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114 deaths in Peru by influenza ( H1N1 )

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  • 114 deaths in Peru by influenza ( H1N1 )

    Lima, 15 jul-one person died last June in Peru due to influenza A, which are already two fatalities from the disease so far of the year, said the director of health of the Regional Government of Callao, Ricardo Lama today. // OAS_AD ('Middle3'); //]]>

    El official pointed out that the second victim was 58 years old and passed away in June last in hospital Daniel Alcides Carri?n, in el Callao, surrounding province to Lima. 'that person has died from H1N1, but had diabetes and had high blood pressure', said Lama to local television N-channel.The first deceased was reported Saturday passed by representatives of the hospital Alberto Sabogal of Callao, who pointed out that this was within the Group of risk of disease.That same day, the Ministry of health of Peru confirmed 46 cases of patients infected with the disease in the country in what year. 'the two patients who have died had a history of not having been vaccinated against influenza and which died in the Sabogal also was a patient with cirrhosis and hypertension', Lama told the radio station Radio programs of Peru (RPP).

  • #2
    Re: Two deaths in Peru by influenza

    Third death from influenza H1N1 in Peru

    Type A (H1N1) flu caused three deaths in Peru, in less than three weeks, then a new victim was confirmed Tuesday by health authorities, who ruled out an outbreak of this disease.

    The third victim, a 59-year-old man, presented a picture of diabetes and asthma that worsened with the H1N1 virus. This case has joined two other recent, that at the onset of winter have caused alarm in the population: a 58-year-old man who died on June 27 because of the virus and complications with diabetes and hypertension. And a woman of 38-year-old suffering from thrombocytopenia (decrease in platelets in the blood) which made it prone to the virus, killing him. Despite the deaths, Martin Yagui, director of epidemiology of the Health Ministry, ruled out that it is an epidemic. ' It is a disease that has become a seasonal in the world. Every year arises from the episode happened in Mexico in the 2009', told the Andina Agency. Yagui recommended 'immunization, good nutrition and washing of hands' to combat influenza.


    • #3
      Re: 3 deaths in Peru by influenza

      BERNAMA-NNN-ANDINA) -- A 38-year-old woman was confirmed Tuesday to be Peru's third victim of H1N1 swine influenza, a local health official said.

      The latest case was confirmed after forensic tests on the woman, who died on July 8, came positive, regional health director Aldo Lamas told reporters, explaining that "she had a low level of blood platelets and an alteration of fats."

      The disease had already killed two men in the country, who were among high-risk groups as both had been seriously sick before infection, Xinhua reported.

      Fifty cases of H1N1 swine flu have been reported so far this year in Peru, which was first hit by the disease in the 2009 pandemic that also affected many other Latin American countries.

      The Peruvian Health Ministry called for vaccination of children, pregnant women and senior citizens against respiratory diseases, especially H1N1 flu.


      • #4
        Re: 3 deaths in Peru by influenza

        Reported cases of A/H1N1 reaching the 134

        134 Cases of A/H1N1 flu nationwide, of which 90 are Lima and Callao, confirmed the Ministry of health (Minsa) have been so far.Mart?n Yagui, director general of epidemiology of the MOH, said that people dead from the disease, of which four were reported in el Callao, two in Jun?n and Ancash in total seven. That of the latter perished on the eve.The official explained that all these mortal victims had risk factors such as suffering from diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, asthma, cirrhosis and obesity. There are patients older than age and postpartum women (women who had just given birth).He said that this year have been expressed mostly influenza A/H3N2 and A/H1N1 type virus. The first of these arose largely between January and June, while the second has increased since the beginning of July, arriving winter.


        • #5
          Re: 7 deaths in Peru by influenza

          Peru Reports Eight Deaths from AH1N1 Flu Virus

          July 19, 2013 by Andean Air Mail & PERUVIAN TIMES ?

          Eight people have died in recent weeks in Peru from the A subtype of the H1N1 influenza virus, or swine flu, according to the Ministry of Health. Nationwide, there are currently 134 people reported ill with the flu symptoms, 90 of whom are in Callao and Lima. Others are widespread, from Arequipa in the southern Andes to Chimbote and Trujillo on the north coast, and Junin in the central highlands.
          Martin Yaqui, director general of epidemiology at the Health Ministry, said in a press conference that the fatalities were in all cases high risk patients, with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions, asthma, cirrhosis or obesity. Children under the age of 5 and senior citizens are particularly vulnerable also.
          Twitter: @RonanKelly13
          The views expressed are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other person or organization.


          • #6
            Re: 8 deaths in Peru by influenza

            10 dead by flu in Peru during 2013

            So far this year 10 people have died in influenza A in Peru, while there are 216 cases of infected, said today the Ministry of health (Minsa) in a statement.

            In the document indicated that four of the dead belonged to the province of Callao, adjacent to the capital, three to the central region of Junin, one to the Northern Ancash, one to the southern Arequipa and one to Lima.

            Between April and may, the MOH has distributed 1.7 million doses of influenza vaccine for adults and $ 1.2 billion for children.

