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China reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasuries for the fourth consecutive month (October) - December 17, 2019

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  • China reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasuries for the fourth consecutive month (October) - December 17, 2019

    China tossed U.S. debt for 4 consecutive months

    economic Written by: Sun Chuanting
    2019-12-17 17:51:00
    Data show that China reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasuries for the fourth consecutive month, while Japan ranked as the largest overseas holder of U.S. Treasuries for the fifth consecutive month.

    Chinese media surging news reported on December 17, Beijing time that data released by the U.S. Treasury on December 16 showed that China reduced its US debt holdings by US $ 800 million in October, and its debt holdings fell to US $ 1.101 trillion.

    In October, Japan increased its holdings by US $ 22.2 billion, the largest increase among major creditor countries in the United States, and its holdings increased to US $ 1.168 trillion, making it the largest overseas holder of US debt for the fifth consecutive month.

    Beginning in May, Japan began to increase its holdings of US Treasuries. Especially in August, Japan increased its holdings of US $ 43.9 billion in U.S. Treasuries, and its holdings rose to US $ 1174.7 billion, the highest since October 2015.

    In May, June, and July, Japan increased its holdings of US $ 37 billion, US $ 21.9 billion, and US $ 7.9 billion, respectively, and surpassed China in June to become the largest creditor in the United States, and Japan reduced its US $ 28.9 billion in September. However, it is still the largest creditor country in the United States for the fourth consecutive month.

    Foreign holders slightly reduced their holdings of US Treasury bonds by US $ 1.6 billion in October. (VCG)

    Since 2019, China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds have not increased significantly. China reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds for the fourth consecutive month. In October, it slightly reduced its holdings by $ 800 million, and its holdings fell to $ 1.101 trillion, making it the second largest creditor country in the United States.

    In January, February, and June, China slightly increased its holdings of US $ 3.1 billion, US $ 4.2 billion, and US $ 2.3 billion, respectively, and slightly reduced its holdings in March, April, May, July, August, and September, respectively. US debt was $ 10.4 billion, $ 7.5 billion, $ 2.8 billion, $ 2.2 billion, $ 6.8 billion, and $ 1.1 billion.

    The UK reduced its holdings of US $ 12.1 billion in US debt in October, but continued to surpass Brazil, ranking third in US debt holdings with US $ 334.1 billion. In May, Britain increased its holdings by US $ 22.3 billion, surpassing Brazil and jumping to third.

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