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Netherlands - 2 coronavirus MERS cases confirmed, ex- Saudi Arabia - May 14, 2014

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  • Netherlands - 2 coronavirus MERS cases confirmed, ex- Saudi Arabia - May 14, 2014

    hat tip Ian Mackay

    machine translation

    First case, MERS dangerous virus in Netherlands

    First case, MERS dangerous virus in Netherlands
    In The Hague, included the first Dutch patient who MERS deadly virus carries.

    That the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) announced. The man became infected during a visit to Saudi Arabia. His condition is stable.


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  • #2
    Re: Netherlands - Media report: 1st coronavirus MERS case announced ex- Saudi Arabia

    First MERS -patient in the Netherlands

    Publication Date :14 - 05-2014

    On 13 May, the RIVM and the Erasmus MC the first infection with the MERS coronavirus in a Dutch patient was identified. He became infected during a visit to Saudi Arabia and is currently admitted in the Medical Center Haaglanden Westeinde . Here the patient is nursed in strict isolation . His health condition is stable . All the people who have had contact with the patient are mapped . These people 's health condition is monitored .

    MERS infections can cause severe respiratory symptoms , especially in people with other health problems. Diarrhea symptoms may also occur. Human-to - human transmission of the MERS coronavirus is rare , except in close contact with patients and unprotected care of seriously ill people.

    Since 2012 there has been an outbreak of a new MERS coronavirus (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ) in the Middle East. Meanwhile, more than 500 patients in the Middle East have been reported to the World Health Organization . In April and May 2014 , there is a sharp increase in the number of reports in the Middle East. The vast majority of reports come from this region ( especially Saudi Arabia , as well as Qatar , Jordan , Oman , Yemen and United Arab Emirates ) . Since last year , there are also some patients are diagnosed in the United Kingdom, France , Italy , Greece , Philippines , Malaysia , Kuwait , Tunisia , Egypt, Germany and the United States . These were travelers who have been infected in the Middle East. It is not unexpected that there is now a patient in the Netherlands . MERS coronavirus had therefore been a notifiable infectious disease .


    First MERS patient in Netherlands

    May 14, 2014

    On 13 May, the RIVM and the Erasmus MC the first infection with the MERS coronavirus in a Dutch patient was identified. He became infected during a visit to Saudi Arabia and is currently included in the Medical Center Haaglanden location MCH Westeinde . Here the patient is nursed in strict isolation . His health condition is stable . All the people who have had contact with the patient are mapped . These people 's health condition is monitored .

    MERS infections can cause severe respiratory symptoms , especially in people with other health problems. Diarrhea symptoms may also occur. Human-to - human transmission of the MERS coronavirus is rare , except in close contact with patients and unprotected care of seriously ill people.

    Since 2012 there has been an outbreak of a new MERS coronavirus (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome ) in the Middle East. Meanwhile, more than 500 patients in the Middle East have been reported to the World Health Organization . In April and May 2014 , there is a sharp increase in the number of reports in the Middle East. The vast majority of reports come from this region ( especially Saudi Arabia , as well as Qatar , Jordan , Oman , Yemen and United Arab Emirates ) . Since last year , there are also some patients are diagnosed in the United Kingdom, France , Italy , Greece , Philippines , Malaysia , Kuwait , Tunisia , Egypt, Germany and the United States . These were travelers who have been infected in the Middle East. It is not unexpected that there is now a patient in the Netherlands . MERS coronavirus had therefore been a notifiable infectious disease .

    The Medical Center Haaglanden is open for admissions and appointments for patients and visitors .

    Medical Center Haaglanden


    • #3
      Re: Netherlands - 1st coronavirus MERS case confirmed, ex- Saudi Arabia

      Man returning from Saudi Arabia is first Dutch patient of MERS virus

      AMSTERDAM Wed May 14, 2014

      (Reuters) - A man returning to the Netherlands from Saudi Arabia has been admitted to hospital with the deadly Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus, a Dutch health official said.

      The man was admitted to a hospital in The Hague, a spokesman for the National Institute for Public Health said on Wednesday. He is the first Dutch person known to be affected.

