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Ecuador: 2023 Bird flu in poultry

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  • Ecuador: 2023 Bird flu in poultry


    Ecuador detects a new outbreak of avian influenza on farms
    January 9, 2023

    QUITO (AP) — Ecuador reported a new outbreak of avian influenza, the second since late November, on farms in two central Andean provinces of the country. The new cases remain under epidemiological siege, Agriculture Minister Bernardo Manzano said on Monday.

    At a press conference, he announced that around half a million birds are under analysis in the affected hatcheries, which are located mainly in the provinces of Cotopaxi and Bolívar.

    He specified that the World Organization for Animal Health (WHO) considers that highly contagious avian influenza is seasonal and that outbreaks begin with mild manifestations in September, grow in October and record a peak in February, due to the migration of wild birds. .

    He asked the public to quickly report any suspicion of contagion for timely control action.

    Due to the nervousness generated among the population, by the end of the year there had been a 15 to 20% reduction in the consumption of poultry products such as chicken, eggs and turkey.

    At the end of November, as a result of the first outbreak, some 300,000 birds were infected with avian influenza, of the H5N1 subtype that does not affect humans according to official information. They were euthanized or ended up dead after infection.

    That number represents 0.15% of the country's total, according to official calculations. Due to the situation, this country declared a health emergency for 90 days.

    The alert in Ecuador came after the one declared by Peru in November, after finding a daily trail of dead seabirds on the beaches of the Pacific coast. Approximately 14,000 wild seabirds have died in the neighboring country from avian influenza that authorities presumed were caught from migratory birds.

    The first focus of Ecuadorian contagion was detected in the province of Cotopaxi, in the central Sierra, an area that concentrates 60% of the national production, by applying periodic control sampling in response to the international alert for the cases reported in Peru, Colombia, Mexico, United States and Canada.

    In Ecuador, there are 1,810 farms with a production of 260 million chickens, 16 million laying hens and two million producers.

  • #2
    Translation Google

    MAG and Agrocalidad reinforce measures to contain new cases of avian influenza

    The National Government strengthens control measures to contain the advance of avian influenza, a disease that is present in almost all continents.

    Quito, January 9, 2023.- Two new cases of avian influenza were detected and are being contained by technicians from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), and the Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad), in the provinces of Cotopaxi and Bolivar.

    The Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Bernardo Manzano, stated that the two cases were detected thanks to the monitoring and surveillance work constantly carried out by the technical staff of the two institutions, as well as the notification by the producers. The corresponding epidemiological fences were immediately implemented, samples were taken for analysis.

    The Executive Director of Agrocalidad, Patricio Almeida, indicated that monitoring and surveillance are carried out throughout the country, as established in the animal health emergency declaration issued on November 29 by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, through Ministerial Agreement 134.

    In Cotopaxi, the farm has been fenced off since last Friday. In Bolívar, the case occurred in backyard birds. This demonstrates that the monitoring and surveillance work of the technicians, as well as the recommendations issued by the authorities to notify signs compatible with the disease in a timely manner, give results, to detect cases in a timely manner.

    According to the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA), avian influenza is a disease that is present in countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, America. In this last continent, its presence has been detected in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador (Graph 1).

    A OMSA study indicates that "there is a tendency to believe that highly pathogenic avian influenza is seasonal, with outbreaks beginning mildly in September, growing in October and peaking in February."

    “The work carried out by the National Government in coordination with unions and associations ensures the supply of this protein of animal origin. It is important that citizens stay informed through official channels and support the poultry sector by acquiring and consuming chicken meat and eggs, since they do not represent any problem for human health,” Almeida highlighted.

    The production of animal protein (chicken meat, table eggs) has an economic, productive and social relevance for the country. It is part of a chain, which includes the production of hard corn, production of balanced feed and poultry production. It is estimated that it generates more than 300,000 direct jobs.

    The National Corporation of Poultry Farmers estimates that 263 million chickens are produced annually, which is equivalent to 495 thousand tons of chicken meat, and a per capita consumption of 28.27 kilograms. The annual production of eggs is estimated at 3,812 million, with a consumption per person of 217 units.


