (week ending December 3) is the third highest peak weekly rate observed during all seasons going back to 2010-2011; this follows the 2017-18 season which peaked during week 1 (week ending January 6) and the 2014-15 season which peaked during week 52 (week ending December 27).

                          The overall cumulative hospitalization rate was 54.4 per 100,000 population. This cumulative hospitalization rate is 1.8 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 1 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011 (prior season rates ranged from 0.4 per 100,000 to 30.0 per 100,000). However, this in-season cumulative hospitalization rate is still lower than end-of-season hospitalization rates for all but 4 pre-COVID-19-pandemic seasons (2015-16, 2013-14, 2011-12, 2010-11 seasons).

                          When examining rates by age, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among adults aged 65 and older (159.2). Among adults aged 65 and older, rates were highest among adults aged 85 and older (291.2). Among persons aged <65 years, hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were highest among children aged 0-4 years (74.0) followed by adults aged 50-64 years (57.3). When examining rates by race and ethnicity, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among non-Hispanic Black persons (77.5), followed by non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons (65.4), non-Hispanic White persons (44.7), Hispanic/Latino persons (41.1), and non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander persons (23.5).

                          Among 15,910 hospitalizations, 15,426 (97.0%) were associated with influenza A virus, 260 (1.6%) with influenza B virus, 20 (0.1%) with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 204 (1.3%) with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 2,881 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 2,248 (78.0%) were A(H3N2), and 633 (22.0%) were A(H1N1)pdm09. Based on preliminary data, of the 1,997 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations with more complete data, 3.1% (95% CI: 2.3%-3.9%) also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

                          Among 1,452 hospitalized adults with information on underlying medical conditions, 96.3% had at least one reported underlying medical condition, the most commonly reported were hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorder, and obesity. Among 622 hospitalized women of childbearing age (15-49 years) with information on pregnancy status, 252 (40.5%) were pregnant. Among 511 hospitalized children with information on underlying medical conditions, 66.7% had at least one reported underlying medical condition; the most commonly reported was asthma, followed by obesity and neurologic disease.

                          View Full Screen

                          View Full Screen

                          Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
                          Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics
                          HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

                          Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 1, 12,409 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

                          View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                          Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
                          Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                          Mortality Surveillance

                          National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

                          Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on January 12, 2023, 13.1% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending January 7, 2023 (week 1), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 7.0% for this week. Among the 3,151 PIC deaths reported for this week, 1,433 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 353 listed influenza. While current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19, the proportion due to influenza increased from October through early December and has remained at similar levels for the past four weeks. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

                          View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                          Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                          Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
                          Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

                          Five influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season were reported to CDC during week 1. The deaths occurred during weeks 45, 49, 51, and 52 of 2022 (the weeks ending November 12, December 10, December 24, and December 31, respectively). All five deaths were associated with influenza A viruses. Subtyping was performed on two of the influenza A viruses; both were A(H3) viruses.

                          A total of 79 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

                          View Full Screen

                          Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                          Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive


                          • #14
                            Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

                            Updated January 20, 2023

                            Note: CDC is also tracking the impact of other respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. Data comparing the impact of these viruses can be found in two new dashboards: RESP-NET and NSSP’s Emergency Department Visits for COVID-19, Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

                            Key Updates for Week 2, ending January 14, 2023

                            Seasonal influenza activity continues to decline across the country.

                            Clinical Lab4.6%

                            positive for influenza
                            this week

                            Public Health Lab
                            The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

                            Virus Characterization
                            Genetic and antigenic characterization and antiviral susceptibility are summarized in this report.

                            Outpatient Respiratory Illness3.0%

                            of visits to a health care provider this week were for respiratory illness
                            (above baseline).

                            Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
                            This week, 8 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 7 jurisdictions experienced high or very high activity.

                            Long-term Care Facilities2.8%

                            of facilities reported
                            ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
                            among residents this week.

