Re: House Prices
As a returnee, please indulge me a moment as I refresh my and your recollection.
My posting in this thread about 1 1/2 years ago is below. It's as relevant today as it was then.
I must admit this GR guy certainly has a flair for words and isn't shy about posting his "opinion".
Do look over what others posted here as well. Each of our mettle is open for review. Is this a legitimate basis upon which to filter all future positional statements by any of those posters?
On housing: Bankruptcies are about 1 year out; massive, pervasive, and world-wide. The fantasy that Asia will delink from the US, UK, Spain, France, etc is total hogwash; it's highly dependent on inflows of foreign fiat to support the employment of MOST of their highest-paid people...not just the peons on the assembly lines.
There is one way out...galloping inflation. It won't happen, but the governments are shouting that they're doing it...massive CB loans (which turn out to be zero increase in real loans... a fraud which deserves the approbation of every human alive because some base their belief in truth on the utterances of the man who was a leader in the cause of this mess, Treasury Secty Paulson who we must never forget was King of Goldman Sachs, one of the eyes of the storm. Paulson's company robbed the pension funds of many of you reading this. But trust him if you will. If I lied to you and stole your money, would you yet allow me to not only give you advise but to make and execute policy affecting the welfare of your family?)
When PF Level 6 40%CFR shows up, and it will, the economic devastation being wrought now throughout the economies of the first world (and if you don't see it, please peer around the yearly corner) will have undermined the vigor of the response due to the disappearance of municipal funding. (I'll talk about that soon enough.)
For those who care, happy new year. For those more rational, the wounds are mortal; ask the dead. Currently there are enough greedy opportunists to pick over the bodies. Soon enough, they'll begin to rot in bankruptcy court, just like the hundreds of thousands of building pads sitting on previously valuable farmland and open space. I believe the major builders belong under those pads; economically, I'm getting my wish...Oh, I'm so surprised; it is so unexpected.
Posts: n/a
Default Re: House Prices
Facts make news.
When we look at posts #32 and #34, TWO MONTHS AGO, we saw the same news as it was happening. And when we look further back in this thread and over at FClinic's gold and house price thread even prior to the birth of this place, we see smart people who foresaw this...and this, according to them, is the first kiss of the devastating iceberg which the arrogant US realtors have just slammed their clients, all called Titanic (fools) into.
Where are the thumbscrews when needed? The losses are not 2.5% or 10%. The losses will easily be 25% and im personal opinion, later 50%.
And what did gold do today? Welcome the news. Up went gold to 596, on its basing action, to return to 740 and 1300 and up. IMO inflation during BF, a rapidly occurring inflationary recession (got the message??? inflationary recession/depression, not deflationary recession/depression...we are all on the fiat teat and fiat will become as suspect as rotting 3 day old fish), will devastate all who hoard fiat in their bank accounts, bond accounts, and stock accounts. Real estate? Well, maybe if large enough, it can be sold to the state as a potter's field as every town will need one.
As a returnee, please indulge me a moment as I refresh my and your recollection.
My posting in this thread about 1 1/2 years ago is below. It's as relevant today as it was then.
I must admit this GR guy certainly has a flair for words and isn't shy about posting his "opinion".
Do look over what others posted here as well. Each of our mettle is open for review. Is this a legitimate basis upon which to filter all future positional statements by any of those posters?
On housing: Bankruptcies are about 1 year out; massive, pervasive, and world-wide. The fantasy that Asia will delink from the US, UK, Spain, France, etc is total hogwash; it's highly dependent on inflows of foreign fiat to support the employment of MOST of their highest-paid people...not just the peons on the assembly lines.
There is one way out...galloping inflation. It won't happen, but the governments are shouting that they're doing it...massive CB loans (which turn out to be zero increase in real loans... a fraud which deserves the approbation of every human alive because some base their belief in truth on the utterances of the man who was a leader in the cause of this mess, Treasury Secty Paulson who we must never forget was King of Goldman Sachs, one of the eyes of the storm. Paulson's company robbed the pension funds of many of you reading this. But trust him if you will. If I lied to you and stole your money, would you yet allow me to not only give you advise but to make and execute policy affecting the welfare of your family?)
When PF Level 6 40%CFR shows up, and it will, the economic devastation being wrought now throughout the economies of the first world (and if you don't see it, please peer around the yearly corner) will have undermined the vigor of the response due to the disappearance of municipal funding. (I'll talk about that soon enough.)
For those who care, happy new year. For those more rational, the wounds are mortal; ask the dead. Currently there are enough greedy opportunists to pick over the bodies. Soon enough, they'll begin to rot in bankruptcy court, just like the hundreds of thousands of building pads sitting on previously valuable farmland and open space. I believe the major builders belong under those pads; economically, I'm getting my wish...Oh, I'm so surprised; it is so unexpected.
Posts: n/a
Default Re: House Prices
Facts make news.
When we look at posts #32 and #34, TWO MONTHS AGO, we saw the same news as it was happening. And when we look further back in this thread and over at FClinic's gold and house price thread even prior to the birth of this place, we see smart people who foresaw this...and this, according to them, is the first kiss of the devastating iceberg which the arrogant US realtors have just slammed their clients, all called Titanic (fools) into.
Where are the thumbscrews when needed? The losses are not 2.5% or 10%. The losses will easily be 25% and im personal opinion, later 50%.
And what did gold do today? Welcome the news. Up went gold to 596, on its basing action, to return to 740 and 1300 and up. IMO inflation during BF, a rapidly occurring inflationary recession (got the message??? inflationary recession/depression, not deflationary recession/depression...we are all on the fiat teat and fiat will become as suspect as rotting 3 day old fish), will devastate all who hoard fiat in their bank accounts, bond accounts, and stock accounts. Real estate? Well, maybe if large enough, it can be sold to the state as a potter's field as every town will need one.