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WYOMING LIVESTOCK BOARD Animal Health 2024 Wyoming State Fair Animal Health Requirements

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  • WYOMING LIVESTOCK BOARD Animal Health 2024 Wyoming State Fair Animal Health Requirements

    via email

    The Wyoming Livestock Board (WLSB) State Veterinarian’s Office may modify animal health requirements if there is a disease risk warranting change in our state or neighboring states. Please visit WLSB’s website,, for the most current information.

    All livestock, including alpacas, cattle, goats, horses, llamas, sheep, and swine, entered in the 2024 Wyoming State Fair, are required to meet the following animal health requirements.
    • Official Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI)
      • Individual animal official identification must be listed.
      • The CVI must be issued by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days of entry.
      • CVI may include a combination of species owned by the exhibitor/family.
      • Both electronic (eCVI) and paper CVIs will be accepted.
      • Both eCVIs and/or paper CVIs must be readily available upon request.
      • Include name, both physical and mailing address of owner/exhibitor, phone
        number, and email.
      • Include name, signature, mailing address, phone number, email, and accreditation number of issuing veterinarian.
    • Wyoming Livestock Board staff or veterinarians will be checking CVIs and potentially
      inspecting every animal.
    • Animals with active lesions of ringworm with resulting loss of hair, or multiple warts
      easily visible without close examination are not permitted.
    • Any animals found showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable
      diseases will be immediately withdrawn from the show and held in isolation at owner's
      risk and expense. Animals will be held until properly tested, or until released to return to the owner's premises.
    • Contact WLSB directly for any species not listed below, (307) 777-7515.

    Beef Cattle
    • Must follow CVI requirements.
    • Wyoming origin - no testing required with the exception of cattle residing within the
      Designated Surveillance Area (DSA).
    • DSA cattle must meet all brucellosis testing requirements.
    • All cattle must have an official fair identification and/or 840 tag listed on the CVI.
    • Trichomoniasis – Exhibition bulls are exempt from testing as long as no potential
      breeding contact will occur.
    • Out of state cattle – please visit the Wyoming Livestock Board’s website,, or call the office at (307) 777-7515 for further information.

    Camelids (Alpacas, Llamas)
    • Must follow CVI requirements.
    • Wyoming origin – no testing required.
    • Official fair identification listed on CVI as approved per species, including microchip.
    • Camel family species for exhibition purposes may list name and a clear description of the animal(s) as accepted identification.
    • Out of state camelids – please visit the Wyoming Livestock Board’s website,, or call the office at (307) 777-7515 for further information.

    Dairy Cattle
    • Must follow CVI requirements.
    • DSA cattle must meet all brucellosis testing requirements.
    • All cattle must have an official fair identification and/or 840 tag listed on the CVI.
    • Lactating dairy cattle – recommend testing for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
      (HPAI) within 7 days of movement.
    • Pooled milk sample from all 4 quarters collected by an accredited veterinarian, or
      a state or federal animal health official.
    • Contact WLSB for further HPAI dairy cattle testing guidelines, office
    • Out of state cattle – please visit the Wyoming Livestock Board’s website,, or call the office at (307) 777-7515 for further information.

    Equine (burros, horses, mules)
    • Wyoming origin – no testing required.
    • Must follow CVI requirements.
    • EIA/Coggins required within 12 months on all out of state equine.

    Sheep and Goats
    • Must follow CVI requirements.
    • Wyoming origin – no testing required.
    • All exhibition sheep and goats must have an official scrapie tag, 840 tag, or tattoo as
      officially approved per breed.
    • Registered meat and dairy goats may use tattoos with breed registration numbers
      supported by accompanying registration papers in lieu of the tags.
    • All out-of-state rams, 6 months of age or older, must be negative to the ELISA test for Brucella ovis within 30 days prior to show or be from a certified Brucella ovis free flock.
    • Out of state sheep and goats – please visit the Wyoming Livestock Board’s website,, or call the office at (307) 777-7515 for further information.

    • Must follow CVI requirements.
    • Wyoming origin – no testing required.
    • All swine must have an official fair identification and/or 840 tag listed on the CVI.
    • Out of state swine – please visit the Wyoming Livestock Board’s website,, or call the office at (307) 777-7515 for further information.

    Rodeo Cattle
    • Wyoming origin- no CVI required, no testing required.
    • All rodeo cattle, regardless of age, must have official identification.
    • Out of state rodeo cattle import requirements:
      • All U.S. origin Rodeo Cattle shall have a negative Tuberculosis test within
        twelve (12) months prior to importation.
      • Rodeo Cattle less than two months of age with official individual identification
        entering Wyoming for recreational purposes and then leaving Wyoming directly
        from the event may have tuberculosis testing requirements waived or modified
        with prior written approval from the Wyoming State Veterinarian.
      • Out of state rodeo cattle – please visit the Wyoming Livestock Board’s website,, or call the office at (307) 777-7515 for further information.

    Wyoming Livestock Board - Animal Health​