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Discussion thread V - COVID-19 (new coronavirus)

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  • #61
    pr?alable : ? ne lire que par ceux qui ont la dose d'humour minimale: le titre: on peut vous envoyer un Ob?lix si vous le souhaitez :

    au moment ou le permaculteur re?oit ceci:
    les autres d?gustent cela :

    Covid-19: l'arri?r? porcin am?ricain pourrait atteindre 10 millions
    il y a certes ceci :
     JOIN THE EFFORTS CONNECT PIG FARMERS  WITH FOOD INSECURE IOWANS Through “Pass the Pork,” Iowa pig farmers are donating pigs to Iowa food bank feeding programs. Local meat processors have extended their hours of operation to process and package th...

    Moi, ? la campagne, plus pr?cis?ment, au village, si l'?tat d?dommage le paysan, et qu'il ne faut qu'aller chercher les porcs, sur place, comme en hiver on peut traiter 40 sangliers chaque weekend, je suis s?r qu'on peut faire deux voyages de 40 porcs. Ok, le " Leclerc" sera pas content, mais on peut et sait encore faire. Vu la saison, on fera moins de saucisse et plus de viande marin?e pour le barbecue...
    Les am?ricains, du moins, c'est ce que l'on veut nous faire croire, sont devenus cons, ? ce point l? : ne plus savoir que:
    - recevoir l'aide alimentaire
    - ou donner pour la faire produire ?
    On n'enseigne plus rien dans les arm?es US, dans les clubs de chasse, ou ? la campagne, par exemple ...
    Le pr?sident des chasseurs fran?ais, celui, qui a saut? les formations sur la gestion de crise, si je lui fournis cela , il va pouvoir se refaire, ? mon avis ...

    Mais je crois que le mieux cela va ?tre de fournir le sujet aux nouveaux auteurs d'Ast?rix et Ob?lix , ? mon avis , cela peut induire une belle bande dessin?e...
    le premier jet n'a pas ?t? super, mais l? il y a vraiment mati?re ...
    Les circuits courts, cela existe encore, mais ce que l'on aime c'est la paix et laisser les parisiens s'amusaient avec les marseillais et les lyonnais...
    Avec toutes les chambres froides des restaurants, ferm?s, vides, en France, si les producteurs de porcs demandaient ce type d'aide, je suis s?r , que cela serait r?gl? avec toute la minutie n?cessaire ... Et , puis franchement quand les controleurs sont plus malade, que d'habitude, il faut faire un geste:

    Cependant, le nombre d'inspecteurs d'usine d'emballage avec Covid-19 a atteint 40.

    Aux States ils en sont ? gazer et composter ... L'Am?rique, de ce jour, ce n'est plus que cela ?

    Il faut leur envoyer un Obelix ou deux ?


    • #62
      Example of what is being posted in China's newspapers. Omits a few facts like the medical reports being submitted by physicians to the China CDC in December which told of an atypical pneumonia being seen in patients.

      The United States sacrificed 54,000 people in vain, but China saved 10 million in 76 days, and the American media faced reality

      2020 at 13:07 on May 23 Sina

      On May 23rd, Beijing time, researchers from Columbia University in the United States recently brought new news in an interview. They said that 95847 people have died of new coronary pneumonia, and more than 50,000 of them died in vain.

      Columbia University has such a research report. They have built a model that specifically studies a series of new coronavirus transmission problems in the United States from mid-March to May 3. Finally came to a conclusion: even if the United States only takes one week ahead of the epidemic prevention and control work, the United States can reduce the number of infected people by about 700,000. Faced with the timely response of the virus, the United States will reduce 960937 confirmed cases and 53990 deaths, which account for 84% and 83%, respectively.

      Next, Shaman, an epidemiologist from Columbia University, also came forward to talk about this situation. In the final analysis, he still pointed out that the time for the United States to take response measures is too slow, and this slow action has had very serious consequences.

      Because their research found that the new coronavirus is a virus that is very sensitive to human control. If humans can control this virus? Then there is no need to worry. The sooner the epidemic is discovered and controlled, the number of infections will drop sharply, but if humans do not control it, it will spread very quickly. Isn't this the case in the United States? When it comes to uncontrollability, no one is doing worse than the United States.

      It should be said that this heavy study from the United States proved a lot. On March 15, the United States gradually adopted measures to control new coronary pneumonia, but it was too late. If we can control the pneumonia in two weeks in advance in March, these 53990 people will definitely not die unjustly, nor will there be so many innocent infected people.