    • #3
      Translation Google

      Two new outbreaks of avian influenza are detected in Tungurahua farms

      The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock reported that the new cases were contained. With this there are six outbreaks detected in three provinces

      The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock reported two new outbreaks of bird flu. Tungurahua joins the provinces of Cotopaxi and Bolívar where the first five outbreaks were detected. Photo:

      January 16, 2023 - 12:15 p.m.

      Two new cases of avian influenza were detected in the country, this time in the province of Tungurahua, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) reported this Monday morning, January 16.

      New outbreaks of bird flu increase the number of infected birds in Ecuador to 867,000

      These new outbreaks are added to the first five detected before in the provinces of Cotopaxi and Bolívar since November 29, 2022. Before these new cases, the infected birds numbered around 867,000, although with these new infections the MAG has not detailed how much sick birds rise.

      The MAG reported that the outbreaks are contained and were detected in the monitoring that its technicians and those of the Phytosanitary and Animal Health Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad) have carried out since the declaration of animal health emergency on November 29; in addition to the alerts given by the producers.

      “Agrocalidad and the MAG execute the procedures established in the National Contingency Plan, once the depopulation of the farms has been carried out. In addition, active surveillance has been established in the intervention area," the State portfolio detailed, adding that the Government, together with the poultry sector, are working to ensure market supplies of chicken meat and eggs.

      The poultry industry annually produces 273 million chickens, which is equivalent to 450,000 tons of meat and 3,812 million eggs. Each Ecuadorian consumes 28.27 kg of chicken meat and 217 units of eggs per year, according to industry statistics.

      In this way, in the province of Tungurahua the controls that are carried out in Bolívar and Cotopaxi are applied. Patricio Almeida, executive director of Agrocalidad, explained last week that the movement of poultry products is restricted in areas where outbreaks have been detected.


      Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

      Statement l The MAG together with @AgrocalidadEC detected and contained outbreaks of avian influenza in the province of Tungurahua. More information🔽

      9:23 AM · Jan 16, 2023


      • #4
        Translation Google


        Chicken sales drop in Ambato markets while poultry farmers reinforce measures to avoid impacts from bird flu

        People are afraid to eat the chickens despite the fact that it is explained that there is no possibility of contagion, say sellers.

        January 19, 2023 - 08h09


        Chicken merchants in markets such as El Modelo, in the center of Ambato, lament that, as a result of the reports of the presence of avian flu, first in Cotopaxi, then in Bolívar and Tungurahua, sales dropped to at least least 50%.

        “People are afraid of eating chickens, despite the fact that it is explained that there is no possibility of catching it. But they don't want to eat this meat,” said Rebeca Albán.
        Rocío Pilco assured that during the last two weeks the decrease in the sale of chickens has been very evident, before which she requested that a massive dissemination campaign be carried out, making it known that there is no danger of contagion in people by the virus. bird consumption.

        For her part, Marisol Molina, executive director of the Union of Egg Producers (Uniproh), said that they are very concerned, because they know that it is a very aggressive disease, explaining that so far in Tungurahua we know of the two poultry plants of the Cevallos canton where avian influenza was detected.

        He asserted that the risk of contagion is imminent, as he explained that it is enough that a wild bird, which is asymptomatic, in its migratory passage from North America to South America is with the virus for it to infect an entire production.
        A few days ago, in two poultry farms in the Cevallos canton, the presence of avian flu cases was detected. The governor of Tungurahua, Fernando Gavilanes, regretted the infections and reported that Agrocalidad took the procedure in those places and slaughtered the birds to prevent spread.

        Gavilanes indicated that, although the exact number of animals sacrificed is not available, once the contagion was identified, samples were extracted and the presence of the virus was confirmed.


        • #5
          Translation Google

          Ecuador will import vaccines for farms with avian influenza

          an hour ago

          QUITO (AP) — Ecuador approved the purchase of vaccines to deal with an outbreak of avian influenza that has left around 1.2 million birds dead or culled, especially in the north-central Andean region, reported Patricio Almeida, director of Agrocalidad , entity in charge of the matter.

          In statements to The Associated Press, he assured that the entry of vaccines from Mexico and the United States, imported by commercial houses, is allowed so that they are available to large poultry farmers and that, in a second moment, the State will also acquire them for deliver them to small poultry farmers at subsidized prices.