      First Dutch patient infected with MERS virus

      Xinhua, May 14, 2014

      The first Dutch patient was diagnosed with the deadly Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), the Dutch National Institute for the Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) announced on Wednesday.

      The infection was identified on Tuesday and the patient was admitted to the Medical Center Haaglanden Westeinde in The Hague. He is nursed in strict isolation and all the people he had contact with are being documented and monitored. His health condition is stable.

      The Dutch patient got the virus during a visit to Saudi Arabia. Since 2012 there has been an outbreak of the new MERS coronavirus in the Middle East. More than 500 MERS patients in the Middle East were already reported to the World Health Organization, including 145 deaths (stated by WHO on May 9).


      • #4
        Re: Netherlands - 1st coronavirus MERS case confirmed, ex- Saudi Arabia

        More details on the MERS-patient in The Hague

        17 05 2014

        The Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad today has an interview with the son of the 70-year-old man from The Hague who is in the hospital with MERS. A few points:

        - A group of 31 people was in Saudi Arabia from April 26 to May 10 .

        - The man from The Hague went in Medina to the hospital because he had flu symptoms. In the waiting room where he was at least half an hour, many people had to cough and sneeze.

        - The man was sent away with some paracetamols; "a flu" was the diagnosis.. The rest of the trip was the man in bed at the hotel.

        - The aunt who slept in the same room became ill later.

        - Both patients did not visit the camel farm.

        -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------

        It seems the man was infected with the MERS-virus in the Medina hospital. Subsequently, his parent also were infected. That would be (at least) a tertiary infection.



        • #5
          Re: Netherlands - 1st coronavirus MERS case confirmed, ex- Saudi Arabia

          A longer chain of transmission:

          - source of exposure of the putative index case (animal or human); 0

          --- putative index case in hospital setting; I

          ------ Dutch man attended the same ER as the index; II

          ---------- Relative of the Dutch man, shared the same hotel room; III

          -------------- ????


          • #6
            Re: Netherlands - 1st coronavirus MERS case confirmed, ex- Saudi Arabia


            Google translation:

            80 people tested for MERS
            Sunday, May 18, 2014 , 15:40 (Update : 18-05-14 , 16:00 )

            About eighty people are extra monitored because they have been with the Dutch who have MERS virus in touch. It reports the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment ( RIVM ) .

            Wednesday, it was announced that a man who has been traveling in Saudi Arabia has the virus . A day later it became known that his sister has the virus . The two are quarantined in the hospital ; the man in The Hague , the wife in Zwolle .

            Dromedary farm

            They were part of a tour group Surinam . Many people in that party were related. Earlier reports that the brother and sister had been in Saudi Arabia , a camel farm are incorrect . A granddaughter of the woman left the NIS know that this is not the case . " Other members of the group have been in contact with dromedaries , but my grandma . "

            The granddaughter did not go to Saudi Arabia itself, but visit every day her grandmother in the hospital in Zwolle . Also, they are therefore monitored by the health department .

            third person

            It is undisputed that camels are the source of the MERS virus . That can be transmitted from animals to humans , and in close contact also human- to-human contagion .

            The brother and sister shared a room during the trip . The son of the man who is now infected , was in that room . " He is not sick , has no symptoms , but it must have been in contact with camels ," says the granddaughter.

            The RIVM all the people who have been along with the trip and the people who have come into contact with the patient monitored . Be Twice a day, they requested temperature . " But we can not keep all eighty people in quarantine ," says Harald Wychgel RIVM . " We're not yourself when people visit. 's Local health departments keep in touch with the people . "


            In recent weeks the MERS virus spread mainly in Saudi Arabia . There are now 147 people coming deceased . The RIVM announced that now certain that the patient virus in Saudi Arabia have suffered and not in the Netherlands .

            MERS infections can cause severe respiratory symptoms , especially in people with health problems. Patients may be coughing , fever , diarrhea and pneumonia by getting . Three out of ten people who are sick from the virus die out . There is no cure for the disease ..


            • #7
              Re: Netherlands - 1st coronavirus MERS case confirmed, ex- Saudi Arabia


              Dutch MERS patients to mend
              ? Reuters .

