Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Laos (4/6/2009) [WAHID Interface - OIE]
Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Laos

Information received on 04/04/2009 from Dr Khambounheuang Bounkhouang , Directeur G?n?ral, D?partement de l'Elevage et des P?ches , Minist?re de l'Agriculture et des For?ts , Vientiane, Laos

-- Summary
Report type Follow-up report No. 1 (Final report)
Start date 30/01/2009
Date of first confirmation of the event 09/02/2009
Report date 04/04/2009
Date submitted to OIE 04/04/2009
Date event resolved 04/04/2009
Reason for notification Reoccurrence of a listed disease
Date of previous occurrence 29/12/2008
Manifestation of disease Clinical disease
Causal agent Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus Serotype H5N1
Nature of diagnosis Clinical, Laboratory (basic), Laboratory (advanced), Necropsy
This event pertains to the whole country
Related reports
* Immediate notification (26/02/2009)
* Follow-up report No. 1 (04/04/2009)

-- Outbreaks
There are no new outbreaks in this report

-- Epidemiology
Source of the outbreak(s) or origin of infection
* Unknown or inconclusive
* Illegal movement of animals

-- Control measures
Measures applied
* Stamping out
* Quarantine
* Movement control inside the country
* Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)
* Dipping / Spraying
* Vaccination prohibited
* No treatment of affected animals
Measures to be applied
* No other measures

-- Future Reporting
The event is resolved. No more reports will be submitted.
<cite cite="http://www.oie.int/wahis/public.php?page=single_report&pop=1&reportid=7971" >WAHID Interface - OIE World Animal Health Information Database</cite>