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French Polynesia - Flu outbreak 2024

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  • French Polynesia - Flu outbreak 2024

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    Flu epidemic: 7 deaths recorded by ARASS

    A flu epidemic is currently affecting Polynesia, after a first wave at the beginning of the year. Seven deaths were recorded. Faced with this situation, the authorities recall the importance of barrier gestures.

    Nicolas Suire , Mereini GAMBLIN • Published on May 13, 2024 at 4:20 p.m., updated May 13, 2024 at 4:36 p.m.

    “ We put on the mask, and we don’t go near the matahiapo, ” says Henri-Pierre Mallet, head of the health monitoring office at the Health and Social Action Regulatory Agency (ARASS). According to the figures he puts forward, seven people died from the flu in one month, including four recorded in hospital.

    While passing through the hospital center, a hospitalized matahiapo testifies to his misadventure. He almost went there. Arrived 2 days ago, he will stay in the hospital for a week. " Since my birth until today I have never been hospitalized and I have never had the flu like that! You have to be careful... I stayed at home for three days. The doliprane helped me relieved a little. Thanks to God, and to the hospital staff, I am still here today ,” he confides.

    Violent flu

    In intensive care, 10% of people have the flu. Eight patients have passed through this service since the start of the year. A 14-year-old teenager, a 45-year-old adult and six people over 65 years old. The latter pay the heaviest price, due to their fragility.

    Faced with this situation, we must all adopt barrier gestures. Instructions already known to the population at risk: " we do not approach vulnerable people when we are sick, when we cough, we put on a mask, we wash our's always the same thing, it's common sense " declares Henri-Pierre Mallet.

    The virus is circulating. Everyone reacts to it differently. To protect the most vulnerable, the authorities are calling for more vigilance.

    Health Surveillance Bulletin
    N° 17/2024

    Health Surveillance Bulletin
    French Polynesia - N°17/2024
    Consolidated data until week S17-2024

    ARI: fever or feeling of fever with sudden onset, respiratory or ENT signs, body aches/myalgia, asthenia, headache

    ➢ Flu ► 33 new confirmed cases for 128 results
    of tests reported during week S17

    33 new cases of influenza were reported (33 type A, 0 type B /
    33 CHPF, 0 ILM) of which 20 were hospitalized with 2 visits to
    resuscitation. A death occurred in a person over the age of
    75 years old. Eight of the 20 hospitalized cases are over 60 years old, 3 are under
    1 year old and 2 are between 1 and 4 years old. There hadn't been that many cases
    since week 12 of the year 2023.

    The test positivity rate is increasing compared to the
    previous week. A new epidemic wave of
    influenza A is ongoing.

    ➢ IRA ► 326 consultations for IRA syndrome were
    reported by doctors from the sentinel network in S17
    The number and proportion of consultations for IRA syndrome
    are increasing compared to the previous week.

    ➢ COVID ► No new confirmed cases for 89 results
    of tests reported during week S17

  • #2
    Translation Google


    May 21, 2024
    Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	1 Size:	203.1 KB ID:	990904

    Flu epidemic in Polynesia: Call for vigilance and vaccination

    The Ministry of Health informs the population that a flu epidemic is currently occurring throughout the country. This flu is relatively severe, with already 7 deaths reported among people over 65 years old. In addition, several patients are currently hospitalized in intensive care.

    The official vaccination campaign has ended since April 1, however doses of vaccines are still available and vaccination against influenza remains possible in the structures of the Health Directorate . It is therefore strongly recommended that vulnerable people be vaccinated without delay.

    For everyone's health, the Ministry of Health also recalls the importance of respecting barrier gestures in order to limit the spread of the virus. These actions include:

    – Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or with a hydroalcoholic solution
    – Avoid touching your face, especially the nose, mouth and eyes

    – Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a disposable tissue

    – Wear a mask if you have flu symptoms or if you are in contact with people at risk

    – Limit physical contact, including handshakes and hugs

    The Ministry of Health calls on everyone to be vigilant and take collective responsibility to contain this epidemic and protect the most vulnerable people.


    • #3
      Translation Google

      Health Surveillance Bulletin
      French Polynesia - N°20/2024
      Consolidated data until week S20-2024


      Flu ► 74 new confirmed cases for 173 results
      of tests reported during week S20

      74 new cases of influenza were reported (73 type A, 1 type B /
      48 CHPF, 26 ILM) of which 29 were hospitalized (CHPF, Hospital of
      Taravao and Cardella) with 4 visits to intensive care. From
      hospitalized patients tested positive for influenza, 2 deaths are
      occurred (13 years and 71 years). The 13-year-old child died of
      cause other than the flu.
      21 of the 29 hospitalized cases are over 60
      years old, 2 are less than 1 year old and 2 are between 1 and 4 years old.
      7 samples sent by the CHPF to the reference laboratory in
      France correspond to the A/H3N2 subtype. 8 more are in progress

      ➢ IRA ► 363 consultations for IRA syndrome were
      reported by doctors from the sentinel network in S20
      In S20, the sentinel network indicates an increase in
      number of consultations for IRA compared to the week
      previous with 2 times more consultations for IRA syndrome
      in the Austral Islands over the last 3 weeks compared to
      previous weeks.

      ➢ COVID ► 0 new confirmed case(s) for 136
      test results reported during week S20
      No new cases of COVID have been reported.

      The influenza A epidemic continues and spreads to the archipelagos of the Marquesas and
      The last epidemic of such magnitude dates back to the end of 2021, beginning of 2022.


