SD. A pregnant woman with symptoms of influenza A H1N1 is interned at a public hospital in the great Santo Domingo, while the Minister of public health, Freddy Hidaldo, is waiting for the results of tests that were carried out four people who died with symptoms of influenza, to see if they died from the disease. This weekend, Hidalgo received the report which ensures that the patient may have the disease. She is currently in treatment and out of danger. Apart from the cases in research, to date in the country has confirmed the death of seven pregnant with equal to that kind of flu symptoms. Hidalgo said that the results of investigations carried out of those who died with symptoms of influenza, could be ready mid week. Among the dead there are pregnant women and seniors. Since were published first suspicious deaths of the influenza A H1N1, the Ministry of public health ordered the epidemiological alert in public health care centres that health personnel is slope of symptoms presenting in patients, especially chronic, children, those over 65 years and pregnant women, who are the most vulnerable to this virus.