                            Severe Disease

                            FluSurv-NET56.7 per 100,000

                            cumulative hospitalization rate

                            HHS Protect Hospitalizations6,367

                            patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
                            this week.

                            NCHS Mortality13.1%

                            of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold).

                            Pediatric Deaths7

                            deaths were reported (1 occurred in 2021-22 season and 6 occurred in 2022-23 season)

                            All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

                            A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

                            Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

                            Key Points
                            • Seasonal influenza activity continues to decline across the country.
                            • Three regions were below their outpatient respiratory illness baselines for the first time since October 2022.
                            • The number of flu hospital admissions reported in the HHS Protect system decreased compared to week 1.
                            • Of influenza A viruses detected and subtyped during week 2, 81% were influenza A(H3N2) and 19% were influenza A(H1N1).
                            • Six influenza-associated pediatric deaths that occurred during the 2022-23 season were reported this week, for a total of 85 pediatric flu deaths reported so far this season.
                            • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 25 million illnesses, 270,000 hospitalizations, and 17,000 deaths from flu.
                            • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system was 1.6 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed for week 2 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011. However, this in-season rate is still lower than end-of-season hospitalization rates for all but 4 pre-COVID-19-pandemic seasons going back to 2010-2011.
                            • The majority of influenza viruses tested are in the same genetic subclade as and antigenically similar to the influenza viruses included in this season’s influenza vaccine.
                            • All viruses collected and evaluated this season have been susceptible to the influenza antivirals oseltamivir, peramivir, zanamivir, and baloxavir.
                            • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
                            • CDC continues to recommend that everyone ages 6 months and older get an annual flu vaccine as long as flu activity continues.
                            • CDC issued Interim Guidance for Clinicians to Prioritize Antiviral Treatment of Influenza in the Setting of Reduced Availability of Oseltamivir through the Health Alert Network (HAN) on December 15, 2022.
                            U.S. Virologic Surveillance

                            Nationally, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories declined compared to the previous week. Percent positivity decreased in all HHS regions. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
                            Clinical Laboratories

                            The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

                            No. of specimens tested 75,638 1,882,770
                            No. of positive specimens (%) 3,498 (4.6%) 305,535 (16.2%)
                            Positive specimens by type
                            Influenza A 3,403 (97.3%) 303,449 (99.3%)
                            Influenza B 95 (2.7%) 2,086 (0.7%)

                            View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                            Public Health Laboratories

                            The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
                            No. of specimens tested 6,315 141,009
                            No. of positive specimens 453 23,823
                            Positive specimens by type/subtype
                            Influenza A 442 (97.6%) 23,720 (99.6%)
                            (H1N1)pdm09 63 (18.7%) 4,498 (23.1%)
                            H3N2 274 (81.3%) 14,964 (76.9%)
                            H3N2v 0 1 (<0.1%)
                            Subtyping not performed 105 4,257
                            Influenza B 11 (2.4%) 102 (0.4%)
                            Yamagata lineage 0 0
                            Victoria lineage 6 (100%) 65 (100%)
                            Lineage not performed 5 37

                            View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                            Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                            Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
                            Influenza Virus Characterization

                            CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans.

                            CDC genetically characterized 1,366 influenza viruses collected since October 2, 2022.
                            A/H1 470
                            6B.1A 470 (100%) 5a.1 1 (0.2%)
                            5a.2 469 (99.8%)
                            A/H3 875
                            3C.2a1b 875 (100%) 1a 0
                            1b 0
                            2a 0
                            2a.1 0
                            2a.2 875 (100%)
                            3C.3a 0 3a 0
                            B/Victoria 21
                            V1A 19 (100%) V1A 0
                            V1A.1 0
                            V1A.3 2 (9.5%)
                            V1A.3a 0
                            V1A.3a.1 0
                            V1A.3a.2 19 (90.5%)
                            B/Yamagata 0
                            Y3 0
                            CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

                            Influenza A Viruses
                            • A (H1N1)pdm09: Seventy-four A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 73 (99.9%) were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant- based influenza vaccines.
                            • A (H3N2): One hundred and three A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT, and 94 (91%) were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines.

