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In Ironorehopper's thread that posts the daily count of new and total fatalities by the ECDC, the following was reported in today's edition.
Brazil 160 ? 1528
Chile 8 ? 148
Colombia 9 ? 160
I'm not sure that these are new deaths or cases from the summer that have recently been confirmed. I haven't seen any media reports of new outbreaks in South America; however, such reports could get lost in all the reports in the Northern Hemisphere.
I would imagine that it's important to know if there is another wave in the Southern Hemisphere.
"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Re: Additional deaths reported in South America Weeks 50 & 51
Argentina 617.........1
Brazil 1,632
Chile 150
Paraguay 46
Uruguay 20
Bolivia 59...............1
Colombia 196..........6
Ecuador 96
Peru 208...............3
Venezuela 116
Most of these countries reported widespread influenza activity in EW 50 and 51. Acute respiratory disease trends were reported as decreasing, except in Peru, which reported an increasing trend in EW 50, but a decreasing trend in EW 51. The intensity of acute respiratory disease and the impact of acute respiratory disease on health-care services were reported as low or moderate for these countries.
In Peru, nationally, the peak of SARI was in EW 28, and since EW 34 there has been a consistently decreasing trend.
Southern Cone
Influenza activity was reported as widespread in Argentina (EW 48) and regional in Brazil (EW 50, 51). These countries reported continued decreasing trends of acute respiratory disease, low/moderate intensity of acute respiratory disease, and low or moderate impact of acute respiratory disease on health-care services.
In EW 48, Argentina reported decreasing ILI activity in 15 of 20 regions (information was not available for three regions). The incidence of ILI continued to be low (7 per 100,000 habitants) and has been below the epidemic threshold since EW 40"