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What states are doing; networking links

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  • What states are doing; networking links

    State and Local Government Planning & Response Activities

    What can be done now

    A pandemic, by definition, occurs in many localities ? perhaps even nationwide ? almost simultaneously. Because of this, much of the planning for a pandemic must be the responsibility of state and local governments. Many states already have pandemic plans in place.

    All 50 states, 7 territories, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia will receive grants from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Each state will receive a minimum of $500,000, and the rest of the funds will be allocated by population. States and municipalities will use these funds to accelerate and intensify current planning efforts for pandemic influenza and prepare to exercise their plans.

    State and Local Funding Distribution Chart >>

    To help coordinate planning, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) and other federal agencies are holding pandemic planning summits with public health and emergency management and response leaders in each state. HHS has also prepared a State & Local Planning Checklist, and will work with states to design tabletop exercises to evaluate preparedness.

    State-by-State Pandemic Information
    Each state page contains information about the state pandemic plan, summit materials, formal agreements and other pandemic planning information. They also contain historic information about the 1918 pandemic flu impact upon the state, as well as links to the state Web site pandemic information.

    Select a state link to view state and local pandemic planning information.
    <table class="MyTable" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" summary="this table is used to format paget content"> <tbody><tr id="color2"> <td width="16%">Alabama
    </td> <td width="16%">Florida
    </td> <td width="16%">Louisiana
    </td> <td width="16%">Nebraska
    </td> <td width="16%">Oklahoma
    </td> <td width="16%">Utah
    </td> </tr> <tr id="color1"> <td>Alaska
    </td> <td>Georgia
    </td> <td>Maine
    </td> <td>Nevada
    </td> <td>Oregon
    </td> <td>Vermont
    </td> </tr> <tr id="color2"> <td>Arizona
    </td> <td>Hawaii
    </td> <td>Maryland
    </td> <td>New Hampshire
    </td> <td>Pennsylvania
    </td> <td>Virginia
    </td> </tr> <tr id="color1"> <td>Arkansas
    </td> <td>Idaho
    </td> <td>Massachusetts
    </td> <td>New Jersey
    </td> <td>Puerto Rico
    </td> <td>Virgin Islands
    </td> </tr> <tr id="color2"> <td>California
    </td> <td>Illinois
    </td> <td>Michigan
    </td> <td>New Mexico
    </td> <td>Rhode Island
    </td> <td>Washington
    </td> </tr> <tr id="color1"> <td>Colorado
    </td> <td>Indiana
    </td> <td>Minnesota
    </td> <td>New York
    </td> <td>South Carolina
    </td> <td>West Virginia
    </td> </tr> <tr id="color2"> <td>Connecticut
    </td> <td>Iowa
    </td> <td>Mississippi
    </td> <td>North Carolina
    </td> <td>South Dakota
    </td> <td>Wisconsin
    </td> </tr> <tr id="color1"> <td>Delaware
    </td> <td>Kansas
    </td> <td>Missouri
    </td> <td>North Dakota
    </td> <td>Tennessee
    </td> <td>Wyoming
    </td> </tr> <tr id="color2"> <td>District of Columbia
    </td> <td>Kentucky
    </td> <td>Montana
    </td> <td>Ohio
    </td> <td>Texas
    </td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> State Pandemic Plans
    • Access all state pandemic plans that are currently available.
    State & Local Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist
    Pandemic Planning: A Convening of the States
    • At the direction of President Bush, Secretary Mike Leavitt, HHS, convened senior state and local officials from across the country on December 5, 2005 to establish an integrated federal-state influenza-pandemic planning process. The White House Homeland Security Council, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture also participated in the meeting.