                            Influenza B Viruses
                            • B/Victoria: Ten influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus were antigenically characterized by HI, and all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines.
                            • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

                            Assessment of Virus Susceptibility to Antiviral Medications

                            CDC assesses susceptibility of influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir using next generation sequence analysis supplemented by laboratory assays. Information about antiviral susceptibility test methods can be found at U.S. Influenza Surveillance: Purpose and Methods | CDC.

                            Viruses collected in the U.S. since October 2, 2022, were tested for antiviral susceptibility as follows:
                            Oseltamivir Viruses
                            1,370 472 877 21 0
                            0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                            0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                            Peramivir Viruses
                            1,370 472 877 21 0
                            0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                            0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                            Zanamivir Viruses
                            1,370 472 877 21 0
                            0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                            0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                            PA Cap-Dependent Endonuclease Inhibitor Baloxavir Viruses
                            1,320 446 853 21 0
                            0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                            Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

                            The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
                            Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

                            Nationwide during week 2, 3.0% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is a decline compared to what was reported in week 1 but remains above the national baseline of 2.5%. Seven of the 10 HHS regions are above their respective baselines; regions 5, 6, and 8 are below their respective baselines. The percent of patient visits for respiratory illness decreased for all regions during week 2 compared to week 1. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

                            * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

                            View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
                            Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

                            More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

                            The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet decreased in all age groups (0-4 years, 5-24 years, 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years) in week 2 compared to week 1.

                            View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                            Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

                            Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
                            Week 2
                            (Week ending
                            Jan. 14, 2023)
                            Week 1
                            (Week ending
                            Jan. 7, 2022)
                            Week 2
                            (Week ending
                            Jan. 14, 2023)
                            Week 1
                            (Week ending
                            Jan. 7, 2022)
                            Very High 0 2 3 20
                            High 7 20 38 93
                            Moderate 8 15 67 102
                            Low 18 8 159 184
                            Minimal 22 10 396 286
                            Insufficient Data 0 0 266 244

                            *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

                            Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
                            Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
                            Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

                            LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 2, 401 (2.8%) of 14,373 reporting LTCFs reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents.

                            View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                            Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
                            Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                            Hospitalization Surveillance


                            The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

                            A total of 16,602 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2022, and January 14, 2023. The weekly hospitalization rate observed in week 2 was 0.8 per 100,000 population. The weekly rate observed during week 48 (week ending December 3, 2022) is the third highest peak weekly rate observed during all seasons going back to 2010-2011; this follows the 2017-18 season, which peaked during week 1 (week ending January 6) and the 2014-15 season, which peaked during week 52 (week ending December 27, 2022).

                            The overall cumulative hospitalization rate was 56.7 per 100,000 population. This cumulative hospitalization rate is 1.6 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 2 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011 (prior season rates ranged from 0.5 per 100,000 to 36.3 per 100,000). However, this in-season cumulative hospitalization rate is still lower than end-of-season hospitalization rates for all but 4 pre-COVID-19-pandemic seasons (2015-16, 2013-14, 2011-12, and 2010-11 seasons).

                            When examining rates by age, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among adults aged 65 and older (166.9). Among adults aged 65 and older, rates were highest among adults aged 85 and older (306.6). Among persons aged <65 years, hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were highest among children aged 0-4 years (77.3), followed by adults aged 50-64 years (59.8). When examining rates by race and ethnicity, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among non-Hispanic Black persons (79.3), followed by non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons (67.4), non-Hispanic White persons (46.9), Hispanic/Latino persons (43), and non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander persons (24.2).