              The two Dutch MERS patients are on the mend . Moreover, there is no evidence that people who have had contact with the patients , close contact is also infected with the virus . That the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment ( RIVM ) reported today ... The two are still in the hospital.

              About 80 people, including the tour group , a number of family members and people who have had contact with the two patients before the disease was known , contact were investigated . Up to now, the results of the tests that have been carried out negative with them, according to the RIVM today...

              By: editors 22-5-14 - 14:59


              • #8
                Re: Netherlands - 1st coronavirus MERS case confirmed, ex- Saudi Arabia

                MERS-scores on the mend

                Publication Date:
                Revision Date:
                The two patients who last week MERS coronavirus has been established, are now on the mend. The results of the tests so far have been carried out on persons in the vicinity of the patient, are negative. In the coming weeks, these tests repeatedly to say whether or not people are infected with the virus MERS with certainty. Currently, this means that there is no evidence for a MERS infection.

                The patients are related to each other and both were infected during a joint trip to Saudi Arabia. The man and the woman have shared a hotel room for two weeks and both have underlying conditions that make them probably more susceptible to infection with this virus.

                MERS infections can cause severe respiratory symptoms, especially in people with other health problems. Diarrhea symptoms may also occur. The disease does not seem easy human-to-human transmission. A small number of patients in the United Kingdom (2 times), France (1 time) and very recently in the United States (1 time) virus is likely that they have become after contact with another patient sick. In the Middle East, particularly in Saudi Arabia is more transmission of human-to-human been in hospitals, where the cause is to be in poor hygienic measures in the care of patients sought. Coronaviruses are quite vulnerable. The virus is easily destroyed by conventional laundry and cleaning.

                Since 2012 there has been an outbreak of a new MERS coronavirus (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) in the Middle East. Meanwhile, more than 600 patients in the Middle East have been reported to the World Health Organization. In April and May 2014, there is a sharp increase in the number of reports in the Middle East. The vast majority of reports come from this region (especially Saudi Arabia, as well as Qatar, Jordan, Oman, Yemen and United Arab Emirates). Since last year, there are some patients in whom infection with MERS coronavirus has been established in the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Greece, Philippines, Malaysia, Kuwait, Tunisia, Egypt, Germany and the United States. These were travelers who have been in the Middle East. Infected It is not unexpected that there are now patients in the Netherlands. MERS coronavirus Therefore since July 2013 a notifiable infectious disease.


                • #9
                  Netherlands - 2 coronavirus MERS cases confirmed, ex- Saudi Arabia

                  Eurosurveillance, Volume 19, Issue 21, 29 May 2014
                  Rapid communications
                  M Kraaij ? Dirkzwager ()1, A Timen1, K Dirksen2, L Gelinck3, E Leyten3, P Groeneveld4, C Jansen3, M Jonges5, S Raj6, I Thurkow7, R van Gageldonk-Lafeber8, A van der Eijk6, M Koopmans5,6, on behalf of the MERS-CoV outbreak investigation team of the Netherlands9


                  Two patients, returning to the Netherlands from pilgrimage in Medina and Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, were diagnosed with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection in May 2014. The source and mode of transmission have not yet been determined. Hospital-acquired infection and community-acquired infection are both possible.

                  Two patients, returning to the Netherlands from pilgrimage in Medina and Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, were diagnosed with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) infection in May 2014. The source and mode of transmission have not yet been determined. Hospital-acquired infection and community-acquired infection are both possible.


                  • #10
                    Re: Netherlands - 2 coronavirus MERS cases confirmed, ex- Saudi Arabia

                    Source: http://translate.googleusercontent.c...Nzzwa2IgSefwyA

                    No new MERS-patients in the Netherlands

                    Almost two months ago when two Dutch patients MERS coronavirus identified. After repeated testing, no new cases of disease in the Netherlands demonstrated.

                    This conclusion experts of the RIVM, Erasmus Medical Center, Medical Center Haaglanden, GGD Haaglanden, Isala Hospital in Zwolle and GGD IJsselland. Together, they have recently taken care of the research, diagnosis and management around the MERS two patients in the Netherlands. Six other area health authorities have thereby contributed significantly to the monitoring of the contacts of the patients...

