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Ecuador MOH Confirms Human Infection with HPAI H5 - January 10, 2023

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  • Ecuador MOH Confirms Human Infection with HPAI H5 - January 10, 2023

    Ecuador MOH Confirms Human Infection with HPAI H5


    On December 1st both Peru and Ecuador declared animal health emergencies following the arrival - for the first time - of HPAI H5 in migratory birds. Three days later PAHO - the Pan-American Health Organization - issued an Epidemiological Update: Outbreaks of Avian Influenza and Public Health Implications - 3 Dec 2022, which recommended:

    ". . . . monitoring the occurrence of influenza-like illness (ILI) or severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) in people exposed to birds (domestic, wild, or in captivity) infected with influenza viruses".

    While the details are scant, overnight Ecuador's Ministry of Public Health announced the first detection of HPAI H5 infection in a human in South America; identified in a 9 year-old girl from the province of Bolivar.
    No details on when she was infected, her symptoms, or her current condition, are provided.

    Presumably more details will be released, either by the MOH, PAHO, or WHO. The Spanish language announcement graphic is followed by a rough translation. I'll return with a postscript after the break.



    Republic of Ecuador

    Ministry of Public Health

    January 10, 2022
    Health entities maintain active surveillance in case of bird flu.

    Within the framework of the epidemiological alert issued by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) on December 15, 2022 due to the circulation of avian influenza in poultry, it was confirmed in the laboratory of the National Institute for Research and Public Health (INSPI). ) the first case of influenza A-H5 (avian flu) in a 9-year-old girl, in the province of Bolívar.
    It is presumed that the infection occurred through direct contact with birds that carried the virus.

    The MSP together with the Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad) carried out the epidemiological fence, both human and animal, in the identified risk areas. So far no other cases have been reported in humans.

    The health and epidemiological control entities continue to work on the application of preventive measures to prevent the transmission and spread of the avian influenza virus. For this reason,vaccination actions against human influenza have been carried out in populations at risk and in people in contact with poultry.

    The Ministry of Public Health recommends strengthening biosecurity measures such as hand washing, use of a mask, and vaccination against human influenza. Also remember that the consumption of chicken meat and eggs do not represent any risk to human health.

    A call is made to the public to go to the nearest health center if they present symptoms such as: fever, cough, sore throat. Finally, it is requested to report if you know of cases of farms or homes where there are sick or dead birds and avoid handling them.


    Six weeks ago, in UK APHA: Technical risk assessment for avian influenza (human health): influenza A H5N1, that agency illustrated the difficulty in picking up sporadic cases - and even family clusters - of HPAI H5 infection, writing:

    There is insufficient information to judge the risk of asymptomatic or mild disease due to limited testing in human contacts of infected birds.

    There is insufficient information to assess the occurrence of limited human-to-human transmission such as transmission within households.

    As a result, that assessment stated: At present there are no indicators of increasing risk to human health; however, this is a low confidence assessment. They also caution that `The risk assessment is dynamic and requires regular review during this period of unusually high levels of transmission in birds.'

    The reality is, although this is only the 7th officially recognized human infection with this clade ( of H5N1, it probably happens more often than we know. Many infections are presumably mild, and those infected are never tested.

    Up until two weeks ago the narrative was that human infection with this HPAI H5 virus was mild, and often asymptomatic, but that changed with the release of the WHO Rapid Risk Assessment on A(H5N1) clade viruses, which reported on two severe cases (1 in China (fatal), and 1 in Vietnam).

    So far, we've not seen any evidence that this virus is transmitting efficiently in humans, or of any community spread. Unless, and until that happens, HPAI H5 presents a very low threat to public health.

    But the virus continues to reassort, and evolve into new genotypes, and what we can say about the virus today may not hold true tomorrow.

    Stay tuned.

    All medical discussions are for educational purposes. I am not a doctor, just a retired paramedic. Nothing I post should be construed as specific medical advice. If you have a medical problem, see your physician.