                            Among 16,602 hospitalizations,16,095 (96.9%) were associated with influenza A virus, 282 (1.7%) with influenza B virus, 22 (0.1%) with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 203 (1.2%) with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 3,042 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 2,364 (77.7%) were A(H3N2) and 678 (22.3%) were A(H1N1)pdm09. Based on preliminary data, of the 2,409 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations with more complete data, 3.2% (95% CI: 2.5%-4.0%) also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

                            Among 1,694 hospitalized adults with information on underlying medical conditions, 96.5% had at least one reported underlying medical condition, the most commonly reported were hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorder, and obesity. Among 669 hospitalized women of childbearing age (15-49 years) with information on pregnancy status, 268 (40.1%) were pregnant. Among 608 hospitalized children with information on underlying medical conditions, 66.1% had at least one reported underlying medical condition; the most commonly reported was asthma, followed by obesity and neurologic disease.

                            View Full Screen

                            View Full Screen

                            Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
                            Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics | RESP-NET Interactive
                            HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

                            Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 2, 6,367 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital.

                            View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                            Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
                            Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                            Mortality Surveillance

                            National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

                            Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on January 19, 2023, 13.1% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending January 14, 2023 (week 2), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage is above the epidemic threshold of 7.1% for this week. Among the 2,954 PIC deaths reported for this week, 1,422 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 251 listed influenza. While current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19, the proportion due to influenza increased from October through mid-December and has been decreasing for the past four weeks. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

                            View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                            Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                            Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
                            Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

                            Seven influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported to CDC during week 2.

                            Six of the deaths occurred during the 2022-2023 season between week 48 of 2022 (the week ending December 3, 2022) and week 1 of 2023 (the week ending January 7, 2023). All six deaths were associated with influenza A viruses. Four of the influenza A viruses had subtyping performed; three were A(H3) viruses and one was an A(H1N1) virus. A total of 85 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC

                            One death occurred during week 27 of the 2021-2022 season (the week ending July 9, 2022). The death was associated with an influenza A virus for which no subtyping was performed. The total number of deaths that occurred in the 2021-2022 season is 45.

                            View Full Screen

                            Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                            Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive


                            • #15
                              Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report

                              Updated January 27, 2023

                              Note: CDC is also tracking the impact of other respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. Data comparing the impact of these viruses can be found in two new dashboards: RESP-NET and NSSP’s Emergency Department Visits for COVID-19, Influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

                              Key Updates for Week 3, ending January 21, 2023

                              Seasonal influenza activity continues to decline across the country.

                              Clinical Lab3.0%

                              positive for influenza
                              this week

                              Public Health Lab
                              The most frequently reported viruses this week were influenza A(H3N2).

                              Virus Characterization
                              Genetic and antigenic characterization and antiviral susceptibility are summarized in this report.

                              Outpatient Respiratory Illness2.6%

                              of visits to a health care provider this week were for respiratory illness
                              (above baseline).

                              Outpatient Respiratory Illness: Activity Map
                              This week, 7 jurisdictions experienced moderate activity and 3 jurisdictions experienced high activity.

                              Long-term Care Facilities1.7%

                              of facilities reported
                              ≥ 1 influenza-positive test
                              among residents this week.

                              Severe Disease

                              FluSurv-NET58.1 per 100,000

                              cumulative hospitalization rate

                              HHS Protect Hospitalizations4,009

                              patients admitted to hospitals with influenza
                              this week.

                              NCHS Mortality12.0%

                              of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza, or COVID-19 this week (above threshold).

                              Pediatric Deaths6

                              deaths were reported this week for a total of
                              91 so far this season

                              All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

                              A description of the CDC influenza surveillance system, including methodology and detailed descriptions of each data component is available on the surveillance methods page.

                              Additional information on the current and previous influenza seasons for each surveillance component are available on FluView Interactive.