          Almeida said that these biologicals will be imported by the private sector and will be in circulation in Ecuador in just over 30 days.
          The largest outbreak of avian influenza was initially detected in the provinces of Cotopaxi and Tungurahua, and later spread to a lesser extent in the provinces of Pichincha and Bolívar. It is type A subtype H5N1.
          The alert in Ecuador came after the one declared by Peru in November, after finding a daily trail of dead seabirds on the beaches of the Pacific coast. Approximately 14,000 wild seabirds have died in the neighboring country from avian influenza that authorities presumed were caught from migratory birds.

          The person in charge of Agrocalidad insisted that there is no risk of contagion to humans from the consumption of poultry meat or eggs.

          However, on January 10, Ecuador confirmed the first contagion of avian influenza in humans, in the case of a nine-year-old girl who had been in contact with birds on a farm in the province of Bolívar where they had been infected. detected an outbreak.

          Slaughtered and dead birds represent 0.60% of the country's total, according to official calculations. Due to the situation, this country declared a health emergency for 90 days.

          In Ecuador, there are 1,810 farms with a production of 260 million chickens, 16 million laying hens and two million producers.

          QUITO (AP) — Ecuador aprobó la adquisición de vacunas para enfrentar un brote de influenza aviar que ha dejado alrededor de 1,2 millones de aves muertas o sacrificadas, especialmente en el centro norte de la región andina, informó Patricio Almeida, director de Agrocalidad, entidad a cargo del asunto


          • #6

            By Roy Graber
            on February 20, 2023
            Seventh Ecuador layer flock hit by avian influenza
            With the latest case of HPAI, Ecuador has lost more than 1.19 million birds

            Four new cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Ecuador, including one commercial egg laying operation, are identified in a new report from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH).

            In the hamlet of Zumbalica, a commercial layer flock had been experiencing high mortalities, with 9,050 hens in a flock of nearly 17,000 had died. Testing was done at the Agrocalidad laboratory, where it was confirmed that these hens had contracted H5N1 avian influenza.

            The remaining 7,812 birds in the flock were depopulated, while the property was quarantined and disinfection procedures have begun. Other control measures applied include zoning, traceability, screening, and movement control.

            The WOAH reported also noted three cases of HPAI in backyard flocks in Ecuador. Those cases were located in Laigua De Bellavisita, Barrio Guanguibana and Pueblo Viejo. Collectively, 41 birds were lost at those farms...


            • #7
              Translation Google

              Egg prices rise up to 20% in Ecuador after bird flu

              Egg production dropped due to the effects of avian flu, which raised the price of the product by up to 20%

              Writing with information from PRIMICIAS
              09-Mar-2023 09:06

              The price of eggs is rising, following a decline in the country's laying hen population due to avian influenza. The National Poultry Farmers Corporation of Ecuador (Conave) estimates that since the virus arrived in the country, in November 2022, the price has risen between 15% and 20%.

              “The price is rising due to the effect of supply and demand; as there is a reduction in the population of laying hens, egg production decreases”, explains Diana Espín, executive director of Conave.

              In Ecuador, 1.2 million birds have died or been slaughtered due to avian influenza, according to the Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad). This represents 8% of the country's total number of laying birds and about 0.5% of the country's total poultry population, which is around 280 million.

              Espín adds that the reduction in the bird population is not just due to the flu. “We believe that there are producers who, due to suspicion of infection or fear of being close to affected farms, have sold their birds”.

              The price of chicken meat raised on farms fell at least US$ 0.10 a kilo, compared to the days before the first outbreaks of the disease in the country; that is, until before November 27, 2022. Espín explains that this price drop is due to greater availability of chicken meat and a slight decrease in consumption due to the economic situation and some consumer fears regarding the flu.


              At least 757,818 birds, belonging to 35 farms, will be vaccinated in Ecuador against avian influenza, according to Agrocalidad. The process began on March 3, in Pichincha.

              Agrocalidad guarantees that the 35 farms have already met the required biosafety requirements. "The expectation is that in the coming days more farms will join the vaccination process".

              Agrocalidad adds that, as the epidemiological situation of the disease progresses, other areas for vaccination will be considered. There are currently 17 outbreaks of avian flu in the country, which include 22 affected farms or properties. The provinces with the most cases of the disease are Cotopaxi, with eight outbreaks, and Tungurahua, with four.

              The cost of the vaccine is US$0.06 per dose. The complete vaccination schedule includes three doses. The price must be covered by poultry producers, even small ones. Although, initially, the government offered to finance small producers.