      If the speed of the epidemic's response is to say, it still depends on China. Since the outbreak began in early January, the importance attached to Wuhan soon became higher and higher. The next time Wuhan closed its city was on January 23, and the measures taken were also very decisive. More than 40,000 medical workers across the country immediately supported Wuhan collectively, opened two square cabin hospitals, and subsequently closed the entire Wuhan, effectively preventing the spread of the epidemic. Until the opening of Wuhan on April 8, it was closed for 76 days, and even all regions of Hubei Province were closed.

      In fulfilling its responsibility and sense of mission, controlling the epidemic, and even making huge sacrifices, China has become the most outstanding country facing the epidemic. The New York Post reporter Donald McNeil said that China has taken timely measures and they may have saved 10 million people. And now the US research report says that nearly 54,000 people died of unjustified due to new coronary pneumonia. This may be the gap.


      • #63
        "Nous avons eu recours ? une mesure m?di?vale pour lutter contre une pand?mie du XXIe si?cle."

        En v?t?rinaire on se souvient d'un truc des am?riques

        Use as a population control agent

        Il s'agit d'une action initi?e par le docteur Paul-F?lix Armand-Delille, membre de l'Acad?mie de m?decine et vice-pr?sident de la Soci?t? de biologie.

        C'est cette histoire qui justifie, encore, dans certaines campagnes, le rejet de la vaccination, des industries pharmaceutiques et surtout des hautes instances m?dicales qui ont tr?s peu de respect de la Vie ... Le souvenir de la campagne qui sentait la mort, par une action d'un m?decin existe encore dans l'inconscient collectif.

        Comme cela n'a pas ?t? suffisant, on a eu droit ? un autre, cette fois-ci chinois :

        Etudier l'histoire de son implantation, notamment en Suisse, en dit beaucoup sur le comportement des humains

        j'avais indiqu? une vid?o :

        Elle a un grand manque: le microbiote ( un truc que les am?ricains n'aiment pas ) que certains consid?rent comme un organe.

        Sympa, vous cultivez une plante naine dans un support inerte, vous rajoutez un ver de terre et le nanisme est supprim?...

        Effet du ver de terre Aporrectodea caliginosa sur la croissance des plantes, leur d?veloppement et leur r?sistance aux pathog?nes : r?ponse physiologique et mol?culaire de la plante ? l’?mission de mol?cules-signal Ruben Puga Freitas

        Nous avons v??u une crise , celle de la vache folle.

        Au cours de cette crise, les politiques et les militaires, ? l'?poque, ont du prendre des d?cisions, sans vraiment savoir de quoi il retourne. Depuis, on en sait beaucoup plus :

        Dans le cadre de la gestion de cette crise, il a ?t? dit bien des carabistouilles, notamment, pour ne pas vraiment comprendre et identifier les causes, les auteurs et donc les responsabilit?s. Je n'ai jamais su trouver un travail indiquant le co?t total de cette connerie humaine...
        Des textes juridiques d'une pertinence rare ont ?t? produit. Les jeux politiques et ?conomiques ont ?t? depuis de les supprimer, et ou, de les rendre inefficace.

        Pour moi, cela a produit le terreau de la crise actuelle, qui est donc du ? des erreurs de management de deux super puissances...

        Mais je n'ai pas souvenir qu'il y ai eu tous les comportements que l'on voie en ce moment. Dit autrement, ces deux super puissances ont vraiment progress? ?


        • #64
          It appears that physical distancing rules can be used as a way to prevent all types of gatherings. Here is an example in Hong Kong where protests have been happening for about a year. This video shows the forced disbursement of a group in a mall who were chanting and singing. There is a ban on gatherings of more than 4 people despite Hong Kong's relative success in controlling COVID-19.

          Hong Kong has had 1,066 COVID-19 cases and 3 deaths total.