                              Key Points
                              • Seasonal influenza activity continues to decline across the country.
                              • Six HHS regions were below their outpatient respiratory illness baselines.
                              • The number of flu hospital admissions reported in the HHS Protect system decreased compared to week 2.
                              • Of influenza A viruses detected and subtyped during week 3, 73% were influenza A(H3N2) and 27% were influenza A(H1N1).
                              • Six influenza-associated pediatric deaths that occurred during the 2022-23 season were reported this week, for a total of 91 pediatric flu deaths reported so far this season.
                              • CDC estimates that, so far this season, there have been at least 25 million illnesses, 280,000 hospitalizations, and 17,000 deaths from flu.
                              • The cumulative hospitalization rate in the FluSurv-NET system was 1.4 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed for week 3 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011. However, this in-season rate is still lower than end-of-season hospitalization rates for all but 4 pre-COVID-19-pandemic seasons going back to 2010-2011.
                              • The majority of influenza viruses tested are in the same genetic subclade as and antigenically similar to the influenza viruses included in this season’s influenza vaccine.
                              • All viruses collected and evaluated this season have been susceptible to the influenza antivirals oseltamivir, peramivir, zanamivir, and baloxavir.
                              • An annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect against flu. Vaccination helps prevent infection and can also prevent serious outcomes in people who get vaccinated but still get sick with flu.
                              • CDC continues to recommend that everyone ages 6 months and older get an annual flu vaccine as long as flu activity continues.
                              • CDC issued Interim Guidance for Clinicians to Prioritize Antiviral Treatment of Influenza in the Setting of Reduced Availability of Oseltamivir through the Health Alert Network (HAN) on December 15, 2022.
                              U.S. Virologic Surveillance

                              Nationally and in all 10 HHS regions, the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza in clinical laboratories declined ≥ 0.5% compared to the previous week. For regional and state level data and age group distribution, please visit FluView Interactive. Viruses known to be associated with recent live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) receipt or found upon further testing to be a vaccine virus are not included, as they are not circulating influenza viruses.
                              Clinical Laboratories

                              The results of tests performed by clinical laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from clinical laboratories (the percentage of specimens tested that are positive for influenza) are used to monitor whether influenza activity is increasing or decreasing.

                              No. of specimens tested 86,499 2,033,784
                              No. of positive specimens (%) 2,588 (3.0%) 320,409 (15.8%)
                              Positive specimens by type
                              Influenza A 2,484 (96.0%) 318,141 (99.3%)
                              Influenza B 104 (4.0%) 2,268 (0.7%)

                              View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                              Public Health Laboratories

                              The results of tests performed by public health laboratories nationwide are summarized below. Data from public health laboratories are used to monitor the proportion of circulating viruses that belong to each influenza subtype/lineage.
                              No. of specimens tested 5,727 147,926
                              No. of positive specimens 338 24,700
                              Positive specimens by type/subtype
                              Influenza A 329 (97.3%) 24,587 (99.5%)
                              (H1N1)pdm09 67 (26.8%) 4,746 (23.5%)
                              H3N2 183 (73.2%) 15,474 (76.5%)
                              H3N2v 0 1 (<0.1%)
                              Subtyping not performed 79 4,366
                              Influenza B 9 (2.7%) 113 (0.5%)
                              Yamagata lineage 0 0
                              Victoria lineage 2 (100%) 74 (100%)
                              Lineage not performed 7 39

                              View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                              Additional virologic surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                              Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or Age Data
                              Influenza Virus Characterization

                              CDC performs genetic and antigenic characterization of U.S. viruses submitted from state and local public health laboratories according to the Right Size Roadmap submission guidance. These data are used to compare how similar the currently circulating influenza viruses are to the reference viruses representing viruses contained in the current influenza vaccines. The data are also used to monitor evolutionary changes that continually occur in influenza viruses circulating in humans.