            Priority in being vaccinated groups are children under five years, over 60 people, those suffering from diabetes, chronic cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, cancer, HIV, asthma, Down's syndrome and pregnant from the fourth month of pregnancy, according to the press release.

            From 15 July the epidemiological alert was sent to all the health centres in the country to strengthen the actions of prevention and treatment of the flu.


            • #7
              Re: 10 deaths in Peru by influenza

              Rises to 15 the number of victims of AH1N2 in Peru

              Soon after being published the information that an 8-month-old baby died in Cajamarca and two men in Chimbote (Ancash), the number of deaths from influenza a/H1N1 rose to 15 people in Peru. in a statement to Channel N, Bill Milla, the head of the Emergency Prevention Committee of the North Pacific Health Network said that the adult victims had 45 and 54 years and died in the city of Chimbote with respiratory complications, according to the Peru 21. media On July 23 the official number of sick with H1N1 in Peru, according to the Ministry of health, increased from 134 cases in July 19 for 216 cases currently, of which 75% were recorded in Lima and Callao, Andean media reported. in turn, the Deputy Minister of Health Jose del Carmen acknowledged that in recent days there is shortage of vaccine for the H1N1 virus because of the high demand for the drug, according to the Peru 21. In this context, the Ministry of health (MS) reiterated that the use of vaccines, in most cases, it is not necessary.


              • #8
                Re: 15 deaths in Peru by influenza

                At least 26 people have been killed in Peru by the influenza A (H1N1)

                At least 26 people died of influenza A (H1N1) in it going year in Peru and there have been 234 confirmed cases so far, reported on Wednesday the Ministry of health, affected by an indefinite strike of doctors and nurses.

                'Has been confirmed until July 29 Monday about 26 people killed by the influenza AH1N1, registered in the regions of Lima, Jun?n, La Libertad, Ancash, Arequipa', said a spokesman for the Ministry of health to the AFP

                A date are recorded in various hospitals of the country 234 people affected by the influenza A (H1N1), of which 50% are in Lima and Callao (Midwest). In an earlier report, July 24, the Ministry of giving account of 10 persons dead and 216 affected and interned in hospitals.

                The Ministry reiterated that the population should strengthen hygiene control to not spread the virus.

                Also reported that the death toll had risk factors such as suffering from diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, asthma, cirrhosis and obesity. In addition, there were patients of advanced age, and women who had just given birth.


                • #9
                  Re: 26 deaths in Peru by influenza

                  Influenza AH1N1 in the Peru: there are 31 dead and 546 patients, reports Minsa

                  In a statement, the Ministry of health (MOH) announced that to date 546 cases of H1N1 flu have been in our country. Of them, 55% (301) are in Lima and Callao. He also confirmed that the number of dead by this infection is 31. Of them, 11 belong to Lima, 4 Callao; 4 3 Jun?n to Ancash; 3-Ica; 2-Lambayeque; 1-Arequipa; 1 to Puno; 1 to Cajamarca and 1 to freedom. This figure was updated on 31 in the morning.

                  The release explains that 77% of the cases were of people at risk, by presenting in addition pictures of diabetes, obesity, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, neurological diseases, diseases among others.

                  So also, the MOH announced that from April and may, they distributed 1' 700.000 doses of vaccines of influenza for adults and 1' 200.000 Pediatric doses, which are distributed in health facilities and said that this month will come a new batch of vaccine.


                  • #10
                    Re: 31 deaths in Peru by influenza

                    Rises to 34 the number killed by influenza A H1N1 in Peru

                    LIMA, Aug. 5 (UPI)--the number of deaths caused by the flu A H1N1 raised to 34 in Peru, after confirmed the death of two people, reported the Ministry of health.

                    Deaths were registered in the city of Chimbote, Ancash region, and at the public hospital in Sullana (Piura). In the first case died a man of 25 years, and in the second, one adult over 60, according to the official report.

                    Is the fifth death occurring in Ancash, while in Sullana is the first casualty recorded, according to the newspaper peru21.

                    It is estimated that in all Peru 600 cases of the disease, has been at times that Peru suffers a strike of doctors and nurses.


                    • #11
                      Re: 34 deaths in Peru by influenza

                      44 number of deaths from influenza, indicates MINSA

                      The Ministry of Health reported that, so far, that amount of people have died of this disease throughout the national territory. Lima. Alarming. Of H1N1 flu fatalities totaled 44, so he said the Health Ministry in a latest report the country.

                      Also said that there are 760 cases confirmed at the national level. 49% Of these patients is located in Lima and Callao.

                      Of the total victims, 17 were attended in Lima, five in Jun?n; four in the Callao; four ICA; four in Ancash; two in Lambayeque; two in Ayacucho; one in Arequipa; one in Puno; one in Cajamarca; one in Piura; one in Loreto and one at the freedom

                      El Ministerio de Salud informó que, hasta el momento, esa cantidad de personas han muerto víctimas de esta enfermedad en todo el territorio nacional.