              Agrocalidad clarifies that, under certain circumstances, birds from small producers can be vaccinated by large birds. This is if these small properties are close and pose a risk to the production of large properties.


              • #8
                Ecuador - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with) - Follow up report 4


                ANIMAL TYPE

                DISEASE CATEGORY

                EVENT ID

                High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with)

                CAUSAL AGENT
                Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus


                START DATE

                First occurrence in the country


                CONFIRMATION DATE

                EVENT STATUS

                END DATE


                REPORT INFORMATION
                REPORT NUMBER
                Follow-up report 4

                REPORT ID

                REPORT REFERENCE

                REPORT DATE

                REPORT STATUS

                NO EVOLUTION REPORT


                Unknown or inconclusive

                This event occurs within the surveillance and monitoring of animal health events carried out by the agency's technicians. The affected farm is a commercial layer farm, where unusual mortality was detected; intervention zones have been defined in the outbreak, around the outbreak and surveillance areas, accompanied by sampling of all farms and implementation of containment measures. Passive surveillance has been strengthened to detect new outbreaks. Following the monitoring carried out, a body of water near the farm where wild ducks arrive has been identified; H5N1 subtype was identified. According to the control measures established for the control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), in the control zones (zone around the outbreak), within the active surveillance established, a new outbreak was detected: a laying hen farm, with epidemiological links to adjacent sheds, belonging to two owners, with a close epidemiological link. Control measures (stamping out and disposal) have been applied within this epidemiological unit. A new outbreak has been reported in the province of Cotopaxi, in a farm located in the zone around the outbreak, following a notification from the owner on a high mortality rate. In the province of Bolivar, two outbreaks were detected in backyard farms; one notification had a public health link (human-animal). There have been notifications that have been confirmed as avian influenza: laying hen and backyard farms in the province of Tungurahua and laying hens in Pichincha. There have been confirmed notifications of avian influenza in laying hens and backyard farms with ducks in the province of Cotopaxi and laying hens in Tungurahua. In the province of Cotopaxi, there is one confirmed notification of H5 influenza in ducks in a site where water is artificially accumulated in a military fort for recreational purposes and where there is occasional contact with wild ducks. There have been confirmed notifications of influenza H5 in new provinces, Azuay and Imbabura, respectively.

                MEASURING UNIT

                SpeciesSusceptibleCasesDeathsKilled and Disposed ofSlaughtered/ Killed for commercial useVaccinated
                Birds (DOMESTIC) NEW 17465 17465 5551 11914 0 0
                TOTAL 1210906 1210906 906765 304141 0 0

                NEW OUTBREAKS

                OB_115424 - 186 AVES TRASPATIO - SAN FRANCISCO...
                OB_115421 - 185 (AVES) - LAS PARCELAS DE LLANO GRANDE...
                OB_115412 - 182 AVES TRASPATIO - SAN SEBASTIÁN...


                OB_114177 - 176 AVES - LAIGUA DE BELLAVISTA...
                OB_114173 - 173 (AVES) - ZUMBALICA
                OB_114175 - 179 AVES TRASPATIO - BARRIO GUANGUIBANA
                OB_114174 - 178 AVES TRASPATIO - PUEBLO VIEJO
                OB_112860 - 150-151-159-166 AVES - LA FLORIDA
                OB_112872 - 160 TRASPATIO - SAN FRANCISCO
                OB_110676 - 135 - 137 AVES - SAN BUENAVENTURA
                OB_112871 - 158 AVES - ELOY ALFARO
                OB_112861 - 155 AVES - MUNANGO
                OB_112240 - 143 AVES TRASPATIO - GUANUJO
                OB_112242 - 145 AVES TRASPATIO - BARRIO BELLAVISTA
                OB_112241 - 144 AVES - CHANTILIN
                OB_112863 - 157 AVES - CHANTILIN CHICO
                OB_109449 - 125 - 129 AVES - CHAGUANA


                • #9
                  Ecuador - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with) - Follow up report 6

                  GENERAL INFORMATION

                  ANIMAL TYPE

                  DISEASE CATEGORY
                  Listed disease

                  EVENT ID

                  High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with)

                  CAUSAL AGENT
                  Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus

                  GENOTYPE / SEROTYPE / SUBTYPE

                  START DATE

                  First occurrence in the country

                  DATE OF LAST OCCURRENCE

                  CONFIRMATION DATE

                  EVENT STATUS

                  END DATE


                  REPORT INFORMATION
                  REPORT NUMBER
                  Follow-up report 6

                  REPORT ID

                  REPORT REFERENCE

                  REPORT DATE

                  REPORT STATUS

                  NO EVOLUTION REPORT

                  Unknown or inconclusive

                  This event follows surveillance carried out on animal health events. The affected farm is a commercial layer farm where unusual mortality was detected and intervention zones were established in the outbreak, around-the-outbreak and surveillance areas, accompanied by sampling in the farms and implementation of containment measures. Passive surveillance was strengthened to detect new outbreaks. According to the monitoring carried out, a body of water near the farm where wild ducks arrive was observed, and H5N1 subtype was identified in this outbreak. According to the measures established for the control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - HPAI in the control zones (around-the-outbreak zone), as part of the active surveillance established, a new outbreak was detected in a laying hen farm, with epidemiological links to adjacent sheds, belonging to two owners, with a close epidemiological link. Control measures (culling and disposal) were completed within this epidemiological unit. A new outbreak was reported in the province of Cotopaxi, in a farm located in the around-the-outbreak zone, following a notification from the owner with a high mortality rate. In the province of Bolivar, two outbreaks were detected in backyard farms; one notification had a public health link (human-animal). There have been notifications that have been confirmed as avian influenza and are laying hen and backyard farms in the province of Tungurahua and laying hens in Pichincha. There have been confirmed notifications of avian influenza in laying hens and backyard farms with ducks in the province of Cotopaxi and laying hens in Tungurahua. In the province of Cotopaxi, there is one confirmed notification of H5 influenza in ducks in an artificial water reservoir in a recreational military fort with occasional contact with wild ducks. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in the provinces of Azuay and Imbabura, respectively. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in backyard poultry farms in the provinces of Napo, Cañar and Morona Santiago, respectively. There was confirmed notification of H5 influenza in Tungurahua in a backyard farm.

                  NEW OUTBREAKS

                  OB_122730 - 237 AVES TRASPATIO - BARRIO LAS CARMELITA
                  OUTBREAK REFERENCE
                  237 aves traspatio

                  START DATE

                  END DATE




                  Santa Rosa

                  EPIDEMIOLOGICAL UNIT

                  BARRIO LAS CARMELITA

                  Latitude, Longitude
                  -1.282178 , -78.674096

                  OUTBREAKS IN CLUSTER

                  MEASURING UNIT

                  A backyard farm where poultry lives with ducks and turkeys.

                  SpeciesSusceptibleCasesDeathsKilled and Disposed ofSlaughtered/ Killed for commercial useVaccinated
                  Birds (DOMESTIC)
                  NEW 12
                  12 9 3 0 0
                  TOTAL 12 12 9 3 0 0


                  • #10
                    Ecuador - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with) - Follow up report 7

                    GENERAL INFORMATION
                    COUNTRY/TERRITORY OR ZONE

                    ANIMAL TYPE

                    DISEASE CATEGORY
                    Listed disease

                    EVENT ID

                    High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with)

                    CAUSAL AGENT
                    Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus

                    GENOTYPE / SEROTYPE / SUBTYPE

                    START DATE

                    REASON FOR NOTIFICATION
                    First occurrence in the country

                    DATE OF LAST OCCURRENCE

                    CONFIRMATION DATE

                    EVENT STATUS

                    END DATE


                    REPORT INFORMATION
                    REPORT NUMBER
                    Follow-up report 7