          • #65
            sharon sanders

            prior: to the use of the mask


            When I immersed myself in sheep genetics, I was visiting the shepherd communities. So on the one hand I learned, by heart, the Mendelien inheritance in Sheep, that its president (an Australian) had offered me:

            , on the other I was entitled to, in particular, a few sentences. Here's one: what's the difference between a sheep and a goat? it is neither the size, nor the horns, nor the wool, nor the number of chromosomes, for the shepherds the answer is: "a sheep has the recognition of the belly, a goat the recognition of the heart, it is exhausting to have goats''

            For these people, herds are the custodians of a transmitted and evolving culture. It is not for nothing that we choose a goat to educate ewe lambs ... Learning to guide a flock of sheep with a few goats, that trains the mind. Genomics alone is sad ...
            When we go further in genetics, we meet the history of human populations and collective unconscious.

            The place mentioned has undergone many occupations and the political arrangements do not seem to have been able to deal with the liabilities. Following Brexit, I ask myself, many questions concerning the behavior of the English and the places where they are and have been. The history of their agriculture shows, that they were able to displace many families, in particular, by organizing the flight of these rural populations towards the United States.

            What is the strategy going to be in this area, given the crisis and the increase in the level of water in progress?

            It seems to me to concern, not only the area mentioned, what is planned?
            In other words, as obviously only those who have made a real prevention plan managed by trained and honest people work, in a crisis, where are these plans found?


            • #66
              Originally posted by sharon sanders View Post
              It appears that physical distancing rules can be used as a way to prevent all types of gatherings. Here is an example in Hong Kong where protests have been happening for about a year. This video shows the forced disbursement of a group in a mall who were chanting and singing. There is a ban on gatherings of more than 4 people despite Hong Kong's relative success in controlling COVID-19.

              Hong Kong has had 1,066 COVID-19 cases and 3 deaths total.

              2020 is an election year in the US. We have two main candidates, one of whom is perfectly willing to sit in his home for the next six months and hold no rallies or debates, and the other one who wants to fill stadiums with his supporters.

              I cannot help but fear what effect the pandemic will have on the election, and also to fear what effect these rallies might have on the trajectory of the pandemic in the US.

              (FT is non-political. I know not to post anything that might favor one candidate or party over the other. But the risk that the pandemic might result in a non-democratic outcome is real, as is the risk that the election process might worsen the pandemic.)


              • #67
                for my part,

                I refused to go to the first round of local elections, given what I knew. I have been criticized. There it is planned to do the second round, quickly, which I find deplorable, given the shock of the citizens. For the medical profession, it is mentioned that hospital staff and interns suffer from post-traumatic shock in significant proportions.

                Non-democratic countries must smile and rightly so.

                We are not at war, but in crisis. Shouldn't a systematic postponement of the elections, when a crisis reaches such a level, be possible, to allow a calm and quality debate?

                As such the Chinese asking, at O.M.S level, the postponement of investigations after the end of the crisis seems reasonable. Except that this behavior, isolated, increases the costs, including that of their image, when it is not shared ... If they do not want intrusion in their functioning, there they do it, they can be, not having all of them, fully aware ...

                in the countryside there is a proverb: the cemetery is filled with people who believed themselves indispensable. As this crisis is a first, not the last, there may be a lot of good things to consider ...


                • #68
                  While we do not discuss "politics" the overall climate of a country is very pertinent to disease outbreaks. For instance, I have noticed over the years that countries who have a more free election process and a more free press do better in the disclosure of negative disease news. This is my general impression.

                  It appears to me that the US is split down the middle 50/50 politically. This is not good for any project we attempt - including COVID-19. I have noticed that major social media are censoring any viewpoint they deem "conspiracy". I have noticed that main stream media is also split with no middle ground. It appears to me there is no objective news anymore. My choices are either several anti-T services or one pro-T service. I want just the facts. No adverbs or adjectives please.

                  Now I understand that many people in the US see COVID-19 through their political belief system. I think this is because everyone is under some financial stress and the media is pushing their agendas (whichever they are) 24/7. This is driving people into two camps. Shame on you major media. How about the news without any hype? Oh wait...the ratings...

                  These are my truths:

                  I am in two risk groups. I do not go out much, and when I do, I have on a mask. It is my choice to do this.

                  I am expecting that this version of COVID-19 disease will be around until there is global herd immunity. Maybe about a year. I do not know if there will be another big surge of cases or a series of small outbreaks.

                  I do not expect a safe and effective vaccine soon. It is the same thing in every outbreak. A rush to find a vaccine. Some fail. After a couple of years one looks promising.

                  I do not expect any pharma drug miracle. I see a lot of potential treatments but I never know what the motivations are behind the declarations of success. I am cautious about press release claims.