  • #3
    Translation Google

    Avian Flu: Health describes the probability of transmission between humans as "very low"

    According to the State portfolio, the transfer rate is 0.02%. The epidemiological fence has not presented symptoms

    Henry Ronquillo January 11,2023

    The possibility is remote. The undersecretary of epidemiological surveillance of the Ministry of Health , Francisco Pérez, explained on January 11, 2023 that the probability of contagion of avian influenza among humans is very low. In addition, he indicated that the epidemiological siege of the first case detected in the province of Cotopaxi has not developed any symptoms.

    "There is no other case reported," continued the official from the State portfolio and explained that, although the 25 people under epidemiological surveillance have not presented symptoms, the Ministry of Health and the Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad) maintain two poultry farms under observation for the detection of more cases.

    Like other types of influenza, the illness can present with fever and malaise. In certain cases it can generate conjunctivitis, otitis, cough and phlegm.

    However, Pérez also indicated that this is a problem that is not limited to farms and that "many people raise birds for their own consumption." In this sense, the official urged citizens to report the death of birds to the authorities so that the range of observation and control of bird flu in the country can be extended.

    The undersecretary of epidemiological surveillance, on the other hand, indicated that as a containment measure the epidemiological fence will be maintained, but that the vaccination scheme that is currently being applied in the country (for coronaviruses and influenza) will not be changed, since it is designed to provide immunity to a variety of types of the disease.

    On January 10, 2023, the Ministry of Health confirmed the first case of bird flu in a nine-year-old girl from the province of Cotopaxi , after she presented symptoms since December 25, 2022. According to Francisco Pérez, the the minor is stable and is still being treated at the Baca Ortiz hospital.

    Según la cartera de Estado, la tasa de transmisibilidad es del 0,02%. El cerco epidemiológico no ha presentado síntomas | Actualidad | Extra


    • #4
      Translation Google

      Ecuador slaughters 800,000 birds due to avian influenza outbreak

      JAN. 11, 2023 AT 8:21 AM PT

      QUITO — Ecuador has slaughtered some 800,000 birds to contain two outbreaks of avian influenza that has also caused the contagion of a girl who is stable, the Undersecretary of Governance and Health Surveillance reported on Wednesday.

      At a press conference, Francisco Pérez asserted that the minor was in contact with chickens that his parents had in the patio of their house and that they had bought days before in a city in the Andean center of the country. After verifying the diagnosis, some 25 relatives and neighbors remained under epidemiological siege, although none tested positive for avian influenza.

      "It is very rare for this to happen (transmission to humans), but it does happen," he said, noting that there is close surveillance to detect new outbreaks and when they are found, the animals have been slaughtered and supplies destroyed. who were in contact with infected birds.

      The first outbreak occurred at the end of November in the province of Cotopaxi, in the Andean center of the country, when the authorities decided to slaughter 300,000 birds from hatcheries. The second outbreak, also in Cotopaxi and in the neighboring province of Bolívar, was at the beginning of this year and as a precautionary measure 500,000 birds have been slaughtered, incinerated and buried.

      Pérez added that an adequate supply of diagnostic tests in humans has been required as a precautionary measure while teams of technicians visit the affected areas to look for possible new outbreaks.

      In the area where both sources of infection are located, 60% of the national production is concentrated, for which reason the authorities have decided to apply periodic control sampling before the regional alert for the cases reported in Peru, Colombia, Mexico, the United States and Canada.

      In Ecuador there are 1,810 farms with a production of 260 million chickens, 16 million laying hens and two million producers.

      QUITO — Ecuador ha sacrificado unas 800.000 aves para contener dos brotes de influenza aviar que también ha causado el contagio de una niña que se encuentra estable, i…


      • #5
        Translation Google

        January 11, 2023 1:43 PM

        Girl with avian flu evolves favorably, says Surveillance Undersecretary

        The National Undersecretary for Health Surveillance , Prevention and Control, Francisco Pérez, detailed this Wednesday, January 11, 2023 that the contagion occurred after the girl had contact with some chickens that her parents bought in Ambato.