                              CDC genetically characterized 1,549 influenza viruses collected since October 2, 2022.
                              A/H1 530
                              6B.1A 530 (100%) 5a.1 1 (0.2%)
                              5a.2 529 (99.8%)
                              A/H3 994
                              3C.2a1b 994 (100%) 1a 0
                              1b 0
                              2a 0
                              2a.1 0
                              2a.2 994 (100%)
                              3C.3a 0 3a 0
                              B/Victoria 25
                              V1A 25 (100%) V1A 0
                              V1A.1 0
                              V1A.3 3 (12%)
                              V1A.3a 0
                              V1A.3a.1 0
                              V1A.3a.2 22 (88%)
                              B/Yamagata 0
                              Y3 0
                              CDC antigenically characterizes influenza viruses by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) (H1N1pdm09, B/Victoria, and B/Yamagata viruses) or neutralization-based HINT (H3N2 viruses) using antisera that ferrets make after being infected with reference viruses representing the 2022-2023 Northern Hemisphere recommended cell- or recombinant-based vaccine viruses. Antigenic differences between viruses are determined by comparing how well the antibodies made against the vaccine reference viruses recognize the circulating viruses that have been grown in cell culture. Ferret antisera are useful because antibodies raised against a particular virus can often recognize small changes in the surface proteins of other viruses. In HI assays, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody titer differences of less than or equal to 4-fold when compared to the reference (vaccine) virus. In HINT, viruses with similar antigenic properties have antibody neutralization titer differences of less than 8-fold. Viruses selected for antigenic characterization are a subset representing the genetic changes in the surface proteins seen in genetically characterized viruses.

                              Influenza A Viruses
                              • A (H1N1)pdm09: Seventy-four A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses were antigenically characterized by HI, and 73 (99.9%) were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Wisconsin/588/2019-like reference viruses representing the A(H1N1)pdm09 component for the cell- and recombinant- based influenza vaccines.
                              • A (H3N2): One hundred and fifty-eight A(H3N2) viruses were antigenically characterized by HINT, and 147 (93%) were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 8-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown A/Darwin/6/2021-like reference viruses representing the A(H3N2) component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines.

                              Influenza B Viruses
                              • B/Victoria: Ten influenza B/Victoria-lineage virus were antigenically characterized by HI, and all were well-recognized (reacting at titers that were within 4-fold of the homologous virus titer) by ferret antisera to cell-grown B/Austria/1359417/2021-like reference viruses representing the B/Victoria component for the cell- and recombinant-based influenza vaccines.
                              • B/Yamagata: No influenza B/Yamagata-lineage viruses were available for antigenic characterization.

                              Assessment of Virus Susceptibility to Antiviral Medications

                              CDC assesses susceptibility of influenza viruses to antiviral medications including the neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir) and the PA endonuclease inhibitor baloxavir using next generation sequence analysis supplemented by laboratory assays. Information about antiviral susceptibility test methods can be found at U.S. Influenza Surveillance: Purpose and Methods | CDC.

                              Viruses collected in the U.S. since October 2, 2022, were tested for antiviral susceptibility as follows:
                              Oseltamivir Viruses
                              1,593 546 1,020 27 0
                              0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                              0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                              Peramivir Viruses
                              1,593 546 1,020 27 0
                              0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                              0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                              Zanamivir Viruses
                              1,593 546 1,020 27 0
                              0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                              0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                              PA Cap-Dependent Endonuclease Inhibitor Baloxavir Viruses
                              1,548 524 997 27 0
                              0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
                              Outpatient Respiratory Illness Surveillance

                              The U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet) monitors outpatient visits for respiratory illness referred to as influenza-like illness [ILI (fever plus cough or sore throat)], not laboratory-confirmed influenza, and will therefore capture respiratory illness visits due to infection with any pathogen that can present with similar symptoms, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and RSV. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health care-seeking behaviors have changed, and people may be accessing the health care system in alternative settings not captured as a part of ILINet or at a different point in their illness than they might have before the pandemic. Therefore, it is important to evaluate syndromic surveillance data, including that from ILINet, in the context of other sources of surveillance data to obtain a complete and accurate picture of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, and other respiratory virus activity. CDC is tracking the COVID-19 pandemic in a weekly publication called COVID Data Tracker Weekly Review. Information about other respiratory virus activity can be found on CDC’s National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) website.
                              Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits

