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Coping With PTSD Symptoms Following a Shooting

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  • Coping With PTSD Symptoms Following a Shooting

    Coping With PTSD Symptoms Following a Shooting

    ​Updated on November 15, 2021
    By Matthew Tull, PhD

    There are a number of traumatic events that can lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); however, exposure to shooting may place someone at a particularly high risk for developing symptoms of PTSD.

    This article discusses the psychological effects of experiencing gun violence and the symptoms of PTSD that may occur afterward. It also covers some of the things you can do to get help coping with the aftermath of a shooting.

    The Impact of Gun Violence Exposure

    Exposure to gun violence, such as a shooting, can be particularly difficult to cope with for a number of reasons. First, shootings are unpredictable and uncontrollable. Situations that are perceived as unpredictable and uncontrollable are much more likely to bring on high levels of helplessness, anxiety, and fear. ...

    PTSD Symptoms That May Arise Following a Shooting

    In the aftermath of a shooting, a person may experience a number of symptoms that would be considered part of an acute stress disorderresponse (or if they persist beyond one month, a PTSD response). Some of these symptoms may include:1
    • Frequent and intense nightmares about the event
    • Intrusive thoughts or memories about the shooting that are easily triggered by things in your environment (for example, newspaper articles, television shows, movies, conversations about the shooting)
    • Attempts to avoid situations or places that remind you of the shooting or places where you feel you could be in danger of experiencing a similar event again (for example, unfamiliar or crowded places)
    • A high level of fear and anxiety upon hearing sounds that are similar to a gunshot, such as a car backfiring or fireworks
    • Feeling constantly on edge or always on guard, almost as if there is danger lurking around every corner
    • Having difficulties sleeping or staying asleep
    Of course, these are only some of the symptoms that may arise following a shooting. It is also not uncommon to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety. ... ving,with%20friends%20and%20loved%20ones.