        The birds died without apparent cause on December 20. Five days later, that is, on December 25, the girl began with respiratory symptoms and was treated locally. Seeing that she had not improved, her parents took her to a health home in Ambato.

        This fact was confirmed by the Ministry of Health on January 10, 2023, when it was classified as the first case of avian flu (A-H5 ) in Ecuador in a 9-year-old girl.

        The disease was detected in the Simiatug parish, in the province of Bolívar, Andean Sierra of the country.

        Investigation of the case in Quito and evolution

        There she presented atypical pneumonia that became complicated over the days, for which she was transferred to Quito, to the Baca Ortiz Hospital. Doctors from that health home carried out an investigation process with interviews with relatives and the patient.

        After this frequent procedure, Pérez pointed out that the doctors found the antecedent that some chickens had died and since there was no other link, no person was sick at the minor's home, he raised the suspicion that it was avian flu.

        Subsequently, on January 7, through genetic sequencing tests carried out at the National Institute for Public Health Research (Inspi), it was confirmed that it was an infection by this type of virus.

        The diagnosis was also confirmed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


        • #6
          Translation Google

          Maximum epidemiological surveillance for bird flu

          So far, only one case of this virus has been reported in humans. The consumption of meat is not a route of contagion.

          For Jose Mosquera-January 12, 2023

          Mild respiratory distress that was later complicated by “atypical pneumonia”. That was the main symptomatology of the 9-year-old girl, who represents the first case of avian flu in humans in the country. She had to be treated in intensive care.

          The minor had contact with some chickens that her parents bought in Ambato (Tungurahua). The birds died on December 20.

          Francisco Pérez, Undersecretary of Health Surveillance, Prevention and Control, indicated that the infected person remains stable at the Baca Ortiz Pediatric Hospital (Quito), with a favorable evolution.

          Faced with this infection, registered in the Simiatug parish, Bolívar province (located 1 hour and 15 minutes from Ambato), 25 people, including relatives and neighbors, are part of the epidemiological fence to prevent the spread of the virus. Those observed have not presented symptoms at the moment.

          At the same time, the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) has deployed teams to Bolívar, which provide the respective monitoring and surveillance. The same action was taken in the province of Cotopaxi, where the outbreak originated, in November 2022.

          The State Portfolio also announced that it is carrying out an "active search", together with the Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad), with the aim of identifying birds that could present the virus.

          This action has given results, according to Pérez, who explained that two farms have been intervened to prevent avian flu infections, also known as A-H5 influenza. 800,000 birds were slaughtered in the intervened areas.

          Another measure of the epidemiological surveillance of the MSP is the provision of diagnostic tests to achieve a greater capacity for the detection of the virus.

          How is it transmitted?

          The epidemiologist Andrea Gómez Ayora emphasized that the transmission of any type of influenza is only through the respiratory route.

          The virus is transmitted through poultry, but also through wild birds, leading to further spread of bird flu.

          The risk is greater among people who work with these domestic animals as in poultry. "The severity will depend on the immune system of each person or other types of pathologies, so immediate actions are needed to control these cases," he said.

          The contagion of bird flu between people is imperceptible, "less than 0.2 people for each infected person," according to Health Surveillance, Prevention and Control.

          Gómez Ayora adds that there is no risk of infection or contagion when eating eggs or meat, since it is not transmitted orally.

          He also stressed that although the influenza vaccine is not specifically for fighting bird flu, it does serve to protect against respiratory illnesses. For this reason, people from vulnerable groups are recommended to be immunized in the different health centers.

          In the same way, it recommends applying general biosecurity measures, such as: use of a mask and hand washing.

          There is no reason to be alarmed

          "There is no reason to be alarmed, since bird flu has always been present throughout the world," says Fernando Cedillo, owner of Avícolas Cedillo (Aviced).

          The businessman recalls that previous months the first cases were registered in other provinces, but they were fully controlled.