                  I think surfaces matter. I wipe down door knobs, bathroom fixtures, packages, other surfaces. (I don't care what the CDC says. At first they said masks weren't effective either.)

                  I think $$$ is in full play now. Every company, university, government is trying to take as much advantage of the situation as possible.

                  For companies - that is to find the COVID-19 niche and produce goods and services to meet demand. For universities it is to apply for every COVID-19 grant possible. For governments it is to use COVID-19 to expand control and surveillance.

                  I do not take anything at face value. I know the case and death counts are off. I happen to think they are an under count. I think many mild cases have been missed and I think that many people who died - at least in January-March - were counted as another disease death. Maybe in Florida where the economy is heavily dependent on tourism there might be a motivation to under count so people visit. Maybe in Illinois where they are financially broke there might be a motivation to over count to receive federal $$$. I have no idea.

                  I do not believe anything I read, in general. I collect data and hope for a preponderance of the evidence to point to a direction.

                  I think that a government can not restrict people's movements for a year until safe and effective vaccine/drug therapies are widely available. No pandemic plan I have ever seen implemented "lock downs". It is not feasible. For one thing - the world will starve.

                  We need zillions of masks and aerosol disinfectants readily available so those who want to protect themselves - can. These should be free to a certain limit each month for each person. With proper protection we free up our society. People can then go to work, school, recreation with some degree of confidence.

                  We need to protect our vulnerable populations who live in group or dense housing. This is a known risk factor. Protecting them effectively frees the rest of society.


                  • #69
                    Merci Sharon,
                    je ne souhaite, en rien, transgresser les r?gles qui ont fait que ce lieu soit ce lieu. Je n'ai souhait?, qu'?clairer le sujet de la gestion d'une crise soci?tale dans le cadre d'une crise mondiale, de cette ampleur. Une crise qui a g?n?r?, bien des premi?res fois. Cette gestion est certes effectu?e par des femmes et hommes politiques, mais, et de tr?s loin, pas que par eux. Ces acteurs, tous ces acteurs, se doivent d'user des syst?mes l?gislatifs et juridiques en place. En France, il y a d?j? x proc?dures juridiques en oeuvre, contre les politiques, je n'ose imaginer ce qui est et va ?tre aux Etats Unis, un pays qui aime les proc?dures juridiques. Cela, c'est au niveau national, mais il y a aussi les proc?dures ? d'autres niveaux, car il y a aussi une crise des instances internationales au niveau sanitaire, mais pas que.

                    En Europe, nous n'avons pas le C.D.C, certains r?vent que cela puisse exister. Nous avons un E.C.D.C qui a ?t? tr?s silencieux et qui a bien moins de pouvoirs. Il n'aborde d'ailleurs pas ce concept de plan de pr?vention.

                    Nous avons aussi des d?bats entre des modes de gestion politique, avec des histoires culturelles, bien diff?rent.

                    Si l'on doit esp?rer, que les politiques se devraient d'avoir une vision de l'avenir, sans ?tre des devins, quand on sait que, ce qui est, peut r?-advenir en bien des lieux et que le contexte, donc le changement climatique est une v?rit? scientifique, pour moi, non partag? par bien des personnes, dont des am?ricains, parler des plans de pr?vention me semble souhaitable.

                    ?Certains hommes politiques disent que la bataille contre le coronavirus est une guerre. Mais je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne m?taphore, analyse Murakami. Ce n’est pas un combat entre le bien et le mal, un conflit entre ennemis, je pense que c’est plus un test de notre capacit? ? coop?rer, nous entraider, nous unir. Ce n’est pas une confrontation de pouvoir pour s’entretuer, c’est une bataille pour continuer ? vivre. L’hostilit? et la haine n’y ont pas leur place. Je ne veux pas que l’on compare cela ? une guerre.?

                    Le plus connu des romanciers contemporains japonais, très rare, a tenu vendredi une émission de radio spéciale de deux heures, enregistrée chez lui, en solo avec son chat. Un moment musical ponctué de digressions sur la crise mondiale du coronavirus.

                    Comme, ce sont des propos d'un japonais, il ne faut pas les mettre vu le sujet abord? ? Dire que le mot guerre, ne devrait pas ?tre ?voqu?, cela ne concerne que la guerre conventionnelle ou aussi celles ?conomiques ? Il ne devrait pas ?tre propos? ou impos?, au moins, une pause ?

