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A flu patient blames the General Hospital for abuse

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  • A flu patient blames the General Hospital for abuse

    Translation: Spanish ? English
    A flu patient blames the General Hospital for abuse
    Updated 26/08/2009
    Difficulties: the isolation of the Clinical Hospital in the area of Miraflores, La

    One patient, nurses and doctors accused of not attending because he has the virus AH1N1. The Director of the hospital questioned the complaint because she has a history that is "controversial"

    One patient of the five that are placed in the isolation of the Clinical Hospital, said he was discriminated against by staff of that division.

    The infected, named Matilda, complained to the staff of the Permanent Human Rights Assembly of Bolivia (APDHB), who yesterday visited the section to the reports of the patients.

    Matilde accused the nurses and doctors in the unit that will not listen and that the abuse by virtue of being infected with the virus AH1N1.

    The director of the hospital, Eduardo Chavez, disputed the allegations of ill arguing that it "problematic" and look for any reason "to make trouble."

    However, announced he will call the defendant physician, Imaging Unit, to ask what happened.

    The representative of the delegation of Human Rights, Boris Antezana, announced that it will conduct an investigation into this situation.

    In that isolation unit found five patients hospitalized for influenza A, three confirmed and two pending lab report.

    In the southern city of La Paz, on the other hand, was closed for three days, the American Institute school due to a suspected case of influenza A.

    The spokesman of this educational unit, Professor Edgar Iraola, clarified that the determination with the consent of the Departmental Education Service (seduction) of La Paz, Epidemiology discouraged despite the closure of establishments as a result.

    The health authorities put in place three filters: the parent classes not to send her ailing son, a committee suspends classes in a course if more than two confirmed cases and to close the school if more than two classes with confirmed cases.

    Epidemiology director Eddy Martinez, yesterday advised the department of Health Services (Headquarters) of Oruro and La Paz, in the case of El Alto, to assume the determination to return to winter time, half an hour late in the income, due to continuing low temperatures in these regions.

    He reported that the departments of Tarija, Chuquisaca, Santa Cruz, Oruro and Cochabamba continue the flu epidemic.

    Six dead, three in La Paz and Potosi three on suspicion of new influenza

    Health officials reported yesterday that they are awaiting lab reports to confirm or exclude that the deaths of six people was because AH1N1 carrying the virus, which can rise to 25 the death toll in Bolivia by the pandemic.

    The National Director of Epidemiology, Eddy Martinez, ABI said that three people in Potosi and La Paz were three fatalities reported as influenza A, but must be confirmed with laboratory tests that have not reached the seat of government .

    "At the moment there are 19 official deaths AH1N1 influenza, but we await the outcome of the six laboratory tests. Martinez added that the procedure may take some days because it has not been established what laboratory samples were sent for three deaths in Potosi.

    In the case of the dead in La Paz, the samples are analyzed at the National Institute of Health Laboratories (INLASA). Of the 19 deaths, seven were in La Paz, Santa Cruz five, two in Potos?, Tarija two, two in one in Oruro and Cochabamba.

    Cochabamba, Oruro, Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca and Tarija are the common flu epidemic.