          Cedillo adds that the different farms in the country go through very strict health controls.
          Thus, for example, chickens are immunized on the first day of life . When going from hatcheries to farms, they are inoculated with three other types of vaccines.

          Avícolas Cedillo delivers 200,000 chickens per month, which are raised on its 12 farms, located in different parts of the country. One of these is located in Marcabelí (El Oro), a strategic sector due to its hot climate that prevents respiratory diseases. "We have controlled environments, where the chickens enter and leave only when they are ready for consumption, avoiding contact with people, since the food and medication enter through channels," he said.

          With these techniques, the mortality rate of Aviced's chickens dropped from 8 to 3%. (YO)

          SOME DETAILS

          On January 7, the National Institute for Research and Public Health (INSPI), after the respective analysis, detected the first case of avian flu in humans in the country.

          The symptoms of bird flu are similar to those of influenza: fever, malaise, shortness of breath, cough, phlegm. As well as other related processes: conjunctivitis and otitis.

          Hasta el momento se ha registrado solo un caso de este virus en humanos. El consumo de carne no es vía de contagio.


          • #7
            Epidemiological Alert
            Outbreaks of avian influenza and human
            infection caused by influenza A(H5)
            public health implications in the Region
            of the Americas

            11 January 2023

            In Ecuador, until 9 January 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of the country detected
            three outbreaks of avian influenza. Two in poultry production farms in the province of Cotopaxi,
            the first in November 2022 in which influenza A(H5N1) was identified, and the second identified
            in January 2023. The third outbreak was identified during the first week of January in the province
            of Bolívar in backyard birds. (13,14,15).

            On 7 January 2023, a human infection caused by influenza A(H5) was identified in Ecuador in a
            9-year-old female living in a rural area of the province of Bolívar, who was in contact with
            backyard birds, acquired a week before the onset of symptoms and died without apparent
            cause. This human infection corresponds to the second recorded in the Region of the Americas,
            and the first in Ecuador and Latin America and the Caribbean. The patient is currently
            hospitalized in a pediatric intensive care unit, in isolation and with antiviral and supportive
            treatment. Research in the human and animal sectors is ongoing, including tracing close and
            exposed contacts. To date, no additional cases have been identified and no evidence of
            human-to-human transmission has been identified (5).

            DOWNLOAD(703.05 KB)
            Given the increasing detection of outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in birds registered in 10 countries of the Region of the Americas, and the recent confirmation of the first human infection of influenza A(H5) in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) reiterates its guidelines on surveillance, laboratory diagnostics in human and animal samples and research.


            • #8
              Translation Google

              "Avian flu does not have a high possibility of transmission between humans," says the Minister of Health about the detected case

              The sample from this case has been sent for sequencing to the Center for Disease Control in the United States.

              January 12, 2023 - 10:30 a.m.

              A kind of pneumonia is the clinical picture presented by the 9-year-old girl who is the first case of bird flu detected in Ecuador. She is a native of the Simiátug parish, in the Bolívar province.

              The Minister of Health, José Ruales, indicated that since last December 15 an alert was decreed for influenza in poultry, initially in the province of Cotopaxi, and then other outbreaks have been identified in more locations.

              Ruales explained that transmission between birds is common and frequent, however, the spread of avian influenza from an animal to a human is very rare, it is very difficult, and for this there must be some favorable circumstances, especially close handling. .

              He recommended that farmworkers wear protective equipment even when handling birds for slaughter.

              Regarding the case of the infected girl, she received two chickens that were apparently sick, they died, but she played and hugged them.

              "That generated conditions of contagion, of animal-to-human transmission," he said in an interview with Sucesos radio.

              When the symptoms began, on December 27, she was treated at the community health center, then at the Ambato hospital, and on January 2, when the respiratory problems worsened, which present as a kind of pneumonia, she was transferred to Quito, to the Baca Ortiz hospital. She is in an isolation area.

              What are the infection risks and symptoms of bird flu in humans?

              He added that no new cases have been identified and control of this disease is maintained.