                    REPORT ID

                    REPORT REFERENCE

                    REPORT DATE

                    REPORT STATUS

                    NO EVOLUTION REPORT

                    Unknown or inconclusive


                    This event follows surveillance carried out on animal health events. The affected farm is a commercial layer farm where unusual mortality was detected and intervention zones were established in the outbreak, around-the-outbreak and surveillance areas, accompanied by sampling in the farms and implementation of containment measures. Passive surveillance was strengthened to detect new outbreaks. According to the monitoring carried out, a body of water near the farm where wild ducks arrive was observed, and H5N1 subtype was identified in this outbreak. According to the measures established for the control of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - HPAI in the control zones (around-the-outbreak zone), as part of the active surveillance established, a new outbreak was detected in a laying hen farm, with epidemiological links to adjacent sheds, belonging to two owners, with a close epidemiological link.Control measures (culling and disposal) were completed within this epidemiological unit. A new outbreak was reported in the province of Cotopaxi, in a farm located in the around-the-outbreak zone, following a notification from the owner with a high mortality rate. In the province of Bolivar, two outbreaks were detected in backyard farms; one notification had a public health link (human-animal). There have been notifications that have been confirmed as avian influenza and are laying hen and backyard farms in the province of Tungurahua and laying hens in Pichincha. There have been confirmed notifications of avian influenza in laying hens and backyard farms with ducks in the province of Cotopaxi and laying hens in Tungurahua. In the province of Cotopaxi, there is one confirmed notification of H5 influenza in ducks in an artificial water reservoir in a recreational military fort with occasional contact with wild ducks. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in the provinces of Azuay and Imbabura, respectively. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in backyard poultry farms in the provinces of Napo, Cañar and Morona Santiago, respectively. There was confirmed notification of H5 influenza in Tungurahua in a backyard farm. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in the provinces of Cotopaxi in a commercial farm and of Pichincha in a backyard farm.

                    MEASURING UNIT

                    SpeciesSusceptibleCasesDeathsKilled and Disposed ofSlaughtered/ Killed for commercial useVaccinated
                    Birds (DOMESTIC)
                    NEW 41101
                    41101 16819 24282 - -
                    TOTAL 1252199 1252199 923610 328589 0 0​

                    NEW OUTBREAKS

                    OB_123460 - 246 AVES TRASPATIO - JUAN MONTALVO
                    OB_123459 - 239 AVES - ANTONIO JOSE HOLGUIN

                    UPDATED OUTBREAKS

                    OB_115421 - 185 (AVES) - LAS PARCELAS DE LLANO GRANDE
                    OB_117313 - 199 AVE TRASPATIO - GUINDILIG
                    OB_117312 - 197-200 AVES TRASPATIO - BARRIO SANTA ROSA



                    • #11
                      Ecuador - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with) - Follow up report 8

                      GENERAL INFORMATION
                      COUNTRY/TERRITORY OR ZONE

                      ANIMAL TYPE

                      DISEASE CATEGORY
                      Listed disease

                      EVENT ID

                      High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with)

                      CAUSAL AGENT
                      Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus

                      GENOTYPE / SEROTYPE / SUBTYPE

                      START DATE

                      REASON FOR NOTIFICATION
                      First occurrence in the country

                      DATE OF LAST OCCURRENCE

                      CONFIRMATION DATE

                      EVENT STATUS

                      END DATE


                      REPORT INFORMATION
                      REPORT NUMBER
                      Follow-up report 8

                      REPORT ID

                      REPORT REFERENCE

                      REPORT DATE

                      REPORT STATUS

                      NO EVOLUTION REPORT

                      Unknown or inconclusive

                      EPIDEMIOLOGICAL COMMENTS
                      The affected farm corresponds to a commercial layer farm where unusual mortality was detected and intervention zones have been defined in the focal, perifocal and surveillance areas, accompanied by sampling of the farms and application of containment measures. Passive surveillance has been strengthened to detect new outbreaks. According to the monitoring carried out, a body of water near the farm where wild ducks arrive has been observed, and the H5N1 subtype was identified in this outbreak. According to the sanitary measures established for the control of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), in the sanitary control zones (perifocal zone), as part of the active surveillance established, a new outbreak was detected belonging to a laying hen farm, with epidemiological links to adjacent sheds, belonging to two owners, with a close epidemiological link. Control measures (killing and disposal) have been completed within this epidemiological unit. A new outbreak has been reported in the province of Cotopaxi, in a farm located in the perifocal zone, following a notification from the owner with a high mortality rate. In the province of Bolivar, two outbreaks were detected in backyard farms; one notification corresponds to a public health link (human-animal). There have been notifications that have been confirmed to avian influenza and correspond to laying hen and backyard farms in the province of Tungurahua and laying hens in Pichincha. There have been confirmed notifications of avian influenza in laying hens and backyard farms with ducks in the province of Cotopaxi and laying hens in Tungurahua. In the province of Cotopaxi, there is one confirmed notification of H5 influenza in ducks in an artificial water accumulation site in a military fort, whose purpose is recreational and which have occasional contact with wild ducks. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in the new provinces of Azuay and Imbabura, respectively. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in backyard poultry farms in the new provinces of Napo, Cañar and Morona Santiago, respectively. There was one confirmed notification of H5 influenza in backyard poultry farms in the province of Tungurahua. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in the provinces of Cotopaxi in a commercial farm and Pichincha in a backyard farm. There was a new confirmed notification of H5 influenza in the province of Guayas.