                    Astreindre ? d?battre des plans de pr?vention, me semble la seule bonne mani?re, en temps de paix, et m?me en temps de crise, pour contraindre les uns et les autres ? formaliser leur vision des strat?gies de management ? mettre en oeuvre en amont et en cas de crise. Cela a aussi un avantage ? ?clairer: cela limite les proc?dures juridiques. Les politiques ?lus, nomm?s, ou, ont ou aurons ? les mettre en oeuvre plus ou moins bien.

                    J'ai dit, en ce lieu, que parler du porc obligeait ? ?tre s?rieux. Je confirme que parler d'un plan de pr?vention dans ce type de fili?re, n'est pas simple. Ces plans de pr?vention au niveau de la g?n?tique animale, ?voquent, par exemple, pour des motifs sanitaires, le fait d'avoir des unit?s en bien des lieux. Cela donne le temps. Les chinois, par exemple, ont acquis des unit?s sur tous les continents, ce que bien peu de personne savent. C'est une forme de plan de pr?vention. La mondialisation est une r?alit? ... Pour les probl?mes de sant? animale, les plans de pr?vention sont formalis?s et en cas de crise, il n'y a qu'? d?rouler, bien s?r quand, cela ne touche que les animaux de production. Quand cela touche la faune sauvage, c'est un peu plus difficile, et quand cela atteint les animaux de compagnie, l? , c'est la foire, comme pour les humains...

                    Parler de plan de pr?vention et donc acc?der ? la formalisation des strat?gies de management en oeuvre et ? venir en cas d'?v?nement x ou y , quand on pense que ce qui est, est la cons?quence d'erreurs de management me semble souhaitable. Souhaitable, car nul, ne peut plus pr?tendre que ce genre de crise n'?tait pas ? envisager.

                    Mais je souhaite vos regards .

                    Pour revenir sur le sujet ?voqu?, imposer un cadre juridique commun, peut ?tre vu, comme le fait que les instances chinoises, au plus hait niveau pensent, comme toi, que cette crise va durer un certain temps, et que le cadre juridique doit ?tre formalis?.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by bertrand789 View Post
                      for my part,

                      I refused to go to the first round of local elections, given what I knew. I have been criticized. There it is planned to do the second round, quickly, which I find deplorable, given the shock of the citizens. For the medical profession, it is mentioned that hospital staff and interns suffer from post-traumatic shock in significant proportions.

                      Non-democratic countries must smile and rightly so.

                      We are not at war, but in crisis. Shouldn't a systematic postponement of the elections, when a crisis reaches such a level, be possible, to allow a calm and quality debate?

                      As such the Chinese asking, at O.M.S level, the postponement of investigations after the end of the crisis seems reasonable. Except that this behavior, isolated, increases the costs, including that of their image, when it is not shared ... If they do not want intrusion in their functioning, there they do it, they can be, not having all of them, fully aware ...

                      in the countryside there is a proverb: the cemetery is filled with people who believed themselves indispensable. As this crisis is a first, not the last, there may be a lot of good things to consider ...
                      There are two different kinds of "democracies" in the world, often referred to as majoritarian democracies and consensus democracies. The US, Brazil, and increasingly the UK are examples of the first type. They have a majority party in power and an opposition party out of power, which every few elections tend to switch places. If you cancel elections in this system, you cause the party in power to remain in power undemocratically. Supporters of the opposition party lose their voice in government. This is a recipe for revolution and unrest.

                      Alternatively, in a consensus democracy, every significant party has some members in the legislature, somewhat proportionally to their support in the population as a whole. Germany, Israel, and Japan are examples of this system. If you cancel elections in this system, everyone remains represented by the same people that represented them before and in the same numbers. No one is excluded from having a voice. This might be an option in a crisis situation such as this pandemic.

                      The US held elections in 1864 (during a Civil War), 1916 (WWI), 1940 and 1944 (WWII). One could argue that the right to hold such elections is one of the things people were fighting and dying for in the wars. I don't think cancelling or postponing the US elections now is something anyone should even consider, as it would almost certainly do more damage to the country economically and in terms of loss of life than the pandemic itself. I've read descriptions elsewhere of what might happen if someone tried to do this, and while they're not appropriate for FT, suffice it to say I'd rather have the virus than that outcome.