              The girl is under special care and is evolving favorably.

              This respiratory infection manifests itself in the course of two to eight days, a private hospital in Quito explained in a statement.

              That health home suggested strengthening biosecurity measures such as hand washing, use of a mask, and the influenza vaccine.

              Also, if you have a cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath, muscle pain and headache, go for a medical assessment.

              Ruales added that bird flu does not have a high possibility of transmission between humans.

              The sample from this case has been sent for sequencing to the Center for Disease Control in the United States, in order to identify the characteristics of the virus.

              "At this moment we have no more risk of contagion to humans than the case that is isolated," he added. (YO)


              • #9
                Girl infected with bird flu in Ecuador is "stable"
                Thursday, January 12, 2023 Society

                The nine-year-old girl infected with bird flu (A-H5) is "stable," said Francisco Pérez, Undersecretary of Health Surveillance and Control of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) of Ecuador, on Wednesday.

                In a press conference, Pérez indicated that the minor, who lives in the Andean province of Bolívar, presented symptoms on December 25 and was treated locally.

                She presented the typical symptoms of pneumonia, which became more complicated and she was transferred to the Ecuadorian capital, where she is admitted to a public hospital.

                In that health home-he assured her-she is "stable, with favorable evolution."

                According to Pérez, to maintain control, they have carried out tests on about 25 people, including relatives and people who were in contact with the minor.

                “The sequelae that there may be from this are those of any respiratory disease because it is severe pneumonia and you may have some type of respiratory problem in the future. It is not yet known because it is somewhat complex because there are very few cases, so the sequelae cannot be investigated in these people," he said.

                He added that the people most at risk of contagion are those who are in contact with birds, on poultry farms, such as poultry workers.

                According to the MSP, the case of the girl, the first reported in the country, was detected on January 7 and it is presumed that the contagion was due to direct contact of the minor with some birds infected with the virus.

                The Ministry indicated in a statement that, with the country's Phytosanitary and Animal Health Control Agency, they applied an "epidemiological fence, both human and animal, in the identified risk areas."

                The health and epidemiological control entities are "working on the application of preventive measures to prevent the transmission and spread of the avian influenza virus," he said in the letter.

                He also announced that the authorities have ordered several actions of "vaccination against human influenza to population at risk and to people in contact with poultry", in order to prevent the spread of contagion...



                • #10
                  Girl in Ecuador (9) with bird flu: how worrying is it that a person is infected?

                  January 13, 2023

                  The 9-year-old is certainly not the first person to be affected by the bird flu virus, but there is an important difference, according to avian flu expert Thijs Kuiken of Erasmus MC. “This variant of bird flu, which we also have in the Netherlands, has already been diagnosed in people in the United States and Great Britain. But these people became very slightly ill or not at all ill,” he explains.

                  The case in Ecuador is the first in which a human has contracted pneumonia from bird flu. Kuik: “We have suspected for some time that this bird flu that is spreading around the world can make people sick, and now there is evidence for this.”

                  The Ministry of Health in Ecuador believes that the girl contracted the virus through direct, unprotected contact with infected chickens. The people she has been in contact with are in isolation. There are no indications that they are infected and that the virus can therefore be transmitted from person to person.

                  Nevertheless, human-to-human transmission is not unthinkable, says Kuiken. “If people become infected, variants can arise.” Does this mean a new pandemic is lurking? “The chance is small, but it cannot be ruled out.”



                  • #11
                    Translation Google

                    First case in Latin America: Girl infected with bird flu in Ecuador is stable

                    EFE Agency
                    9:37 PM 13 Jan 2023

                    The nine -year-old girl infected with bird flu (A-H5) is "stable," said Francisco Pérez, Undersecretary of Health Surveillance and Control of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) of Ecuador on Wednesday .

                    In a press conference, Pérez indicated that the minor, who lives in the Andean province of Bolívar , presented symptoms on December 25 and was treated locally.

