Spanish-English translation
Cold flu sickens 500
Jan 4, 2013 (11:53:26)
-In this winter season the Civil Hospital is serving up to 200 people over ARI
Lupita Alvarez / EnL?neaDIRECTA
Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas. - Nearly 500 patients with acute respiratory infections are being served a week in the city's Civil Hospital Victoria.
The winter season, said Deputy Director of the hospital, Roberto Rodriguez de la Garza, significantly increased the number of patients currently taking up nearly 200 patients treated in the hot season.
He noted that they are a total of 457 consultations per week those requested by patients, 195 more to the demand for medical care they had in the warmer months, as was the case in July.
"The primary cause respiratory diseases remain" he said, adding that at least 10 percent of the nearly 500 patients have been hospitalized due to the severity of the condition.
"What most motivates internment are the complications of the upper respiratory tract, we speak of laryngitis, bronquitos, pneumonia, but fortunately we managed to stabilize them all."
Although these nearly 500 cases seen no spike in underage Deputy Director of Civil Hospital called on parents not to expose infants to low temperatures and if they do shelter them properly, without exaggeration.
"Avoid extremes because sometimes with the intention of protecting them put more clothes, too sweaty, dehydrated, noodle and leave them worse, by sweat and leave the environment is wet as if from freshly bathed" warned.