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Indonesia - Flu-like illness in pilgrims returning from Saudi Arabia - 1 fatality

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  • Indonesia - Flu-like illness in pilgrims returning from Saudi Arabia - 1 fatality

    1 Died, 1 Isolated in RSMH, Collapsed Patient Treated 4 Hours

    Saturday, November 18, 2017

    SRIPOKU.COM, PALEMBANG - Two Umrah pilgrims who have not been 1 x 24 hours in the country, were rushed to IGD RSMH Palembang, Friday (17/11). Both suspects who are brothers and sisters, is a congregation of origin of OIC.

    Based on information compiled Sripo, Friday (17/11), the citizen who died initials K aged (47) recorded as residents of Kabuaten Ogan Ilir. When the victim K entered IGD at 15:48 and was treated with a collapse condition. Four hours later, the patient was declared dead at 19:15, Thursday (16/11).

    While residents initials S (45), until the news was revealed is still being treated in a special isolation room Ruang Borang RSMH Palembang.
    Both residents are known to be married, it is newly known from the umroh worship and counted not yet 1x24 hours in the country.
    Before arriving in the country, both transit in Malaysia. "We do not know the diagnosis of the patient who died," said Dr. RA Linda Andriani SpPD, a specialist doctors in RSMH Palembang that handles the patient.

    He said, patients who died did enter the ER with symptoms of fever, high heat, and a little flu that is similar to the symptoms of contracted Mers virus or bird flu. But for it can not be proven, because laboratory tests have not been done.
    Dua jemaah umrah yang belum 1 x 24 jam berada di tanah air, dilarikan ke IGD RSMH Palembang, Jumat (17/11). Kedua suspect yang merupakan
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

  • #2
    Patients Suspect Mers Virus Treated at RSMH

    Author Windy Siska - November 18, 2017

    PALEMBANG - Just two days arrived in Indonesia, two pilgrims from OKI origin umroh which is a sister rushed to RSMH Palembang because suspect Mers virus. In fact, one of them died that K (47) from Ogan Ilir. While the other patient was isolated in a special room RSMH.

    The victim who died was reportedly collapsed four hours before dying at 19:15 Thursday (16/11).

    It is known that the two who still have this family relationship just perform umroh worship. Before arriving in the country, the group had a transit in Malaysia. Even patients who have died have symptoms in transit but escaped as it passed the temperature check at the airport. The symptoms experienced by patients are fever, high heat and a little flu like bird flu symptoms.

    Pasien Suspect Virus Mers Dirawat di RSMH sumeks koransumateraekspres sumateraekspres koransumaterabagianselatan jawaposgroup mediacetaksumateraekspres harianpagisumateraekspres
    ?Addressing chronic disease is an issue of human rights ? that must be our call to arms"
    Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief The Lancet

    ~~~~ Twitter:@GertvanderHoek ~~~ ~~~