                    She presented the typical symptoms of pneumonia, which became more complicated and she was transferred to the Ecuadorian capital, where she is admitted to a public hospital .

                    In that health home, he assured, he is "stable, with a favorable evolution."

                    According to Pérez, to maintain control, they have carried out tests on about 25 people, including relatives and people who were in contact with the minor.


                    The consequences that this may have are those of any respiratory illness because it is severe pneumonia and he may have some type of respiratory problem in the future," the official said.

                    "It is not yet known because it is a bit complex because there are very few cases, so the sequelae cannot be investigated in these people," he continued.

                    He added that the people with the highest risk of contagion are those who are in contact with birds, in poultry farms , such as poultry workers.

                    According to the MSP, the case of the girl , the first reported in the country, was detected on January 7 and it is presumed that the contagion was due to direct contact of the minor with some birds infected with the virus .

                    The Ministry indicated in a statement that, with the country's Phytosanitary and Animal Health Control Agency , they applied an " epidemiological fence, both human and animal, in the identified risk areas."

                    The sanitary and epidemiological control entities are "working on the application of preventive measures to prevent the transmission and spread of the avian influenza virus ," he said in the letter.

                    He also announced that the authorities have ordered several actions of " vaccinating against human influenza to population at risk and people in contact with poultry," in order to prevent the spread of infection .

                    Of your interest Trancazo! They announce severe increases for fuels starting Monday, January 16

                    He also recalled that "the consumption of chicken meat and eggs does not represent any risk to human health" and appealed to citizens to go to health centers as soon as they present symptoms related to the disease such as fever, cough and pain. of throat.

                    bird flu on farms
                    The Ministry asked for support from the population to report if it knows of possible cases of bird flu in farms or homes where there are sick birds or that have died, before which it recommended avoiding the handling of these animals.

                    Ecuador had reported some cases of bird flu, for which reason it declared a 90-day state of animal health emergency on November 29 after detecting an outbreak that killed some 180,000 birds.

                    A new case detected in mid-December has already been declared controlled, although the authorities reinforced surveillance, since the disease had also been announced in Canada, Colombia, the United States, Mexico and Peru.

                    Ecuador then prohibited the mobilization of birds, products and by- products of avian origin such as eggs, hens and chickens, among others, from the farms affected by the outbreak.

                    Avian influenza affects domestic birds, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks and quails, and wild birds, characterized by high morbidity and mortality , and without specific treatment.

                    Pérez pointed out that " contagion between humans is less than 0.2 people per infected person," so he said that it is "very rare" for it to occur.

                    ¡Horroroso! Hombre acaba con la vida de un anciano de 72 años, por pensar que quería quedarse con la casa de su abuela mediante la brujería


                    • #12
                      hat tip FrenchieGirl

                      Media report:


                      Analysis by the National Institute for Public Health Research (Inspi) determined that it is avian influenza, type AH5N1. The results were verified by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).



                      • #13
                        Translation Google

                        Fifteen days after the only case of bird flu in a girl, there is no evidence of transmission, according to authorities

                        For specialists, what should worry is when the transmission between humans begins.

                        January 16, 2023 - 11:59 a.m.

                        Two weeks after the only registered case of bird flu in Ecuador, in a 9-year-old girl from the province of Bolívar, there is no evidence that it has been transmitted or that it can be transmitted, and it is under control, indicated the minister of Cheers, Jose Ruales.

                        “The girl has not infected any other person either, whom we are monitoring from December 25 or 30 to date, more than fifteen days have passed. Contagion can occur between 5 and 7 days, therefore, there is no evidence that this case has been transmitted or that it can be transmitted...", he said -this Monday, January 16, in a radio interview HCJB.

                        The girl is in isolation, receiving medical treatment at the Baca Ortiz hospital, he added.

                        "Avian flu does not have a high possibility of transmission between humans," says the Minister of Health about the detected case

                        Her evolution is favourable. In addition, epidemiological fences and control were carried out on the whole family, their parents, neighbors, he pointed out.