                              Nationwide during week 3, 2.6% of patient visits reported through ILINet were due to respiratory illness that included fever plus a cough or sore throat, also referred to as ILI. This is a decline compared to what was reported in week 2 but remains above the national baseline of 2.5%. Six of the 10 HHS regions are below their respective baselines; region 7 is at their baseline; and regions 2, 3, and 9 are above their respective baselines. The percent of patient visits for respiratory illness decreased by > 0.1 percentage point for all regions during week 3 compared to week 2. Multiple respiratory viruses are co-circulating, and the relative contribution of influenza virus infection to ILI varies by location.

                              * Effective October 3, 2021 (week 40), the ILI definition (fever plus cough or sore throat) no longer includes “without a known cause other than influenza.”

                              View Chart Data (current season only) | View Full Screen
                              Outpatient Respiratory Illness Visits by Age Group

                              More than 70% of ILINet participants provide both the number of patient visits for respiratory illness and the total number of patient visits for the week broken out by age group. Data from this subset of providers are used to calculate the percentages of patient visits for respiratory illness by age group.

                              The percentage of visits for respiratory illness reported in ILINet decreased in the 25-49 years, 50-64 years, and 65+ years age groups and remained stable (change of ≤ 0.1 percentage point) in the 0-4 years and 5-24 years age groups in week 3 compared to week 2.

                              View Chart Data | View Full Screen
                              Outpatient Respiratory Illness Activity Map

                              Data collected in ILINet are used to produce a measure of ILI activity* by state/jurisdiction and Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA).
                              Week 3
                              (Week ending
                              Jan. 21, 2023)
                              Week 2
                              (Week ending
                              Jan. 14, 2022)
                              Week 3
                              (Week ending
                              Jan. 21, 2023)
                              Week 2
                              (Week ending
                              Jan. 14, 2022)
                              Very High 0 0 3 4
                              High 3 7 23 39
                              Moderate 7 7 50 66
                              Low 11 20 117 158
                              Minimal 33 21 470 419
                              Insufficient Data 1 0 266 243

                              *Data collected in ILINet may disproportionally represent certain populations within a jurisdiction or CBSA, and therefore, may not accurately depict the full picture of influenza activity for the entire jurisdiction or CBSA. Differences in the data presented here by CDC and independently by some health departments likely represent differing levels of data completeness with data presented by the health department likely being the more complete.

                              Additional information about medically attended visits for ILI for current and past seasons:
                              Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive: National, Regional, and State Data or ILI Activity Map
                              Long-term Care Facility (LTCF) Surveillance

                              LTCFs (e.g., nursing homes/skilled nursing, long-term care for the developmentally disabled, and assisted living facilities) from all 50 states and U.S. territories report data on influenza virus infections among residents through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long-term Care Facility Component. During week 3, 240 (1.7%) of 14,330 reporting facilities reported at least one influenza positive test among their residents. This decreased by > 5% compared to week 2.

                              View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                              Additional information about long-term care facility surveillance:
                              Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                              Hospitalization Surveillance


                              The Influenza Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) conducts population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-related hospitalizations in select counties in 13 states and represents approximately 9% of the U.S. population. FluSurv-NET hospitalization data are preliminary. As data are received each week, prior case counts and rates are updated accordingly.

                              A total of 17,001 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations were reported by FluSurv-NET sites between October 1, 2022, and January 21, 2023. The weekly hospitalization rate observed in week 3 was 0.6 per 100,000 population. The weekly rate observed during week 48 (week ending December 3) is the third highest peak weekly rate observed during all seasons going back to 2010-2011; this follows the 2017-18 season which peaked during week 1 (week ending January 6, 2018) and the 2014-15 season which peaked during week 52 (week ending December 27, 2014).