                      • #71
                        appr?hender le fonctionnement politico-juridique d'un autre pays, en plus, avec une langue diff?rente, avec toutes ses subtilit?s, planqu?es dans des textes ou des jurisprudences, est un acte vraiment difficile. J'ai une alerte sur les usages de ce mot : dangereux

                        La Chine est une puissance dangereuse

                        le mot dangereux doit ?tre vu comme au del? du risque l?gal accept? et ou per?u, mais cela est su de qui ?

                        O? que soit la v?rit?, le vecteur de la mauvaise nouvelle est surtout dangereux pour lui-m?me tant le retour de flamme contre le bouc ?missaire qu'est P?kin sera pour longtemps pr?sent dans la psychologie terrienne.
                        C'est-?-dire que la Chine est perdante car responsable des morts et qu'ils sont plus nombreux ? l'?tranger ;
                        perdante dans les m?dias ;
                        perdante car ses ennemis naturels profitent de l'aubaine pour l'affaiblir ;
                        perdante car la crise lui co?te beaucoup d'argent ;
                        perdante parce que la crise r?v?le des faiblesses et de futures failles dans ses acc?s aux ressources naturelles dans les pays qu'elle a involontairement contamin?s
                        perdante car sa culture mill?naire, par exemple celle de ses croyances m?dicinales, a perdu du respect, la Chine moderne a fait perdre la face de la tradition de ses propres anc?tres
                        perdante car si elle veut les m?mes jouets que les autres pays, elle va devoir regagner la confiance de la terre enti?re par une exigence int?rieure sup?rieure sans provoquer d'implosion
                        perdante parce que le monde veut d?sormais ?tre plus souverain et moins d?pendant de la Chine.

                        A ce stade, cette crise ne me montre que des perdants, car on peut r?diger un article identique concernant les U.S.A

                        Il y a bien des acteurs qui souhaitent aider les chinois, exemple :
                        Les Chinois confirment que le SRAS-CoV-2 n'affecte pas les porcs

                        Mais, alors, que leur enqu?te est finie, la grande r?union a ?t? possible, ils souhaitent encore faire attendre ...


                        • #72
                          Here's a Youtuber who thinks he got COVID back in early January at Disneyworld in Florida after a woman was coughing on him. I saw his videos back then and wondered if it was SARS2 and with the antibody testing, it seems likely. He is young but at the time wasn't eating healthy and so was carrying extra weight. Another risk factor is that he is exposed to a lot of campfire smoke. (Of course, a virologist could always blame his cat.) He looks very ill in the video and it was a lengthy illness. It was ironic that he got ill not long after starting a diet and exercise regimen, but fat stores toxins and they are released when fat is broken down.
                          He said he has been getting the flu after getting his flu shot every year recently, so thought this was another flu shot failure.

                          Test Results Come Back POSITIVE!!! Oh Boy...
                          •May 15, 2020
                          My blood test came back positive for Covid-19 lgG antibodies. While it confirms I've recovered from Coronavirus more than 30 days ago, it does not answer many questions I still have. However, I've been asked to donate plasma at the same office later today, so I've decided to go back and do my part to help someone else recover. Somebody is going to have Nomadic Fanatic blood! Haha.

                          Weight Loss Wednesday ~ Week 2 ~ The Flu & Results...
                          •Jan 8, 2020
                          Update: I checked into Urgent Care after 4 days of continuing fever between 100.4-102.8. I have acute bacterial bronchitis with the flu. They put me on antibiotics and prednisone. I will admit, I’ve never felt worse in my life. I just can’t shake this one. And even with the meds, doc said my bronchitis may take another 1-3 weeks to fully go away. I’m not sure yet how this illness will effect my future videos until I get better, but I can assure you, I’m finally going to lose some weight because of this flu. I’m trying my best to eat, but I can’t do but 1 or 2 of the 6 meals I need. And although it’s difficult to swallow, I’m still drinking 1+ gallons of water each day. I’ll update you when I’m feeling better, or at least once this ridiculous fever finally subsides.

                          Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins and Government Response to Pandemic.

                          i love myself. the quietest. simplest. most powerful. revolution ever. ---- nayyirah waheed

                          "...there’s an obvious contest that’s happening between different sectors of the colonial ruling class in this country. And they would, if they could, lump us into their beef, their struggle." ---- Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Socialist Party

                          (My posts are not intended as advice or professional assessments of any kind.)
                          Never forget Excalibur.