                        • #14
                          Human infection caused by avian influenza A(H5) - Ecuador

                          18 January 2023

                          Situation at a glance

                          On 9 January 2023, WHO was notified of a human infection caused by an avian influenza A(H5) virus. The case, a nine-year-old girl, living in a rural area in the province of Bolívar, Ecuador, was in contact with backyard poultry, which was acquired a week before the onset of her symptoms. She is currently hospitalized, in isolation, and is being treated with antivirals.

                          This is the first reported case of human infection caused by avian influenza A(H5) virus in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Work is ongoing to further characterize the virus.

                          Currently, available epidemiological and virological evidence suggests that influenza A(H5) viruses have not acquired the ability for sustained transmission among humans, thus the likelihood of human-to-human spread is low.

                          Description of the situation

                          On 9 January 2023, the Ecuador IHR National Focal Point (NFP) informed WHO of a human case of infection with an avian influenza A(H5) virus. The case was detected as part of severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) sentinel surveillance and was confirmed by the National Influenza Centre (NIC), the National Institute of Public Health Research (INSPI per its acronym in Spanish).

                          The case is a nine-year-old girl, with no known comorbidities, from Bolívar Province, Ecuador. She developed symptoms of conjunctival pruritus and coryza on 25 December 2022. On 27 December, she was brought to a local health center for medical evaluation and treatment. On 30 December, due to the persistent symptoms including nausea, vomiting and constipation, she was admitted to a general hospital where empirical treatment for meningitis was started with antibiotics and antipyretics. On 3 January 2023, she was transferred to a pediatric hospital in critical condition where she was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with septic shock and was treated with antivirals and mechanical ventilation due to pneumonia.

                          On 5 January, as part of SARI surveillance activities, a nasopharyngeal sample was collected from the patient. The sample was sent to INSPI and tested positive for influenza A(H5) by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on 7 January.

                          As of 17 January, the patient remains hospitalized, under isolation, and with noninvasive mechanical ventilation.

                          According to the epidemiological investigation in response to the outbreak, a week before the onset of her symptoms, the family acquired poultry which died without apparent cause on 19 December 2022. In addition, the epidemiological investigations revealed that several incidents of dead backyard poultry (chickens and ducks) have been reported from the same community where the family resided.

                          Epidemiology of disease

                          Zoonotic influenza infections in humans may be asymptomatic or may cause disease, from conjunctivitis or mild, flu-like symptoms to severe, acute respiratory disease or even death, depending on factors related to the virus causing infection and the infected host. Rarely, gastrointestinal or neurological symptoms have been reported.

                          Human cases of infection with avian influenza viruses are usually the result of direct or indirect exposure to infected live or dead poultry or contaminated environments.

                          Public health response

                          Public health measures from both human and animal health agencies have been implemented. These include:
                          • Local authorities carried out epidemiological investigations and follow-up of the case’s contacts in the family, home, and health care facilities.
                          • Ongoing intersectoral activities with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), and the Phytosanitary and Animal Health Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad) for active detection, follow-up and control of avian influenza outbreaks in the area.
                          • Continuous follow-up of persons with respiratory symptoms and suspected influenza cases due to contact with poultry or/and who have been exposed to birds, among the exposed population.
                          • Seasonal influenza vaccination in risk groups is ongoing according to the guidelines of the National Immunization Program.
                          • The NIC is in the process of sending the patient’s samples to a WHO Collaborating Center for further characterization.

                          WHO risk assessment

                          This is the first reported case of human infection caused by avian influenza A(H5) virus in Ecuador and in Latin America and the Caribbean. This human case was exposed to poultry, which died without apparent cause. Outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza have been detected recently in the provinces of Cotopaxi (influenza A(H5N1)) and Bolívar, Ecuador.

                          Whenever avian influenza viruses are circulating in poultry, there is a risk for sporadic infection and small clusters of human cases due to exposure to infected poultry or contaminated environments. Therefore, human cases are expected, although rare.