                      • #12
                        Re: 44 deaths in Peru by influenza

                        Peru: More and more victims by the pig flu

                        In the South American country Peru in the last weeks altogether at least 54 humans at the pig flu died, 866 persons with the influenza A-virus H1N1 were infected. This announced the Ministry of Health on Friday (9.) in an official bulletin. In view of this increase the health sector made a new load available of 500.000 H1N1-Impfstoffen for children. The Ministry of Health (Minsa) explained that at the latest on Monday (12.) Further 600,000 doses for adults will arrive.

                        After on Thursday (8.) the first deadly case of influenza A/H3N2 from the city Chincha, in which southern region by Ica, one announced, three further cases arose. According to confirmation of the authorities two children (under 2 and 8 years) in San Antonio and Jos? Olaya, as well as a 27-year old man in Ferre?afe, at the ?Hong Kong flu? got sick. All three patients are in medical support and react positively to the treatment.

                        Im südamerikanischen Land Peru sind in den letzten Wochen insgesamt mindestens 54 Menschen an der Schweinegrippe gestorben, 866 Personen wurden mit dem Influenza-A-Virus H1N1 infiziert. Dies gab das Gesundheitsministerium am Freitag (9.) in einem offiziellen Bulletin bekannt. Angesichts dieser Erhöhung hat der Gesundheitssektor eine neue Charge von 500.000 H1N1-Impfstoffen für Kinder bereitgestellt. Das Gesundheitsministerium (Minsa)


                        • #13
                          Re: 54 deaths in Peru by influenza

                          Amount to 61 the number of people killed by influenza AH1N1 in Peru

                          Peru has 61 killed by the influenza A (H1N1) in a total of 1,064 cases since the virus claimed its first victim on July 13, reported on Tuesday, the Ministry of Health.

                          The Peruvian authorities had encryption in 44 patient deaths in its previous weekly report of last Wednesday, where 760 cases were mentioned. The report of this Tuesday said that the highest number of deaths was recorded in Lima and in the deputy port of Callao, where 25 people died after contracting the deadly flu that coincides with the worst winter in 30 years and high levels of humidity. The number of dead current is below the maximum registered 149 victims, Since this influenza was installed for the first time in Peru in 2009.

                          The ministry is still trying to to the evil as a seasonal influenza and discards that has been waged an epidemic in the two months that has been developed in Peru since in July was the first case. The new balance is disseminated then that on Friday the authorities began to distribute half a million of vaccines against influenza A (H1N1), after receiving half a batch purchased in South Korea. The vaccine began to be applied to the population at increased risk, such as the age of five years and women with chronic illnesses (diabetes, among others).

                          The Peruvian government bought in July a million vaccines in South Korea after exhaustion of June in a batch of three million vaccines received in April. It is expected that the other half a million vaccines arrive in Peru in the next few weeks.

                          The Ministry of Health recalled that the main symptoms of influenza A (H1N1) are fever greater than 38 degrees, sore throat, cough, sneezing, muscle aches and general malaise intense


                          • #14
                            Re: 61 deaths in Peru by influenza ( H1N1 )

                            Peru: 84 deads by the pig flu

                            In the South American country Peru in the last weeks altogether at least 84 humans at the pig flu died, 1,344 persons are infected with the influenza A-virus H1N1. This announced the Ministry of Health on Sunday (26.) in an official bulletin.

                            Therefore alone 38 people, 80% of the deceased died suffered at diabetes, predominance and hypertension in Lima and Callao. The authorities speak of the ?worst winter since the last 30 years?.

                            Im südamerikanischen Land Peru sind in den letzten Wochen insgesamt mindestens 84 Menschen an der Schweinegrippe gestorben, 1.344 Personen sind mit dem Influenza-A-Virus H1N1 infiziert. Dies gab das Gesundheitsministerium am Sonntag (26.) in einem offiziellen Bulletin bekannt. Demnach starben alleine in Lima und Callao 38 Personen, 80% der Verstorbenen litten an Diabetes, Übergewicht und Bluthochdruck.


                            • #15
                              Re: 84 deaths in Peru by influenza ( H1N1 )

                              In two months 114 Peruvians have died from the flu to H1N1

                              Lima - The influenza A (H1N1) has caused the death of 114 people in Peru on a total of one thousand 552 cases since the virus claimed its first victim on July 13, reported on Tuesday, the Ministry of Health. 'It has been confirmed the death of 114 people with positive results to the influenza A (H1N1) ', said a report of that agency, That noted that the number of cases of people infected and dead has been in gradual decline for the preventive measures taken. Most of the casualties were recorded in Lima and in the deputy port of Callao, where 52 people died from this flu, in the worst winter recorded in Peru in three decades and with extremely high levels of humidity. The ministry is still trying to to the evil as a seasonal influenza and discards that has been waged an epidemic in the three months that has been developed in Peru since in July was the first fatal case. According to the official report, so far have been distributed 4.3 million vaccines against influenza A (H1N1) as measures of prevention in all regions of Peru. The Peruvian government bought in July a million vaccines in South Korea after exhaustion of June in a batch of three million that he had received in April. The Ministry of Health recalled that the main symptoms of influenza A (H1N1) are fever greater than 38 degrees, sore throat, cough, sneezing, muscle aches and general malaise intense.

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