                              The overall cumulative hospitalization rate was 58.1 per 100,000 population. This cumulative hospitalization rate is 1.4 times higher than the highest cumulative in-season hospitalization rate observed in week 3 during previous seasons going back to 2010-2011 (prior season rates ranged from 0.5 per 100,000 to 41.9 per 100,000). However, this in-season cumulative hospitalization rate is still lower than end-of-season hospitalization rates for all but 4 pre-COVID-19-pandemic seasons (2015-16, 2013-14, 2011-12, 2010-11 seasons).

                              When examining rates by age, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among adults aged 65 and older (171.2). Among adults aged 65 and older, rates were highest among adults aged 85 and older (312.2). Among persons aged <65 years, hospitalization rates per 100,000 population were highest among children aged 0-4 years (78.1) followed by adults aged 50-64 years (61.7). When examining rates by race and ethnicity, the highest rate of hospitalization per 100,000 population was among non-Hispanic Black persons (81.2), followed by non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons (69.9), non-Hispanic White persons (48), Hispanic/Latino persons (43.9), and non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander persons (24.6).

                              Among 17,001 hospitalizations,16,485 (97%) were associated with influenza A virus, 295 (1.7%) with influenza B virus, 23 (0.1%) with influenza A virus and influenza B virus co-infection, and 198 (1.2%) with influenza virus for which the type was not determined. Among 3,369 hospitalizations with influenza A subtype information, 2,591 (76.9%) were A(H3N2), and 778 (23.1%) were A(H1N1)pdm09. Based on preliminary data, of the 2,809 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations with more complete data, 3.4% (95% CI: 2.7%-4.1%) also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2.

                              Among 1,980 hospitalized adults with information on underlying medical conditions, 96.7% had at least one reported underlying medical condition, the most commonly reported were hypertension, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorder, and obesity. Among 706 hospitalized women of childbearing age (15-49 years) with information on pregnancy status, 285 (40.4%) were pregnant. Among 688 hospitalized children with information on underlying medical conditions, 67.2% had at least one reported underlying medical condition; the most commonly reported was asthma, followed by neurologic disease and obesity.

                              View Full Screen

                              View Full Screen

                              Additional FluSurv-NET hospitalization surveillance information for current and past seasons and additional age groups:
                              Surveillance Methods |FluView Interactive: Rates by Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity or Data on Patient Characteristics | RESP-NET Interactive
                              HHS Protect Hospitalization Surveillance

                              Hospitals report to HHS Protect the number of patients admitted with laboratory-confirmed influenza. During week 3, 4,009 patients with laboratory-confirmed influenza were admitted to a hospital. This was a decrease of > 5% compared to week 2.

                              View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                              Additional HHS Protect hospitalization surveillance information:
                              Surveillance Methods | Additional Data
                              Mortality Surveillance

                              National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Mortality Surveillance

                              Based on NCHS mortality surveillance data available on January 26, 2023, 12.0% of the deaths that occurred during the week ending January 21, 2023 (week 3), were due to pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 (PIC). This percentage decreased (≥ 0.3 percentage point change) compared to week 2 and is above the epidemic threshold of 7.1% for this week. Among the 2,877 PIC deaths reported for this week, 1,332 had COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on the death certificate, and 188 listed influenza. While current PIC mortality is due primarily to COVID-19, the proportion due to influenza increased from October through mid-December and has been decreasing for the past five weeks. The data presented are preliminary and may change as more data are received and processed.

                              View Chart Data | View Full Screen

                              Additional pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19 mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                              Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive
                              Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality

                              Six influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season were reported to CDC during week 3. The deaths occurred between week 51 of 2022 (the week ending December 24, 2022) and week 3 of 2023 (the week ending January 21, 2023). All six deaths were associated with influenza A viruses. Four of the influenza A viruses had subtyping performed; one was a A(H1N1) virus and three were A(H3) viruses.

                              A total of 91 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 2022-2023 season have been reported to CDC.

                              View Full Screen

                              Additional pediatric mortality surveillance information for current and past seasons:
                              Surveillance Methods | FluView Interactive