                          • #73
                            In the Netherlands, now a 2nd case of covid-19 infection confirmed in a mink farmer. His wife and daughter are infected too, probably same strain from minks.
                            Soon new minks will be born, which means the minkpopulation will increase aprox 5 times.

                            Is there any testing in minkfarms in other countries?

                            Approximately 275 mink farms in 23 states across the USA

                            ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
                            Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

                            ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~


                            • JJackson
                              JJackson commented
                              Editing a comment
                              There are several mink sequences at GISAID now split between two distinct clades A2 and A6. This needs to be watched as Mink look like they are another potential host species which could cause recurrent SARS like epidemics in years to come.

                            • Emily
                              Emily commented
                              Editing a comment
                              How are they determining that farmers are catching this from the minks rather than the other way around? I couldn't translate the PDF posted elsewhere. It sounds like the disease is worse in minks, (increased mortality), but I saw no mention of serious illness in the farmers. Sounds like mink farmers will want to be very careful about getting their animals sick, just like zookeepers who work with big cats.
                              If anyone would want testing, it would be humans who work with susceptible species since humans can have very mild or no symptoms.

                          • #74
                            Originally posted by sharon sanders View Post
                            It appears that physical distancing rules can be used as a way to prevent all types of gatherings. Here is an example in Hong Kong where protests have been happening for about a year. This video shows the forced disbursement of a group in a mall who were chanting and singing. There is a ban on gatherings of more than 4 people despite Hong Kong's relative success in controlling COVID-19.

                            Hong Kong has had 1,066 COVID-19 cases and 3 deaths total.

                            Here is an example of how a gov sanctioned media in mainland China is characterizing the protests in Hong Kong:

                            "Hong Kong Supports National Security Legislation United Front" Signature Event

                            2020.05.24 20:43:27

                            On the morning of May 24, He Junyao, a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, attended the launching ceremony of "The United Front for National Security Legislation in Hong Kong".



                            • #75

                              Zhong Shan, Minister of Commerce: Smart foreigners will not give up China's huge market

                              World Wide Web on May 26, 2020 03:22
                                Original title: Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan: Smart Foreign Businessmen Will Not Abandon China ’s Huge Market

                                [Global Times reporter Yu Yang] Minister of Commerce Zhong Shan came to the "Ministerial Passage" of the National People's Congress in 2020 after the second plenary session of the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress on the 25th. In response to questions, he said that smart foreign investors will not give up China's huge market.

                                After the outbreak, the global economy was severely affected, and the situation of China's foreign trade and foreign investment was severe.

                              Zhong Shan said on the 25th that stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment is of great importance.
                              He said that from the perspective of foreign trade, the most important thing is to stabilize the main body of foreign trade. There are now more than 300,000 foreign trade entities nationwide, including private enterprises, state-owned enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises. Faced with the impact of the epidemic, these enterprises have encountered unprecedented difficulties. The Party Central Committee and the State Council help and support policies in finance, taxation, finance, insurance, industrial chain, and supply chain. From the perspective of foreign investment, one is to increase the amount of foreign investment, and the other is to stabilize the stock of foreign investment.

                                Regarding the so-called doubts about China ’s export of medical materials, Zhong Shan stressed on the 25th that China has not imposed restrictions on the export of medical materials. “Since the outbreak of the global epidemic, China has exported a large amount of medical materials to 199 countries and regions. The epidemic has made important contributions. In addition, the Chinese government also attaches great importance to the quality of exported medical supplies, and has established a three-in-one medical supplies supervision system from commodity production to standard certification to port supervision. He said that the export of medical materials that had problems has been carried out by foreign companies in China for commercial purchases. The problem comes from two aspects. One is that Chinese enterprises have problems with standard certification and quality. China has taken measures to seriously investigate and punish them and prohibit them from exporting medical materials. The second is that foreign companies send non-medical supplies and non-medical materials into hospitals and even use them in clinics, which is very dangerous. After learning that some countries have discovered this problem, China has also investigated and punished such enterprises. "This responsibility is the importer's responsibility."

                                Zhong Shan also said about the "imposition of tariffs on Australian barley", China is cautious and restrained in taking trade remedy measures. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Australia, China has launched only one trade remedy investigation against Australia. During the same period, Australia initiated 100 trade remedy investigations against China. Since this year, Australia has launched three cases against China. He called on WTO members to unite against the epidemic and use trade remedies carefully under the current global epidemic.