                          According to the information received thus far, the virus has not been detected in other individuals beyond this single case. While further characterization of the virus from this case is pending, currently available epidemiological and virological evidence suggests that influenza A(H5) viruses have not acquired the ability for sustained transmission among humans, thus the likelihood of human-to-human spread is low. Based on available information, WHO assesses the risk to the general population posed by this virus to be low. The risk assessment will be reviewed as needed should further epidemiological or virological information become available.

                          A global risk assessment associated with recent influenza A(H5N1) clade viruses was published on 21 December 2022. However, the subtype and clade information for this human case is not yet known.

                          There are no approved vaccines for preventing influenza A(H5) in humans. Candidate vaccines to prevent influenza A(H5) infection in humans have been developed for pandemic preparedness purposes.

                          Close analysis of the epidemiological situation, further characterization of the most recent viruses (human and poultry) and serological investigations are critical to assess associated risk and to adjust risk management measures in a timely manner.

                          WHO advice

                          The reported case does not change the current WHO recommendations on public health measures and surveillance of influenza.

                          WHO does not advise special traveler screening at points of entry or restrictions regarding the current situation of influenza viruses at the human-animal interface.

                          Due to the constantly evolving nature of influenza viruses, WHO continues to stress the importance of global surveillance to detect and monitor virological, epidemiological, and clinical changes associated with emerging or circulating influenza viruses that may affect human (or animal) health, and timely virus sharing for risk assessment. The diversity of zoonotic influenza viruses that have caused human infections is alarming and necessitates strengthened surveillance in both animal and human populations, thorough investigation of every zoonotic infection and pandemic preparedness. Vaccination against seasonal influenza infection of selected groups at increased risk of exposure to animal influenza viruses could be considered as a measure to reduce opportunities for the simultaneous infection of humans with animal and human influenza viruses.

                          In the case of a confirmed or suspected human infection caused by a novel influenza virus with pandemic potential, including a variant virus, the health authorities should be notified and appropriate clinical case management, including testing, triage, clinical assessment for disease severity classification, assessment of risk factors for severe disease and isolation and treatment (e.g., antivirals and supportive care) should be provided. A thorough epidemiologic investigation (even while awaiting the confirmatory laboratory results) of a history of exposure to animals, and travel, and contact tracing should be conducted. The epidemiologic investigation should include early identification of unusual respiratory events that could signal person-to-person transmission of the novel virus. Clinical samples should be tested and sent to a WHO Collaboration Centre for further characterization.

                          Travelers to countries with known outbreaks of animal influenza should avoid farms, contact with animals in live animal markets, entering areas where animals may be slaughtered, or contact with any surfaces that appear to be contaminated with animal faeces. Travelers should also wash their hands often with soap and water. Travelers should follow good food safety and hygiene practices. Should infected individuals from affected areas travel internationally, their infection may be detected in another country during travel or after arrival. If this were to occur, further community level spread is considered unlikely as this virus has not acquired the ability to transmit easily among humans.

                          All human infections caused by a novel influenza subtype are notifiable under the International Health Regulations (IHR) and State Parties to the IHR (2005) are required to immediately notify WHO of any laboratory-confirmed case of a recent human infection caused by an influenza A virus with the potential to cause a pandemic. Evidence of illness is not required for this notification.

                          WHO does not recommend any restrictions on travel and/or trade for Ecuador based on available information on this event.
                          Further information

                          On 9 January 2023, WHO was notified of a human infection caused by an avian influenza A(H5) virus. The case, a nine-year-old girl, living in a rural area in the province of Bolívar, Ecuador, was in contact with backyard poultry, which was acquired a week before the onset of her symptoms. She is currently hospitalized, in isolation, and is being treated with antivirals. This is the first reported case of human infection caused by avian influenza A(H5) virus in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Work is ongoing to further characterize the virus. Currently, available epidemiological and virological evidence suggests that influenza A(H5) viruses have not acquired the ability for sustained transmission among humans, thus the likelihood of human-to-human spread is low.