                      QUANTITATIVE DATA SUMMARY
                      MEASURING UNIT

                      SpeciesSusceptibleCasesDeathsKilled and Disposed ofSlaughtered/ Killed for commercial useVaccinated
                      Birds (DOMESTIC)
                      NEW 58
                      58 58 0 0 0
                      TOTAL 1252257 1252257 923668 328589 0 0​

                      NEW OUTBREAKS

                      OB_124169 - 248 AVES TRASPATIO - EL CRUCE - VIA EL CHORRON

                      UPDATED OUTBREAKS

                      OB_117568 - 206 AVES TRASPATIO - HUACHO



                      • #12
                        Ecuador - High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with) - Follow up report 12

                        GENERAL INFORMATION

                        COUNTRY/TERRITORY OR ZONE

                        ANIMAL TYPE

                        DISEASE CATEGORY
                        Listed disease

                        EVENT ID

                        High pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (poultry) (Inf. with)

                        CAUSAL AGENT
                        Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus

                        GENOTYPE / SEROTYPE / SUBTYPE

                        START DATE

                        REASON FOR NOTIFICATION
                        First occurrence in the country


                        EVENT STATUS

                        END DATE - SELF-DECLARATION

                        NO REPORT INFORMATION

                        REPORT NUMBER
                        Follow-up report 12 REPORT ID

                        REPORT REFERENCE - REPORT DATE

                        REPORT STATUS

                        NO EVOLUTION REPORT


                        • Unknown or inconclusive
                        EPIDEMIOLOGICAL COMMENTS
                        The event is detected following surveillance and monitoring carried out by official staff. The affected farm is a commercial layer farm where unusual mortality was detected and intervention zones have been defined in the focal, perifocal and surveillance areas, accompanied by sampling of the farms and application of containment measures. Passive surveillance has been strengthened to detect new outbreaks. According to the monitoring carried out, a body of water near the farm where wild ducks arrive has been observed, and the H5N1 subtype was identified in this outbreak. According to the sanitary measures established for the control of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), in the sanitary control zones (perifocal zone), as part of the active surveillance established, a new outbreak was detected belonging to a laying hen farm, with epidemiological links to adjacent sheds, belonging to two owners, with a close epidemiological link. Control measures (killing and disposal) have been completed within this epidemiological unit. A new outbreak has been reported in the province of Cotopaxi, in a farm located in the perifocal zone, following a notification from the owner with a high mortality rate. In the province of Bolivar, two outbreaks were detected in backyard farms; one notification corresponds to a public health link (human-animal). There have been notifications that have been confirmed to avian influenza and correspond to laying hen and backyard farms in the province of Tungurahua and laying hens in Pichincha. There have been confirmed notifications of avian influenza in laying hens and backyard farms with ducks in the province of Cotopaxi and laying hens in Tungurahua. In the province of Cotopaxi, there is one confirmed notification of H5 influenza in ducks in an artificial water accumulation site in a military fort, whose purpose is recreational and which have occasional contact with wild ducks. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in the new provinces of Azuay and Imbabura, respectively. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in backyard poultry farms in the new provinces of Napo, Cañar and Morona Santiago, respectively. There was one confirmed notification of H5 influenza in backyard poultry farms in the province of Tungurahua. There were confirmed notifications of H5 influenza in the provinces of Cotopaxi in a commercial farm and Pichincha in a backyard farm. There was a new confirmed notification of H5 influenza in the province of Guayas. There was one confirmed notification of H5 influenza in the province of Tungurahua. Birds were purchased in the live bird market, where mortality was observed in the following days.

                        QUANTITATIVE DATA SUMMARY

                        MEASURING UNIT

                        SpeciesSusceptibleCasesDeathsKilled and Disposed ofSlaughtered/ Killed for commercial useVaccinated Birds (DOMESTIC)NEW------TOTAL1252284125228492367832860600

